When a Hacker Leaked GTA VI Using an Amazon Fire TV Stick | Chronicle

When a Hacker Leaked GTA VI Using an Amazon Fire TV Stick | Chronicle

Second Wind

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@TechySpeaking - 24.02.2024 03:09


@TalynWuff - 24.02.2024 03:39

Excellent essay, Frost

@RocketRoosterFilms - 24.02.2024 03:47

Frost and his gang of Nice-Cubes are such a wonderful way to illustrate the video topics.

@dc8836 - 24.02.2024 05:25

Humans are frequently the weakest link in the chain. Social engineering has been around for thousands of years, in different names and forms. But ultimately, running a con on the human operator is more reliable and often safer and easier than trying to pick or break a lock, hack a program or server, etc. It's so endemic that I'd say it's equal to that saying about data - there are two kinds of people, those that have fallen for a con and those that will.

@Scorponox93 - 24.02.2024 05:51


@classycasual3910 - 24.02.2024 05:57

Someone let this man cook again!!!!

@ConcreteAfterRain - 24.02.2024 06:06

fucking appaling to lock up an autistic teenager without trial. no matter what hes done thats against any standard of equality that the us pretends to maintain

not to mention that hes a minor

@rocko7711 - 24.02.2024 06:07


@crunchbuttsteak8741 - 24.02.2024 06:26

The cyberpunk future is way less cool than Mike Pondsmith made it look like it would be

@chadjones1266 - 24.02.2024 06:52

How many times would you have to get the prompt "is this you? " busy to day yes?

@BigMitchyD - 24.02.2024 07:36

Imagine not downloading a car if given the opportunity.

@DigitalAnima - 24.02.2024 07:42

despite the damage he caused, i feel bad for the situation Kurtaj ended up in. as far as i can tell, he basically has an indefinite sentence because he got the better of a corporation. maybe im missing details but it doesnt seem right

@JeskidoYT - 24.02.2024 08:01

i love LOVE this guy is just like young Morgan Freeman.


@rus.t - 24.02.2024 08:46

I like this series, looking forward for future episodes

@robertwelch550 - 24.02.2024 08:50

Tbh all of pop culture has made it really weird to hear about hackers holding megacorps to ransom and them not being the good guys. Not that they're good, but the megacorps are worse.

@bobafettjr85 - 24.02.2024 09:13

Genuine question. GTA V came out in 2013, what's the harm of the source code being released 9 years later? I don't mean what are the ethical issues and I'm not saying anyone had the right to distribute code that doesn't belong to them. I just wonder why Rockstar wouldn't want it out there if it's been so long since it came out?

@josephbugeja3208 - 24.02.2024 10:40

I’m certain that he’s not wasting his hacking potential inside a mental hospital for the rest of his life, no he’s serving an unofficial indefinite life sentence working for the FBI’s cybercrime unit. He’s the modern day equivalent of a Tony Stark building a miniaturised Ark Reactor in a cave, with box of scraps. Why would Government allow such gifted potential to be wasted when they can exploit it & make him disappear when they’re done..

Just like every other famous hacker that got past a very very advanced security system’s the FBI doesn’t like to waste potential talent so they make them disappear from the public eye so that they are ever failed to do their jobs, outlived their usefulness & or would have accumulated soo much sensitive data throughout their time serving the Government to the point where they become way too dangerous to be left alive & quietly silenced & buried in an unmarked grave..

@jakass - 24.02.2024 11:30

They shared photos of him fishing or phishing?

@eddjordan2399 - 24.02.2024 12:31

if you throw enough balls at enough coconuts eventually you win a fish.

@an2qzavok - 24.02.2024 13:25

the irony of charging the guy with severe autism when his main hacking tool is social engineering

@putowtin - 24.02.2024 14:06

hacker "please let me in" Rockstar "no!" hacker "please let me in times 1000" Rockstar "oh I can't be arsed with this fine" is how I will always remember this drama now

@Tolly7249 - 24.02.2024 14:32

Next time a family member complains they got hacked I'm showing them this video. I love them but they just don't listen!

@elvingearmasterirma7241 - 24.02.2024 15:41

Yea uh no I dont think the autism made him do that.
The violent tendencies and his desire to do bad things made him do that.

@hardwire666too - 24.02.2024 16:13

I'm still looking for the link to download a car.

@mmcmullen8543 - 24.02.2024 17:22

Just go to the bank and knock on the vault door for a couple hours. Eventually someone will let you in

@ianstewart-vital - 24.02.2024 18:32

Honestly, if he didn't release people's personal info, then I would applaud his efforts and ingenuity.

@HeroDarkStorn - 24.02.2024 19:17

The correct is data, if you are british, and data, if you are american.

@theirishviking9278 - 24.02.2024 20:28

most ... corporate espionage? (not quite what i mean but its late and i cant remember the actual term)
is caused by someone exploiting a physical fault in security
a common one that security testers use is cold calling people at the company and seeing if they can get the info for where they eat lunch
if its outside of the company then more than likely they have a card that can be read on them then all it takes is sitting in that lunch location and just cloning card signals
this is a commonly known method and basically the first one anyone tries so most companies that use card locking systems know about it and have training for it in place

@thaddeushamlet - 24.02.2024 21:39

"Indefinite hospital order due to severe autism, violent tendencies, and cyber crime"
Maybe there's legitimate reasoning for this, but it sounds like just "we can't put him in a prison so we're gonna make up a way to lock him away forever"

@Mene0 - 24.02.2024 23:45

I love this series

@MikeGaruccio - 25.02.2024 05:12

I think the idea that age is a huge factor in understanding how these systems work is a bit of an illusion.

It’s much easier to get access to a companies slack and steal some data than it is to actually pull off converting that stolen data into cash. The group of people reckless enough to try and bridge that gap is almost entirely comprised of teenagers and professional criminals. The pros don’t do high profile hacks so you only really hear about the teenagers in most media(with occasional cameos from Russian and NK state actors).

If you look at security researchers and pen testers though the high level ones tend to skew towards the typical mid-career 20-40 age bracket just like most technical fields.

@ThrawnFett123 - 25.02.2024 08:09

Fun fact: Gen Z is apparently less tech literate than Baby Boomers ON AVERAGE since they grew up with all this "Just Working" at least/especially when it comes to scams. However, this has ALSO led to "hyper-tech-literate" people like this hacker. Where they just naturally get it all so well that even the best current security experts can only reconstruct what they did after the fact. This arms race will only continue, and like every evolutionary arms race, my money is on the attackers long term

@microfiber - 25.02.2024 18:11

Ga min, g

@FogelTheVogel - 25.02.2024 20:06

The idea of a fatigue attack working is baffling to me. If your 2FA keeps going off because someone is using your password, how is anyone's reaction to confirm the login rather than to change their password?

@FubukiTheIcyKing - 25.02.2024 22:08

So does no one just think to go to the original site link not through email and double check your password and 2FA?

@toastydata - 26.02.2024 12:35

a fun fact about that old anti piracy ad; they didnt actually have permission from the copyright holder to use the music in it

@xaracen7207 - 26.02.2024 13:03

if you say data like that again imma stage a coup d'état

@monckey44 - 27.02.2024 16:11

I got 2FA spammed once, so I changed my password and voila, it stopped. I have no idea why anyone wouldn’t just do that

@whatalovelyday1308 - 27.02.2024 21:39

Ironically, that "Piracy is a crime" clip (advert? PSA? I just recall it being on every DVD for several years) actually pirated the music that they used

@warmachine5835 - 01.03.2024 23:12

Honestly, this should be added to cybersecurity curriculums as a real-world example of why social engineering awareness is the most important part of your defense.

@TheBlownapart - 07.03.2024 10:32

Until we start handing out ACTUAL punishments for cyber crimes things will only get worse for all law abiding citizens.

@ibchillin4899 - 07.03.2024 18:02

I really liked stuff of legends and im glad frost can still tell me bedtime stories😊

@ScorchtheHawk - 09.03.2024 04:26

So disappointed that the ad at the end wasn’t a vpn

@schrodingerscat3741 - 12.03.2024 18:31

...if you're getting repeated 2fa messages change your password

@justastickofbutter5547 - 08.04.2024 16:19

Didn't the person in question get put in a psych ward for this? (Or something along those lines)

@doublepinger - 16.06.2024 17:01

One of the silly ones at work, a non-techie (I won't call him a luddite) was listening to spotify, clicked somewhere and got a rogue pop-up leading to his computer getting infected. Every single person in our company needs to use a computer, and fortunately we re-install Windows all the time, so it was a scolding, but I don't think people realize how a small intrusion on one system, combined with bugs, insecure credentials, and lack of permissions discipline, can lead to so, so much more damage.

@0ddman0ut64 - 01.07.2024 19:13

Uh... any more of these coming down the pipe anytime soon?

@craigmccune6066 - 25.07.2024 18:33

why did you stop doing these?
