Lidar vs. Tesla: the race for fully self driving cars

Lidar vs. Tesla: the race for fully self driving cars

The Verge

1 год назад

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The Verge
The Verge - 28.06.2023 17:01

How ”self–driving” do you want your self-driving car to be?

Mangled Skateboarding
Mangled Skateboarding - 23.10.2023 01:54

Hey guys i have a prjoect where i have to come come up with a way to stop damages due to close reflective objects cuasing the incoming pulse to damage the system. Tbh i didn't even know this stuff existed till a few days ago, im in second year of electronics..any suggestions??

El dog
El dog - 10.10.2023 08:25

LiDAR schmidar…. The car could literally be fully aware of every atom within 100 miles. The real problem is real-time adaptive reasoning. Human soft gray matter fuckn rules in that department.

Kyle Liao
Kyle Liao - 28.09.2023 11:51

when you talk about how many people hurt using lidar while providing the miles, you should as well compare it to tesla while providing the miles, to make them on a comparable scale

Kyle Liao
Kyle Liao - 28.09.2023 11:45

i dont understand whats wrong on "laser is the sause"

Ben Dunaway
Ben Dunaway - 24.09.2023 21:47

Self driving cars would be a God send to those who do not drive.

TeslaBull - 22.09.2023 05:19

now they renoved USS

Kafi Luz
Kafi Luz - 21.09.2023 15:40

Lidar doesn't even work in heavy rain. So all companies that trust on lidar must have a 100 % working redundant camera system if they want their cars to drive autonomous in all weather conditions. Why should anyone develop two separate systems if only one of them is capable of mastering all situations? For me Lidar is only a historical intermediate step, due to the lack of skill in processing 2d camera data to 3d data. Humans only have a visual sense as well. And humans never make accidents because we lack a lidar sense. We make accidents because we overestimate ourself (driving-skills, alcohol, drugs etc.) or we get distracted. Both will not happen to computers. Since FSD Beta 11.4 it's not about what sensors anymore, but about how much data the AI ​​has to be fed to drive better and safer than human.

G - 20.09.2023 10:04

Arguing one tech over the other is responsible. It likely to be mix of the two.
Also, there is a thing called "solid state lidar", much cheaper.

3D Lidar = capture depth info
2D Cameras = interpretations i.e. require AI guessing

Fred-F4 - 19.09.2023 08:41

Lidar, radar, and cameras. All are needed to have safe fsd, it wont be cheap though

A Moosa
A Moosa - 17.09.2023 13:52

With the release of Tesla's v14 neural net suite that learns from driving footage without the need to code in maps and specific instructions, Tesla is now arguably closest to a computer driving like a human does, but without the human error that causes most accidents. Lidar seems overkill when we are literally a living example of how driving is accomplished with just images and neural networks.

Anthony Trotman
Anthony Trotman - 16.09.2023 21:35

Wow I stopped watching after I realized how biased this was
Try taking a waymo car and a Tesla to a place neither has ever driven on before
Get back to me with the results
We already lnow

Abdul Rohim Lubis
Abdul Rohim Lubis - 10.09.2023 07:31

I believe in lidar

Hydro has Spoken
Hydro has Spoken - 04.09.2023 18:06

So, no consensus what tech is best for FSD, still we expecting LVL 5 anytime soon

J Hagen
J Hagen - 24.08.2023 08:25

Absolutely disagree with this analysis. Pure rubbish. Tesla is building one of the most powerful computers on the planet to power FSD so you'll have the fusion of data from millions of cars being combined with known map data. Tesla will not need to create the huge point maps to know where things are located and what they are. It will do that with a fraction of the data. The idea that you need a certain type of light to see something (in this case LASER light) is silliness.

Dr harish Krishnappa
Dr harish Krishnappa - 19.08.2023 11:41


M Hector
M Hector - 15.08.2023 02:32

Does LiDAR outperform camera data in adverse conditions? That would be the #1 question to me. I thought that it did, but I read otherwise.

communityband1 - 11.08.2023 23:05

It's ironic that Google was and still likely is the leader in image recognition and yet still saw the need for sensor redundancy to reach necessary confidence levels for safe driverless operation. With Tesla FSD, we still see lots of issues with the perception. We often see it initially misplace objects in the world or identify objects which aren't there. If you watch FSD videos closely, you'll often see phantom road cones appear, suggesting Tesla is setting its confidence thresholds low in order to not miss things, but at the expense of occasionally seeing things that don't exist. You can also see it get fooled by reflections, sometimes showing cars driving inside buildings that have reflective windows.

Kiprotich Salat
Kiprotich Salat - 11.08.2023 04:37

Either you don't really understand Tesla's FSD or youre being economical with the truth. Ive also noticed your other video on why DJI is not innovative. Your takes are mostly midwit or biased understanding

Bobbie Bees
Bobbie Bees - 09.08.2023 08:40

Self driving cars will not be the cure for climate change.
We need to get away from car culture and eliminate private car ownership.
Micro-mobility and public transportation are what we need.
Not gimmicks to make car makers rich.
