The only places that provide microprism around my area all seem to focus on neurolens. I hope I can find someone in state that can fine-tune a script.
ОтветитьThis is an outstanding video. Concise and well stated, Sir! I've just found out about this technology and I am very interested. I'm a lifelong wearer of glasses and want to take advantage of this.
ОтветитьDo you feel this would make a bigger difference for someone with nystagmus as regular eyeglasses tend to not make much of a difference.
ОтветитьMy eye doctors over the years when measuring and prescribing lenses have never taken into account my daily activities or side to side movement of my head. Every machine and instruction has been to hold my head in a fixed position with as little movement as possible during measurements. The interaction between the inner ear and eyes has never been mentioned or discussed.
Ответитьgreat video, thanks. so Nueralenz is type of machine the eye dr. uses, Not a type of lens for my actual glasses? do i have that right? i have advanced glaucoma, and have lost about 60-70% of my vision. right optic nerve damaged. my glasses from Americas Best, & Kaiser dont work all that well, vision is still blurry. would the Neuralenz measuring process help me? theres an eye dr. near my house, that has Neuralenz.
ОтветитьThanks for your review.
Machine measurement.
Really like your equipment in the background 😊
ОтветитьIs this product useful for helping with irregular astigmatism caused by lasik?
ОтветитьDr.. thanks for the video. Would you have tested contoured prism lens like Neurolens? I seem to be a perfect match for trigeminal dysphoria with symptoms like dry eye eyes, eye strain, headaches, neck pain etc. wanted your opinion of prism lens have helped anyone with this case.
ОтветитьIs this going to solve my problem? I have a terrible astigmatism on my left eye. My right eye has astigmatism too, but not so terrible at all. I don't have lazy eyes, misalignment eyes, headaches, and dry eye. However, I sometimes feel dizzy and eye strain when I works on the computer for 6-7 hours.
ОтветитьI have gone to eye specialists at very well known hospitals. Are there questions I could ask (either in appointment or before) which would help gauge if doctor's will perform tests like this.
I'm engineering minded and have been to many specialists in well known hospitals. Even after constantly talking about computer work, only one optomotrist actually put a paper close by to measure the correct lens, everyone else just added a formula. I've never seen anything that even hinted at the inner ear vestibular system
As a 60 year eyeglass wearer, I've found myself closing one eye when I concentrate. I know astigmatism is an issue, but it seems like after reaching 60 years old, I do it more. I've never had a doctor prescribe prisms, and am wondering if Neurolenses or prisms could help with this?
ОтветитьHow do you find an optometrist who specializes in prism?
ОтветитьSo you do or do not have experience prescribing neurolens?
Ответитьdo you know any doctors i could go to for this fitting?
ОтветитьNeuorlens I went and got tested for Neuorlens. I don’t have a reason to buy them. I was curious. i’m going to stay with old Glasses
ОтветитьI have the feeling this doctor is not a Neuolens provider; if he were, he'd be singing a different tune.
ОтветитьYou’re the store I came to you are the doctor what about reviews on you? Does it exist?
ОтветитьIf affordable I will go with neurolens, because I am not that lucky to see the best optometrist who knows what he/she is doing and can give better/more accurate service/prescription than the machine!
ОтветитьThis is great news but, how do you find doctors near you that are just as passionate about helping people?
ОтветитьI quit prescribing regular prism because patients kept adapting and wanting more....this is where neurolens is better. Neurolens patients don't come back wanting more prism like other patients.
ОтветитьI have been prescribed prism lenses and they have changed them 3 times in less than 2 years and I haven’t had any relief whatsoever I wish you were my doctor
ОтветитьAmen. I watched this after my neurolens appointment and it's exactly how i feel about their prescription for me. I'm going back to my OD next week to discuss this video and the things you're suggesting. So thank you very much. The $1k price tag is a turn off, but I'm actually okay spending it, IF I knew it would work. But after going thru the entire exam with the Neurolens dude, I just had a sour taste in my mouth for it. Again, thank you!!!
ОтветитьThank you for explaining the pros and cons of Neurons. I love it when professionals are so open and honest.
ОтветитьHello. I just googled the Neurolens for an eye strain and headache from pc problem. You didn't say anything about this so I'm not sure if I'm at the right video. But if I am, is there a clinics in Japan that make those?
ОтветитьI’m in my try out period for neurolens and I’m going to get my money back. I’ve fallen and can’t function in them. I’m so glad to see your video. I wish my doctor was as experimented as you.
ОтветитьMassive amount of respect for you!!! Thank you for the way you explained this 💯👏🙌
ОтветитьTHANK YOU for sharing your knowledge! The limited amount of information out there, mixed with complicated information coming from studies, make it very hard for consumers to know if that's the right decision for them. I was prescribed Neurolens but Prism lens weren't. Interesting, thank you!
ОтветитьSo... How do you find a legit optometrist who is skilled enough to prescribe prism lenses? Is there a professional association or registry of some sort to find someone near me?