Did The Atom Bomb Save Pakistan? Ft. Pervez Hoodbhoy | EP90 @PervezHoodbhoyOfficial

Did The Atom Bomb Save Pakistan? Ft. Pervez Hoodbhoy | EP90 @PervezHoodbhoyOfficial

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@user-wo8rj4lj6l - 30.04.2024 23:54

Hoodbhoy Pakistan want you and same men as you please come again and again on t v and vlong and say to pakistani

@rebasingh258 - 01.05.2024 20:39

Pakistan has wasted so much money on the atom bomb that it is going bankrupt.

@rebasingh258 - 01.05.2024 20:50

Oakistan owes do much money to China that it cannot even pay the interest on the debt. Our rich Sikh brothers of Canada will repay all debts of Pakistan. They want you to give them the Paki Punjab. We will convert it into Khalistan with the capital at Lahore which was the capital of our great Maharajah Ranjeet Singh. Also Nankana s Sahib is the birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Pakistanis can stay in Paki Punjab if they convert into Sikhs. Otherwise they can go to Arab countries, Iran, Turkey etc which ever country they lije. We will give independence to Sindh and Balochistan. We will hand over Khyber Pakhtunwa to Afghanistan and give Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir to to India.
Pakistanus xhoukd consider this proposal seriously.

@maheshmanik1500 - 04.05.2024 15:15

What CHINA has given to PAKISTAN is heap of dynamite in form of coal which is outdated for power generation, and nuclear reactors to enrich Uranium for generation of power.
It's TRUE that Uranium is dangerous for power generation. Even Coal is hazardous for health and Enovironment and causes climate change.

@mohammadafzal9275 - 05.05.2024 11:13

بنگلہ دیش علیحدہ ھونے کی تحریک پاکستان بننے کے ساتھ شروع ھو گئ۔۔بنگالی کمال چالاکی سے ھندوستان کی تقسیم کے وقت پاکستان کے ساتھ مل گیے ۔۔جوںہی پاکستان بنا انہون نے پاکستان سے علیحدہ ھونے کی کوشش شروع کردی ۔۔۔

@auravk1660 - 06.05.2024 21:44

iske jyada views to bharat se he aaenge pakistan mein to net bhi chalta hoga sahi se haha

@pramodgupta5432 - 07.05.2024 19:19

Parvez ji, I am from Kolkata, India. I could understand that you Sir, being a Pakistani, could not express yourself openly and totally on any point for fear of your army. I now remember one of your programmes where you had been heckled (very badly mistreated) by a retired Pakistani army officer (bespectacled) whose name I can not recall, the reason was that you were arguing and soliciting for modern, advanced, prosperous and successful Pakistan and that army officer was siding with anti - India propaganda, even started calling you bad names, even twisting your surname.
Yes, you have to be diplomatic for fear of blasphemy law. But I totally agree with you that only the change in education system can make Pakistan equal with other nations.
You are now aged and I think it now went out of your capacity to overhaul Pakistani education system and hope that someday someone will come forward and do this job.
Lastly, if I could take your hint my way, I will also think that difference between the Indian secular education system and Pakistani education system (based on religion, I think) is one and only, the religion.

And lastly again, you are in 2nd tier to Raja Rammohan Roy & Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar because they were successful in starting meaningful changes in society but you are not. Disheartened, yes but hopeful for future. And remember, being in 2nd tier is also a very very big achievement, means you are thinking right, at least. Hat's off to you.

@ehsankhan7986 - 09.05.2024 06:08

Who did this to bangali people. Not me. It was so called,, Pakistani fauj,,

@rebasingh258 - 10.05.2024 20:06

The educated people of Pakistan must consider the following facts.
1. JINNAH decided that India should be partitioned on the basis of relihion. At first he said that in Muslim majority Pakistan the minorities could live safely. He also said that the Muslims left behind in India would live their.
2. Immediately after partition the Muslims of Pakistan started massacaring the Sikhs and Hindus. They were forced to flee to India. Jinnah did nothing to stop this bloodshed.The percentage of Sikhs and Hindus went down from 20.5% to 1%.
2. In the Punjab area of India the Sikhs and Hindus retaliated against the Muslims of Punjab. Many Muslims fled from there to Pakistan. Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru took effective steps to protect the Muslims in the rest of India. At that time India had less than 10% Muslins. Today it has 14.5% Muslim population. Growth is due to high birthrate of Muslims and partly due to influx of Muslims from Bangladesh and Myanmar.
3. Kashmir acceeded to India. Pakistan invaded Kashmir on the grounds that it is a Muslim majority area. However Pakistan does not welcome Muslims from India to settle in Pakustan.
4. Pakistan was created for Muslims. The Pak army started killing, raping and torturing the Bengali Muslim. Finally Bangalees Muslims revolted and created an independant country.
5. Now Pakistan is ill treating its Shia Muslims, the Ahmadiyas, the Baloch, the Mohajirs, the Pashtoons and people of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Their rights are geing crushed.
6. The prople of Pakistan must do soul searching to find out if such aggressive and oppressive behaviour is inbuilt in Islam. If not them why is Pakistan has been behaving like this.

@rebasingh258 - 12.05.2024 13:23

The atom bomb was a big waste of money. Pakistan was created for Muslims. So let this educated Professor answer the following questions.
1. Why did Pakistanis kill, rape and torture millions of Bengali Muslims and force them to become an Independant gountry.
2. Why don't you allow and facilitate Indian Mydlins to settele in Pakistan?
3. Why have you declared Ahmadiyas to be non Muslim? Why do you persecute them? They are also human beings lije you.
3. Why are Pakistani Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan so neglected. They do not have adequate raods, hospitals, and schools. Why do you opress them so much. In comparison Indian Kashmir is far more prosperous, developed and advanced. Still you want to take over zindian Kashmir. You want yo suppress and exploit the Kashmiri people. That is why the majority of Kashmiris do not like you.
4. Why have you been waging a war against the people of Balochistan. Before 1947 Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan. You have foricbly annexed Balochistan and are not burutalky suppressing the people.
5. The Pashtoons want to join Afghanistan. Khyber Oakhtoonwa was a part of Afghanistan and was conquered by the British. The people of that region want to joun Afghanistan. Why do you force them to remain eith you?
6. Why do you oppress tge Chridtisn, Sikh and Hindu minority living in Pakustsn? Why do you drny their human rights?

@Ryan-co6ze - 13.05.2024 02:22

India has more corruption than Pakistan. More political and regions discrimination than Pakistan and more insecurities than Pakistan. In new They never allow other religion to come up other than Hinduism. They are more fundamentalist than in Pakistan but what they have something positive is they have equal education. Son on beurocrat or a farmer’s son will be in same school and same syllabus and the. Outta are more free than in Pakistan. Inpakistan those who control the Pakistan they spoiled Pakistan. In India the North Indian think they are superiors to others and Hindus say they are superior to all others.

@jawaidmannan5265 - 13.05.2024 15:54

we the university students of science will highly appreciate if we can have some information about any of your research contribution for Pakistan.

@businessracoon - 15.05.2024 22:49

The host seems inexperienced.
Just asking questions from the script and leaving some important questions half-answered

@apoorvajain1945 - 17.05.2024 15:48

Mr hoodbhoy pahla apna aap say such bolna sikeay

@nbsharan5000 - 18.05.2024 15:34

Country which donot have atom bomb whether the country died?

@rajanpatel57 - 22.05.2024 21:02

@ dr hoodbhoy # one man curseder in pakistan. may the force be with you. ❤ from 🇮🇳

@essakhan-oh2vh - 24.05.2024 11:28

God saved we people but the fear of the some has lessened ......

@essakhan-oh2vh - 24.05.2024 11:39

لو گون کو رو ٹی نھئن مل رھی آپ پرا ٹھے کھا رھے ھو اپنے ھر غلط کام کو قائید اعظم کے سر منڈوگے کیا جرمنز کو بلاو نئ انڈسٹری قائم کرنے روسیون کو سٹیل ملز حوال کرو تعلییم کے لئیے جر منز بات کرو چین سے بات کرو ملک کی خف متُکرو آغا شربت سے کھو یہ سودی کام چھوڑ دو آئین سٹائین جر منی مین نہ ھوتا تو یھان پکو ڑے بیچ رھا ھو تا اور تم گد ھا گا ڑی چلل رھے ھوتے پھلے کر پشن سے اور nationalisation denationalisation سے مال بناتے رھے اب پرائیو یٹا ئزیشن سے ملک کا مال بضہ کر رھے ھو لا دینی و لل طینی کس پیچ مین تو لو گون کو الجھا رھا ھے زیا دہ ھو شیاری گلے کا طو ق نہ بن جا ۓ ۔

@thomashunter5645 - 30.05.2024 08:06

As Zulfikar Ali Bhutto predicted, Pakistanis are eating grass for their atom bomb.

@anjurkrishnan7831 - 02.06.2024 04:22

Dr.Pervez is a brilliant man no doubt... but I have seen some of his videos .. his India hatred comes out in a subtle way... ! The anchor also needs to shed his islam is great tendency...it was obvious when he asked Dr. Perveez what advice you would give a Pak "BOY" who has gotten good education... why not Pak girls!!!! Shows his latent bias...! Dr Pervez's take on Begalis was spot on ..... listen to what that drunkard duo of Yayha and Bhutto said about Bengalis... " Not worth loosing West Pak for those Khale Kalute skinny lungi wearing Bongs"!!! and finally my deepest regards and respects to Zia Ul Haq for screwing Pak so royally....keeping the nation dumb... Pak Zinda Bagh!!!!

@master_gi - 02.06.2024 05:07

Pakistan should respect their intelectuals and scientists.
We Indians too do not hear our scientists. We just like people who continuesly praising india

@user-hi5yd6qe7b - 02.06.2024 21:28

One singer..young man
Sang..Talat Mahmood..song.
I appreciate d.
But.. invited him
To Bitter.Reality.
Of Life Hereafter!!
Please 🙏
Gv Feedback

@user-fy3oh9lp9j - 02.06.2024 22:17

Pakistan had to prepare ,
Atomic defensive measures ,
Pakistan will answer ,
Atomic wars Atomic level ,
rest of wars rest of wars levels ,

@user-fy3oh9lp9j - 02.06.2024 23:40

Nation's ,strive ,
America got by murders threats what people learned ,till atomic war
Learned Einstein, had to pay attention ,
honest inventions ,use till today ,dishonest use came from Jews America Europe England America Russia Japan China Germany France Korea Australia South Africa,threatened world ,
Indi ,foreign interest threatened Pakistan ,
Iran , Pakistan became worst betrayer to people accepted Islam ,
Jews in Pakistan, in limit ,serious decisions in future ,true ,clear ,
Pakistan had to leave betrayer's deeds ,
Foreign aid , food , language problem ,height , Bangladesh, separation, political forces betrayed people accepted Islam, Bangladesh fraction in hatered ,
Pakistan's wrong deeds ,
England murders plans in India travel Pakistan, defeated found ,future , clear
Lahore Punjab Pakistan murders betrayer's attempts defeated ,early in limit suggested,
Weak state is Pakistan had to learn honest means to learn to earn to spend , salary to wars betrayers , in limit now ,
Pleasure , defensive measures ,

@DipakBose-bq1vv - 03.06.2024 13:27

No massacres took place in 1971 in East Pakistan according to this Pakistani.

@garamiglm2026 - 04.06.2024 06:01

Hoodbhoy is wrong...The Muslims did NOT do much science...The Persians did...It was mainly the Persians who are Muslims, who did science...majority of non Persians did nothing..except create nuisance

@RashidKhan-bk9hm - 05.06.2024 00:08

far too much religion in Pakistan. Totally unnecessary.

@hussanzia6986 - 06.06.2024 23:45

History is not conjecture but what actually happened. The fact is that the so-called Pakistan Resolution passed by the Muslim League in March 1940 does not call for the partition of India as such. It only calls for groupings of provinces, in the east and west of India, where Muslims were in the majority, in any future settlement. How India came to be partitioned was decided between Mountbatten and Nehru at Simla in May 1947. Jinnah was only presented with fait accompli and was not given any say in the matter (please see 'Indian Summer: The Secret History of the End of an Empire' by Alex Von Tunzelmann p. 192, among others).

@nabizubair - 07.06.2024 15:40

He is ghaddar

@ArshadAli-zf8if - 07.06.2024 19:08

Did atom bombs save Soviet Union
from collapse, its economy .

@03468554555 - 08.06.2024 19:22

I am here in europe from last 15 yrs, n its fact that west produces tech. Bcz rest r idiots , just follow the comments what indies and pakis are talking, who d f cares whats south r north..lolzz

@03468554555 - 08.06.2024 19:31

North india is pakistan now, who are light complexion, where as central and south makes todays india who r dark ..

@jugnuokaydais - 09.06.2024 16:08

Thats why Indian Bollywood heroines are preferred to be dark?

@joemaloney8839 - 09.06.2024 20:39

Hoodbhoy keeps vilifying pakistan's Nuclear setup. Look at the countries who gave up or do not have a good deterrence. Ukraine is a big example. See what has happening in gaza to poor palestininans. Look at Iraq Libya and Iran. If any of these countries had nuclear, even Superpowers like US and Russia would think twice before attacking them. india would have walked over Pakistan long time ago. Now they know the price they will have to pay the price.

@RindMalik - 10.06.2024 03:32

Son of The Soil.

@RindMalik - 10.06.2024 03:36

Mostly converted** Sayyid** in 1947😅**

@RindMalik - 10.06.2024 03:47


@MaradonaVsPele - 10.06.2024 09:19

Your ancestors were Mathematicians,, Madhabacharya, Sridhar Acharya, Brahmagupta, First Surgeon SUSRUTA, Charak,, astronomer Vaskaracharya,,..
In fact Pythagoras theorem was first deduced in India before Greece which is already recognised in Australia. You, Pakistanis have failed to recognise your ancestors very poorly

@indraadi - 11.06.2024 05:58

Surprised to see that Dr.Hiidbhiy has a conviluted idea of Indian society.This us the problem with pakistanis in general be it a commoner or a Professor,they live in their world and are delusional.

@itsallaboutmoney79 - 17.06.2024 20:34

Very fruitful discussion (Podcast)

@rajaumarfarooquk - 19.06.2024 10:32

Why the host is asking in English? It’s annoying.

@essakhan-oh2vh - 19.06.2024 21:39

God saved pakistan not you or any one else all useless dis discourse .

@ddmaheshwari7059 - 20.06.2024 09:09

Dr Hoodbhoy tries to show that he knows India better and he tries to out India down to show his superiority

@samiullah-ep7cy - 21.06.2024 07:42

A good social activist

@Mr.guybro - 28.06.2024 00:38

You should ask him talking about Indian or Israeli atomic momb. He is CIA agent working for US but in Pakistan.

@Mr.guybro - 28.06.2024 00:41

Ye Pakistan mein reh ker Pakistan ki roots ko damage kerta hai. This is his job.

@mukundlk - 08.07.2024 12:07

Need little correction. Because Pakistan army started atrocities on West Bengal muslims people started migrating to India and India was not in position to accomodate every one. So then PM Indira Gandhi tried to solve it with United Nations but it was talking tome and on request of Shaikh Mujibur Rehman asked help from India resulting in Bangladesh freedom in 1971.

@ShahidAli-un2ih - 09.07.2024 01:49

Yes of course.

@47goldberg - 12.07.2024 10:07

I m a North Indian, and I haven't seen any North Indian embarrassing or disrespecting a South Indian or considering them inferior. There is a great deal of oneness towards South Indians. Well, there might be some fraction who does racial profiling, but you can't generalise it.

Similarly when i visit South India, i find a great deal of love and oneness towards North Indians.
Please get ur facts and perspective right.

@Faisuov - 15.07.2024 08:19

Jo movie abhi release bhi nahin hui or blockbuster hai 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
