Official Trigun Trailer

Official Trigun Trailer

Jonathan Ridgway

15 лет назад

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@juanmarquez9988 - 09.10.2023 23:24


@juanmarquez9988 - 09.10.2023 23:24

Hey make a paper fan bash IP cordless like light lead paper circuit that works impress

@renapland5942 - 17.04.2023 23:15

Вот это я понимаю...так давно выложили видео и такие давние комментарии

@nyczlu - 26.01.2023 15:04

whose here after the new anime came out just to see what this one was about ?

@sery.ious1y - 07.07.2022 04:15

Here after the new trailer. Personally think they should’ve let this one sit alone

@ZachariaYonis - 09.03.2021 19:50

a classic right here

@gracedaphne1213 - 01.12.2020 08:09

Vash the Stampede is very handsome. He looks like MGK.

@law4546 - 26.10.2020 21:03

f u not a trailer

@luciusirving5926 - 20.09.2018 09:19

Lia Sargent is like a mother and when she says something, you STFU and listen. Therefore, Lia is one of the reasons I got into anime. I love Badland's Rumble, but Milly without Lia Sargent's voice just doesn't work for me.

@wallywest9257 - 30.06.2018 16:55

I just finished my marathon of this show and I have to say, it wasn't for me. I hate to be that guy but I just couldn't get into it. It was almost like a task I had to do just to get through it, I definitely liked aspects of it tho, but on a whole it was just average for me. The animation is not the best, but I guess that's not its fault, it's old so I can't trash on it too hard. Not only did I find the main protagonist a little annoying with his "goody two-shoes" don't kill anyone attitude, but the stories relationships were also unresolved. I assume Vash got with Meryl, the insurance girl, but you never find out. Vash loved Rem, Meryl had the same ideology as Rem, Meryl clearly has romantic feelings for Vash, so Vash loves Meryl too maybe? it's kinda hinted that they would hook up in the last couple of episodes, especially the final scene of the credits, but you never find out. So that was extremely disappointing to not have a conclusion for them. Also is Rem even dead? we take it as if she is dead, but I think if the show had got more episodes they would have 100% had an arc were Rem returns because you never actually see her die, but I dunno. Also Legato character was kinda redundant, he was built up to be the "Big bad" of the series throughout most of the show and then just killed off. Vash shoots him in the head and totally contradicts his entire character but whatever. Vash annoyed the shit out of me, how many people died just because he didn't want to kill anyone, then he goes and kills someone. And the show just kinda ended suddenly, like the final episode he fights his brother for a couple of minutes, then he wins and that's it. The End. Like what? also what even are they, plants? why do their arms become cannons? So much shit I didn't get. But maybe that's my fault I dunno, it just wasn't for me. I never like Mad Max and this is like the anime version of that. An apocalyptic sci-fi punk rock anime. Like there are mutants and giants running around and shit.

Saying all this I did enjoy a lot of the humour, and I liked the fact that no matter how much Vash tried people around him died. It was brutally realistic and It was like he was cursed. It was actually kinda depressing. But I did enjoy a lot of stuff in the show, I didn't hate it, but I was glad when I finished it.
The movie was absolute dog shit tho, they bring in this cowgirl character that I couldn't give a shit about and they make her the main protagonist. The insurance girls are barely in it, the biggest love interest in the show, Meryl, has less than 5 min screen time. Vash is like a secondary character in it also, the animation was a lot better, but the story sucked and half the voice actors weren't even the same. Also when is that movie even supposed to be in the Trigun Timeline?

I give the show a 5/10 I know a lot of people like it and fair enough, this is just my personal opinion. There was just too much unresolved shit for me. The ending itself was too sudden, the romantic relationships, Rems fate, Knives fate, who was Tesla, etc etc it all just didn't really have a conclusion, so i dunno it just wasn't for me. Sorry.
Thanks for the memories Trigun, I'm glad I watched you, but I'll never watch you again.

@kardistal84 - 08.12.2017 21:16


@jerryp4162 - 30.06.2017 03:49

im looking for a short and great anime to watch but this trailer... hmmm im not sure if this would be good enough

@vchad30 - 31.01.2016 01:05

So not a trailer, its the opening.

@Yorcont - 05.08.2014 13:33

This trailer doesn't make justice to what Trigun really is, actually, the real intro from the series looks more interesting than this random pieces.... oh well...

@Copycatkiller65 - 29.06.2013 00:18

This And Cowboy Bebop are probably the greatest anime's I've ever seen

@0oPerson - 30.09.2012 04:05

I'd agree. I mean what with the wings at the end....

@thechillout133 - 01.08.2012 15:50

its the TWO angel arms and his gun in his arm. watch the last few episodes. the angel arms are the guns them selves.

@xXXSouloftheStormXXx - 17.07.2012 01:33

I thinks its the tree guns Vash's Kinves and Wollfwoods

@ArtificialNinea9 - 30.05.2012 08:35

Pretty sure in the manga the pistol has nothing to do with the angel arm, though i could be wrong, its been quite awhile.

@09dulceb - 13.05.2012 06:00

o.o esta serie me !ba¡ hacer dormir no manches

@09dulceb - 13.05.2012 05:59

ammmmmmmmmm este anime es aburrido no hay nada ejemplo: sustos, risa o comedia , curiosidad, interes o jaja ba sonar estupido pero tampoco tiene romance.

@09dulceb - 13.05.2012 05:56

jajajaja que esto ni le entendi esnserio no le entendi al video ni papas chicos comopueden ver esto jajajaja ahhhh.....T.T

@thecomputerist - 05.04.2012 19:26

it's weird cause it makes you think the there would be 3 guns instead of one

@Yuurekk - 03.04.2012 02:57

for some Toonami, for some RTL7 and for few of us just TVTokyo - the best years of my childhood was just watching animes that i actually ddnt knew that those were called animes ^.^ I still remember when i was gettin up at 6 am just to watch another episode of Dragon Ball : D

@magaman166 - 24.01.2012 11:11

The third gun is wolf wood my favorite

@keybladewizard49 - 31.10.2011 19:22

@Katana991 Trigun - three guns. Who exactly the three are is kind of a mystery; it could be referencing Vash and the two girls, but that leaves unaccounted several incredibly important characters, such as Knives and Wolfwood. But, basically, it's just a name that sounds cool and gets the message across - badass gun action :D Or, as Yasuhiro Nightow describes it - "Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action!!"

@msdp - 07.07.2011 16:21

@TheyKilledKenny2011 Okay then I will watch it thank you d(>0<)b!!!

@TheyKilledKenny2011 - 07.07.2011 06:28

@msdp it's interesting for sure. i watched it on netflix a few months ago. i kinda wish the told more about characters like Legato though.

@msdp - 03.07.2011 04:12

question is this interesting because I don't know if I should watch it or not :o?

@KALOBE14 - 02.07.2011 07:04

It could be called this because he has a gun near his tricep

@NiNpu2 - 13.05.2011 23:01

@blinkymon thumbs up for that

@blinkymon - 13.05.2011 21:42

@NiNpu2 Yea but the angel arm is made out of his pistol ... Meh... who knows? XD Epic anime anyway.

@NiNpu2 - 13.05.2011 19:31

@blinkymon (SPOILER ALERT) maybe its cause he has 3 guns?! the revolver, the hidden machine gun and his transforming arm.

@blinkymon - 21.04.2011 00:02

@cm2christ I think it's because Vash, Merril and Milly are all gunmen. And they're three. Or it might be your version. Who knows? I saw the anime twice and i'm currently reading the manga and i didn't find any clues yet.

@NightDXC - 01.01.2011 22:12

he looks like vanhellsing

@warlocksmight - 04.08.2010 14:15

Now I know who was the model for Alucard in Hellsing... Integra as well... 'tho from this trailer I'd say that Hellsing is still by far more darker show than Trigun...

@666Notturno666 - 21.06.2010 15:31

@Katana991 i think trigun means the tree guns used by vash and knives. the 2 guns and vash left harm. but its just my opinion u.u
