Are you good at quizzes? Then challenge yourself against these 30 general knowledge quiz questions.

Are you good at quizzes? Then challenge yourself against these 30 general knowledge quiz questions.

Quiz Master Dale

55 лет назад

11,538 Просмотров

Welcome to my general knowledge quiz.

It's a fast paced quiz with 30 questions and 10-12 seconds to read the question and pick your answer.

Good mix of challenging questions, most of which are multiple choice.

I create different styles of quizzes with this one being the most difficult, it allows me to learn new things when researching the questions which I find very enjoyable.

The quiz might be a bit quick for some, if so, when you start the video there is a settings button at the bottom right, if you click that you can change the playback speed to a more suitable one.

Enjoy & Good Luck!

GK Pub Quiz Trivia.

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