The REAL problem is the Internal Anal Sphincter!

The REAL problem is the Internal Anal Sphincter!

Your Friendly Proctologist

11 месяцев назад

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southpawlibra nine
southpawlibra nine - 24.11.2023 03:43

Hi can fissures be not that painful?

Tiffany A
Tiffany A - 07.11.2023 18:44

Are anal dilators good when have chronic anal fissure? I know my sphincter is super tight because even my finger can barely go in, its so tight! THANK YOU DR!❤

Gabriel Gray
Gabriel Gray - 06.11.2023 13:34

So I’ve had an anal fissure for about 2 years now, I’ve used every cream and wipe that I can find, and nothing has helped

Francis Hernan
Francis Hernan - 30.10.2023 18:16

Thank you doctor!thank you! thank you! thank you!🎉

Jon Boz
Jon Boz - 17.10.2023 03:00

Great advice. Thank you very much!

Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers - 09.10.2023 23:37

It's ironic they played burrito ads for this vid

Dhanmani Kalita
Dhanmani Kalita - 05.10.2023 14:44

You are gem Dr

Caroline Finlay
Caroline Finlay - 01.10.2023 16:19

How do I calm a chronic anal fissure and get a life

__ - 23.09.2023 21:26


I've had chronic constipation since birth but didn't realize the extent until I got into my 20's. I discovered DGL licorice 3 times daily caused consistent bowel movements and gave me enough brain clarity/physical energy to get by without solving the underlying problem. Then, 3 years ago (Jan 2020) I accidentally removed a SIBO infection with neem leaf. Once the SIBO was removed the licorice no longer helped with bowel movements. So, I've spent the last 3yrs using the scientific process to dig deep and gain a thourough understanding of my problem.

Fast forward to the present....My surgeon convinced me to get pelvic floor botox injections even though I told her I'm not even feeling an urge to defecate which means there is likely an issue with the parasympathetic nerves communicating with the internal anal sphincter. My hypotheses were all ignored. Well, I got 300 units of botox injected all around my pelvic floor last week. It's now been 9 days with ZERO changes. Things feel just as tight and I have no urge to defecate. So, I'm doing more research to understand how to manipulate the internal anal sphincter. If anyone has tips on learning resources that have helped them please let me know. I've already graduated from biofeedback therapy which didn't help and i'm scheduled for pelvic floor physio next month.

For You
For You - 22.09.2023 04:32

hey poopoo lovers. Do you wanna see the Evil Proctologist???

For You
For You - 22.09.2023 04:31

420 likes. niceeeeeeee

omgzfuup - 14.09.2023 06:50

The problem might actually be the food you are eating, but thay won't be part of traditional medical teaching

Brinda Bair
Brinda Bair - 03.09.2023 17:52

Yes!! I started pelvic floor therapy last month and am experiencing significant relief. My therapist is using dry needling as well. We could both feel the anal sphincter muscle relax immediately when she dry needled the anal area. I can't recommend it enough

Salman CC
Salman CC - 29.08.2023 06:38

Could you please explain about the rectal prolapse with animation and how can repair with excercise? Please

Terri Hildebrandt
Terri Hildebrandt - 28.08.2023 18:20

I think I get a condition called proctalgia fugax, at least I think that’s what the GI surgeon said when he touched a place that brought on severe pain. If I’m at work, I have to leave immediately as the pain is 9/10. On the occasion when it comes on, only prescription pain medication and a heating pad, stops the debilitating pain. Can you address this? Am I alone in having this? By the way, I exercise everyday. I am a retired triathlete (this condition started then).

Terri Hildebrandt
Terri Hildebrandt - 28.08.2023 18:15

It always comes back, no matter what.

Terri Hildebrandt
Terri Hildebrandt - 28.08.2023 18:12


jeffrey kramer
jeffrey kramer - 28.08.2023 03:42

Dr. Chung, Your videos are immensely informative on a subject not given deserved attention. Question: For those who must live with "chronic" anal fissures for a long period of time (5-15 years), what is the chance of developing anal fistula? What about developing a form of anal cancer? Would greatly appreciate your opinion. Thanks again.

Arriell Bell
Arriell Bell - 27.08.2023 07:23

Thank you so much for your educational videos! They are very relatable, helpful and comforting. I’m in the process of figuring out exactly what is causing my bright red bleeding episodes. I’m only 30 years old and had to get a colonoscopy which came back normal. They didn’t even detect hemorrhoids. My MD is now referring me back to GI to have an exam. I had this feeling that my anal sphincter muscles were too tight even before watching this video. I’m a physical therapist assistant so I was overjoyed to hear you recommend a pelvic floor specialist. I’m going to take all the necessary steps my doctor recommends to figure out where the bleeding is coming from but I’m also now going to see if he can refer me to a pelvic floor specialist since I’ve been dealing with constipation since I was a child. Sorry for the long rant, but maybe someone out there can relate to my story. It’s such a process and really does interfere with your life. Thank you again for these videos. I’ve been watching a bunch of them back to back just trying to learn more. Keep up the great work! You are helping so many people ❤️

Matt Milford
Matt Milford - 20.08.2023 09:45

"Deep dive into it." Oh Doctor! ;-)

Hilarie Calijo
Hilarie Calijo - 19.08.2023 09:09

I really needed someone who related and actually could find the cause and remedy. Thank you sir 😊also I just had the worst lower back spasms. I was terrified. Literally happened 3 days ago…you’re honestly my favorite person…god send

Chris T.
Chris T. - 14.08.2023 21:06

My sphincter is so tight, I can't even find the 'tunel' to put the nose of the anal cream inside.. Is this normal or am I afraid after having pain and blood in toilet due to hemorhoids? Thanks

Okiemute Onofurho
Okiemute Onofurho - 06.08.2023 16:08

Please I need assistance and advice, I had hemorrhoid surgery 4months ago, some days I feel good down there and other days it’s one thing or the other, the most common I feel right now is that I get liquid poop leaking out my anus, really frustrating and it’s depriving me of leaving the house because some days just might be heavier than others, please is this normal and will it ever stop? I also feel like my anal hole has become too small to pass out poop properly. Please someone talk to me.

Okiemute Onofurho
Okiemute Onofurho - 06.08.2023 16:07

Please I need assistance and advice, I had hemorrhoid surgery 4months ago, some days I feel good down there and other days it’s one thing or the other, the most common I feel right now is that I get liquid poop leaking out my anus, really frustrating and it’s depriving me of leaving the house because some days just might be heavier than others, please is this normal and will it ever stop? I also feel like my anal hole has become too small to pass out poop properly. Please someone talk to me.

Alma Broze
Alma Broze - 05.08.2023 01:38

Thanks, I am feeling better with the therapy 😊not burning by not eating any apicy food

lhlc ins
lhlc ins - 04.08.2023 20:19

This doctor is the best i learned so much from him.

Track and Field Life
Track and Field Life - 03.08.2023 22:42

What do you think about slippery elm?

S - 03.08.2023 19:09

Sphincterotomy took my pain and bleed but gave me unshaped hole and feeling that I always constipated and hemorrhoids my butthole swelling and close my hole thats why i always feel my number 2 never done even if i go to the toilet and i cant fix this i go to many many many doctors

Chewstamania 74
Chewstamania 74 - 02.08.2023 18:56

Hi Dr Chung, great video once again. My wife has suffered for years now and it’s depressing and I can’t take her pain for her.
I have looked and can’t find info on this, but could a fall on the coccyx have any knock on effect in the anal region?

♡Just_Ruby♡ - 02.08.2023 07:51

I was tolled I had a hemorrhoids for ages so I watch you nothing worked then I lost 10 kg was bleed alot go anemic and was only awake 3 hours a day turns out I had ibd for about a year and every said it was a hemorrhoids now I'm on a infusion for 2 year alot better now 😊

Prachi Hatibaruah
Prachi Hatibaruah - 01.08.2023 22:59

Dr. Chung I had a question. I've got anal fissures and applying nifedipine ointment using the rectal applicator inside the anus hurts a bit. Should I continue using it or is there some other way?

Fun With J.
Fun With J. - 01.08.2023 20:51

I recently got the dreaded butt noid lol.. I’ve been taking salt baths, helps a lot but the best thing I found is the Prep H lidocaine spray…omg it’s the highest strength you can get other than Rx, it’s less messy than cream and long lasting!! One tip… spray on a tissue to apply because it stings a bit at first.

Based Nation
Based Nation - 01.08.2023 05:34

Hey @your friendly proctologist What is exercises to do for constipation?

James hendrickson
James hendrickson - 01.08.2023 01:39

Dr c can I have 2 fissures at the same time?

Elizabeth MM
Elizabeth MM - 01.08.2023 00:36

Have any of you tried healing oils? And seen results? I want to try but ugh I don't want to waste money if it doesn't work. I'm tired of this situation it's very frustrating to have good days and then boom! Back to square one.. 😔

David Snider
David Snider - 31.07.2023 23:08

Doctor Does taking senokot help move hard wide stools out!

Shamim bibi
Shamim bibi - 31.07.2023 15:23

Thank you Dr

Louis Pittman
Louis Pittman - 31.07.2023 03:57

I have good days and bad days. Some days, it looks like I field dressed a deer in the toilet. I'm severely anemic from that bleeding and possibly internal bleeding somewhere else. Carnivore diet and eating liver often helps replace iron loss

Bonuedi Esther
Bonuedi Esther - 30.07.2023 22:20

Please when you visit the wash room and see blood in your puu , please what could be the problem?

Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson - 30.07.2023 21:58

Doc, I just want to thank you for making these videos, even aside from the stellar medical advice your tone and demeanor are so validating and comforting, you’ve really helped me get through the mental trials of this painful experience. Your advocating for more natural ways of healing is so encouraging, again I just want to thank you for doing what you do 🥲

IX.B.43 Srishti.76.11
IX.B.43 Srishti.76.11 - 30.07.2023 15:11

Dr Chung I had my laser surgery yesterday for piles and fissures
And now I'm suffering from diarrhea and still feeling constipated
Is this normal?
I'm a 16 year old child
And in a lot of trouble
Plzzzz reply

Peyton Maffie
Peyton Maffie - 30.07.2023 12:08

Yo ur a good guy bro

turtle_enthousiast - 30.07.2023 01:13

Ironic this video comes up. My doctor said the same thing. He believes there is no wound. He went in with a camera. Now on to hypertonic pelvic muscle release exercise

lil Jay
lil Jay - 30.07.2023 00:34

Should i get normal surgery or pph with staples

Barbara Webb
Barbara Webb - 29.07.2023 22:21

Can the spasm from the internal anal sphincter cause constipation? If I consult with you, can you guide me where to get help in the Philadelphia/New York/Baltimore area?

Sailormade⚓️ - 29.07.2023 18:09

Hi Doc, can you please do a video for people who poop large amounts of poo? Not the size of the poo but the amount. What are the causes, and is it normal?

frxnkk2kutthroat - 29.07.2023 09:31

u said u had got it banded did that resolve issues?

Thota Vikram
Thota Vikram - 29.07.2023 08:09

What a thumb nail sirji,great innovation 😂

Landon - 29.07.2023 05:48

Can you apply pranicura and diltiazem at the same time to heal fissures?
