27 Ways to Spend Less and Save More Everyday

27 Ways to Spend Less and Save More Everyday


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DENISE GLENN - 04.10.2023 19:13

Great tips! My cousins and I went on a vacation to Las Vegas. We were so surprised a meal for two at a BBQ restaurant fed all four of us! And we had leftovers!!!

Lily Bliblablubb
Lily Bliblablubb - 02.10.2023 01:02

The gift thing I do too. I usually buy gifts in advance, especially for Christmas, because I can look out for good deals, am in no rush and spend a little here and there instead of going into debt in December

Good Enough Girl
Good Enough Girl - 29.09.2023 17:55

Fave is bring snacks. Lol.

Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 28.09.2023 13:13

Our financial way of life absolutely needs to be blown up, but at the same time, people also need to be more responsible. I know for a fact that there's a lot of people that simply don't make enough money. I make roughly 100K a year and in California, rent prices alone eat up almost 3/4 of what I make.
Throw in dependents, and other financial obligations and it's easy to end up in the negative.

MichelleFouche1 - 27.09.2023 23:32

Very wise woman!

Michele Johnson
Michele Johnson - 26.09.2023 01:31

Such good ideas, Jennifer. Thanks

maypong2007 - 24.09.2023 11:28

Bake a cake as gift shared by all 😅

Nerd Gamer Buddy
Nerd Gamer Buddy - 20.09.2023 08:20

for food try $10 for one week.

Linda Vanwey
Linda Vanwey - 18.09.2023 11:52

I never go to a restaurant anymore. The quality of food is gross and the cost way too high. I also online shop especially for Xmas. Way less impulse buying. I will have all of my shopping done by thanksgiving. When I go to store during Xmas It’s just to look because let’s face it the store decorations are great! Now after Xmas. I’m in the stores buying for next year!

DLBRiley - 17.09.2023 13:45

I use to buy gas gift cards at krogers. Earn points for the gift card and use the the gift cards to fill up my card. That was at the local Shell station. Where i live now there is no shell station within 30 miles..

Chris I
Chris I - 14.09.2023 02:46

First time watching your videos. Thank-you so much for how practical they are! I found myself already employing some of these, while others I realize the wisdom and I will try to implement!

Sandra Marrero-Alvarez
Sandra Marrero-Alvarez - 12.09.2023 08:43

I’m so happy you mentioned the having snacks in the car when you’re only out doing errands I keep an ice chest in my car with cold drinks and snacks and I don’t have small children but it helps from buying out if i get hungry or thirsty

xoamberlyn - 10.09.2023 02:35

These tips are so great, thank you so much for sharing!! I'm always craving new information.

I was recently offered a good price for a home to rent & it's definitely an upgrade from this outdated duplex I'm currently at. So I'm trying to increase my momentum in saving up for everything in hopes that I go through with this house. 🙏🏼

Big Philly
Big Philly - 08.09.2023 05:56

Only having ONE streaming service is great advice. I’ve been doing that the last year and it’s had more than enough content I love (Paramount+ w/ Showtime for $2 more). I can watch football on rabbit ears.

Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore - 07.09.2023 18:16

I strive for no leftovers or very little because I’m the only one that will eat leftovers

Chichi - 05.09.2023 18:59

Netflix offered me service at a much lower rate when i canceled them and was gone for sometime if anyone wanted to know

Chichi - 05.09.2023 18:53

This video was really good and helped me solidify some of the money saving ideas I had as well as providing many new ones👍🏾👍🏾

CC Alexander
CC Alexander - 04.09.2023 19:50

My goal is to have my condo paid off in one year. I’m currently working as a travel rad tech so I make double of what I would as a staff tech. I’m trying to pick up the contracts that are higher paying even if it sounds miserable. I pack my lunch every day. I cook my dinner every night and the only time I really eat out is when I get my acai bowls that I love on weekends. However , I learned how to make my own acai bowls ! I stopped online shopping. I just don’t look. I did buy a few things for fall ( boots , hoodies , comforter etc ) but I told myself I have enogh winter clothes , gloves and hats etc so I don’t need anything else for winter or fall. I stopped going to movies. I rarely go. I dropped cable. I only have HuLu. I keep the goal of paying off my mortgage in front of my face so every time I think I want that shirt I think back to my goal !! I also have a grocery budget and try my best to not go over it. If I do I look at what’s in my cart and I take a few things away . I will say this …. I do have two things I do splurge on. Hair care and coffee. I’m planning on opening a coffee shop. That is my one thing I HAVE to have lol. I do think cooking at home more , packing yoiur lunch every day , and have only one streaming platform has helped me to save so much money. Also , I do try my best to pay more toward my principal on my mortgage every month. The only times I don’t is if some emergency comes up like my health or my pets health or cat issues or something expensive in my home repairs.

AinoHelena - 29.08.2023 16:57

23: I do that online shopping ALL THE TIME :) and then not actually buy anything.. I also notice (when doing this in the same store) when there´s an item I "shop" again and again, then I know that this would be something I would use and might just buy that one item. This online shopping works (at least for me) when I`m buying stocks and investing, I really feel like I`m buying something! And at the same time doing good with my money.

Carmen Hampton
Carmen Hampton - 29.08.2023 04:40

Great Advice 😊❤

Tina Anderson
Tina Anderson - 26.08.2023 06:02

I started intermittent fasting, slowly working up to one meal per day, only drinking green tea, electrolytes, and water, no snacks between meals. I have reached the “one meal a day” goal, and have slowly lost 30 pounds!! Some of the “diet” is based on the Keto diet plan, but I don’t necessarily follow it. My goal is to eat what keeps my liver healthy. This is one “sure-fire” way to reduce the cost of groceries these days!!! Plus, I feel SO much better and healthier.

tonya dodson
tonya dodson - 26.08.2023 02:07

I just lowered my subscription for Netflix and hulu. I called to turn off my Sirius xm but they offered me the same subscription for only $5.99 month for 12 months.

Blair - 24.08.2023 04:48

Jen, I love just listening to your voice! You're the money mom!

Kathleen39 - 22.08.2023 13:07

Practical advice shared in a kind way, great tips.

Ann W
Ann W - 21.08.2023 11:19

If you pay ahead on a loan, be sure to check to apply that extra amount to the princiipal, so they don't put it toward interest.

Pelgrine sanelisiwe Cele
Pelgrine sanelisiwe Cele - 20.08.2023 15:18

Thank you.
Interesting 😊

Bella Daisy
Bella Daisy - 19.08.2023 21:01

I completely agree with you about social media. I have 4 children between 12 and 16 and none of them have a phone or use social media (we have a family phone). They are well rounded, have true friends, do crafting and making activities and are so ridiculously funny! My cousins who are 26 and 28 are on social media 24/7, they suffer from depression and anxiety, can't get a job, they stay up all night to talk to 'friends in different countries' and believe they can't find their own identities.

B and D U
B and D U - 19.08.2023 17:48

We are retired and make it a personal challenge to always split a meal when we go out to eat, and keep our total under $25 including a generous tip - it's so fun to do this!! Our favorite place to do this is Texas Road House!

April Cook
April Cook - 19.08.2023 02:30

I love the fill up the jar idea. Keeps your eye on the prize.

Marianne Brown
Marianne Brown - 18.08.2023 22:16

When I was a working full time mom of 3, I used to do Marathon cooking on Saturday mornings-I’d make a pasta dish, a casserole, and one other meal- each planned for leftovers. We ate well throughout the week without having to cook after work when I was tired or we had to get to ball practice.

Irina Latkova
Irina Latkova - 17.08.2023 23:19

No holiday gifts- give your time and attention instead.

Rita Sampaio
Rita Sampaio - 16.08.2023 08:16


Ocean - 12.08.2023 23:11

I have a no spend month after the bills are paid and food and personal things are done no spending except car gas.

Trish Niedergeses
Trish Niedergeses - 10.08.2023 22:19

great video and sooo many good ideas !

Bisi Erinayo
Bisi Erinayo - 09.08.2023 06:03

Saving at regular intervals & monetizing your talents

JK1459 - 08.08.2023 19:55

This time of year when Zucinnie is in season... Shred up some with your ground beef. It doesn't change the flavor much, it adds veggies, and stretches that Hamburger further

Bessie Oriotis
Bessie Oriotis - 07.08.2023 14:44

With gift giving my friends and family are at the age that they don't need anything. They prefer you remember to phone them or send a message. Anybody ten years old and younger will get a gift or an envelope with cash so the parents can get them what they need. We don't have many children, but we all remember that kids are costly on young parents and it's fun to have a child somewhere in the family.

supasmits - 06.08.2023 19:57

Better yet , don't spend on Christmas at all, you're just celebrating nimrod ,its a pagan holiday

Me Too
Me Too - 02.08.2023 22:45

Yes... going out to eat was a treat .. now people don't even think about it.... just do it

Cassie. - 31.07.2023 20:38

All my weekends are no spend haha :D I don't drink juices, when I meet up I invite my friends or they invite me..I don't go shopping, because I work in marketing and am minimalist. I don't go to movies... I order my food only online, so I can't buy too much. I can keep going...the point is, I have no savings. HOW? I just earn too little as a marketer, don't own property, live in the capital of my country and I had some medical bill to pay. :(

Ivan Troha
Ivan Troha - 26.07.2023 09:32

Hi Jennifer. I like your tips how to live more frugal. I try to live a more frugal way for y few years now. Not because i couldnt affor't more, but because i dont need to buy more to be happy. As you said in the video some tips will work for someone and others won't. Its all about our life style .
You can always adjust the tips that doesn't work for you. Here are my "adjusted" tips that work for me.
1. No online suscriptions. I dont really need to watch those shows I rather pay a suscription to the publick library. I rather read books then whatching TV shows. You can learn a lot more by reading books.
2. Track your spendings for groceries (seperatly for fruits, vegetables and sweets and snacks) which you don't really need. You will be suprised how expensive sweets and snacks are. The first month after i followed my groceries expenses seperatly i noticed that i spent more for sweets then fruits. And that is not good for me so I adjusted my spending after that.
3. If you live in the flat you could grow your own tomatoes, salad or stawberries in vertical flower bads (vertical gardens) on your balcony. That vegetables will be a lot healthier then the one you buy in the market because there is no spraying with insecticides.
4. When you need to buy something just to supstitude your emontional needs rather visit a friend or go for a long walk to the nature. I guess you will get a better effect. I do that.
5. When your phone or tv doesn't work anymore maybe you should buy a "new" one on the platform for a second hend things.Usually works as good as a new one for a half the price of the new.

Martha B
Martha B - 24.07.2023 20:04

Drinking teas don’t cause kidney stones. Just like sugar doesn’t cause diabetes. I am 78 and drink tea all day long. It is the drink of the south and I can tell you that our water causes kidney stones in some people and foods cause kidney stones in some people. Your stones need to be analyzed.

Surekha Galagoda
Surekha Galagoda - 22.07.2023 16:04

I am very carful how I spend money but I do indulge in shopping for craft items once in a way.

D S - 22.07.2023 02:59

suggest you pause streaming on an app. not cancel

Konsuelo Ramírez
Konsuelo Ramírez - 20.07.2023 20:54

I loved this video and your ideas. Thank you for sharing!

Stéphanie Gp
Stéphanie Gp - 19.07.2023 11:25

Thank you from France for your advices🌺🌸🌺

I J'adore Jewels
I J'adore Jewels - 19.07.2023 07:03

Great ideas, thanks!!

Robert Chavez
Robert Chavez - 18.07.2023 22:16

You can ask for a lower “unadvertised” internet plan of 3 megabytes which is more than enough to stream videos and movies but you have to ask and by law they have to tell you they have it, which they usually do. The usual plans have more standard 8 megabytes which is costlier per month. Also, Mint Mobile and Cricket all use AT&T network systems. Cricket is about half the cost of AT&T and Mint is half of Cricket. So you’ll pay about 25% on Mint as you would an a similar AT&T plan but you’ll be using the AT&T phone network systems.

Precious Moments
Precious Moments - 18.07.2023 00:06

Excellent advice 😊
