The Disturbing Case Against Julie Roys, John MacArthur vs Journalist

The Disturbing Case Against Julie Roys, John MacArthur vs Journalist

Ruslan KD

2 года назад

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@scottibreiding - 19.02.2024 19:20


@fromthewrath2come - 26.02.2024 09:42

Julie is a godsend for the church.

@catherinekershaw903 - 29.02.2024 02:01

I have NEVER been a fan of mega pastors or John MacAurthor. I do not trust him or others like him. A head pastor should know what is going on in his church. The ONLY MAN i take orders from is Jesus. Not MacAurthor and his cronies. Covering abuse is just as bad as being an abuser. I wouldnt give John MacAurthor my list breath of oxygen.

@mpactdesignmedia - 02.03.2024 02:04

Ruslan - Absolute RESPECT!!! Thank you for having the stones to put this video up! God bless you a thousand times over!!!!!!! When he flippantly said, "Go home!" to a question about Beth Moore and all his buddies let out chuckles - that was it for me. Where is the Spirit of God in ANY of that???

@donminday6536 - 07.03.2024 14:57

McArthur lacked discernement and love and the church did not demonstrate impartiality as the passage cited says it should. The same problem exists in the Catholic Church which for too long did not denounce child abuse by priests (and still does so). Women should never stay in an abusive relationship. Suffering for Christ? How ridiculous! Hats off to the journalist who has lots of guts.

@krupajk - 09.03.2024 02:35

As an ex-pastor of 36 years, this is one of the many reasons I left Christianity. One of the main themes of 1 Peter is that Christians are to remain submissive to abusive authorities even to the point of death, just like Jesus. There are no exceptions given so this would include all forms of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Read 1 Peter carefully and you’ll see that Grace Community was faithful to God’s “perfect” word, which meant the absolute condemnation and public humiliation of an innocent victim along with the total support and enablement of a pervert. I’m so glad I’m not tied to the book.

@krupajk - 09.03.2024 02:43

There is nothing wrong (or unbiblical) with what GCC did. There is everything wrong with the Bible that commands Christians to always submit to abusive authorities and for church leaders to publicly humiliate those they think don’t measure up.

@josephdennison4890 - 11.03.2024 23:52

One of Pope John elders , Hohn Cho a lawyer told them to make reconciliation with this abused woman , Pope John told Cho recant you're finding or be removed from eldership.

@josephdennison4890 - 12.03.2024 00:00

Its time for other women who was mistreated by Pope John's church to come forth,

@deirdrehelms5958 - 15.03.2024 02:33

I’m so sorry Julie feels the need to defend herself

She is truly saving people’s futures, lives and souls of many

@shanewilson2484 - 15.03.2024 11:41

Guy has his wife tied up in the basement and rps her 3 x per day ... not grounds for divorce coz he ain''t "cheating" and he ain't "abandoning."

@MikeSears1128 - 17.03.2024 20:14

I,m still trying to figure out this sites view, With so many words........Basic truth doesnt need this much time or words. But i think you might see the truth that this lady is a great asset to us in the kingdom. Drive that post into the head of the king. I like this sister.

@iguanatony4330 - 17.03.2024 22:01

John McArthur is a terrible person. I’m always amazed how people that know the Word so well and preach it for a living will not enter the kingdom because of their hard hearts and reluctance to submit to Christ and others.

@fofokeith - 24.03.2024 06:13

we appreciate JR. Courage and fearless reporting. Thanks Julie.
And appreciate that word from Ruslan in his proper approach.

@bradhicks5558 - 25.03.2024 11:30

David Gray not only physically abused his wife and children — often severely — he also sexually abused his daughter, and John MacArthur and his elders commanded Eileen Gray to reconcile with and submit to her husband. When she wouldn't, Eileen Gray was excommunicated from MacArthur's church and verbally shamed by MacArthur himself during a communion service (twice!). Repent, John MacArthur, and apologize to this woman and her children!!

@danwalters4865 - 26.03.2024 06:54

Does the Bible prove your point. Did John MacArthur say anything the Bible doesn’t say.

@valerieflanigan5842 - 29.03.2024 17:33

This is probably your best episode ever

@brianjohnson52 - 30.03.2024 08:53

Amazing voice to the whole body of Christ, yes ALL camps need to hear!

@bernardhenderson1146 - 01.04.2024 17:08

They will not speak against Mr. John. MC.... He is their Pope....

@troymccullagh - 02.04.2024 06:05

Enablers are partners in abuse of victims and just as guilty! They both need to be held accountable- the abuser and those who cover up, make excuses, and allow the abuse to continue. It is EVIL!!! Non Biblical! They seem like Pharisees and not followers of Jesus.

@troymccullagh - 02.04.2024 06:09

Thank you so much for this post! It is nice for Godly men who stand up for victims. Standing up for women and children is what a real Godly man does!

@greentree14 - 06.04.2024 06:06

I too have changed my mind about Julie Roys. I used to see her as a troublemaker. However, the huge abuse scandals in the church, from IHOP to GCC, to the SBC, Ravi Zacharias and James MacDonald, absolutely have to be exposed, and I believe God is using Julie Roys to do it. It can't be easy. I'm glad she's willing to take the heat. Our culture is going in a fearfully horrendous path of tolerating child sex abuse, and the LGBTQ movement is part of this. We absolutely can't tolerate this in the church.

@reginaadair5168 - 07.04.2024 16:08

Best doctrine according to whom?

@cathyc1730 - 12.04.2024 01:59

Always has been a patriarchy who disbelieves women about abuse and becomes her second abuser!

@robertlee7560 - 12.04.2024 18:39

She is owed an apology where is it?

@jimfoard5671 - 15.04.2024 21:12

I agree with you and Julie Roys on this issue. MacArthur was way out of line. However a recent Julie Roys columnist labeled Charlie Kirk as a "far right extremist". That's when I started taking some of her material with a grain of salt.

@happy777abc - 16.04.2024 03:50

Im not a feminist at all. But until you've been abused by a man and your kids are abused and raped You haven't got a clue! You're incompetent and unqualified to speak on such issues. Im speaking about the other guy in the opening w the hat on.

@MikeKrall - 21.04.2024 21:40

Greatest 🙏

@graceglass112 - 23.04.2024 16:18


@jackmckee8196 - 27.04.2024 12:42

This is my fav Ruslan video I've seen. Edifying to see a man so upset where proper upset is so wanting. Thank you, brother:)

@albertlopez2237 - 27.04.2024 18:53

Are these calvinsit puting her on the back burner now she's been going after Mike Bickle??

@aliceinoregonland3942 - 28.04.2024 09:22

Amen!!! 🙌🙌🙌

@christiansgetrich5938 - 01.05.2024 16:58

If he was convicted by a court of law, then there should be no question. the courts of law declare not guilty anyone who has a shadow of doubt as to the guilt

@carolyndavid7977 - 06.05.2024 18:19

This was my story abused by my husband and no help from the ministry he was involved with. His gifts were valued more than his integrity.

@sreynolds777 - 07.05.2024 01:47


@scottshaw5271 - 08.05.2024 00:48

MacArthur says there's no such thing as PTSD or mental illness...he's a pompous hypocrite with deep pockets and multiple homes....

@scottshaw5271 - 08.05.2024 00:51

John MacArthur is financially liable under law...of course they cover up and abuse people into silence

@MyGamerView - 08.05.2024 21:30

So I’m just a Lay person in the church, but I have been giving this topic a lot of thought and in a sense I do believe that the only ground for a divorce is adultery (in the case of equal yoking, both professing Christians) or lack of consent to stay (in the case of unequally yokes) now that said I believe in the case of abuse you should remove both parties from each other (with kids they should stay with the parent who isn’t committing the abuse) then reconciliation should be sought, but in a case of continued abuse not ending in adultery, or non-consensual living then the two should still be married until the time that one party breaks those conditions. If it end in the adultery, or non-consensual living then the church can dissolve the marriage covenant

@stella72226 - 18.05.2024 20:46

I was a member of MacArthur's church for five years then left. Few are aware that hundreds of people left Grace church when this story about Eileen Gray was made known a few yrs ago. Those who remain (that I know, personally), are torn and conflicted. They believe what happened to Eileen was wrong; but they've been lifetime members of that church and are highly vested in the volunteer work and outreach ministries they serve in. That's no excuse. I had to go before Bill Shannon once, with a problem I had. It involved two other members of our church. Shannon couldn't get around the fact that I had just cause to be offended by these two, yet when confronted, this couple flatly stated they didn't care if their reproach of me was warranted or not; they didn't like me and that was that. Shannon started ducking me when he'd see me around campus. These church minions (i.e. elders and counsellors) stay the course with MacArthur and his beliefs. They are paid tremendously well to be followers of apostle MacArthur than they are of God, so nothing's going to change at Grace any time soon.

@jackiegarroutte8970 - 03.06.2024 17:40


@yasminevans9973 - 07.06.2024 10:48

Amen. I thank God for journalists as yourself and Julie Roy’s. Righteousness takes courage and bravery to speak upon. We seem to be in an epidemic of abuse sadly among leadership positions and patriarchy runs deep:( Fame is a Beast. It clings tightly to “ people in positions and attention”. and loves to blind and bind us to self idolatry. No-one has the right to abuse their positions for the gain of self or “ ministry”.

@martyshrader661 - 11.06.2024 16:52

This explains JM’s stance on Mary. He says some nasty stuff about the mother of God. And I’m a Protestant.

@jabthejewboy - 12.06.2024 08:54

Dang Ruslan laying the smack down on GCC

@mattleitner5194 - 14.06.2024 01:38

Ruslan, thanks for using your platform to speak truth. Truth HAS to be at the core of our Christian living.

@paesetaylor - 17.06.2024 20:41

God bless her i believe her drisco is no good

@wonderlife62 - 20.06.2024 22:44

Julie brings fear down men’s spine because she ain’t playing around with abusive preachers

@OnRoadsLessTraveled - 24.06.2024 09:47

Direct answer. John MacArthur (who admitted knowing the details) and those who counseled Eileen, should have been taken to court as conspirators in child abuse and for harboring and facilitating a child abuser and wife beater. Theological arguments are laughably unnecessary. Would we also need scriptural reasons to doubt the sincerity of Hitler’s Lutheran faith? (I am comparing the syllogism not the extent of similarity in the individuals who are albeit in the same category). John MacArthur and the elders of his church were party to child abuse. Yes, there are scriptural reasons why child abuse is wrong, but IMHO the only verses needed are 1 Cor 5:1-3. The evangelical community should "hand this man over to Satan" literally by handing him over to the authorities because we are speaking of immorality "of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate".

@jenniferfrench1562 - 30.06.2024 20:51

AMEN Ruslan!! Thank you for covering the facts!

@beaminup - 04.07.2024 03:26

What they did with John MacArthur is hero worship. They worship John MacArther over Christ.
