Why Humans Are Vanishing

Why Humans Are Vanishing

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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HotData 3D
HotData 3D - 05.10.2023 02:37

It was very strange😮

Alex Barrios
Alex Barrios - 05.10.2023 02:37

Its just money and time. Thats all there is to it. If people had sufficent amount of the two then we wouldnt have this problem. After all once you have a child regardless of what some might have you believe, raising a child is a never ending task that requires your 100% of your energy, time and money. Nobody wants to struggle daily m. Imagine what its like for single parents to struggle everyday, getting few breaks, lack of sleep or joy. You also cant travel every where because it"l be expensive. Theres so many reasons why but i wont list them.

Ultimately, having children is too much work and too expensive. Plus people wanna enjoy their freedom and be able to go out and do things

JorgeConker - 05.10.2023 02:37

who would have thought that forcing people to work all day only giving them barely enough money to sustain themselves would cause young people to not want children.

명노환 - 05.10.2023 02:37


King Ming Lam
King Ming Lam - 05.10.2023 02:37

The greatest paradox is that not only do richer countries tend to have a lower fertility rate than poorer countries, but that even within each country, within the same society, richer people tend to have fewer children than poorer people. But there also seem to be a caviate -- the ultra-rich in a society, the billionaires, do seem to have more children than average. So interestingly, overall it is neither the poorest nor the richest who are not having children, but rather it is the middle class who decided to not have children.

V - 05.10.2023 02:36

Can’t exactly blame young people for not wanting to have kids when you look at the world

JP - 05.10.2023 02:36

This video missed the point entirely, people aren't having kids because they can afford them and there are no affordable houses. its as simple as that. Food, fuel and electricity has gone up a ridiculous amount in the past year or 2, why would a couple who are already scraping by make their financial situation worse by having a child? All the while the big companies are reporting record profits. Disappointing video, disliked.

Lakethief - 05.10.2023 02:36

so theres a baby cut into 16/100?

privacy please
privacy please - 05.10.2023 02:36

Am i only one who feels like this episode was paid for by some NGO or something, All the points seemed to favor one perspective and considered it fact that modernize=less kids as fact. WE dONT HAVE TO WASTE 40/168hour A WEEK at a job for modernization. What we NEED is a balance work life and affordability. Students are reportedly getting into less relationships in the first place. It is from a toxi work culture cycle i hope we’ll fix the class struggle in my short life time

KishudarK - 05.10.2023 02:36

Did they change the animator? Something feels odd about the animation on this one, like fewer expressions, movements and details on the characters.

GamingContent - 05.10.2023 02:36

I can't belive you made a video about my home contry... (I live in canada now)

rlarkdals - 05.10.2023 02:36

헬조선 ㅈ망엔딩

Bob Lolrus
Bob Lolrus - 05.10.2023 02:35


Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Lamperouge - 05.10.2023 02:35

Come to the Philippines guys, we breed like rabbits!

Otra Máquina de Decir Pelotudeces
Otra Máquina de Decir Pelotudeces - 05.10.2023 02:35

Why is people having less children?

Kyle Steinmar
Kyle Steinmar - 05.10.2023 02:35

I've read enough NSFW to see where this is going...

레온 - 05.10.2023 02:35

Korea's fertility rate just reached 0.70 just a month ago... and what is even worse is that fertility rate in Seoul, the capital of Korea, is 0.59.

Kaine Long
Kaine Long - 05.10.2023 02:35

I'd say it's poverty, climate change and politics that stop most people, I don't want a kid because mental health issues run in the family and I don't want anyone to deal with what is essentially depression and and the lurking possibility of schizophrenia in their DNA.

이끼사슴 - 05.10.2023 02:34

In Korea, no politician thinks about youth and future generations.

안녕 - 05.10.2023 02:34

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ

Darth Mortus
Darth Mortus - 05.10.2023 02:34

First off you underestimate how bad this is Kurzgesagt.

I mean you explain the issues of depopulation well enough, and how it is a death spiral of having more and more old people who then put more pressure on young people who can't afford children leading to more old people... But how does that cycle break? Because it must. And it breaks by letting a whole bunch of old folks die, it is almost unavoidable. So you have a kind of inevitable genocide coming, even if no one wants to do it.

And immigration is not the solution. People are already fed up and what is the point of keeping the country going if you replace what the country is in the process? If anything the conflict with the migrants already present is just a powderkeg waiting to happen.

BUT most importantly this disaster, which is a trainwreck on its own, is not the only disaster coming our way. We are right now tiptoeing around nuclear war over Ukraine. Global conflicts of all stripes besides that one. Global warming which makes the coming resource scarcity even worse and fuel even more conflict. But nukes are also yesterday's game, genetic engineering is really taking off now, nanotech is already following and the rise of AI will serve to complete the highway pileup magnificently.

21st century will be a crucible, if humanity makes it through this though things will be pretty damn great at least.

Intrepid H
Intrepid H - 05.10.2023 02:34

I like how every western viewpoint on this is "It's okay! just import more people from SOMEWHERE ELSE, but when you run out of places to import from WHEN do we finally start to encourage people in their own communities to self-sustain? WHY IS THIS NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED? If it it's so unfeasible WHY IS IT FEASIBLE to abduct another countries population????? It's absolutely insane that we can not fathom a society that actually grows through its own merits.

PRIS - 05.10.2023 02:34

Is it me or is it the case that the poorer you are the more kids you have and vice versa?

winniwe - 05.10.2023 02:33

This is my opinion as a 12 year old and honestly I believe that once our generation is grown they'll probably be even LESS adults having children and starting families since it may just be so costly, I can aslo see many people focusing on a higher education later into there 20s to get better jobs and they would most likely not have enough time to raise children and where I live the pricing of houses are SO INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE and what is adding fuel to this unfortunate fire is that certain countries are just becoming run by elders like italy and greece the potitans are many appealing to them since there the bulk of the population and not listening to the youth leading for them to immigrate to other nations some countries may die out.

🗿moai🗿 - 05.10.2023 02:33

Gee, don't you just hate when the older generations totally screw our futures and the planet, get loaded rich, don't give the money to people who need it, and then are like "alr peace out suckers"?

Noel Garber
Noel Garber - 05.10.2023 02:33

Kurzgesagt has really declined, and I can't really consider it a science channel anymore. This whole episode embraces the fallacy of eternal growth and completely ignores the fact that humans use many non-renewable geological resources at a profoundly unsustainable rate. 8 billion people is far too many, and the realization that benefits to population decline will take a while to become apparent is a pathetic excuse to not do it.

The transition back to sane population levels might be economically painful, but that's the fault of governments for encouraging unsustainable population booms without planning for societal ageing. As a species, we've made our bed, and now we have to lie in it.

Vegeta Supersaiyan
Vegeta Supersaiyan - 05.10.2023 02:33

Population crash but we just went over 8 000 000 000 this year💀

Mujisu - 05.10.2023 02:33

Actually it's better if we gonna extinct, cause humans created many problems and deserves it ,despite the ones trying to create a peaceful and growing healthy life

Michael Zaite
Michael Zaite - 05.10.2023 02:33

The problem is the capitalism fallacy. Capitalism needs young hard workers to exploit in order to uphold the system.

Break Capitalism and bob’s your uncle. We’re a net zero global economy. (Aside from solar intake) The “costs” are a make-believe. We WASTE productivity on capitalist bullshit. Assuming Three Generations from now is folly. Nothing will be anything like now by then.

God - 05.10.2023 02:33

It’s because girls only want guys over 6ft

alrn1 - 05.10.2023 02:33

its funny how we cant do shit about it, because the ones in power do not care

Luke Fleetwood
Luke Fleetwood - 05.10.2023 02:32

I usually like Kurzgesagt, but here they are just parroting the myth that immigration is beneficial to a society in the context of uneducated and unskilled people from the global south countries spamming their unwanted people into the developed world. This is a fallacy being parroted by a panicking global elite (and gullible mainstream tools like
Kurzgesagt ) who just want to up the GDP worldwide thinking it will bring prosperity. Immigration is a lazy and long-term poor solution to a declining population growth that will inevitably lead to social conflict, segregation, ethnic tension and the eventually minority status of the actual native populations who are going to get swamped by foreigners in their own country. All this pro-immigration nonsense is just reverse-colonialism in essence, where the global south, once victims of colonialisation, instead grant themselves the right to replace the natives of the lands who once ruled them. It should be noted that Kurzgesagt themselves are from Germany, a country already responsible for the crime burdening Europe with the immigration crisis by opening itself up, and thus the entire EU up to unwanted hordes of migrants. Kurzgesagt would in this video also have you assume that all immigrants are great and entirely willing to convert to the local culture and societal values, but this is simply not true, especially for illegal migration Many legal immigrants are economic and solely in our countries for financial gain which they then export back to wherever they come from, many of which either ending up moving back now they have got their share of our wealth. As for the illegal migrants, who are all criminals i'd like to remind you, and all perfectly content breaking our laws. These people are even worse. Many of them end up staying as criminals, such as the Albanian gangs or the Pakistani child raping gangs in my country, or the fundamentalists of Sweden, or the ISIS style decapitating degenerates of France. All across Europe, you will find disproportionately high levels of criminal and degenerate behaviour from immigrant communities. For example, in my country, 40% of child groomers are white, while 14% are Asian (largely Pakistani). If we then take into account that white people are 80% of my country in total, while Asian is 8%, it clearly shows that on average, the Asian is more likely to commit these crimes. This clearly shows that integration and accepting of our values is just not sinking in for many, who continue to abuse people as if they still lived in whichever shithole they could get away with such crimes in before. The Capital of my own country is already comprised mostly of foreigners and there are communities with less than 1% of actual native people living there. It cannot be a coincidence that the crime rates in these types of places are disproportionally higher than other cities actually inhabited by native people.

This video by Kurzgesagt is timed to be contextually relevant in light of todays crisis for the US and Europe, who will continue to be endlessly bombarded by the never ending hordes of the global south, which will continue to spam out these people as their birth-rates are not declining, nor is the prosperity in many of these countries increasing. Another immigration myth is that they bring benefits to the economies of our nations, but these benefits are entirely swamped by the deficits caused by uncontrolled stimulation of our generous welfare systems having to deal with caring for all these people. There is a meme in my country that you have to now wait months to see a GP. Take a guess why that is. I am sure there are many answers, but they all come down to immigration eventually as the root cause. What is happening in the global north with plummeting birth rates is the populations of these countries coming to terms with new societal norms. The economies of these countries will always end up adjusting to serving it's population. The idea that we in the global north NEED the people of the global south is a myth fabricated by entities such as Kurzgesagt who are now propaganda agents for the pro-immigration agenda whose ideology is collapsing around the West. They want the native populations to sacrifice their right to remain a majority in their own homelands and just lie down and accept that our fate is to become a minority in our own lands. This is unacceptable, and the main reason things like Brexit happened, and will be the deciding factor in the future of the EU.

What needs to happen at the least and as a start is the immediate deporting of all young single men who illegal immigrate into the global north. By doing this, we can siphon out the large majority of future or past criminals purporting to be refugees. Then the strengthening of our borders and the spreading of the fact that these people coming here are not welcome and should return to their actual homes. What happens to them is not our problem afterwards. They are the responsibility of wherever they come from. EUROPE IS CLOSED!

Archer - 05.10.2023 02:32

talks about falling populations and how damaging it is for the world's economy
Refuses to acknowledge that because of the very conditions created by the late stage capitalism of the world's economy that a fertility rate decline is occurring

Nykanoiツ - 05.10.2023 02:32

og title was about humans then we switched to koreans wtf 💀

Mr. Bern
Mr. Bern - 05.10.2023 02:32

As a young adult one big reason I do not want to have children is because it feels almost like social suicide, when used as a variant of the term "social murder" which is when someone dies because, very basically stated, the cost of living is too high. Why would I want to have a child if the costs of having one would bring nothing but misery upon my partner and myself? And even if we could afford it, I'd still prefer to limit myself to the one child because the cost of one is already ridiculous, so two is unthinkable.

This would all be gone if we had free education and healthcare. And by now I know most would tune out after reading those words, but it's true. We all want to enjoy our lives, but we can't, because from the moment we're born were expected to throw away most of our time in school, then college and then work, where only the bare minimum of our time can be spent on actually living life. So why would I want to essentially sacrifice that entirely, just to bring someone else into life who will have to sacrifice their life too just so they someone else after them can end up sacrificing their lives as well? It drains all hope.

Material - 05.10.2023 02:32

Where is Australia???

Lemur - 05.10.2023 02:32

Did anyone else just learn this in ap hug😭

EEan - 05.10.2023 02:32

한국 ㅈ됐네

Thoriq Akbar
Thoriq Akbar - 05.10.2023 02:32

cheaper housing solves this.

a - 05.10.2023 02:32

Always appreciate the Kuzrzgesagt video but the title&thumbnail doesn't seem relevant for this video since it doesn't really go into issues specific to Korea.

Just Some Guy
Just Some Guy - 05.10.2023 02:32

Even living in a country where the government are giving compensation for family that have children, it's still doesn't make a huge dent at all for it. All of my young colleagues just don't want to have any children and all of them have the same reasons. You need a lot of time and money, in which case, this generation barely getting any. And we are currently facing culture where a lot of people already comfortable and decided with living alone for the rest of their life. It may be sad reality but it is very real. There is nothing to sugarcoat about this bitter realization.

Raithea - 05.10.2023 02:31

Love your videos but this one kinda missed the big causes for Korea's particular decline. There was a study of industrialized nations and their fertility rate vs the perceived sexism of the population. There is a very direct correlation. If you watch a lot of interviews of Korean women who aren't married they will almost certainly bring up the fact that if they get married they will be perceived as subserviant to their husbands. Same in China. This also helps explain the difference in desired children which while you mentioned that European women want but can't have more children, usually from lack of support and economic reasons. In Korea and China the level of desired children is much lower. Also countries that have stabilized their fertility rates tend to have things like use-it-or lose it paternity leave. Thus beginning to adjust the social expectation so that anyone could potentially be on parental leave for a time and also that both parents are expected to be active caretakers. As well as providing robust systems of child care up through high school. In Japan, Korea and China school isn't free all the way through high school, adding to the very real expense of each additional child in terms of both time and money.

Chanikool Kritsanarangson
Chanikool Kritsanarangson - 05.10.2023 02:31

I don’t see it as a problem, but the correction to match with the global resources. There is a balance between human population and the environment. More people leads to less resources, hence higher cost of living per a single human.

Bit Phreak
Bit Phreak - 05.10.2023 02:31

Hot take, as standards of living have improved, as women have become educated and more in control of family planning, plus medical advances like childhood vaccinations.

All of these things have impacted child mortality.

Prior to these advancements families would be larger due to child mortality and child labour.

If children are at higher risk of dying young due to disease, you have more children. If you can't control pregnancy you'll end up with more children. If your are farming to live, more hands make for a greater yield, potentially.

As the above mention progress was made the need for, and the circumstances of having children changed and people/women could choose to have less children.

Pair that with the pressure of needing a 2 person income to navigate the financial reality of today, and the cost of children is a cost benefit analysis that points to expenses.

The good news is, there isn't a population over growth problem, the bad news is there isn't population growth

포시포시 - 05.10.2023 02:31

As a Korean, I never thought I would see Korea in the thumbnails of Kurzgesagt. Really surprised!

Like any other topic, fertility rates are also controversy topic.

Not talking about it doesn't help solve the problem. As you said in the video, declining birth rates are a serious problem from a long-term perspective.

Lastly, as always thank you for making such a great video!

UCjNrKLyRJI-abFA8qiNo92Q - 05.10.2023 02:31

If you want to us (the world) to have more babies PAY US MORE

A fan
A fan - 05.10.2023 02:31

Surprised there was no mention of how progressive European countries (like the Nordic countries and France) that offer the most welfare support to parents have the highest fertility rates

Link Davidson
Link Davidson - 05.10.2023 02:30

we tire ourselves out working just to not have enough money and not have enough free time to live. if we were to work 4 days a week, with a pay RAISE, people would want to have kids again.
