NASA is set to touch the sun on Christmas Eve

NASA is set to touch the sun on Christmas Eve

First Coast News

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@czarcastic1458 - 19.12.2024 07:47


@_freezeframehighfive - 19.12.2024 08:37

it's always computer animated with nasa. we never see anything real. only in the movies, right? earth is not a globe. it is flat and stationary. there is a firmament above our heads which is proof of a creator. god is real. moreso than these nasa clowns. question every rocket launch. the rocket always goes up, curves like the rainbow while scraping the firmament and then comes back down. we clap and celebrate and yet they didn't go anywhere 😂😂. crazy world we live in.

@themister3865 - 19.12.2024 08:56

I have 3 questions. How close will the probe get to the outer layers of the sun? Why doesn't the probe melt / fail due to the immense heat from the sun? Is the probe nuclear propelled?

@Under_Sky_Third_Gaia - 19.12.2024 09:04

No! Hot!

@SweatyBetties - 19.12.2024 09:55

Lol nssa clowns

@brad3628 - 19.12.2024 11:30

Terrible audio. Unlistenable.

@insanitywithin1 - 19.12.2024 12:07

Um don't what if it don't samething happens

@insanitywithin1 - 19.12.2024 12:09

Nasa is old just give up space x is better than u

@GEAE_Denny_L - 19.12.2024 15:02

If the millions and millions and millions of dollars fails to produce anything, no big deal, it’s only taxpayer money.

@susmarcon - 19.12.2024 15:27

It's hotter at the outer layer because the Sun is an electrically powered plasma entity that receives charge from space via Birkeland currents, and this also explains why the inside of sun spots are dark.

@susmarcon - 19.12.2024 15:40

The filamentary structure of the cosmic web is evidence that the circuits of the universe display stars along colossal plasma filaments from within individual galaxies where they are strung and connected like beads on a string, out to the galaxies themselves that similarly are strung along the web itself and show extraordinarily similar galactic rotation curves almost ubiquitously in every direction and for as far as we can measure.

@danmattson3 - 19.12.2024 23:49

I don't believe anything NASA says. Fake it till you make it. Isn't that what they say?

@danmattson3 - 19.12.2024 23:51

The only probe Nasa is flying is up the taxpayers assess.

@henlar0076 - 20.12.2024 01:49

What a monumental waste of money. Good grief.

@matthewhenson2421 - 20.12.2024 03:37

Perihelion 22 coming up for Christmas Eve!!❤❤❤

@DannyGrantham-o7v - 20.12.2024 18:01

And what do you think you will learn? Or is this some hint that I may do something you think is good for me since you haven't done one God damn thing in my life yet because you think my God damn life is yours some how.

@wisedylan - 20.12.2024 19:38

Set to dive into the sun 12/24/24? Excited that the sun might give us a big burst as we plummet into it? Sounds like a solar sacrifice almost. People used to throw things into volcanoes as a form of worship. Have we really gotten away from that. Lol. Food for thought. Haha.😅

@JeffSelleck - 20.12.2024 20:25

I miss you to

@stevenborak1300 - 21.12.2024 11:52

Just how big is this piece of charcoal that will touch the sun ?

@charliemcnuggets - 22.12.2024 18:08

Whos "we" When You WithHold Information And Bottleneck Rescourses..YOUR SLOW

@PapaDoob - 22.12.2024 19:35


@t.c.2776 - 22.12.2024 20:30

LMAO... NO, it's not going to TOUCH CRAP... can you say, "BURN UP" millions or even billions of miles away?

@HowardHolmes-d8v - 23.12.2024 05:58

Bro the second guy has a forehead as the sun

@s1iznc1d34 - 23.12.2024 07:57

Who's buying this BS. Nothing is getting close enough to touch the Sun and still function. They will never release a real video, probably CGI. Sounds like more BS projects to steal tax dollars.

@CJCHAZMEDIA - 23.12.2024 08:43

What if the sun is a nuclear reactor. And when it's touched it explodes.

@tyronewilliams3634 - 23.12.2024 16:09

Touch is a lie!

@philliprogers7703 - 24.12.2024 01:22

They're trying to bring hell to earth for Christmas

@leopoldom.jr.dulguime3314 - 24.12.2024 19:19

Sun is not a thermo-nuclear but an advance being with consciousness. It is just a holographic fragment of the SOURCE just like you and me. Suns or Stars are used as portal or wormhole by interstellar extra-terrestial civilizations as superhighway to travel between constellations. The dark spots are the opening for starships to enter.

@balesmachine - 25.12.2024 07:03

It's not going to touch the sun, so quit saying it will. It was 3.8 million miles from the sun, but if earth and the sun were a football field apart, the probe got about 4 yards from the sun.

@theresathompson4367 - 26.12.2024 17:41

Come on this is getting more and more ridiculous. We are very smart people. It is time the USA stop attempting to misled us. Obama himself stated techniques used to confuse people is to put so much information out there that people won't know what to believe. The very education I received in the USA combined with my own research concludes that there is a GOD the created the very universe that they are studying. The earth is flat there is a firmament, and no one can leave the earth. Elon Musk even stated hopefully in my lifetime we can get man to MARS, how can you go to mars, but you can't even go back to the moon and the moon is supposed to be closer? they can't go back because they never went. All research points to deception to be perceived as winning the space race!!!

@ioanbota9397 - 26.12.2024 18:03

Its interestyng this video I like

@fredomondi6392 - 27.12.2024 17:49

Soon you will hear them say...there is civilisation in the sun
