Old VS New Korriban Graphics in SWTOR 2024

Old VS New Korriban Graphics in SWTOR 2024

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@Asmo_Lay - 09.11.2024 00:04

There was a potential meme for the shorts.

Old temple ruins - footage from Korriban map.
New temple ruins - footage from Korriban Incursion Flashpoint.

@FuRiA_CC - 04.02.2025 17:53

Genial, pasaron de unos gráficos de 2011 a unos de 2015. Sigue estando muy lejos de los gráficos que debería tener un juego en 2025. Además es un juego que tiene un consumo de gráficos demasiado alto, hasta el punto que gráficas como la 6750XT con sus 12GB GDDR6 no consiguen alcanzar 100fps en gráficos altos en 1080p. Está bastante mal optimizado el juego en ese sentido para los gráficos de la edad de piedra que tiene. Lo que no tiene sentido es que con esa gráfica y un 3600X con 32GB de RAM te vaya a 35fps en algunos planetas en 1080p.

Lo que deberían hacer es aprovechar la IA para actualizar el motor gráfico del juego y ponerle unos gráficos fotorealistas cinematográficos, acordes a 2025, y ya que están usar la IA para traducir el juego entero a Castellano, como prometieron que estaría en el lanzamiento del juego y que nunca cumplieron.

@IllusiveMoose03 - 04.02.2025 08:37

I hope developers update small character model things, like eyeballs clipping through eyelids. Have you experienced that before?

@IllusiveMoose03 - 04.02.2025 08:35

Great comparison video. At first I felt the changes weren't necessary but after the comparison I am quite happy with the updated looks.

@darkmido6087 - 25.01.2025 19:59

How is this game still alive!

@MuffHam - 27.12.2024 05:02

Theres zero point in improving the environmental graphics.
When its the same old content from launch.
Need new storylines, new quests, new locations, new fighting styles.

@mammon679 - 21.12.2024 01:53

i like it

@lilblaze2314 - 11.12.2024 10:46

That's cool and everything, but until it gets new story content it's going to remain on the backburner for me

@OldUndeadMaleModel - 05.12.2024 15:14

Have they mentioned to un stuff tge combat & modernise it? It feels like tbc it's very slow and fight animations are slow

@Adeus555 - 02.12.2024 04:20

Im in!

@JUANORQUIO - 28.11.2024 05:21

That’s Tremendously Awesome! Thank You So Much! Have an incredible week!

@Madtography - 25.11.2024 00:16

How do you get the old graphics? Private Server?

@Crimson_Samurai-h8q - 22.11.2024 09:39

Korriban looks more hot and hellish now

@ryanmackey5421 - 22.11.2024 08:39

They look awesome. Ff14 also did an overhaul ! Waiting for gw2 graphics overhaul then im gonna play swtor gw2 and ff14 at the same time !!!!!

@WielkieOdpowiedzi - 21.11.2024 22:29

WTF with that BLOOM?! Why EVERY damn thing have to be oversaturated nowadays?

@crazysam871 - 20.11.2024 06:04

Wish they'd made new content worth reinstalling the game.

@lachlanm2115 - 19.11.2024 13:23

Looked better before

@liamwilson7549 - 18.11.2024 03:52

Hopefully they don’t censor the strip clubs

- 15.11.2024 15:19

Didnt realize there is so much change in graphics and 3d models

@Avenger85438 - 14.11.2024 18:40

The starues actually have detail now.

@powerlifting85 - 14.11.2024 11:30

this game looks way more washed out and colorless than this. stop the cap

@x35ttj - 13.11.2024 20:30

tbh i don't really like the updated stuff i think it muddy's the style of the game also jeez that bloom is so bad you cant even see the empire icon

@gingerbilly1396 - 10.11.2024 20:14

This is insane this makes me want to play swtor again

@SingleGamerDad1 - 10.11.2024 00:53

I realllly hope they do console cross progression. Love seeing all these changes and I love supporting Broadsword!

@nogz01 - 09.11.2024 12:47


@ArcherJ1 - 09.11.2024 08:50

This is awesome. I've never noticed how significant the changes were, I always thought the lighting was all that was updated. I am curious how you managed to get the old 2011 footage with such quality?

@Faced1111 - 09.11.2024 06:22

I kind of like the only ones better with a few exceptions but it seems like the just added saturation and contrast and bloom for the most part with makes it look idk bland.

@JynxedGamesYT - 09.11.2024 05:34

The last one was on Dromund Kaas. Click bait!!!

@Agent789_0 - 09.11.2024 03:58

Holy shit the bloom

@vakke - 08.11.2024 21:16

Have they upgraded the engine?

Played the game back in release and been jumping in and out between the years. Had quite a bit of performance issues in bigger clashes and have been just waiting them to improve that

@T0asty- - 08.11.2024 21:03

Did they just remaster the game? What the heck?

@MegaStefiStef - 08.11.2024 19:06

Ah, need to make a new toon now

@GuardianLamb - 08.11.2024 16:32

are they trying to blind people or what? Old looks better by far. This is honestly so pathetic to see. Anyone buying this crap deserves this sorry excuse of a game.

@mawrak - 08.11.2024 16:00

the sith emperor statue changed from pointy square shape to circle robed shape. Do they not understand that the statue was designed that way to look menacing? Now it looks like a monk. This is half life HD pack all over again

@morrgash - 08.11.2024 15:11

Thank you for the showcase of the changes :), I really hope that they go back to those areas and add new content such as dailies and stories, new places of that planet!
