Gen 1 Pokémon were HILARIOUSLY Bad

Gen 1 Pokémon were HILARIOUSLY Bad

SmithPlays Pokémon

1 год назад

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@jortiz2378 - 08.05.2024 01:21

This all looks great. One thing that’d be cool is letting your starter Pikachu learn surf. Better yet, let every Pikachu and Raichu be able to learn surf.

@georgeprchal3924 - 08.05.2024 21:42

But that was the generation with the best looking pokemon.

@yejisus - 14.05.2024 06:27

Beedrill without poison stab 😢

@abcbixo - 15.05.2024 22:56

Genwunners are gonna take this video as a death treat

@sebastianrombach6711 - 16.05.2024 00:13

Ditto should get the moves mimic, mirror move, and acid armor on level up.

@vyor8837 - 17.05.2024 05:46

Onix is supposed to be bad.

@kingkrispy5289 - 22.05.2024 06:57

Subbed because Majima breaker theme at 8 minutes lol

@noepictalesmember1865 - 01.06.2024 08:45

It was allways necessary to hold the moonstone evolution from the nidos, because they won't learn any good attacks if you evolve them to early.

@pondoorwastaken - 02.06.2024 17:08

ugh, gen 1 movesets are the bane of my existence lmao. currently going through a challenge to beat the game with every single one of them and my GOD is it rough sometimes.

@JW-dp4we - 19.06.2024 20:54

Gen 1 is weird as hell. I’m replaying it and you know who is my team’s ace after the third gym? Parasect. Despite its crap learnset, it’s better than my Pidgeotto and Charmeleon.

@juanmaldonado5288 - 28.06.2024 02:06

Your comment about dodrio learning sky attack.... Chickens do jump off hills and fly even if its only a ditch not a hill lol

@thefiendish186 - 29.06.2024 04:23

Tbh yellow is the worst "early Pokemon game" imo

@elunegracee - 03.07.2024 17:58

what the hell is the point of this video?

@GQteddybear - 08.07.2024 22:27

How do I get these Romhacks?

@devanshouse5027 - 23.07.2024 14:00

How about adding new Bug type moves? Gen 1 only had 3 bug-type attacks (leech life, pin missile and twineedle), and they were all SUPER weak.

@GMSryBut - 24.07.2024 07:52

I always wanted to see Kangaskhan as a Normal/Ground type Pokémon.
With Cubone beeing pure ground, I think it would have fit.

@kevinishki - 03.08.2024 07:46

Waay too many Pokemon learn dig and earthquake. Imagine watching Arcanine dig a giant hole in the ground and burst out of the ground it makes no sense. Only extremely large Pokemon like onyx should be able to do earthquake by vibrating it's body on/in the ground. None ground Pokemon can use sand attack imo

@CommitSudoku7 - 06.08.2024 16:54

All trade-only evolutions should evolve via level up, it's a stupid gimmick that only serves to sell more copies of the game and locked many a lonely child out of having a badass Gengar or Alakazam.

@TjLeach-v5s - 09.08.2024 10:13

My first Pokemon game ever was yellow. If I knew what I knew now I would have released Pikachu. Had all three starters, Pikachu, hypno and moltres as my first team ever lol

@TheMalchikjae - 07.09.2024 11:58

You are obviously very excited by this. Where can I play these fabulous roms that you have created?

@Fabio_TP - 30.09.2024 17:38

How to buff badge boost?

@primrosevale1995 - 04.10.2024 09:05

To be honest Yellow Pikachu with Partner Pikachu stats wouldn't be that broken, mostly because it wouldn't have Let's Go's coverage moves and learnset.

Also Thrash does make sense for a Dragon-type move over Slam.

@jamielattin9182 - 05.10.2024 01:55

I would have given Poliwag hypnosis earlier. It's whole visual design is focused on the hypnotic swirl.

Hypno, too!

@itsqbic2719 - 14.10.2024 20:41



@apocratos0174 - 31.10.2024 14:33

Pikachu can thunderbolt an ONYX

@finnishnin - 10.11.2024 17:37

I was able to plow through Yellow with Pikachu very easily.

@Sarixis - 18.11.2024 19:55

It's interesting to see how people balance pokemon differently since my partner and I are working on a humble yellow ROMhack ourselves before doing more hardcore indie game dev.

@ferrets8887 - 07.12.2024 20:28

dumb question but, at the start, are you going by standard gen 1 Pikachu stats or the starter pikachu’s stats? Because this is a common mistake I see all the time with people comparing the starter Pikachu using the wrong stats

@staringcorgi6475 - 28.12.2024 23:37

The starters were horrible in gen 1 as none had niches in the competitive scene like Venusaur was a poor mans victreebell however in later gens this dynamic switched

@edoardofedrighi2102 - 13.01.2025 18:02

My 8 year old self thought Charizard was the most op pokemon ever

@FaeQueenCory - 21.01.2025 14:47

Why not just give Transform priority+1?

@copper_9373 - 26.01.2025 15:59

Im only halfway through the video right now and if i missed it earlier sorry.
But does this game have the physical special split?

@Saimeren - 26.01.2025 23:01

It's cool that you're not just making everything super over powered. All of these changes actually make sense.

Although fighting that Onix in Brock's gym becomes a little more terrifying with the stat changes you gave it. lol.

@ViperineHero - 29.01.2025 03:08

hoping to see mew under that truck

@madsli - 30.01.2025 01:46

My god, your face is so long!

@matthewpletsch7523 - 31.01.2025 05:18

Onix buff has LC in Shambles.

@danieldosso2455 - 31.01.2025 13:51

Is there value in making Ninetails Fire/Ghost? I've always thought that since it's the Kitsune pokemon, it learns some Ghost-type coverage moves and have you seen SHINY NINETAILS?

@danieldosso2455 - 01.02.2025 02:21

Giving Rhydon, Golem and Onix good Rock moves heavily nerf Pinsir, which to me seems like a clear anti-ground wall-breaker, lacking any other significant benefits from a horrible Bug typing, and extremely focused Fighting-type non-stab moveset.

@pamoon_ - 01.02.2025 02:36

Aerodactyl is perfect if it were available at Lv15 for Pika Cup

Dragon Rage, Fly, Fire Blast, Double-Edge

@SonicTheHedgedawg - 01.02.2025 21:59

It feels like Vise Grip could be bug type without that being an issue and it'd be nice if Beedrill got a usable poison attack. Otherwise I love all this!

I do wish you'd shown side-by-sides of the old learners next to the new ones, though, for comparison to make it easier to follow along.

I also wonder if Submission would be overpowered at 100 base power since it has recoil.

@smithplayspokemon - 02.05.2024 18:19

Yellow Legacy is LIVE May 4th! Go watch the video ‘I made the Perfect Yellow Romhack’ to get the download the patch link!!
