Brisbane, Australia  - Australia's Next Top City? | Queensland, Australia Travel Guide

Brisbane, Australia - Australia's Next Top City? | Queensland, Australia Travel Guide

Leo Does Life

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wooloongabba - 16.10.2023 10:40

♥ Brisbane

zmmar007 - 13.10.2023 14:54

Brisbane is actually gigantic but if you're a tourist you'll probably never explore out of the CBD and surrounding suburbs (like the guy in this video)

Dave Had-Enough
Dave Had-Enough - 06.10.2023 23:42

Brisbane has gone from a nice friendly city to a traffic nightmare. Takes hours to get anywhere. Public transport is poor at best. Peak hours are the worst by far. The City Cat is the best way to get around if you live near the river. The"Valley" is the worst place to be after dark... a shithole.

Jordan Martirossian
Jordan Martirossian - 05.10.2023 08:40

When I was in Australia in June & July of 2017, one of my weekly stops was Brisbane. I really really loved the city and the vibe I got off the place. It's not as hustle & bustle as Melbourne or Sydney, but I think that's what I really liked about it. Just feels different but has all the amenities of a large city without the uppity-ness. Add to it amazing weather and beautiful beaches nearby (Moreton Island, Stradbroke "Straddie" Island, Sunshine Coast, and the Gold Coast) plus tons of outdoors options and you've got a winning combination. I hope to return to Brisbane again!

Up There, Down Under
Up There, Down Under - 20.09.2023 02:28

Well said intro. Suburbs are growing outward, CBD, South Bank, West End, and inner city suburbs are growing upwards.

Novosib90 - 15.09.2023 11:10

Every city will slowly suck the life out of you. Brisbane will do that that to. On top of that, the extreme dull and sleepy atmosphere (not much is open) will speed up the grey hairs.

Ricarde Pessoa Brito
Ricarde Pessoa Brito - 07.09.2023 21:23

Could you write legend in portuguese please?

Ruger Savage
Ruger Savage - 04.09.2023 11:24

All cities are the same,I’ve lived in Melbourne,Sydney,Brisbane,Perth,Darwin,but not Adelaide and they all have the same things in common-high crime rates,overpopulation,too many cars,air pollution,weirdos,and people that wouldn’t give you the time of day. I moved out to the country 10 years ago and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I recently went to Brisbane and I now realise why I moved out to the country,it’s a rat race and they can stick their cities you know where.

Borey Chhorn Entertainment
Borey Chhorn Entertainment - 31.08.2023 08:49

Nice video ❤❤❤❤❤

Squid Lord
Squid Lord - 30.08.2023 04:13

Get out of Oz. It’s done

Tanty Surin
Tanty Surin - 28.08.2023 00:44

5 Maret 2023
Brisbane, Australia 🇦🇺
Great City

Toni - 26.08.2023 13:08

You might like Perth and Adelaide. Sunny and dry.

Toni - 26.08.2023 13:05

Great place if you want to soak in sweat for six or seven months of the year.

Toni - 26.08.2023 13:03

Area-wise, Brisbane is about the biggest city, including it's suburbs of all cities. It's massive and people are beggining now, to sleep on the streets with their children because they can't afford a home or a rental. It's wonderful if you're looking from outside.

Tanay Albuquerque
Tanay Albuquerque - 24.08.2023 00:53

Thanks for checking out my city!

Mehbuba Sharmin
Mehbuba Sharmin - 23.08.2023 12:38

We love Brisbane…Beautiful weather and beautiful city

ryan s
ryan s - 19.08.2023 04:53

Brisbane is great but since the housing crisis 9/10ppl have been priced out of the city. Any advantage to living in Brisbane is now gone bcoz it's as expensive as Sydney/Melbourne.

QuickSilver Productions LLC
QuickSilver Productions LLC - 18.08.2023 11:28

Brisbane is my hometown. Fascinating to watch the amazing growth and energy that has transformed Brisbane to become the second largest city in Australia.

Elizabeth Whannell
Elizabeth Whannell - 11.08.2023 05:12

You couldn't find someone who can pronounce Melbourne? And someone who doesn't know Southbank and West End aren't the same thing?

Andy Tran
Andy Tran - 02.08.2023 04:06

Perth 😭

koolzdude - 01.08.2023 18:00

Born here, rise here, educated here, work here. Loved here, but I really don’t won’t Brisbane to become another Sydney and Melbourne, like toll roads, Pay Carpark at the shopping centre, lots of fix speed camera , overpopulated, awful traffic jams and of course No Daylight Saving!

Wovn Spinecode
Wovn Spinecode - 30.07.2023 04:40

And watch it all sink after the Olymics have gone in about a decade.

js fjd
js fjd - 28.07.2023 23:16

It's really not

Renata Pereira
Renata Pereira - 28.07.2023 04:54

Your video popped into my feed. I definitely agree with the title. AND with the Olympics on the horizon, I think Brisbane is THE city in Australia now.

Mh Kang
Mh Kang - 27.07.2023 13:47


Lamborghini Submarine
Lamborghini Submarine - 27.07.2023 09:53

Oh, and never call it fucking Brisvegas! That'll get you a slap real quick.

Lamborghini Submarine
Lamborghini Submarine - 27.07.2023 09:53

Brisbane has become and absolute shithole. It is a world class example of how socialism, given even a few years, will utterly fuck civilization up. It's over run with violent Muslims who have NO respect for law, "Indigenous" Kids who know they can't be punished by the law, its a transit lounge for New Zealand criminals, the people are forming vigilante goups to keep the youthgangs of the street at night - the police here are wonderful, but its just catch and released for criminals. So there are too few polic ebcause they are all quitting, too few nurses, not enough teachers, too many greenies blocking the highway so people cant get to work, an absent Premier, an Olympic Games we can't afford. People are hungry, homeless in uncountable numbers. You can't get tradesmen to do work. all of the infrasturcture is falling apart, no one can afford rent and the givernment is too busy kowtowing ot the Abos and the Unions to do anything for people. Come here,s pend your money freely by all means but dont think for amomen t of living here. There's no room, unless you're a tradesman. Gio back where you came from and be thankful for it.

Leo Naessens
Leo Naessens - 22.07.2023 07:22

I lived in Brisbane in the late 70s. I absolutely detested the place. A lot has changed since then, apparently.

SolitudeAU - 21.07.2023 06:36

Brisbane is a shit hole.
Not Melbourne tier shit hole but still absolutely a shit hole. People threatening to stab you just by making eye contact (1pm btw, bottom of Queen St), all the weirdos come out in the valley by 5pm while its still broad daylight.

I studied there for 7 years and i could not wait to leave.
All the roads are built in a puzzling 'one-way' design so if you miss your turn you're going to end up somewhere else without a choice. Add to that most ways out have a fuckin toll attached to them.
There's bugger all parking unless you want to pay an absurd amount. It's like they try to be melbourne with it's public transport, but QLD public transport is run by absolute idiots. Always late, half the stations are unmanned so if you get stabbed, guess what, nobody's watching the camera so i hope you planned your will out.

Also "Australian culture" is not a thing, it hasn't been a thing for at least 30 years. They actively erase that shit in the education system, not just in QLD either, but nationwide.

Dogshit city

The Tinhat
The Tinhat - 20.07.2023 16:25

Plastic beach

Kemosabe - 19.07.2023 05:24

Bro, well done on showing some of Brissy's hot spots! I live on the Sunny Coast and the kids and I love visiting Brissy. Suncorp stadium should get a mention too. I think it's the best large stadium in Oz to watch sports as well as a world class band or entertainer every now and again. Cheers.

Annette Rawlings
Annette Rawlings - 19.07.2023 02:02

The Southbank area was originally constructed for Expo88 - much of infrastructure there is inherited from that event, or expanded upon afterwards. Having the Qld Museum and QPAC within the area is also a drawcard

Macklin Wright
Macklin Wright - 18.07.2023 21:33

I’m a person that currently lives in Brisbane here to give you some fair warning about 2 things if you’re planning to move here:

1. Cost of living is nothing to sneeze at (pretty pricey at times especially if you’re near and in the city). And

2. During the day it’s usually pretty chill but at night around 10 people that are moody and can’t handle their liquor (in the worst way possible) come out and I suggest you don’t stick around or keep the interacts with any of those people to the bare minimum if at all possible. Apart from that the city pretty peaceful for the majority of the time.

Gary gould
Gary gould - 18.07.2023 15:30

Don't include gold coast as part of Brisbane lol

Thomas Farmer
Thomas Farmer - 18.07.2023 11:26

Any big city is a shithole

Ronan Dutt
Ronan Dutt - 18.07.2023 11:10

deadass live in brisbane and haven't seen like half these places before haha

Greg Bishop
Greg Bishop - 17.07.2023 20:16


M - 17.07.2023 08:16

Horrible infrustructure. Poor city planning. Terrible public transport. Barely any casual eating options, especially past 10pm at night. Swathes of people moving in from Sydney and Melbourne driving house prices through the roof. There is constantly traffic and they arent expanding the roads to accommodate.

Tago Mago
Tago Mago - 17.07.2023 03:13

Sorry but Brisbane is a shithole and the olympics will only make it worse. Crime is out of control, there are homless everywhere, businesses are failing daily and the hospital and ambulance system is trashed. They can't get enough teachers, nurses or policemen (especially after sacking hundreds of them for refusing to get a COVID jab). And the cities outside it (Ipswich, Caboollture, Logan) are even worse. The video is very favourably edited. take it from someone who lives here and can't afford to get out - Brisbane is not the paradise that this video makes it out to be.

Real Talk
Real Talk - 17.07.2023 01:08

Just FYI people that have lived in Brisbane for 20+ years didn't want anyone from Victoria or NSW to move here during covid.... You all litterly ruined Brisbane... Before covid Brisbane was great to live in but now it costs the same as Sydney and Melbourne to live in, litterly ruined by over population

Green Eyez
Green Eyez - 17.07.2023 00:29

Lived in Brisbane for 16 years after coming from uk , now moving up to cairns

Cpt Superstraight
Cpt Superstraight - 16.07.2023 14:44

Brisbane has always been the best city (after Perth). Best is it's location.
Tropical islands less than 2 hours away, north coast, south coast, rainforest and waterfalls.

David Seamans
David Seamans - 12.07.2023 04:06

Story Bridge, not Stony.

Ben Gordon
Ben Gordon - 04.07.2023 02:49

We just need to keep the Victorians away.

jack tattis
jack tattis - 26.06.2023 14:43

I have been here 43 years it will Not replace Sydney

Neo Decoder
Neo Decoder - 25.06.2023 07:49

I live in Brisbane, Australia and I personally feel that it is one of the most liveable cities and very peaceful with a low population but still has all the big city amenities. Probably what Sydney/Melbourne used to be 20 years or so ago. Its all about the branding on a global scale - that Sydney and Melbourne are the best cities in Australia so they're growing rapidly at 100k+ people added per year and that is contributing to rising house prices. Brisbane is relatively more affordable on that front and does have exciting places such as the Goldcoast and the Sunshine Coast on its doorstep. Not to mention the fantastic all-year round sunny weather. It is only lacking in public transport and infrastructure and a bit of entertainment/culture but that is soon to change in the lead up to the 2032 Olympics with Queens Wharf, Brisbane Metro, Waterfront Brisbane and Cross River Rail.

sawang cho
sawang cho - 21.06.2023 04:40

Yes,I agree with you.

Shaun from Australia
Shaun from Australia - 14.06.2023 13:17

I'm so glad you loved my home, Brisbane. Born and bred here for 62 years.

LutonTown - 09.06.2023 19:10

moving to brisbane from the uk at the end of the year - thanks for the vid sir🫡🧡.
