love without attachment

love without attachment

Sisyphus 55

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@vipmonicake - 07.02.2024 06:51

What about secure attachment? Are you saying no attachment at all is the best way to approach romantic love?

@VenusianLissette - 07.02.2024 03:47

beautifully said.

perfectly executed.

thank you

@pratyyt - 05.02.2024 20:06

each and every statement is hitting so hard man! great video!

@radicaled8447 - 05.02.2024 06:53

This quickly just saved my life I’m so guilty of this

@DeadRabbit-ln8is - 01.02.2024 20:13

It's always "meant to be" for Chad/Tyrone.

@samuelgeorge7090 - 01.02.2024 02:01

Saving this, not just for the video but for the comments too

@clydenathaniel8117 - 28.01.2024 23:27

Monogamy itself is possession. The idea that you can have sex and love only one person is deeply patriarchal. To love, one must overcome their insecurity and let their partner freely explore happiness and experience with others, allowing them to reach their potentiality.

@soon1429 - 26.01.2024 23:45

Thank you. I really needed to hear this ❤

@user-eu7qq9hf4d - 26.01.2024 11:08

I’m mostly a giver of love and have learnt to express myself easily. After reading those messages, I think that some people just have those boundaries.

I don’t think those messages came from possessiveness I think they came from insecurity. Some people just have that deep inner insecurity and if a relationship will work with them, some sacrifices are going to need to be made.

Everyone is different, including in their methodology in approaching partnerships. Whilst I personally wouldn’t send that kind of text, a lot of what Jonah said goes without saying - no cheating.

I give love, I expect some back, but most of all I try to enshrine trust in the walls of my corridor to the future. If a girl is so untrustworthy I find myself writing a message like that, its probably best I just move on from them anyway.

excuse the very long comment.

@mountainman88 - 25.01.2024 14:38

Love without attachment can never be monogamous. It will always be non-monogamous.

@mountainman88 - 25.01.2024 14:18

Completely ignoring also the fact that we now live in a world of 8 billion people, i.e about 100 million people your partner could potentially find attractive, 10,000 of which live geographically close to that person. Without attachment, you'll probably get a good year of love from said person before never seing said person ever again.

@mountainman88 - 25.01.2024 13:42

Completely avoiding where paternity and family comes into the question.

@rwited9250 - 25.01.2024 11:31

I disagree

@eralyswallace - 25.01.2024 08:11

needed this. thank u

@maabjasim4036 - 24.01.2024 07:06

I recently broke up with my ex, its been nearly 3 months, we were together for 2 years and he was my first love. I learned that when a person is meant for you, nothing in this world could stop that person from becoming yours. I value the time we spent together, I recall the moment we danced in the moonlight by the river, it feels heart wrenching yet I am starting to look at it with fondness. Taking a step forward will hurt knowing that person did not pour the dedication and unconditional love you are now pouring into yourself. That love was never "lost", it was the love you poured into someone that has allowed to give you the space to fill in. Now you fill in space within yourself, putting everything inward. He's texting you? Don't answer. He begs you to come back? Don't. You don't deserve to live a lifetime of hardship. I am still grieving over our connection, and am still reframing my mind that this person did not end up becoming "the love of my life", "my dream man" and it's okay. Despite his many good traits he will always let our relationship dictate based on his mother's terms and it reached to a point where I'm loosing myself.

You meet "the one" until they aren't. The definition of "the one" is entirely different from what I perceive now as "the one". We are forever evolving beings, yet that does not mean that relationships always end when you change. It just means when you are settled into who you are at your core, and "the one" comes into your life, you grow together. Nothing in this world could stop that person from becoming yours. Absolutely nothing can. And I find beauty in that.

@johnsmith-up2of - 24.01.2024 05:42

So right, because having boundaries is bad. You should look inward and fix your own narcissistic behavior before advising others about their behavior. I have never heard such worthless advice. Go do your homework young man!

@tiggtiggs - 24.01.2024 02:15

Love is, unconditional. Anger, attachment, ego, greed & lust are not, they're obstacle generator's on the path to enlightenment.
We are what we practice & reap what we sow.
"Know Thyself" - Socrates

@Ibrahim-mt7ch - 23.01.2024 09:17

i would disagree this all ehich u defined is not the actual prospect and vision of love among philosopher's.
Love is not just an attachment yes this all which you defined has been given the name of lovein our current society but this wouldnt be love its more like relation ship stuff as love is very vast and has no beginning and no end.

@nonamespls3468 - 22.01.2024 18:39

This is too one-sided, why do men be portrayed as possessive? Women also set boundaries, they would not allow their man to expose themselves boundaryless to other women, they would not, and they should not. Why do Jonah Hill be demonized for setting boundaries? Men also can have standards right?
The golden rule is "do not do unto others what you don't want others do unto you", that simple, no need to quote dead psychologists, writers ,philosophers, "experts". Doesn't mean it was written in a book, that it is true.

@kaisontoro9665 - 22.01.2024 12:48

This type of whimsy in an approach to a relationship is so beautiful. But it feels so unatainable in a long term relationship. Because how can you love without attatchment when financial variables beyond your control attatch you whether you like it or not. How can i be open to a relationship simply ceasing to be when neither of us could actually afford that and still keep a roof over our heads

@alterego151 - 18.01.2024 15:01

Newsflash... everyone is selfish. No need for pseudo-intellectual drivel

@reviewbygaby3364 - 18.01.2024 13:48

Love is love

@TheTmshuman - 17.01.2024 17:30

Agency is a weird way of saying destruction of civilization

@John23875 - 17.01.2024 16:29

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me". There is only one way to heaven. That Way is Jesus and his word of truth. No other can grant us eternal life.

@slaskero01 - 17.01.2024 14:50

A year ago I ruined my best and longest relationship from doing this with the girl I wanted to spend my life with, this is really great advice and I hope it reaches those who it's not too late for. This kind of stuff is what makes self-awareness so important when you easily get caught up in the moment.

@bbcbrokebtchclub9344 - 17.01.2024 14:34

Men u see today is built by a line of women who were damaged by him for him to “GROW”, If this ain’t evil then idk what is

@hannanna1004 - 17.01.2024 07:53

love is like a tree

@v-buckschan111 - 16.01.2024 11:45

I typically prioritize the other, to the point where I neglect my own opinions and needs. And thus, at some point randomly, I'd just abandon the whole thing out of exhaustion.

I never learned to know myself deeply, just do what others like.

@gypster2004 - 16.01.2024 02:29

I needed to hear this right now. My husband wants a divorce, but I don’t. I’m committed to our covenant, but he’s not right now. I’m learning how to love him properly. Please keep us in your thoughts, I sincerely want this worthy and wonderful marriage to mend. Thank you.

@LLS710 - 15.01.2024 18:22

Some truth here but . . . if you were raised in the church you KNOW that men absolutely are raised to give of themselves in a partnership. This is too simplified here in how men are portrayed in relationships.

@johnboi7496 - 15.01.2024 10:14

Glad I watched this. There’s a woman I love who I cannot be with now. We have taken the time to be apart and do as we will. I know we still love each other immensely. I hope that she will come back and I hope I will too but I tell her every time we talk about it: “what I need is for you to be happy. What I want is to be a part of that but if I can’t be, ok.” She is the most beautiful person and soul alive. I refuse to crush this love with a grip too strong

@Le.Turtel - 15.01.2024 08:07

i really need to hear this... I've been feeling horrible this morning, since the person I've been having a fun time chatting with suddenly didn't reply, when i asked if someone else is bothering her... I'm afraid that maybe I'm just a planB in her overall sceme... this video made me realize,... so what if she has another one, she's not bound to me, as much as I'm not bound to her... listen without judgment, "love without attachment"...

@adambursi635 - 12.01.2024 22:11

as always coming through right when i’m in a place mentally where i need a solution to these problems. such a helpful video to help me reframe. i think we all get caught in our insecurities primarily and i constantly fall for the horrible “perfect” image of my partner i have in my head and am then upset and led to spiral out when she is independent or doesn’t do what i fantasized she would. but it’s so helpful to recognize that she truly is her own person and to love her is to respect her and let her dictate the image i have of her, that is to say, her true image, the one she has chosen for herself. thank you sisyphus

@noivern4346 - 12.01.2024 19:11

That would explain why people legitimately fall in love with fictional characters. People call it weird, but it makes more sense than anything else. Fictional characters can be made to fit a certain ideal without being capable of change themselves.

@trevortetzlaff - 12.01.2024 01:46

Might you be conflating love with loving relationships? I don’t see any possessiveness in setting boundaries for a relationship. A relationship exists when people have ongoing wants from one another, while true “love” needs no relationship, ongoing or otherwise.

@muniaen-nachioui9426 - 11.01.2024 13:44

great, I just wanted to hear a bunch of men explain love to me

@PalsWalkthroughs - 11.01.2024 11:43

please add captions

@sofusabelsen - 11.01.2024 10:04

it’s probably irrelevant but what is the name of the song in the background?

@Bambim8 - 11.01.2024 00:22

Relationships need boundaries to survive. Love doesn't.

@lordcheezez8003 - 10.01.2024 23:07

Interesting video def have to rewatch to fully grasp it….

@askew9976 - 10.01.2024 15:31

I’m trying to learn this in therapy now. I obsess over those I love. It drives them away. I’m trying to love and “stay grounded.” I want to love someone and not have my happiness revolving around their existence. Looking for happiness within myself. It’s hard to learn and control at 47.

@mybathwateristoohot359 - 10.01.2024 06:05

This was very comforting

@mudai_ - 10.01.2024 05:25

Videos that make claims like “men/women are like this” should be taken with a grain of salt.

I don’t know Jonah Hill, and I’m not gonna research his past controversies, but those texts are not unreasonable and he’s being gaslighted hard asf rn for it.

He set his boundaries, said no hard feelings if they cannot be met. He does not owe her a relationship, they’re not even married. If what he wants in a relationship isn’t what he’s getting in his relationship with her, he does not have to be in it.

Now he’s being called emotionally abusive and insecure 🤦‍♂️

@GodHelpMe369 - 09.01.2024 08:48

When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin,
- who later took the titles:
Pope and the Council of Cardinals...

They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer.

Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you,
and he desires that you want one with him.
That means,
you have your part in this.

Do your part.

So, when you pray to the Father, remember:
the words are for you to build a vision with.
In essence: Tell-A-Vision to the Father.
Let him see it in your mind.

Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy.

In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer,
you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it.
Congratulations, you just asked, believed and received.

Let us deal with this for a moment.
If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago,
it's because you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie...
This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored.
And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment,
so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you've been duped.

And now that you know,
what are you going to do/be, fake angry?

As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past...
Stop it! Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today,
unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.

Ask believe and be given.
Receiving means to be given,
therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond believe.
That's the Father's right
and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion.

Also, Throw away the timer.
Faith is simply loyalty.
Loyalty to the fact that you asked,
loyalty to the fact that you believed.
Stay loyal, stay faithful.
Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.

As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well,
it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head,
and it's running constantly.
We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us.
This is how silent prayer is heard.

And anytime you do anything good or bad,
your heart has an intention and emotional reaction.
That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged.

Do not end your prayers with, Amen.
To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended.
And in that, you're right. It's over.
End your prayers with: So Be It.
This way the energy moves into the future...

@yourroyalhighness6297 - 09.01.2024 08:29

the comment section is so wholesome

@yourroyalhighness6297 - 09.01.2024 08:27

you said nothing but facts

@eyadsy6208 - 08.01.2024 18:00

Just in time thank u , I was acting immaturely and I needed this

@mrblusky6957 - 08.01.2024 16:24

I cried because this is true. This is the hard lesson I need to learn. I cried because I am scared.

Too scared to be vulnerable, too scared that a person I could love might hurt me and break my heart all over again, too scared to be left alone with the pathetic sense of worth that is myself. I'm scared to be alone.

And I need to learn that.. I know that now.

@mizumuncher5809 - 08.01.2024 15:03

One lady told me I didn't love her because I have dull emotion. To put it simply, she is very emotional in every sense and I am very non-emotional in every sense and she felt that meant I did not love her. We ended up breaking up over this because she said she couldn't 'deal with that again' and while I was sad, I never blamed her nor expected anything of her. Maybe people who love with attachment don't desire to be serendipitous, but I felt I loved her. If anyone has some insight or personal experiences they want to share then please feel free to let me know as I would love to hear them.

@selkie.strings - 08.01.2024 09:46

we accept the love WE think we deserve -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
