MYSTERIES OF MT HERMON- The Way Congregation - Douglas Hamp & Dr Michael Heiser-The Awakening Report

MYSTERIES OF MT HERMON- The Way Congregation - Douglas Hamp & Dr Michael Heiser-The Awakening Report

Douglas Hamp Ministries

3 года назад

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@mybuckhead - 22.01.2024 19:23

If you are a Trinity believer, then you believe Stephen lied. Not one verse in the Bible teaches Trinity. In the name of the Father, Son and Spirit. That name is Jesus. Acts 2:38. You also do not believe that The Fathers Word was made flesh just like us. Jesus has his own Spirit by which we are saved.

@narclem - 29.12.2023 22:47

Totally enjoyed the nerding out! Totally!

@themoldysoldier - 29.11.2023 20:18

Wow. 2 of the greats in the faith talking it out. Awesome!

@jasonstclair1329 - 31.10.2023 06:03

Rest In Peace with the Lord Dr. Heiser .

@DeesmanONE - 05.06.2023 21:12

My thoughts are these concerning why the watchers would want to do what they did
First Lucifer wanted to rule
They also tried on multiple occasions to keep Jesus from being born
If they polluted the blood of all mankind with angel blood none would be full human and they could not take part in God's covenant and there would be no reason for Jesus to come if he'd been born because none would be able to take part in salvation
So they polluted the blood of all but Noah and family in hopes to stop the line of david
They tried to kill Jesus at birth thru king harrod
Then they killed him on the cross unknowingly doing God the father's will.😂😂
From the beginning they had an idea of God's plan but not the full intent because the bible says the angels want to know such things.
They wanted to rule but it is not for them to rule
It belongs to the lord and savior Jesus being that all was given him from the father.
They wanted to be God
To rule
Create life and children
To be worshipped
To take life
To be called God

@joelhenry4643 - 09.05.2023 07:16

Dudes all over the place. Can we get onto a point and stay there?

@kellymontgomery1293 - 28.02.2023 04:51

Doug's book "Corrupting the Image ll" covers a lot of this in more detail. Great stuff!

@callingallhandsondeck - 11.11.2022 20:27

Really like that Doug about "truth"! Yes, present the proven facts not opinion! Have a lot of respect for both you & Dr. Heiser. It's so interesting how God is using certain people to research & find this interesting information. Maybe, timing is an issue. As is, "it's time"! One thing I've definitely learned about the Bible is it's layered. It's loaded with layers ;). Just about everything means additionally something else. Also, really like the shadowing. God is very smart! He knows exactly what he's doing! Thanks, for sharing!

@gucciodoesnftdroppage1292 - 27.06.2022 15:48


@JobuXXI - 15.02.2022 22:08

1 John 5:7- For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. You can’t tell me that a trinitarian who is as knowledgeable as this man speaking believes there are 3 separate in heaven.

@TheMissionMinistry - 22.12.2021 17:20

Shalom! As a fellow commandment keeper I as well have found common ground with Dr Heiser and I am taking one of his classes this spring. Blessings from Y’israel in Nebraska

@vladepast4936 - 14.12.2021 09:21

I agree, the discussion is amazing...

@christopherchmiel7872 - 16.04.2021 07:10

I believe the “ Bulls of Bashan” are demons. They’re purpose in this context is two fold. One.. mock Christ, two.. entice Christ at his weakest and most vulnerable to sin via the mockery. This is a culmination of a 3 and half year war waged between the Son of God and Satan and his demons and the context I believe to be correct.

@candicec6513 - 26.03.2021 02:11

i get this is interesting, but in the end it's not changing anything. Not seeing what difference it makes.

@Mike-hr6jz - 12.02.2021 00:20

As far as why the demons made it with women as far as I could see the devil is thinking he knows what God‘s basic plan was with using humans so if he infiltrates the human DNA even if it’s far removed then some of Satan‘s in the fallen angels children could infiltrate God‘s kingdom maybe that is why the talk about after the millennium the devil is released for a short time to show where those have slipped in To ruin God’s new kingdom it’s a guess but I thought I’d throw it out there

@ghostgate82 - 10.02.2021 12:55

The oath the Watchers swore on that mountain was the first secret society initiation.

@ghostgate82 - 10.02.2021 12:43

You can’t fool us, guys. We know you’re in the same room. 😜

@morethanconquerors4108 - 06.02.2021 23:28

Wow...2 of my all time favorites!!!

@davidhalloran6594 - 31.01.2021 04:13

Angels (Sons of God) took human females reproduced, there off spring became giants. Half human half angelic, probably telepathic having superiority over humans. Last days they appear alien claiming to be from some star or another. Abducting humans (wheat and tares parable, Matthew 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.) notice this mostly happens while your in bed. Seed and ovun taken from abductees, human female then artificially inseminated with egg containg both human and angelic DNA. Creating hybrids not giants but very average looking impossible to tell apart from humans but have telepathy so can manipulate you, and become the dominant seed on earth. It's that simple the two seed war that began in genesis. Lots of versus to substantiate this theory. God bless us all.

@2btuff - 25.01.2021 05:52

Love ya Dr Mike,

@fatcat749 - 22.01.2021 03:21

You asked why did Mount Hermon occur?
IMHO, only a third of the Angels were Fallen, leaving 2/3 that did not fall. To bump up the odds of victory in the unseating of the Most High, would take the creation of many children, Mass reinforcements. They knew what they were pledging to do in the oath of Mount Hermon was wrong. Motive for "came into the daughters of Adam" and taking to wife all that they chose was specifically to create a force large enough to displace the El Shaddai of creation. That's one evil reason why. But Yahuah judged them that they would watch their offspring kill one another. God-1; Fallen Watchers-0.

@christreigns5805 - 18.01.2021 19:57

Great video

@mariansmith9685 - 18.11.2020 22:34

Amazing interview. The only thing I found distracting were the hundred "Mmmhmm"s the interviewer used. Everytime Heiser says something, there's a "Mmmhmm".

@thomaswswaziek6181 - 07.11.2020 20:47

All VeryGood, truly. The amount of Greek and Hebrew I have wouldn’t fill a mouse thimble... but hearing that discussion about word meanings/possibilities based on a knowledge and understanding of those languages(even at different points in time i.e. the availability of the breath letter- very good)...that supports my contention that dr h and you have a working knowledge of those languages and I can have a measure of trust in/about what you might say.
Lastly... how blatant is dr h’s desire just to help another person find answers/solutions to questions that they’re searching for to complete a larger answer to a bigger question. When someone isn’t threatened by someone else’s successes... that’s speaks about a kind of integrity not often found these days.
Good on both of you for your end of discussion comments AND dr h saying that there’s even entertainment value in the search for truth. If that involves a larger view of what “entertainment” means, so be it. Be well, Doug.

@tufismith - 07.11.2020 13:39

There are a lot of Indian gods which have the snake theme

@gan_eden - 29.10.2020 15:41

Shemyaza rising!!!!

@itsrob6954 - 15.10.2020 08:02

To understand my point, you must accept this view (temporarily) and search the canon scriptures. The 'Christ Utterance' or spoken word that stems from the power of God the Father who revealed in 'ALL authority and power in heaven and earth' (no more or no less). This Creational manifestation is the universe that we live in with the fallen angels. This creational power in manifestation, is what God the Father who is Life-Giving Holy Spirit gave to the Only begotten son upon earthly death and resurrection when he ascended far above ALL heavens into the Father's presence or throne room. If there is any interest, I can give more knowledge to paint you a more complete picture. Rid yourself of the trinity doctrine and get woke.

@rickoshea6637 - 04.09.2020 09:35

I believe haSatan understood that the Redeemer Y'shua would come through the lineage of Adam. Therefore haSatan tried to destroy the DNA of Adam's descendants.

@TroublezAhead00 - 03.09.2020 06:38

Pastor Hamp, I live in Oklahoma. Can you please pray for my boyfriend and I? We are having a lot of difficulties and if You and your congregation would pray for us, I know we would be okay. Prayer works. Thank You Sir. I hope you see this.

@orthodoxkyle89 - 02.09.2020 13:09

Anyone look into the Essenes apparently they wrote the dead sea scrolls and they were vegan and even though we have dominion over animals of the sea and land we aren’t supposed to kill and eat them. I was presented this notion just recently. I think it’s worth looking into.

@qazyman - 01.09.2020 12:35

Well Done!

@themightyasterix5365 - 01.09.2020 02:27

Dan is a serpent that is a snake 🐍 in the grass and sneak attacks, so u fall and find it hard to recover, my paraphrase of course.

@RookBytes - 31.08.2020 21:50

Thanks and God bless you all! =D

@stephentaylor2051 - 30.08.2020 21:47

Man! I hope you guys have another interview. It went way to fast.

@elel2608 - 30.08.2020 20:18

A question was sparked in my mind: did satan and his minions know Jesus was Yahweh?

@webetto1 - 29.08.2020 22:52

The GLOBE makes me go ....Hmmmmmm....?

@1cristover - 29.08.2020 19:47

Wow.!!! Amazingly interesting!!! Thank you!!!

@SuperServant01 - 29.08.2020 15:02

Its seems that Jesus was letting satan know you have no say in what my plan is here. I’m going to reverse those things you and your followers have done and give my people the power to stand and tread on what you once had dominion over.

@ryanmokund9741 - 28.08.2020 05:05


@adamkelm1043 - 28.08.2020 04:25

Jesus invented strategic distraction/deception. The great master of the matador's cape.

@drwho534 - 28.08.2020 02:05

Seems to make more sense that the reason for the fallen ones to pursue pro-creation was because of the rebellion and being cast out of the kingdom to earth that Satan and his followers desired revenge deciding to corrupt the creation of God in retaliation. In addition to the genetic corruption they also interjected and taught heavenly knowledge and ideas that were never meant for mankind ( astronomy, occultic knowledge, ritualistic worship, architecture, weapons, promoting themselves as false gods, etc.). It was also a means by which Satan hoped to destroy the lineage that would eventually lead to the birth of Christ.

@frankrizzo5129 - 27.08.2020 06:04

2,000 years ago. Two men having almost the same conversation. It's very possible.

@SalvationGeneration - 26.08.2020 23:42

Love both these gentlemen, always so good.

@marleneg7794 - 26.08.2020 14:32

Of course Doug has to mention that he too wrote a book about Nephlem and "it was very popular".
Hands down Mike is twice the scholar, teacher and author.

@tommykeefer1307 - 26.08.2020 14:18

Oath of Mt Hermon/Q. WWGo One W Go All. Vav,Vav,Unum,Vav,Pluribus, Tower of Babel/ Hermon rebellion 666. and reconstruction of Babel diaspora One to many... E Pluribus Unum. Hybridization of 666 and Oath

@kenman200 - 26.08.2020 09:59

Really enjoyed this.
Thank you very much!
