10 Indie First-Person Dungeon Crawlers You Can Play RIGHT NOW

10 Indie First-Person Dungeon Crawlers You Can Play RIGHT NOW

Dungeon Chill

1 год назад

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david S
david S - 30.10.2023 14:43

i m actually creating a dungeon crawler with unity.

Touta - 29.10.2023 13:14

Lunaid is honestly one of my favorite games ever

NegativeROG - 28.10.2023 18:38

The "dungeon crawling" Valheim has in Burial Chambers and Sunken Crypts is my favorite part of Valheim, and comes closest to what I want in a dungeon crawler. I used to play D&D on paper in the late 70's and all of the 80's, and Valheim truly embodies what my imagination concocted all those years ago. What can anyone recommend to me that has similar crawling to that found in Valheim? I play modded, and can scroll-wheel zoom, so from 3rd to 1st person is a snap, and I alternate views around every corner, so either one is fine with me. Thanks in advance.

zachshock - 28.10.2023 08:07

Sadly the only one I liked was Lunacid. Most of these are roguelikes, proceduraly generated weapons ( which I hate borderlands for ) and procedurally generated dungeons. I tried vaporum but i didfn't like it compared to lunacid and legend of grimrock 1 and 2.

DartYellow • #I'mAMugger🐶🍺
DartYellow • #I'mAMugger🐶🍺 - 27.10.2023 15:35

Once played a dungeon craw game called "The Keep" ,not sure if it's indie but i liked it

Captain Bamboo
Captain Bamboo - 27.10.2023 04:22

please do a vid on just turn based dungeon crawlers

Rémy - 27.10.2023 02:10

Thank you i didn't kno many of those games you made my day man !

keithstone001 - 25.10.2023 21:56

Star Crawlers is awsome it's one of my favorites

Cameron - 25.10.2023 17:53

Can I just say I love this video? I don't really have much experience with First person dungeon crawlers except for a little bit of legend of grimrock so it's cool to see the sheer amount of variety that's in the genre. Got The Quest and Lunacid on wishlist and bought Devil's Spire thanks to you! <3

Hemang Chauhan
Hemang Chauhan - 24.10.2023 22:21

Stumbled on your channel and this was great!
Not many talk about first person dungeon RPGs.

Saboth - 24.10.2023 14:18

I love dungeon-crawling games, but hate puzzles. Yes, it seems weird since that is an iconic part of most dungeon crawlers, but sometimes those puzzles just slow things down too much, and after a while, there are only so many trap doors, pressure plate, etc. puzzles you want to see in your life. Of course these days you can just find the solution on the web really quick if you want to get by them, but back in the day you could be stuck at a puzzle for hours or days...probably why I dislike them so much.

XionSteel - 24.10.2023 13:52

As someone who quite enjoys turn based rpgs, the first person dungeon crawlers very quickly became a favorite genre of mine. They may seem restrictive at first but the exploration is just a part of the fun and unlike open world games where you could be doing long treks to nothing, dungeon crawlers always seems to have a purpose in the directions to go in if for nothing else then to complete maps. Some of these seem interesting to me, though I'm more into anime style games like Etrian Odyssey, Mary Skelter, Demon Gaze and Labyrinth of Refrain/Galleria, but the only real differences between these and games that are in the video are their formula and art style. As such, since these are not that expensive to pick up its definitely worth a try.

The comments are also giving me suggestions to look at so this is fantastic overall. 😌👌

projectfear22 - 24.10.2023 13:33

The first game looks epiccc

ALEPH NOLE - 24.10.2023 01:25

I wouldn't necessarily call it indi, but Bards Tale 4 directors cut was one of my favorite first person dungeon crawlers of the last decade.

Abraxaseyes - 23.10.2023 05:19

Got some great FP crawlers for nintendo DS. DIY mapping or befriending demons

Dhalin - 23.10.2023 02:26

I'm still waiting for someone to do a game in the same spirit as Might and Magic 6, 7, and 8 (not Heroes of). Those 3 games had such a unique blend of turn-based and real-time action (you could, at any time, enter turn-based mode where time was calculated through stats, or you could turn it off and real time would pass and delay stats would be used to determine when you could perform actions again) but yet it was also not a solo character game, you had 4 people in a group. It was a truly unique series and it was really awesome and it boggles the mind that nobody tried to make a similar game. I see lots of other dungeon crawlers, but they are either all full turn and grid based, or real-time.

Carl Kontermann
Carl Kontermann - 23.10.2023 00:04

Amberland is fantastic❤

ObiKKa - 22.10.2023 18:48

Interestingly, a game called Ludus Mortis, from the same developer behind Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle, was released recently this month of October 2023.

necogreendragon - 22.10.2023 07:02

Thanks for putting the the links for the games. Saved me some searching time.

Bad Acid
Bad Acid - 22.10.2023 03:34

Great video. Added a lot of games to the wishlist and library
