You keep repeating this idea that people can work as much as they want and are rewarded appropriately for what they do. But what does that mean?
Is everyone given basic food, healthcare and housing?
Do you need to work a certain amount to be guaranteed these things?
In this world who ensures that basic services are running and how do you make sure enough people actually want to do those hard or dirty jobs without massive incentives. That in my eyes start to shift back towards capitalism. If no one HAS to work for the basics, then why work? Unless there is some state coercion.
Genuinely curious!
So who gives the money to start the business? Shouldn't the person starting the business reap the benefits? I know I'm not giving up my money to start a business and everyone take it from me. I'm willing to bet you would not do it either. If you're willing to do that, go ahead and try it
ОтветитьHistory—-US has always had socialists since early a1800s, parallel .l+‘Socialist movements in Europe. All US &!European reactionaries we’re born AFTER
the various socialist movements
Robert Reich’s video as “Hacksaw Bob” changed the way I viewed CEOs and shareholders. Counterintuitively, I have MORE empathy for them because they are also forced by capitalism to take actions they may not want to do. We are all victims of capitalism.
ОтветитьThe problem is fiat
Few understand
The American model of development is has become a increasing less desirable model of development. Responsible development
ОтветитьThanks 😊 🫂
ОтветитьMain contradiction of the monopoly capitalist the falling rate of profits
ОтветитьBartering and trading natural economy
Ответить"If that were the case..."
Ответить"We work to consume, and consume to work, nothing more, nothing less" The spirit of the eternal worker.
ОтветитьMaterialism is such a shallow highest goal... To be more financially is easier than to be more morally or intellectually.
On the contrary morals and intellect might interfere with your profit aspirations, so if our rich weren't so shinny we might just realise how much they Actually stink.
I am sick and tired under capitalism
ОтветитьWatching this now.... when Trump was just reelected....
I don't think we'll fix or end capitalism soon :(
I literally thought this was made today, despite the fact I’ve already seen it. Why? Because the situation never changes.
Ответитьnever get me to trade my freedom for benefits commie
ОтветитьSocialism was so successful that soviet collapsed😂 Socialism was so successful that even the largest communist party abanded. It's communist socialism and headed for capitalistic society I MEAN CHINA. SOCIALISM was so good that India LIVING IN WONDERLA TILL 2000. It socialist economy in the earlY 90s. SoCIALIST always believe the true socialism has never been ACHIEVED. What a bullshit video.
ОтветитьSocialism is not the only answer to capitalism. How bout a worker-owned economy. Check out thr Mondragon Province of Spain or the Federation of Worker Cooperatives.
ОтветитьAzz Hole capitalism has NEVER worked. You Fu<k!
ОтветитьYou are fucking up this one. You need to do lots more reading.
ОтветитьPropaganda, bias and misinformation.
ОтветитьThis channel is full of hypocrites. You all preach communism but would never go live in a communist country. Try and go live in a Socialist or Communist country. You'll realize what terrible condition they're in. Don't people realize that more government means more corruption? It's as simple as that. I was a naive person who started listening to this channel and fell for the idealistic communist pipe dream. You all complain about propaganda, but I fell for your communist propaganda. You're the biggest propaganda machine out there. What a bunch of hypocrites. You all are living in your own made-up fantasy land instead of reality. I hope you people wake up. After listening to you and critics of communism, I realized communism is bullshit. And people criticize and hate it for good reason.
ОтветитьI completely agree. Capitalism simply doesn't allow socialism to work because greedy right wingers like Trump and Musk get in the way.
ОтветитьTake a look at North Korea everyone! JUST take a look!
ОтветитьEvery person that has grown up and lived in a socialist, or even worse, communist country knows what those plagues are all about. In a communist country the small man or woman has no right to their own lives. They are slaves to the state and the state is run by leaders that fill their own pockets and let their poor subordinates suffer. Please, open up your eyes and just take a look at North Korea. What a nightmare they have!
ОтветитьIf you think about it. If 50% of the wealth is in the top 1% of people. Means we can all be twice as rich(except the top one) without changing anything. Minimum wage and some of the top paid positions would all get twice as much.
ОтветитьMan, I'm sad that azurescapegoat isn't making stuff anymore.
ОтветитьWhat a bunch of anti- capitalist & anti-American propaganda.
ОтветитьGreat video
Ответить“It’s like the American dream, only real” 😳😅
ОтветитьThey complained about the taxes so much, but the Founding Fathers were hypocrites... but at least they were aware they were hypocrites.
ОтветитьGeorge Carlin — "That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."
Ответитьthe truth is, all the number one superpowers in the history of the world were not socialist. to be number one, you must follow the rules of nature. survival of the fittest
ОтветитьI realize this is a communist channel. And even I bought into this this ideology for a while. But it all shattered when I looked at the real world consequences of this ideology. To all Americans, my humble request is to please learn about what you're getting into before it gets too late. Communism is not what it sounds like. In practice it leads to something entirely different. I request people to read the history of communism and and just look at the position of the countries that adopted this ideology today vs countries that didn't. I'm begging you people to not fall into this trap. I'm Indian. Our country didn't grow under communism. And if growth doesn't matter to you people then you know what it led to? Massive amounts of corruption. We're still reeling from it. Infact there are still 2 states in our country that are still communist. They're literally turning into dictatotships. If you really wanna know what the better system is. I request you people to just look at India. Just look at different states of India. West Bengal of India is a communist State and its not working. Its dying. Massive amounts of poverty, corruption and crime. And compare it with the other states of India. You'll find a world of difference. This is happening right now in India and I request you people to just look at it before you make any decisions about your future. I admire Americans a lot despite a lot of their flaws and bad things they have done. Don't fall for this trap. Stop it while you still can. Communism is hated for a reason. A lot of people who had an experience of communism hate it for a reason. I just don't want America to abandon all it stands for and adopt communism. That will literally kill the spirit of your country. So please do this before you jump to any conclusions. This is my request to all of you.
ОтветитьI’m gonna debunk this whole video
ОтветитьYou are expendable. Oh boy that hurts
ОтветитьIt's not true that those people took on loans that they could not afford. Baby Bush knew that those Fanny May loans were solid as long as you didn't put too much pressure on them. However, when America over invested in China, and was causing a collapse in our economy, the banks suddenly ballooned those payments on our citizens. Forcing them to pay for the banks misuse in the banks exploiting China. In other words, we were fine until the banks got too greedy.
ОтветитьWhat stupidity! Anticommunist lies!
ОтветитьSmall correction: Socialism is to each according to [their] need; to each according [their] ability. Some can produce a great deal more than others. All deserve to eat, have proper housing, education and health care.
Ответитьto be fair, evo morales had his own issues as well, in the late stages of his presidency cutting environmental reforms leading to widespread fires that destroyed lake poopó and failed to groom a successor. I know this was just a brief history, but I feel sometimes that pro-socialist or communist videos seem to place 100% blame of the collapse of a government on the US, treating these other countries as somehow incapable of human error and civil dissent beyond just the traditional class. His reforms still by and large outweighed his issues towards the end of his final term, but he was not elected in 2019 by his own people. like other economic systems, socialism is going to need to work some kinks out and for it to be implemented properly we need to be prepared for those to avoid those who see the first signs of trouble as indicative of its failure.
Ответить"capitalism is a tool"
Dude, this. I'm not saying capitalism didnt serve a purpose in the progress and evolution of modern society, but its time to move on. Its outlived its usefulness. Its overdue by a half century for an evolution. (Not a revolution, an EVOLUTION).
I don't understand how more people don't get this. It's not about picking a favorite ideology like you would a favorite sports team. You can acknowledge some of the good that has come from capitalism while also acknowledging how evil and obsolete it's become in the modern day. Economic ideologies are just long term tools for our evolving species. Capitalism was cool for a little while for alot of people, some people had some fun with it. But its time to move on. Humans need to take another step forward, and atp capitalism is whats actively preventing that.
Video is more of a critic to capitalism than explaining anything with facts.
ОтветитьActually I hate to say that socialism is not really the solution - ee do need to work for a way out but not a way back to failure. Socialism and communism DO fail - Chavez was a megalomaniac. Allende was incompetent as a leader although partially successful. Inflation was creeping up. So let's do it but be open minded about the reality. Russia and Cuba are as real as the failings of the US.
I know that the combination of social programs and well regulated capitalism is the best we have currently. I've studied this for decades. Sorry, I strongly believe that we need to rethink our approach.
Cheers my people
Yeah and don't forget the stinkin hedge funds with their evil algorithms who avidly bet that THESE LOANS WOULD FAIL
yeah with the deregulated separation between corporate and retail banking the dirt got folthy and the rich got filthy rich OFF THE BACKS OF THE BRUISED (thanks, nin).also thanks, clinton and Obama who were prolly trying to pick between the devils and demons
Too big too fail, hahaha
Many Americans falsely conflate communism with socialism.
Whilst these share some basic elements, socialism is not in any way the same as communism.
Socialism is now intentionally conflated with communism as a pretext to withhold affordable healthcare from the needy!
CAPITALISM IS NOT DEMOCRATIC: It concentrates the majority of wealth in a society in the hands of a few by exploiting the labor of the many.
SOCIALISM IS DEMOCRATIC: The people collectively own the means of production and labor is no longer exploited to enrich the ruling class.