The REAL Reason Gaming Isn’t Fun Anymore

The REAL Reason Gaming Isn’t Fun Anymore


1 год назад

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PirítósKenyér - 24.09.2023 12:29

i got bored of gaming because there are no other NEW games. back then there was hype around these games. now its just dead. we need more games

Proloko - 24.09.2023 03:50

I really agree with this I thought I was the only one😅

Victor Hojgaard
Victor Hojgaard - 23.09.2023 23:57

Met someone who have spent 10000+ hours on gta5 online

INDIGE STUDIO - 23.09.2023 20:49

It’s not just gaming it’s y’all’s culture lmfao duh 😂

Sofa_King_Funny - 23.09.2023 20:12

Gaming is still fun, just some games like Call of Duty have genuinely become worse, thx to them changing things that didn't need changing and also thx to the agressive monetization focus.

Doctor Pla
Doctor Pla - 23.09.2023 18:28

Or cs go aiming sytem

Sticky Kitty
Sticky Kitty - 23.09.2023 17:55

Cross platform
Pay to play
None dedicated servers
And easier ways to.cheat/hack

Frog Glen
Frog Glen - 23.09.2023 17:38

Nope..That new Spiderman game looks awesome. Also go play some Japanese games ya normie

JustusN - 23.09.2023 15:26

Me: sees the thumbnail
also me: " didnt lanterns get added in 1.14 and not in whatever updates there were in 2013??? "

Crag - 23.09.2023 13:13

A focus on accessibility and graphics has stifled innovation due to the massive costs and dev cycles associated with AAA graphics.
The decisions of game design are currently made either by committee or by a producer and are no longer made by a passionate game designer or project lead.
There is a reason why games made by small studios or single devs are keeping the flame alive: Like VTOL VR, Ballistic NG, Outer Wilds, The Long Dark, Thief 1&2, Dusk, Dwarf Fortress, The Witness, Rain World, GTFO, Children of a dead earth, Xenonaughts etc.

BlazeOfGlory73 - 23.09.2023 02:30

Also a problem is that studios used to have developers who took their craft serious to make games. Now they are full of Tech Bros.

BlazeOfGlory73 - 23.09.2023 02:27

Online gameplay,exclusive licenses,microtransactions and stockholders have destroyed gaming

M - 22.09.2023 12:22

To be honest i think the next step is VR and that's still a long way from being perfected since no one wants to be sweating their balls off doing an actual work out after work lol.

M - 22.09.2023 12:16

You are the only one who brought up the fact that there was just as many old ass people online even in 2004 on WoW there were entire guilds that were 18+ gaming has almost NEVER really been "for kids" because there is such a high entry point. Who buys the kid the console and the games? their parents. Not the kid. Anyone who says gaming is not for adults and they will never play games because its for kids has to stop watching movies and any form of entertainment today or else by their own logic they are a child. I remember my mom telling me about grown ass dudes who cant stop playing video games and its ruining their lives.

Edgar Rodriguez
Edgar Rodriguez - 22.09.2023 09:16

I feel like people need to learn to evolve, These new games are really damn good.

The Darkness
The Darkness - 22.09.2023 08:50

Me listening to this as I spam watermelons in grannys house in gmod

G H - 22.09.2023 07:58


ultris07 - 22.09.2023 00:09

I dont agree with is this video, but it's not entirely wrong either.

Austin Levi
Austin Levi - 21.09.2023 23:45

It’s less about gaming and more about the games in my opinion. Games now are actual dogshit just like most movies and television. Great graphics, but almost always “beta” or “earth access” and never gets ironed out,

Nurse Xóchitl
Nurse Xóchitl - 21.09.2023 21:16

Live Service crap from big greedy corporations are ruining gaming.

Musashi - 21.09.2023 18:12

Simple answer: People got older, and they 1. Got bored of it. And 2. Latch onto nostalgia.

People call older games better then newer games even though that is objectively false. Only thing that was better back then was better stories.

Alejandro Aguirre
Alejandro Aguirre - 21.09.2023 16:55

In your case, and in your generarion case, gaming doesn't feel the same for different reasons as older generations like mine that grew up playing Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, early World of Warcraft, etc.
But, I agree with the innovation issue from a mechanics perspective. Nowadays you feel you're playing the same game with different skins and lore.

Arjun the Rage Guy
Arjun the Rage Guy - 21.09.2023 16:37

I think another reason why gaming isn't fun anymore is because of game patents, like the ones that happened in Tears Of The Kingdom and the Nemesis System in Shadow Of Mordor. At least they expire, like the "playable game in a loading screen" concept that was patented by Namco being expired in 2015 and the "arrow acting like a compass" from Crazy Taxi being patented by Sega, now expired in 2018. Still sucks that we have to deal with patents even today tho, even if they have them long ahh expiration dates.

Tۤ - 21.09.2023 16:25

No. I don't think this is it. Gaming isn't fun anymore because it doesn't feel like you're playing a game anymore. Remember Sonic the hedgehog? That game was ridiculous but we all played it for hours and hours. Part of the greatness of games back then was that you could pick up the game, and play it for 15 minutes, or play it all afternoon. Then you could put it away and play it again whenever you wanted. Games today are so story driven, with characters and voice acting and okay sure that's really cool and innovative and interesting and fascinating but unless I'm in the mood to take part in a graphic novel then it's not going to be interesting. That's one of the things that makes Nintendo so good at games. Somehow they still are able to make their games fun. Their Hardware is generally two to three generations behind the big boys, but we still play them over and over. I still love playing my Wii! It's fun. I feel like, today, we're playing out of a strange sense of obligation, rather than a desire to enjoy a game for a bit.
Case in point, I used to play Streets of rage. Man I played all three of those games again and again and again! Well Streets of Rage 4 was just released on Steam not long ago. They've updated the graphics to be more suitable for today, and yet they've completely maintained the nostalgic look and feel of the original game! And you know what? It's fun! It is a really really fun game, especially for those who did enjoy the original ones! That's what we need. More games that feel like games!

Davin Williams
Davin Williams - 20.09.2023 22:56

I'm not so sure this is the case. I'm on the younger side and I still have much more fun with older games the newer ones.

man3cool - 20.09.2023 16:16


Wallop Time
Wallop Time - 20.09.2023 14:58

I grew out of gaming, i used to enjoy it when i was young but now I’m almost a adult, i just don’t have fun as much as i used to be, i would only play games cause of either friends or siblings these days.

Patrick Racine
Patrick Racine - 20.09.2023 14:49

Just came here to comment I'm still having fun with games without seeing the video

Playverse TV
Playverse TV - 20.09.2023 14:32

fortnite sucks

MedEvacCat - 20.09.2023 06:57

yeah no. Things were better. Low standards.

HDSLAVE - 20.09.2023 06:43

Going from 2d to 3d was such a big freaking revolution of gaming and i honestly think we will never get anything like that with it again. It was like going from acoustic guitar to electric guitar with amps n pedals. 3d games like especially when ps2 hit, theres nothing that can recreate that level of revolution when the complexity of modern games is challenging that of reality

HDSLAVE - 20.09.2023 06:36

This is the real truth. Games didnt just get bad, there just slower in staying fresh. It use to be every year there would be a new "best game of all time" now its about every 4 years

Patikok - 20.09.2023 04:32

Bktw and totk are what comes to mind when i hear innovations in video games.

Korusu - 19.09.2023 18:29

I don't think so dude.
I truly believe that they have the same capacity to develop games, bruh in the past there only exist 2gb ram PC's and they did GTA SA.

Now we have 500gb ram pc and 128 cores. With graphics at 25gb

That I truly believe is that they win more money by just publishing 1 Game every 5 and then do a ton of DLC's. Marketing. Clothes, collectionist editions... alternatives versions.. skins.. updates and more.
Literally they win 5 million dollars monthly and they add like 1 new car very 2 months.

Is just not worth making ppl work for the good of they buyers.

Because they don't care.
They just want and need money.

In the past they needed money too, but they had a team that were working because they love making games.
Nowadays they just hire ppl that has been working on blizzard to make a cars game wtf!?

Korusu - 19.09.2023 18:23


Lil Fear
Lil Fear - 19.09.2023 16:47

Gaming is fun, really fun actually hasn’t been this fun since 2015. So many great games came out this year.

Inaluogh - 19.09.2023 09:06

Is there something wrong with me because I'm SICK of "innovation" in games. As soon as some idiot like Todd Howard says that word, I know the game is just outright jank. The reason I still go back and play the original Doom, Quake, Planescape Torment, Diablo 1 and 2 isn't because they are so damn innovative. The opposite. They are simple, easy to get into, and give you the sense that you're playing a game IMMEDIATELY. Tetris and Pac-Man will never be not fun. Skyrim? I can't even look at it anymore. It turns my stomach. There has to be a reason.

Grind Entertainment
Grind Entertainment - 19.09.2023 06:24

No everything hasn’t been done wTf are u talking bout

Grind Entertainment
Grind Entertainment - 19.09.2023 06:20

Naw the games that come out jus suck now

A simple Solution
A simple Solution - 19.09.2023 04:42

because games are woke pc and beta releases filled with microtransactions...

Dettoboi - 19.09.2023 00:06

Two words as a counterargument without wasting 9 minutes: Vampire survivors.

edyou2323 - 18.09.2023 21:31

I like games like supreme commander 2 and they make non no more

nikoloff - 18.09.2023 18:40

Nah man, Activision, Ubisoft and Blizzard releasing the same games for the last 6 years and pumping them with micro transactions is what is ruining gaming. It’s not that they “can’t” inovate, they just see that their clients are buying their trash man. If you think that gamers are spoiled, you’re way off the mark. We have no problems waiting for a good game, it’s the studios that release unfinished games and then pump out dlcs that basically complete them. Get your mind right…

LleytonSpades - 18.09.2023 14:42

Uhh… idk bro, I’m just gonna play some paper mario and xenoblade

SKRE nose
SKRE nose - 18.09.2023 12:39

The reason gaming becomes not so fun, is microtransactions and honestly impatience altogether. Great things need time. We have now literally 100.000 games by now and still not satisfied. There are still many retrogames worth giving a shot. Some games are such great fun that have much replay value. Then there is dos games or amiga and totally obscure game worth playing even just for historical reasons. If we want great games we need to stop spoiling and pressuring, maybe it is also a moment to attend to other things in lives in the meantime. Maybe you could contribute by learning how to code and create own game-related content. I can't complain, we have so many video games, it is still fun. Just need to explore other things in life that are worthwhile and fun too.

Knight Esquire
Knight Esquire - 18.09.2023 02:09

Alright, hear me out. Roblox developers unironically make good games. Arcane Odyssey goes hard. Also I just find myself replaying old games. Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man shattered dimensions, minecraft, old modern warfare 2.

I also have a lot of fun with grand strategy like Hearts of Iron IV.

Also I absolutely despise the "must look like real life" graphics trend. If you want real life graphics so much, you know what you can do? Step outside, into the sun. I like games for their weird graphics not "ultra hyper-realistic graphics!!!!!"

foreverkurome - 18.09.2023 00:11

Nono the reason why gaming isn't fun any more is because any time you go online you're greeted with woke assholes that fill up the entire chat or just fucking politics is general. Politics while you're trying to enjoy a game... Fuck.. No. Nobody is going to play like that. Singleplayer is still real fun though thankfully or just Lan MP.
