What is the Best Game Engine? (Debate Ended) | Godot vs Unity vs Unreal

What is the Best Game Engine? (Debate Ended) | Godot vs Unity vs Unreal


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@Rix1Dev - 19.12.2023 16:37

I hope you enjoyed it, editing took me a while.
Subscribe🤜🤛 (knocking hands)
Tell me your thoughts
this might be the last time mentioning Godot 👀

Edit: The whole point of who is the winner is just for fun, understand what you want and what your requirements then choose your engine. sorry for the high sound effects.

@Rainbowsixs - 04.02.2024 18:45

bro u are totally wrong as a person who used both unreal and unity i prefer unity because it gives me easy logical methods to make something my game do whatever i want unity c# is much better than unreal BP_blueprints U are not that guy pal u are not that

@Bollalillo - 01.02.2024 16:42

It's very simple.
If you know C++ and have the skills to create visually stunning models, want to spend 100s of hours waiting on a sluggish engine your pc most likely will burn up from, pick Unreal engine.
If you dont care about Unity's greedy practices and you want your back knife free, then pick unity.
If you have a 10 year old pc, a brand new pc, want to learn with a good community in an engine thats actually free and has simple yet powerful languages to use, pick Godot

@Other_Dev - 21.01.2024 05:50

Any Engine > Unity

@durakeno5575 - 18.01.2024 21:18

Dude, you're splicing your audio clips to closely. It sounds like you're talking over yourself.

@nathanmiguel76 - 16.01.2024 00:16

3D - Unreal
2D - Godot
Mobile - Unity

@reinbew794 - 14.01.2024 21:06

My first exposure to gamedev was Roblox Studio, then, I switched to the LÖVE2D framework (absolutely amazing btw), and now I am trying to learn Godot since my shitty laptop would start burning if I used Unreal. And Unity, I dunno maybe.

@wouf_ - 10.01.2024 17:44

the unreal is so fake lmao i use a 7 yo hardware with the last version and it just work very good

@DARK-STREAMING - 10.01.2024 09:14

you bloody sh!t how dare take that sh!t as one godot is one of best craps ok and your faking at requirements unity can run but smooth on 2gb vga 16 gb i5 6th gen don't be dumb I first use unity when I have 4 gb ram it laggy but ok now I have a little good PC it running smoothly I made 2 my indie games with 8 gb ram unity is grandmaster and it has full documentary and 1000 of courses

@legoreptyle1048 - 03.01.2024 17:58

Good video. But pls speak louder

@anonymous49125 - 03.01.2024 00:45

godot a tremendously bad programming environment. Time and time and time again, I try and I try to make it work, but it's completely borked and poorly thought out. Laughable to give it a point for their butchered python language that is more riddled with bugs then a decaying carcass.

For instance, lets do something simple like loop two tweens back to back... so something like:

->var t1 = create_tween()
->t1.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2(1.2,1.2,1.2), 1.0)
->var t2 = create_tween()
->t2.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2(1,1,1), 1.0)
This is just from memory - so not sure if it 100% perfect, but that's the idea.
Does not even remotely work... if you loop tweens, they are completely borked.

Just think about these types of bugs each and every time you do anything... total garbage language

@cristianinujazznight3044 - 02.01.2024 12:36

So, or you only touched a few hours Godot or is just because everyone is talking about godot. Please people, if you are going to talk about a product, USE IT then talk about it.

Yes godot is ok, but if you REALLY want to develop something or you are a beginner, unity is a better choice.

@Noobs_With_Top_Hats - 02.01.2024 06:59

Unity really killed itself after making that dumb decision, though.

@mohamedimranechehabi5735 - 31.12.2023 13:45


@paulblart7378 - 29.12.2023 18:29

I got into game dev through unity and considered Godot early on for the reasons mentioned. But damn, I could not and still cannot understand Godot's programming language or scene/node system for my life. Unity's scene/gameobject/component system just clicked for me immediately. I still much prefer Unity but it's totally just a matter of preference, sometimes I even wish I was using Godot when I come across problems in Unity because it probably handles them better. They all have pros and cons.

@alexcruba4928 - 28.12.2023 21:36

Frostbyte & Apex

@thesterlingone1072 - 26.12.2023 18:03

This is a question of Nascar vs F1 vs Go Kart. Godot is the go kart. A go kart is definitely fun. But it doesn’t belong in this conversation.

@bodardr - 26.12.2023 09:15

Okay so according to this video the best engine should be potato friendly? Have visual scripting? Those perks can lower the barrier for entry sure, but it's not a decent metric for the "best" game engine. All of those game engines have different use cases - either it be for graphics, ease of use, your team's existing expertise, performance... Dear aspiring developer, you don't need to worry about that. Pick an engine and stick to it - don't look for the "perfect" engine because there isn't any. Pick the one that's good enough for you. Those that make this a debate usually don't develop games for a living (except for engine cost, that's legit) because otherwise they'd understand how trivial this is.

By the way, Unity's visual scripting is okay but more limited than Blueprints. I've coached several students with Unity Visual Scripting and once the mechanics get a little too complex, visual scripting falls off. If you're an aspiring solo dev, learn to code. At least a little.

@xderen_xd - 22.12.2023 01:39

Jah bless, *vs make your own game engine in javascript with open gl like your own three js or babylon js

@lazyspate - 21.12.2023 19:43

This video is nice and I hope you grow as a channel but I'm sorry there are many problems within this video. For example, I feel this is biased especially when you mention how unreal engine has visual scripting (which is quite mature as it has been around for many years) and has been proven time and time again that it is very powerful as many devs use it alone for game developments, but then you end up giving a point to Godot simply because you feel it is easier? Have you even tried unreal engine? I feel that yes unity has kind of killed itself, but unreal engine if any is a huge competitor to Godot and in some ways is better. For example, if you're building a high-graphics, highly immersive game that you would like to feel like a triple-A game or for triple-A studios, choosing Godot is not generally a great option. Unreal is very mature, it uses C++ which is hard yes but very versatile and again very mature and generally Unreal Engine is made for large games and it has a very good multiplayer and networking system that comes almost fully right out of the box! Godot is good and I do recommend it, but also consider Unreal Engine, they both are good in different types of projects and you shouldn't rule out Unreal. Unreal isn't going to die any time soon and since the introduction of UE5 it is very innovative and provides many features Godot and any other game engine cannot compete with (High Graphics, Very good post processing, Nanite, Lumen, Realtime Global Illumination, Ray Tracing, etc..). Similar thing with Godot, it also provides its own features but do not be biased. Have a good day.

@HellFireNeko - 21.12.2023 19:23

Best engine, whatever works best for you. There is no 1 best engine for everyone, i like none of these engines, because they dont work for me.

@logystudio6930 - 21.12.2023 19:13

The overlapping voice over itself is really hard to follow. Please, when recording, put bigger gaps between the voice lines

@liquid9327 - 21.12.2023 18:33

Godot is not the best engine.
Its definitely Unreal and its not even close maybe use Godot for 2d games but then id probably just make my own engine.
Also Godots language is really annoying, C# is way better thats why I think Unity is a better engine.

@NachitenRemix - 21.12.2023 18:16

Cons of godot that are a game changer for me (having tried it and made a small game with it):
- You cannot preview and edit your scene while the game is runing as in Unity.
- There are some more complex features where unity has native or external plugins and godot doesnt, so yoy have to make them yourself by hand.

This two things dont allow me to use Godot, and thats why I use Unity

@KDSBestGameDev - 21.12.2023 13:56

Honestly I wouldn't recommend Godot to new GameDevs. It's an engine in a none mature state and GDScript will get really ugly if you don't know what you are doing. C# in Godot is lacking documentation and maturity even more.

Unity is a great beginner/starting engine, because the concept is easy to understand. Sadly because of the Runtime Fee garbage and really long fix times of unity for sometimes major bugs, I can't recommend it anymore.

Unreal is a bit more complex to get into, but if you got your head around it then it's an awesome engine.

We are currently developing our next game with unreal and our last game will move from early access to full release on january made with unity.
It highly depends on what you expect the engine for you todo or what you want todo.
Making sophisticated effects and materials 2D/3D - Unreal is the winner
Getting a great start with alot of online resources and tutorial - Unity maybe
And the list goes on and on.

Unreal source code is available like Godot, which is a huge plus for me. I did multiple years of developement with Unity, but I have to admit Unreal is just better.
Godot will come, but currently if you want to make a serious project that you want to release anywhere to make money then can't recommend.

@AcidBurnStudio - 20.12.2023 16:24

PROS : C# scripting, fast iteration, compile time, asset store, documentation, user base, all platforms, small to large projects, easy to use editor
CONS : cost money, to many 3rd party packages needed, company has bad judgment
CONCLUSION : Safe bet for game developers who need power, flexibility, scalability. Wish the company would just build those packages into the editor and make it easy to configure within a single menu, gets annoying hunting packages and trying to find all the settings for basically the same thing. I'm talking about the Render Pipelines and the Input system mainly. Would be nice if they would build in some of the tools they purchased like the node editor, modeling tools, vertex painting tools. Why have so many useful things floating outside of the program? Its a good engine though, it has the best workflow.

PROS : Light weight, opensource / free, built in code editor, documentation, community, fast iteration, shader editor with code or node tree
CONS : Workflow is annoying, basic level design tools are missing, graphics, console support
CONCLUSION : Good for smaller indie projects. Great for making small apps. Just not a fan of how scripts derive from a node or creating the node trees. The workflow feels slow and clunky to me, rearranging node trees constantly. Scripting is a little strange and gets hard to follow when you make larger projects. In the end though, its a cool engine and I keep a sharp eye out for them and the amazing progress they have made. Even though I'm not a fan of the workflow they also make so many things simple and give many options and its awesome!

PROS : Cutting edge graphics, artist tools, powerful editors, power house, animation tools, platform support, large teams, stable company, mega scans
CONS : Scripting Documentation, Blueprints is trash, bulky, complicated, community, compile times
CONCLUSION : Studio ready, personally I don't feel it's a good engine for small teams or unique software even though I have seen one person teams achieve amazing results. The animation, rendering, and graphics are so powerful that you can use it just to make movies. Unreal engine has a special flavor that you just have to try. HOWEVER, I hate learning all those nodes in Blueprints just give me good documentation for the API. I really like node editors for shaders and animation but not for game logic and Unreal is very heavily focused on nodes for game logic.

Unity wins.
There is way more pros and cons with each engine but I like Unity for simplicity, speed, versatility, community, documentation, scripting and the graphics are good enough for anything I am doing. HOWEVER, if I wanted to make a movie with a game engine, I would be using Unreal and I have done this before.

Side note, once you learn one engine you can basically just learn the other ones many times faster. It's not that big of a deal.
Take care everyone.

@sourcecpp - 20.12.2023 15:40

Bro release tutorials about Godot. It is the best way to gain more subscribers

@sourcecpp - 20.12.2023 15:39

Middle of desert?😁😁😁😁

@generictravelvideos - 20.12.2023 15:09

nice snapy videos, need to mumble less or give your self more "talking" space. sometimes hard to hear you. well, i mean its hard to hear you in general

@Arelias95 - 20.12.2023 14:21

What even is this video supposed to be? Judging engines by:
1. Required specs, comparing coding cuz of "difficulty" (omitting the speed of execution which is crucial for games)
2. Talking about engine graphics (what graphics? are you talking about the pipeline, or what? you can make ugliest possible game with unreal just as easy as with Godot).
This feels like a video meant for elementary school kids. How about we talk about big boy stuff? Royalties, maturity of each engine and features, how complex is the pipeline, hell, even stuff like shaders would be better to talk about than this.

Unity was an amazing engine for starting out and all things considered I personally would recommend it most if someone starts out with Gamedev, but with the recent updates to licensing, this is no longer the case and like many others I found myself porting my own project to Unreal.
Godot is opensource, awesome, but it's not mature enough for a lot of stuff and you will find yourself implementing systems yourself that can be already found in Unity and Unreal.
C# is nowhere near as fast as C++ (I do a lot of computations based around meshes and barycentric coordinates), if you are using Unity and need speed, I strongly recommend using burst compiler, the speed gains you get are just impossible to get with plain C#, otherwise if you need even more speed, its C++ or just write a compute shader instead.

I sound harsh, but you claim the video to be highly informative and claim to end the debate, but in my opinion you bring nothing of substance to discussion.

@ALC0LITE - 20.12.2023 14:19

Hi, this seems pretty informative, and I don't think the sound effects are actually that bad (could be a bit quieter but overall ok).
The issue is in the editing, you don't leave any space between previous sentence (or sometimes even words) and the next sentence, often the next sentence will start before the previous has finished.
Other than that, seems pretty good.

@AlenHR - 20.12.2023 13:12

I have experience publishing games using multiple engines, including proprietary ones. While I appreciate your enthusiasm for Gotot, I must respectfully disagree with your arguments. Making games is not solely dependent on the engine, which is essentially just a set of tools. While it is helpful to compare and evaluate these tools, it seems that the research for your video was not thural. For instance, Unreal Engine offers several scripting options, such as LUA, AngelScript, Python, Verse, JavaScript, and SkookumScript, in addition to blueprints.
Are you sure you wanna develop a game on a 2-core CPU with 2 gigs of RAM?

For those who aspire to create games that others will enjoy, I recommend disregarding the engine hype and sticking with one until necessary to switch to another. As you gain experience and improve your game-making skills, the engine will become less of a concern as long as it is capable of meeting the requirements of your project.

@bananadev - 20.12.2023 11:38

What kind of unity install is 40 GB lol

@InfiniteDrakonian - 20.12.2023 10:38

Underrated video

@SoraBorg - 20.12.2023 10:34

Sound effects are too loud, I couldn't understand roughly half of your actual dialogue.

@refeals - 20.12.2023 00:13

when in doubt, always go to open source first

@Zurvyy - 19.12.2023 18:17

bro how are u so underrated 😭

@DevRo555 - 19.12.2023 16:55

one question do you use davinci resolve for edting?

@DevRo555 - 19.12.2023 16:52

oh another video I'ma see it real quick!

the video editing is amazing and im my opinion by what i remember from the other videos you IMRPOVED a lot!
