Sonic Generations 3DS: Radical Highway act 2 S-rank/Speed run

Sonic Generations 3DS: Radical Highway act 2 S-rank/Speed run


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@Grapefruittable - 07.12.2011 17:19

@chrisgp415 It doesn't matter. Use the one you prefer, both work. I forgot to mention earlier. Holding down works if you're moving. If you are standing still, you must press both down and the jump button.

@Jeanniespc131 - 08.12.2011 04:12

I get to the very last part where you have to click the Y and I am not high enough to get to that last platform where the goal is.

@Grapefruittable - 08.12.2011 23:32

@Jeanniespc131 You could like, you know, hold the button down. Just pressing it once doesn't really do anything.

@TheAgsystems - 22.12.2011 23:18

What the freak dude that was amazing.

@jokonascha - 30.12.2011 01:13

Thank you for showing that good speedrun! I tried it myself and I could do it just 1 time as you do. Now I can't do anymore the part at 1:33. I always jump to far and then I die. And if I hold the button but a little forward, then I don't come far enough... Can you help me please? Would be great!

@Grapefruittable - 30.12.2011 01:33

@jokonascha That part is quite tricky to me as well and I can't get it right every time either. You just have to jump at the right spot. I suggest you keep trying. You can see from the video the place where I jump off. That's about as much help as I can give :/

@ImmaNumber18 - 05.01.2012 05:57

Yea, Someone Kicked My ASS On This Stage Online! Now I Can Kick THERE'S!

@IPlay4aReason - 19.01.2012 02:31

@Grapefruittable are you asian?

@Grapefruittable - 19.01.2012 02:42

@IPlay4aReason Nope, I'm from Finland which is in northern Europe.

@CommanderBroShep - 01.02.2012 01:38

So the floating barrel part towards the end CAN be skipped! I knew it! Thanks for the vid showing how.

@Aasoko - 03.02.2012 07:21

@Makurou lol. That's actually the reason I watched this video because 1) it's one of my favorite Sonic game stages ever and 2) It's probably the only cameo NiGHTS has in this game and 3) I have an obsession with having to see every single cameo of NiGHTS. It is my favorite Sega series after all, which is why I'm slightly disappointed that NiGHTS wasn't playable in All Stars Racing. :/ Oh well, NiGHTS makes a cameo in there as well, so it's alright.

@MCMemoryVault - 09.02.2012 02:29

3d enough to put the sonic breakdancing sequence into the game flawlessly, but cant make the levels 3d -______-

@pianoace8sj - 12.02.2012 13:20

HOW did you hit that gold beetle? HOW?

@MarineMechX2 - 15.02.2012 22:31

This looks damn similar to the original Radical Highway stage from SA2:B. Nice run, too.

@pokechess1999 - 16.02.2012 06:13

Probably the only person who could do it this fast on real sa2b is sonicguitar i could never do what he does.

@Grapefruittable - 20.02.2012 22:05

@pokechess1999 Yeah, he truly is an amazing speedrunner. One of my favorites for sure.

@TheAgsystems - 23.02.2012 22:13

Man that was so freakin amazing. My best time on this stage is 1:50:08, but I can improve it

@MxPokirby - 02.03.2012 23:33


@MxPokirby - 02.03.2012 23:45

what?! how heck am i supposed to d-(beats level with S rank)... nevermind

@Adam90028 - 12.04.2012 15:49

What's your FC mine is 3523-2529-5797

@kamirosato - 30.04.2012 17:23

:S no me gusto esta version de 3ds me quedo rotundamente con la version de xbox360:/ tiene muchas mejoras...excluyendo lo de los graficos porque eso es lo de el juego es bueno -.-''

@Dinoman210 - 25.05.2012 06:24

My time is better by like a couple secs

@MathFreitas13 - 12.06.2012 05:24

Very nice!

@DarkkirbyKRPG - 15.06.2012 06:56

I actually find it to be the best stage for Modern Sonic in the 3DS version, but i guess everyone has their own tastes.

@Bowserslave - 19.06.2012 18:05

And I thought I was proud of my run of this stage O_O;;;

@ilikepie21234 - 19.06.2012 18:11

Oy, makes me feel good about myself seeing other people speed run this game. Reminds me back when original Rush was new and I'd always pull tricks like this off x3

@Grapefruittable - 19.06.2012 19:01

Yeah, Sonic Rush had some amazing shortcuts. I still don't get how people at TSC got those insane times but I sure had fun competing with them.

@zwabTheRealOne - 08.07.2012 18:59

Hadn't seen the Radical Highway from Sonic Generations, looks like a disappointment.

@cursonarobot - 09.07.2012 07:16

Wow, nice run. It looks like you didn't mess up at all, except when you decided to play sonic generations.

@VincentVanGamer - 24.07.2012 09:55

how in the name of Jesus' Grandma did you get that gold fucking beetle.

@Cupcom5 - 04.08.2012 09:08

Sonic's first time going through this stage other than vs mode in SA2

@Mariostern1 - 30.08.2012 23:12

Am i the only one who wish there was a Sonic Generations on the DS, using the Rush Engine?

@ruvinwolf - 30.09.2012 12:16

Personally I prefer the old Radical Highway... much higher speed and skill needed

@MARKITOS2512 - 02.10.2012 09:18

No. I want the Rish Engine too.

@DarkkirbyKRPG - 14.10.2012 07:19

Modern > Adventure 2 > Classic in my opinion. The modern one is so filled with secrets and different routes to take that it almost feels like you're playing a 3D level in a 2D perspective. The original and the classic one are good, but the Modern one just does it more for me.

@AdvancedDefense - 18.10.2012 10:28

You just need to be quick enough to catch it.

@VincentVanGamer - 18.10.2012 10:36

So what you're saying is.. I... gotta go fast?

@AdvancedDefense - 18.10.2012 12:34


@DewottFan - 05.11.2012 11:21

To this day i will NEVER understand why they have a SHADOW stage in SONIC generations...

@yenvegas196 - 05.11.2012 16:05

it's too bad that they didn't make this version similar to the xbox 360... but this version is alright cuz it has nice graphics!!!

@richm8864 - 28.12.2012 04:00

How you get this so perfect is beyond me, you are awesome at this game!

@richm8864 - 30.12.2012 03:12

I cannot pull this off, not without losing lots of lives, any tips for building up lives?

@Aceolu - 04.01.2013 04:41

In my opinion they should have switched the music between modern and classic's radical highway. Classic's sounds really "modernish", and modern's sounds more "classicish"

@Danthehed2031 - 31.03.2013 20:50

1:22 I thought i was the only one who knew that path. You're awesome on this stage! :D.

@dio8914 - 16.05.2013 11:45

it would of been better if they made the wall run longer

@billyaxd1555 - 05.08.2013 04:00

Yeah, I have 1:45

@TrentTheHedgie - 12.10.2013 17:18

If this was Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, you would've gotten B lol

@alanfru9704 - 01.11.2013 02:45

are you chris24

@XenoSonic1 - 15.06.2018 17:31

That final ramp is unbelievably dickish. Odds are you probably don't have the Boost energy before you make it there, and you're only given a very small window to press the Boost button to make the jump. Bullshit.
