Crysis Remastered PS4/Pro/Xbox One/One X Review: The Good, The Bad & The Broken

Crysis Remastered PS4/Pro/Xbox One/One X Review: The Good, The Bad & The Broken

Digital Foundry

3 года назад

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@gencoserpen1260 - 02.11.2023 15:53

Sorry but just looking at your footage there is no way I would declare the ray tracing modes as the most playable. On Xbox the stuttering looks unacceptable and completely immersion breaking. On PS4 the micro stuttering caused by the 31 fps target looks horrendous. Years of gaming with dual GPUs (SLI mode) on my PC and often fiddling around with Samsung gaming monitors' VRR control toggle in Freesync mode has made me very sensitive to micro stuttering (you call it judder in your video). Micro stuttering is never preferrable to screen tearing.

Now I realize your channel has a traditional console bias but most of us PC gamers are used to playing with screen tearing and uncapped frame rates as that is how we always have played before Freesync displays came along. Back in those days we would only enable Vsync if the game could remain above 60 fps for the most part. If I were to purchase Crysis Remastered on my Xbox One X (yeah sometimes I like to play in my living room instead of my PC) I would use performance mode. It is not ideal but it looks good enough.

@CVoYager - 06.07.2023 13:02

I love how he casually says that he contacted Crytek and they told him that problems would be fixed in a patch in a few days.

@9r4ss_ - 25.06.2023 02:15

It’s funny how the switch version looks a little better when it comes to lighting color

@wolf9311 - 29.07.2022 05:14

The fact that they were Able To Bring ray tracing To the switch, Ps4 and Xbox is why Crytek are on another level as developers That Only get better

@diegojose4173 - 19.06.2022 08:21

Did they ever fix the Input Lag on consoles?

@blackbassissac2635 - 28.05.2022 19:20

XBOX ONE / PS4 ???? Review ??

@grantross2609 - 03.04.2022 21:18

" gotta reload ! "

@GlassICE - 21.12.2021 20:16

So, if this sucks on XBOX One X then it would suck in my RX580 as well ?

@MrMightyZ - 20.10.2021 21:01

Finally being able to play the original Crysis has confirmed what everyone always said. (With all the updates) the game is just superb. Until we go from shooting humans to shooting aliens. Then the game becomes a stupid turret shooter that suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

@zodiacthundaga7264 - 28.08.2021 22:23

Maybe someone could mod the PC version of remastered to look like the version they'd like.
I'd definitely go with one that looks like the PS360 version.

@lgd6619 - 25.08.2021 21:36

Seeing the once famed PC killer on switch makes me feel like an old man, I dont really play on PC these days but I spent many an hour under the hood tweaking trying to get this game to run at its best on my setup, we've come a long way since those days we sometimes forget how good we have it now

@clarku4 - 30.07.2021 12:06

Switch version holds up well I'd say.

@flyingplantwhale545 - 26.06.2021 08:36

The Switch version got even better. They increased the resolution to 900p and enabled parallax occlusion mapping, without any loss to performance.

@viveks9954 - 23.06.2021 09:25

Its unfortunate that not many reviewers are talking about how shitty the gameplay and story is of crysis 1.. I was playing it just to sumhow finish it, thats all.. Theres a limit to how much the visuals can aid the success of a game..

@alireza820 - 02.06.2021 09:48

you spend almost no time reviewing the game on base ps4 & xone

@JJSideshowBob - 01.06.2021 21:07

Is it just me or does cloak mode simply not work on Switch. Enemy AI can spot me from anywhere, even through walls, without moving and lights off.

@ragechok9932 - 30.05.2021 19:39

Xbox one x 60fps not working

@LateNightHalo - 08.05.2021 04:25

It’s interesting, I like the color palette of the Switch version better. Obviously the graphics are another story but the Golden-green look on switch is interesting

@ProtossExecutor100 - 07.05.2021 06:15

This whole "remastered" shtick is a terrible scheme. A game is not remastered because you're playing it on a console capable of setting older game graphics to max settings. The game is remastered when you FIX all of the things about it that aged horribly. The controls are completely clunky and the gameplay still feels old. Not a bad choice if you want to relive the game, but I thought I was buying something that would make me experience it like I was not able to before. This remastered label is a SCAM and companies should stop doing it.

@UttRConcrete - 02.05.2021 22:52

I own all the Xbox 360 games on my Xbox one and the remastered game.

@kingvulpes4905 - 25.04.2021 18:26

I think the "raytracing" is just pathtracing if it's running on Xbox one x

@FunBunChuck - 15.04.2021 02:27

Consoles running Crysis,...
... I'm dying over here.
You mean to tell me,... no let me get this straight,... 😂 hold on,...
... [Breath Funbun,... breath,...] Ok,... you mean to tell me that the Sony Playstation 4,.... a console,... using a pre-Ryzen faildozer AMD FX 8100 class chip,... running at 1/2 the base clockspeed of a normal faildozer FX 8150 CPU which we already know gets beaten by all but the weakest quad core chips from Intel from the same era,... can run Crysis? With cheap wimpy integrated graphics rated as worse not better than, but worse than the Radeon HD 6850 which is a GPU that struggled to run Crysis on any platform at 1080p with medium to normal settings.

A Playstation 4 can run Crysis,....

And they lauded the Playstation 4 as being 4k capable?
... oh jeez that's some good laughing material right there,...
Maybe the Playstation 4 version could run at 30 fp/s on low settings at maybe 720p resolution,... maybe,... and that's a BIG maybe.

And showing the game running on a HIGH END GAMING RIG PC with an Intel Core i9 9860K 8 core 16 thread CPU with 32 gigs of DDR4 RAM and a GeForce RTX 2080ti 16GB GDDR6X graphics card and calling that Playstation 4 game footage does not count.

There is a reason the AMD FX 8150 was called the "Faildozer", and that's because it sucked which made it suitable for console peasants.

PC Master Race kiddies!🧐

@SalveMonesvol - 07.04.2021 23:23

My optimal resolutions would be:
240p for Switch portable
360p switch Docked (I'd just hook it up to a CRT)
540p 30fps for Xbox One/s (I'd rather have low resolution than dropped frames)
720p 30fps for PS4 (pretty sad considering that some games ran at 1080p 60fps on ps3 and 360)
1080p 30fps for PS4 PRO (No excuses for anything running below 1080p30 on this console)
1440p 30fps for One X (Again, no excuses for running below that, it's still a powerful console)
1080p 60fps for Series S (it's a bit high, but a "next gen" console simply can't drop below that)
1440p 60 fps for PS5 (Should be rather easy)
1440p 60 fps for Series X (should be very easy)

@bigChrisWithAtinyPeice - 26.03.2021 12:40

Ps4 pro has ray tracing?

@redbeardnj - 16.03.2021 17:15

I have all versions and its crazy because the Switch versions plays the best. Im talking about the running and gunning, not graphics/performance. The Switchs controls and hit detection are a mile better. Playstation and Xbox have a wierd lag going on whe your aiming. Switch feels alot better. Its immediately noticeable when you switch between the versions.

@mA-gf3ix - 14.03.2021 16:06

crysis 2 was the best

@ChrisWTube - 12.03.2021 22:59

PSA- a while ago the ‘performance mode’ got locked to 30fps making it completely useless, especially as for a short period it ran pretty well on new gen consoles. There is a new patch coming which I hope reinstates 60fps but we’ll have to wait and see.

@SpartanX360 - 06.03.2021 00:57

So you’re saying the Nintendo switch is better than all versions?

@jasonwilliams5046 - 08.02.2021 03:19

Maybe the XB1X quality mode should target a max resolution of 1800p and the PS4P should target 1440p

@peternguyen9599 - 13.01.2021 04:45

Should've gave the game to Bluepoint to do the PS4 port. Now those guys know what they're doing

@redbeardnj - 11.01.2021 17:34

V.1.01 update fixes alot , especially on ps4pro. Game runs better now

@ManyDoors777 - 03.01.2021 07:01

This game sucks on PS4. Controls are the worst part about it

@hogman3543 - 05.12.2020 22:22

Wait so last gen had ray tracing?

@feer1276 - 03.12.2020 16:45

Me wondering how loud the fans are. \(°--°)/

@mashtrupeppi1610 - 19.11.2020 22:00

Congrats Crytek... u messed with the color enought that the SWITCH version looks better just cause it didn't mess with it

@ItsOnlyAlex - 31.10.2020 18:15

Apparently this game is still broken today, is that true? I want to play it, I've only played Crysis 3 and that was sick.

@Jambon75 - 25.10.2020 16:57

Crysis is the most overrated game ever.

@joelirizarry5789 - 22.10.2020 23:59

Does anyone knows if the game has been fixed yet or not?

@joelirizarry5789 - 22.10.2020 00:40

Is it playing better on xbox one x? Or it still the same?

@sin15tar - 21.10.2020 09:04

Total mess... This remaster needs a remaster.

@thewirv - 20.10.2020 22:46

why is Remastered not made in CryEngine 5?

@DustinOffAClassic - 20.10.2020 02:27

"If you want to play on Xbox, RT mode is the only one I'd consider playable"

That's pretty shocking. You would think that would be the most demanding and thus have the most issues.

@nykraftlemagnifique - 17.10.2020 04:45

Shitty remastered at his best.

@floodsye - 14.10.2020 17:11

The Xbox versions just straight up are not getting tested. What they didn't realize it was running at 25fps? Give me a break. Hire more testers and dedicate a team to optimization! (Unfortunately, there's huge devs that don't do that so expecting Saber to is unfair I guess).

@floodsye - 14.10.2020 17:03


@jakubircow6875 - 09.10.2020 18:01

Still looks crap

@NeedMoarRage - 09.10.2020 12:21

While the Xbox and PS4 has higher res textures than the Switch, they somehow look cheaper. The colors are too garish and just get an arcady feel.

@kellychapmanii8021 - 08.10.2020 09:56

The whole world on my pro is choppy in the distance blocks of environments flashing in and out no matter which option I chose and really kills me on wanting to play and idk if it's me but the AI is impossible no matter the difficulty I love crysis and really loved 3 but this remaster is not what I expected the ps4 pro is really bad on Ray tracing I keep trying to tinker with different options but no luck 😢 😕 😔

@ZetZatar - 08.10.2020 06:53

Remasters should be the most “polished” version of the game. Instead they often introduce things things that break things even further.
