The Seven Deadly Cat Sins!

The Seven Deadly Cat Sins!

Jackson Galaxy

1 год назад

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Marc Thompson
Marc Thompson - 02.11.2023 21:01

Love the content!

Marc Thompson
Marc Thompson - 02.11.2023 21:00

How do I get my cat to scratch her post instead of everything else?

the random
the random - 02.11.2023 17:29

If you value your stuff over your cats first knuckles, DONT GET A FKING CAT!!! JUST DONT DO IT!! let other people who can handle that better then you! have the cat.... my cats run my home, they chew up everything and play way to hard with my hands and scratch me. but guess what I'm 1000% ok with it in fact i love it. I love the fact that i can provide a home for an animal that can be happy and comfortable doing what it wants. I didn't get my cats to restrict their desires i got them so ( I ) can make (THEM) happy not the other way around.

Tyler Dauber
Tyler Dauber - 02.11.2023 14:49

Little claw caps on Amazon are perfect! My cats wore them for the first 6 months of their little lives. Now they barely use their claws and everyone's happy

Cattie Stivers
Cattie Stivers - 02.11.2023 11:33

We have a Siamese who will wait until I get up specifically to steal my seat bc he knows it'll get him picked up and pet.

Augustus Garton
Augustus Garton - 02.11.2023 04:57

My cat is black & white. O e day I told her that she looked like a Cop car. She then proceeded to stick her tongue out at me. So glad I had my phone to take a picture 😂

RichyJAdventures🏆 - 02.11.2023 01:03

8 call him a dog

Steven Russell
Steven Russell - 02.11.2023 00:43

Our two cats growing up were front foot declawed but were indoor cats. But I see Jackson's points on this. And no more declawing. Also, we never yelled at Puff or Muffin, his sister. They had the run of the house, and if they knew they did something not right, they had that guilty look on their face. They knew right from wrong. But even Dad, who was not close to the cats did not punish or yell. The cats, well, they were happy and understood they were family, and loved everyone. They were well behaved just by their nature.

Ovi Wan Kenobi
Ovi Wan Kenobi - 01.11.2023 18:43

Our cats also do wear coats and sweaters in the winter. They're fine with it because it's warmer, especially our Bengal kitty.
They also listen when we call them to cuddle, but they usually do it on their own as soon as we sit down. Lol
Um, I don't know about not punishing them. With my Bengal this really works. She has a bunch of rules. No rough punishments though, everything is gentle, usually with a no or a sound we taught them. Sure usually listens. She's crazy loud when she wants attention, so she gets sprayed during work meetings sometimes. Usually just having the bottle around and spraying around her is enough.

The only thing I can't get her to stop doing is losing her mind like an absolutely wild animal when she sees other pets, but especially other cats, even a freaking cat cutout. She'll attack anything that touches her when she's like that. She used to be socialized well but after COVID she got way worse, hissing at new places, people and going batshit crazy at other cats and usually running away from dogs.

Ovi Wan Kenobi
Ovi Wan Kenobi - 01.11.2023 18:39

Weird. Cats in Europe drink milk like crazy and they're mostly all fine. I've never seen any have issues from that...

K F - 01.11.2023 16:17

Oh my. De clawing. I am in uk and have nevwr even heard of it before . Sounds barbaric.
Poor kitties.
Please listen people considering this 🙏

Faputa Hime
Faputa Hime - 01.11.2023 16:10

I always found declawing cruel and stupid. Honestly you should be able to predict some of your cat's behavior. They won't bite or scratches for no reason, worst case scenario they can do it to play or because too much stimulus (touching too much one part of the body for exemple) but in that case they will hold back. Plus even if a cat scratches you... I mean come on you will not die from it, it will barely hurt for 5 minutes. The only times I think you need to act is if you have a baby that can trigger your cat or if s/he has a really aggresive behavior everyday. And still in that case you have a lot more options than mutilate your cat.

C T - 01.11.2023 15:31

I can't believe anyone would have a cat "declawed". Absolutely evil.

RaW! - 01.11.2023 12:29

Question...declawing isnt trimming nails is it

RaW! - 01.11.2023 12:26

Can you do a human version for cats please...especially the forced interaction and personal space! 🤣

RaW! - 01.11.2023 12:25

Dont dress your cat up...what not even a ragdoll? 🤣

He||razør - 01.11.2023 09:20

This video is completely wrong about telling you to not feed your cat milk. Every animal is lactose intolerant to pasteurized milk. He doesn't mention this difference. Raw milk is extremely nutritious for animals. That's why Mother's produce this.

Yvonne JANUHOWSKI - 01.11.2023 09:04

Never declaw your cat....❤Y

Ryan Walters
Ryan Walters - 01.11.2023 08:56

Absolutely, Well said Jackson :) Declawing is horrific and terrible. And in complete agreement with you regarding everything else. Anyone have kids that are seniors in here? My boy Achilles turned 16. Take care all.

Stepside1986 - 01.11.2023 08:10

Anyone have a idea why my kids cat is a bully towards my one daughter? She is always nice to him, and all the other cats like her. She has to run away from him as he chases and bites her feet. This cat doesn't do this behavior to anyone else. He is getting better at not doing this, but I still can't figure out why he does it at all. I have to wonder if he sees it as some sort of game.
