110 Gallon Update and run through | African Cichlid Mixed Tank | I speak this time

110 Gallon Update and run through | African Cichlid Mixed Tank | I speak this time

Kyle Boehm

55 лет назад

455 Просмотров

Here is my 110 gallon mixed African cichlid tank. I thought I may speak about it this video. I give a run down of the stock list and the equipment I use to keep these fish healthy. I'm hoping to do more of these so smash that like button if you think I should. Thanks guys!

Stock list:
Total: 31 cichlids
5 mbuna
12 peacocks
13 hap
1 Victorian

1 BN Pleco

1.0 Fossochromis Rostratus
1.0 Protomelas sp "Taiwan Reef"
1.0 Protomelas taeniolatus "Red Empress"
1.0 Protomelas spilonotus Tanzania
1.0 Copadichromis Azureus
1.0 Sciaenochromis fryeri "Electric Blue Hap"
2.1 Otopharynx Lithobates "Zimbawe Rock"
1.0 Placidochromis electra "Deep water hap"
1.0 Placidochromis Phenochilus "Mdoka white lips"
0.0.1 Aristochromis christyi "Malawi Hawk"
1.0 Hap Hybrid

1.0 Haplochromis sp. "#44" thickskin
"Species 44 cichlid"

3.0 Aulonocara sp. OB peacock
3.0 Aulonocara sp "Dragonblood"
1.0 Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi "Eureka Red Jake"
1.0 Aulonocara Stuartgranti Maleri
1.0 Aulonocara Stewartgranti "Ngara Flametail"
1.0 Aulonocara stuartgranti "Red Shouldered"
1.0 Aulonocara "German Red"
1.0 Peackock

1.0 Metriaclima Chilumba"
"Masoni Reef Cichlid"
0.0.3 Electric Yellow Lab
0.0.1 Acei

Penguin 350 x2
Top fin 60
Elite 200w heater
Aqueon pro 150w heater
Diy light
Diy lid
Free tanks
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