The Tragedy Of The Romanovs Explained

The Tragedy Of The Romanovs Explained


3 года назад

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Grunge - 20.07.2020 00:29

Do you think it's possible that any of the Romanovs secretly survived?

Taka Etono
Taka Etono - 13.09.2023 10:11

Imagine the kind of people you need
to shoot and stab a family with kids - for 20 minutes!!!
AND the pets.

Rimshot22 1949
Rimshot22 1949 - 10.09.2023 00:28

Absolutely nothing justifies the murder of children but Communists think their cause is so wonderful it justifies everything they do. Restore the Romanov Dynasty! Long live the long- dead czar! Down with Putin!

col4570 - 17.07.2023 10:05

The remnants of those shameful savages still exist in Russia and it will never be peaceful until they are defeated.

Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 27.06.2023 03:29

Russia, kept killing their saviors.

Ocean - 26.06.2023 10:31

Это пишет Юлия, я внучка оставшейся в живых дочки царя Николая Романова, Анастасии.
Я сейчас хотела бы поделиться со всеми моей историей.
Меня хотел убить мой отчим, Кутенев Вадим Федорович, который был бывший генеральный директор НАМИ, большой человек, который продался спец службам Штази и возможно другим, которые под руководством элит, тех кто 100 лет назад уже убили моего прадеда и его семью, опять хотели убить меня , сына и внуков. Мы чудом спаслись, мы живы. Те же люди, которые убивали царя, они хотели уничтожить потомков Романовых, только за то, что мы Романовы! Это бесчеловечное преступление они хотели совершить по указанию семьи брата царя Николая, Михаила Романова, его потомки через адвоката Павла Астахова вышли на моего отчима и подкупили его, для того, чтобы уничтожить нас полностью и избавиться от тел. Мой отчим нанял для этого плана моего бывшего мужа, мою сноху и своих сослуживцев. Эта банда практически уже была готова к совершению преступления, но что то им помешало и они перенесли его на другое время. Сейчас они продолжают угрожать нам расправой, все это делается при содействии Путина и его спецслужб, эти люди некогда не хотели прекрасной России, они хотели получать только деньги, продавая богатства России. Путин и его свора содействовали этому преступлению, они покрывали и до сих пор покрывают угрозы.

Aleš Kočevar
Aleš Kočevar - 29.04.2023 11:57

Nicholas II was the Russian leader but unprepared for further governing of Russia

JohnnyRico - 31.03.2023 20:55

A million peasants starve and no one bats an eye because it's all according to plan, but a family of rich people get wasted and everyone loses their minds.

Sushil Kumar Saraf
Sushil Kumar Saraf - 31.03.2023 01:56

The British king George should have given his cousin the Romanovs asylum. As usual the Brits never did anything thatydid not serve their purpose and interest.

emma bailey
emma bailey - 26.03.2023 23:59

WOH WOH WOH! Olga DID marry the soldier!!! She had to get a divorce first but they had two son together and they did they’re best to love relatively normal lives and passed away in a farm house in Canada.

Military Matters
Military Matters - 23.03.2023 10:04

Think of the millions who died under his regime he gave orders to shoot innocent protestors.

Larry - 01.02.2023 01:36

Kids only guilty of being kids

ThisIsTheTruth - 30.01.2023 22:03

At Least V.Lenin and J.Stalin killed millions of russians😂😂

nonameblues - 17.01.2023 22:11

Lenin never wanted them killed, he needed Nicholas to head a puppet government

Tramaine318 - 13.01.2023 22:58

Nazi’s who ruled Russia!

Real Chimer1262
Real Chimer1262 - 15.12.2022 21:22

“Tragedy”, lol, do it again comrade Lenin

J R - 15.12.2022 04:38

I don’t care if the kids could have grown and gotten revenge. You don’t kill kids. The monarchy was terrible living in wealth while the people starved, but it had nothing compared to the communist government that followed. In Stalins Russia there were posters reminding families not to eat their kids.

TheLegendaryBlackBeastOfArgh - 12.12.2022 07:12

One of the Czar's powerful lasting legacies, that doesn't get the attention it deseves, is the devastating problem of alcoholism in Russia. Cheap alcohol, in the form of Vodka, was the Czar's cash-cow and they held a monopoly on alcohol production for the masses. The more miserable the people, the more alcohol was consumed leading to a viscous cycle. Plus an intoxicated populace was perceived to be far less likely to revolt. It could well be said that alcohol was the Czar's power over their subjects.

In one sense they were like the South American drug cartels in peddling misery. Occasionally, when they were feeling generous they would throw the people some scraps.

Mary Altshuller
Mary Altshuller - 07.12.2022 03:05

Grunge, you forgot to mention that they were eventually canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox Church. My late husband (who was Russian) grew up in the old Soviet Union and didn't know much about that history because the Soviets didn't allow for open discussion of this.

Ken Weis
Ken Weis - 04.12.2022 13:34

Nicholas made many mistakes as a leader....mainly he showed weakness,by allowing Rasputin into the mix maybe even with his wife....people talked back then....the wife had to much power.
And Nicholas killed his own people when they were protesting....his biggest mistakes were losing the support of the people

Annmarie Blanc
Annmarie Blanc - 24.11.2022 07:42

Bolshevism is the most cancerous of all communism, of course Maoist communism is a close second, a very close second! The effects of this cancer still reverberates even today! One failed communist state after another destined for the ash heap of history! From the vastness of the former Soviet Union, to the smallest confines of Jonestown, Guyana all have a bloody and violent end! I'm Andy not Annmarie, and I am solely responsible for the content of this post

M. F. Richardson
M. F. Richardson - 19.11.2022 02:34

Always interesting
Thank you
Peace 💕🇺🇲

BrinaBre - 17.11.2022 23:51

The Crown brought me here 😩😭

Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:23


Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:22


Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:22


Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:20


Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:19


Ilya Ivanow
Ilya Ivanow - 15.11.2022 20:17


ijyoyo - 14.11.2022 02:43

What a sad ending.

Graham Clarke
Graham Clarke - 14.10.2022 22:11

Narration far too fast.

Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards - 13.10.2022 23:25

Who was the crying woman ?

BGTHTR - 25.09.2022 16:18

Uh, where's the sound.

chrismc410 - 25.08.2022 14:56

The House of Romanov is still around albeit a disputed leader and thus rightful heir.

Harriet Peabody
Harriet Peabody - 22.08.2022 23:40

Thank you for sharing. May those beautiful soul's rest in peace 😇

Rickeys - 11.08.2022 19:56

What a disturbing and brutal death

chichiboypumpi - 18.07.2022 01:36

What horrors the liberal bolsheviks in the US will unleash

Carina D
Carina D - 14.07.2022 10:58

I feel it is essential for you to say that yes they were discovered in 1979, but not reburied in a proper resting place until 1998. I actual think I heard that some had found them even earlier than that but did not say anything to anyone because they feared for their lives, cause there was still a lot of hate connected to the tsar, but I don't recall where I heard it..

SW1903 - 31.05.2022 17:38

the masterminds and those who carried out the executions were all ethnic jews, driven by extreme racial hatred, these are historical facts

angga - 28.05.2022 17:39

Leluhur ku, anastacia

AnnaRiley Loves
AnnaRiley Loves - 07.05.2022 13:50

They died on my birthdate and I Will remember them forever

dawg gone vidz
dawg gone vidz - 14.04.2022 12:14

moral of the story, if you don't want your whole family slaughtered, don't be a corrupt piece of human garbage who makes your subjects lives so miserable that they will literaly risk death to get rid of you and every one in your bloodline. How many gold chairs do you need exactly, if vast swathes of your subjects are starving to death.
You'd think rich, powerful people would learn not try to take it all. At no point in hitory has that ever ended well for anyone who has tried to do it.

Cdelane3 - 29.03.2022 01:56

Rasputin was a horrible man.

123benny4 - 26.03.2022 21:07

What about the Bolsheviks and Lenin's involvement?

Ken Leahy
Ken Leahy - 10.03.2022 17:33

The Tzar Nicholas was pretty much sheltered throughout his life. Even as Emperor he was probably kept pretty much in the dark by his advisors. The children should have been smuggled out of the country. If caught at least an attempt was made. As for Alexi, chances are he could have died before his 18th birthday. Otherwise, to ill and weak to inherit the throne in absentia. Anyway, what happened to the family was an atrocity. No wonder hundreds of thousands of Russians perished under Communism.

H.J. Hatcher
H.J. Hatcher - 09.03.2022 19:10

Do you think if the Romanoves was still in power at this moment that Ukraine and Russia would be at war? And would Putin be a gas station attendant? I’m just saying The ones that killed that family is in power today. Take a look at new Russia Putin has a stage to compare dick size lol smh

H.J. Hatcher
H.J. Hatcher - 09.03.2022 19:05

See everyone all of their extended family said no that’s cousins and others but tell you what I would have just showed up with my family and then tell them not to let anyone know that we are here till all blew over or was finally fixed but no he was king don’t ask do why didn’t he use his mind why did he just lay down and pretty much gave himself and his family to the opposition the killers I just think Nicholas could have been more assertive and got his family away from there Sometimes you think your untouchable it’s really so sad and not true other kingdoms had been taken and the king and queen murdered as well I’m sure he knew very well of what happened in France just a few years earlier. It don’t understand why he didn’t use his power and the jewelry could have been used to barter I think they lied to them saying they was to be released and the land was going back to the way it had been and they was to be in their way home but in turn they found their way downstairs to their damned fate smh one of the worlds greatest powers and family gone in 20 Min Like they never existed

CC - 26.02.2022 10:19

Tbh any other royal family can't even compare to this gorgeous family 🥀💐

Veronica Herrera
Veronica Herrera - 07.02.2022 08:23

Rest In Peace 🕊🕯

Lena Liz
Lena Liz - 18.01.2022 07:55

That was so wrong
