What Does A Man's Bald Head Signal?  | Do Men With Shaved Heads Project Dominance & Authority?

What Does A Man's Bald Head Signal? | Do Men With Shaved Heads Project Dominance & Authority?

Real Men Real Style

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Philo Beddoe
Philo Beddoe - 27.09.2023 12:22

A skating rink for flies? Slaphead?

Pragmatic Skeptic
Pragmatic Skeptic - 17.09.2023 17:08

I am a 75 year old male with thin hair, only starting to turn grey now. If I grow a moustache or beard, it is pure white. I stay clean shaven and consider myself fortunate. I notice that most bald people wear a beard and moustache which seems to balance their look.

McCoomer - 14.09.2023 08:52

I think as a bald guy it’s better to get a hair transplant

El Señor Vitalis
El Señor Vitalis - 11.09.2023 18:39

It's amazing how something like lots of hair, less hair or no hair at all... can literally change your self-confidence. Being fair: not all styles are for all people. But when someone nails it, it really stands out and steals the looks.

For example, I sport the bald plus full long beard/big moustache look. I'm always sure to shave my head with surgic precission and keep my beard/moustache tidy, clean and rigurously trimmed. Long beards, let alone full beards, aren't common where I live. Being honest and humble: I do love how I look. Seriously, I like it. Many men are afraid of saying this. We shouldn't limit ourselves that way. Remember: if you feel good, you'll project positivity. Not only in style, but in terms of emotions.

So, as a matter of fact, I have received both good ("Woah, so masculine") and bad ("Damn, he must be a neonazi or worse") comments. What I mean is... every style will have defenders and detractors. Deal with it and be happy with your image. Accept constructive criticism (specially from friends) and be assertive enough to try new stuff.

Glenn Cuthbertson
Glenn Cuthbertson - 23.08.2023 06:54

I think most of the ladies prefer a man with hair ..... I would rather be percieved as handsome .... rather than dominant, confidant , stronger or even taller..... if I was bald that is. ..... just my humble opinion.

RoviAbacs - 21.08.2023 09:17

I’m 39 now. I’ve lost a lot of my hair right after graduation. I started trimming my hair down to 0 at age 18/19. So I felt comfortable having a stubble. Unfortunately in the past 4 years the remainder hair I had around my head, bald top started going pretty white on me. I was pretty bummed. Bald and now white at 39. Wasn’t doing any good for my confidence. A few days ago I made the decision to start shaving my head. I was super nervous. I’ve got to say I feel a lot more confident again and it actually feels refreshing shaving my head. It’s a great video and knowing this study.

Fatty - 16.08.2023 17:16

I was balding on top anyway andi personally think it looks ridiculous when people have a cul-de-sac..so nope took the lot of and I've never looked back..very happy with my bald head.

Tànmoy Debnath
Tànmoy Debnath - 14.08.2023 13:42

I got my head shaved recently... Nothing much changed just remember to rock it with confidence and you must be able to take or even crack some jokes on yourself.

Marquis_of_Romania - 31.07.2023 19:10

I'm a few months short of 40 and don't have much signs of baldness (no balding spots). However, it is very hot here in Texas at the moment and I was getting tired of cutting and styling my hair so often. I also wanted a new look. So this weekend I decided to go ahead and shave it all off.

I'm liking so far! I'm enjoying the look. Maybe it's my OCD but I feel cleaner already because my hair gets very shaggy and it sometimes gets into my ears.

I have shown it to many of my friends and other people online and they have given me compliments. I bought me a pair of sunglasses and they all think it compliments my look. I just wish my facial hair had more volume or at least more stubble.

I will keep this look for probably the rest of the year until it gets cold.

I do not regret my decision.

Michael Esposito
Michael Esposito - 19.07.2023 20:31

Unfortunately I was balding enough to decide to go bald and I was only 25. I can confirm life got much harder for me as a bald man. Especially when it comes to women. I was getting a lot of women in high school and less women the balder I got in my early 20s and now that I'm 45 and completely bald and old now I get nothing I'm a certified incel. I haven't got laid in 3 years hahaha balding is a social death sentence hahaha

Hardy Bunster
Hardy Bunster - 14.07.2023 22:59

I was always told a bald head is a lack of testosterone.

Coppertop V
Coppertop V - 12.07.2023 07:02

Dont care what people think of my shaved head, if you do it, own it.. accept it, and if you are bald It'll get easier accepting the outcome. Shaved heads are no problem

jtr789310 - 06.07.2023 07:20

It be hard to make a video any more stupid than this, be a real man and deal with what god gives you

Kakashi Jr
Kakashi Jr - 28.06.2023 23:48

im 35 and my hair is healthy. my hair grows fast and get very ticc hair and grows long. so every 6 mouths i go full bald razer shave and then get a hair again in 6 months and do the samething. i use to only get brush cuts. now i just go full bald so i won.t need a hair cut for a while.

DeclinedForCredit - 01.06.2023 17:56

I find shaving my head with a wet razor and shaving cream with a single blade edge results in the best overall cut. I found the razors with multiple blades to make my head only feel smoother after the shave and not look smoother than a single blade wet razor. So if I were to start shaving my head with a wet razor for the first time I would look for a single edge wet razor or a barber that can shave your head with a straight razor. I find the more blades a razor has the more skin irritation you will get unfortunately. The multiple razor blades are also much harder to keep clean. Shaving you head like this by yourself can be a pain but I find it is worth it. The other option I used to use a lot because it was faster and just easier to do was shaving my head with a electric razor with no shave guards in place (the name of the electric razor I use is called “the peanut”, my barber recommended that electric razor to me as that is what he uses in his shop, I have had very little issues with the two that I have owned, the first one broke when my ex gf dropped and broke it unfortunately, and the second I have had since then and it still works great), but I find I do not like the look of a electrically shaved head, I call it tennis ball head. That is why when I can I prefer to use the wet single edge razor on my head. The only reason I used the electric razor now is when I get lazy and do not feel like wet shaving my head for awhile and I let my hair grow out. You need to make sure you hair is very short before you go and try to do a wet shave on your head. If you try with longer hair the wet shave will become practically impossible and you will ruin the blade from all the long hair getting tangled in it and it will become unclean-able and will also cause severe razor burn due to the fact that you will find yourself having to make multiple passes to remove all of your hair. So always use a electric razor first if your hair is too long for a wet shave or if it is just longer enough to start causing you to have to make multiple passes with your wet razor. A lot of people ask me why I shave my head when I have a full head of hair. Well at first it started to show my mother who was going through breast cancer treatment that losing all her hair did not matter to me or my dad. Then I kind of grew to like it and how easy it was to manage and the fact that I was saving mo eh by doing it myself. Sometimes I will treat myself to a old fashioned barber straight razor shave of both my face and my head, nothing feels better, but where I live the price varies from 25 CAD to 50 CAD and then you are expected to provide a tip, typically 15% of the total cost is the lowest amount expected. But that is just where I live. The other reasons were functional. I practice MMA with classmates & friends and hair can get in the way when practicing and hurt a lot when it gets ripped out, the other reason was the ability to keep sweat out of my eyes during long runs or mountain biking treks because whatever cloth I would put on my head to wick up the moisture was more effective due to the direct skin contact, and third is kind of functional but also applies looks wise as well to I guess. The third reason is that I love getting all the sun my body can get. It helps me sleep better, it helps me stay more active through the day, and I feel overall a lot more relaxed. When I first started shaving my head and had the issue most guys who do this for the first time so which is basically a tan line because of your hair protecting your head from getting a tan, so I wanted all the skin on my head and face to match colours. It the previously mentioned benefits I found were amped up just a bit more after I shaved my head and got the sun exposure I needed to make my skin colour the same all over. I used to have facial hair that was quite long like the guys from Meshuggah and I will again in the future. But I find that facial hair gets to a point with me that once it gets to a certain length it just starts to itch and nothing will stop it except shaving it off. But I do prefer my shaved head to have some facial hair with it. The only other hairstyle I sometimes wear is a Mohawk, which is really hard to manage by yourself, but it can be done. Well that is my two cents, cheers!!!

DeclinedForCredit - 01.06.2023 17:56

I find shaving my head with a wet razor and shaving cream with a single blade edge results in the best overall cut. I found the razors with multiple blades to make my head only feel smoother after the shave and not look smoother than a single blade wet razor. So if I were to start shaving my head with a wet razor for the first time I would look for a single edge wet razor or a barber that can shave your head with a straight razor. I find the more blades a razor has the more skin irritation you will get unfortunately. The multiple razor blades are also much harder to keep clean. Shaving you head like this by yourself can be a pain but I find it is worth it. The other option I used to use a lot because it was faster and just easier to do was shaving my head with a electric razor with no shave guards in place (the name of the electric razor I use is called “the peanut”, my barber recommended that electric razor to me as that is what he uses in his shop, I have had very little issues with the two that I have owned, the first one broke when my ex gf dropped and broke it unfortunately, and the second I have had since then and it still works great), but I find I do not like the look of a electrically shaved head, I call it tennis ball head. That is why when I can I prefer to use the wet single edge razor on my head. The only reason I used the electric razor now is when I get lazy and do not feel like wet shaving my head for awhile and I let my hair grow out. You need to make sure you hair is very short before you go and try to do a wet shave on your head. If you try with longer hair the wet shave will become practically impossible and you will ruin the blade from all the long hair getting tangled in it and it will become unclean-able and will also cause severe razor burn due to the fact that you will find yourself having to make multiple passes to remove all of your hair. So always use a electric razor first if your hair is too long for a wet shave or if it is just longer enough to start causing you to have to make multiple passes with your wet razor. A lot of people ask me why I shave my head when I have a full head of hair. Well at first it started to show my mother who was going through breast cancer treatment that losing all her hair did not matter to me or my dad. Then I kind of grew to like it and how easy it was to manage and the fact that I was saving mo eh by doing it myself. Sometimes I will treat myself to a old fashioned barber straight razor shave of both my face and my head, nothing feels better, but where I live the price varies from 25 CAD to 50 CAD and then you are expected to provide a tip, typically 15% of the total cost is the lowest amount expected. But that is just where I live. The other reasons were functional. I practice MMA with classmates & friends and hair can get in the way when practicing and hurt a lot when it gets ripped out, the other reason was the ability to keep sweat out of my eyes during long runs or mountain biking treks because whatever cloth I would put on my head to wick up the moisture was more effective due to the direct skin contact, and third is kind of functional but also applies looks wise as well to I guess. The third reason is that I love getting all the sun my body can get. It helps me sleep better, it helps me stay more active through the day, and I feel overall a lot more relaxed. When I first started shaving my head and had the issue most guys who do this for the first time so which is basically a tan line because of your hair protecting your head from getting a tan, so I wanted all the skin on my head and face to match colours. It the previously mentioned benefits I found were amped up just a bit more after I shaved my head and got the sun exposure I needed to make my skin colour the same all over. I used to have facial hair that was quite long like the guys from Meshuggah and I will again in the future. But I find that facial hair gets to a point with me that once it gets to a certain length it just starts to itch and nothing will stop it except shaving it off. But I do prefer my shaved head to have some facial hair with it. The only other hairstyle I sometimes wear is a Mohawk, which is really hard to manage by yourself, but it can be done. Well that is my two cents, cheers!!!

First name Last name
First name Last name - 10.05.2023 17:46

I have hair but i do shave it when it gets annoying. Anyways back in college i remember shaving my head (not bald) but to a #8 guard. As i was getting out of my car a friend met me and the first thing he said was “you look like you just got out of jail dude” that was weird hahaha

Ian - 02.05.2023 19:32

My barber screwed up my haircut so bad that I shaved my head completely to make it better. I have to admit, i have noticed a difference in the way prople react to me now.

I am 19 and already carried myself with confidence do partially to my muscularity and physique. Now I have young men my age calling me "Sir" and getting out of my way when I walk through the college campus. Here's the thing, im only 5'6 and 145 pounds, but people are genuinely respectful of me and treat me like I am a giant. Its pretty cool

Cool Ruler
Cool Ruler - 28.04.2023 18:40

Your suit is so sick man!!!

Emerson Mena
Emerson Mena - 15.04.2023 17:13

Hank Schrader thumnnail?

hawkeye0248 - 03.04.2023 15:23

Rubbish. I do not have any skin problem, so I still have all my hair. Dominance flow from your dedication to complete tasks.

JESSE TEMENG - 25.03.2023 19:16

No man is more attractive than a balded man... Not even close, at least 8/10 a bald man is more attractive

C B - 23.03.2023 02:57

It signals you have weak hair genes, only that. This talk about looking sexy and confident and manly and like "Jason Statham" all bullshit.

Jus - 21.02.2023 04:00

I've had my head shaved since high-school. It sends a signal that you are about your business.

daniel nixon
daniel nixon - 10.02.2023 02:31

since covid every time i need my hair done i either shaved or buzzed it very close i do it about once every 3 months remember it was hard to see your hair stylist then so i just do it myself now

slowmotionsomatics - 05.02.2023 01:12

I wonder if this effect is cross cultural or pretty much limited to cultures that associate shaven heads with the military.

Solo Bat-Erdene
Solo Bat-Erdene - 02.02.2023 07:11

Skinheads, nazis, and impotent losers.

Studying Joseph Smith's Image and Life
Studying Joseph Smith's Image and Life - 27.01.2023 08:09

I think... he went bald and wants to look intimidating... Buzz cut, not so bad... shiny bald head... not my thing.

w4rr0ck_svcks - 26.01.2023 16:58

I’m a 22 year old male and I just shaved my head completely bald. I don’t have hair loss, I just wanted to try it and I’m loving it! I wear it with a thick beard and glasses and I think I will keep this look forever!

Gretny - 22.01.2023 04:14


vernon davis
vernon davis - 22.01.2023 01:26

it was actually my barber that suggested I shave my head after he confirmed I was losing my hair at 24 it was only after the hair was off that I realized how bald I was

Darren Armstrong
Darren Armstrong - 20.01.2023 02:41

This guys hands are tiny

CompaCookies - 17.01.2023 05:39

I’m 17 and gonna shave bald so that by when it grows back I’ll be a different person. I’m not balding but i feel that there’s a certain confidence that comes from going bald. Stay strong kings 💪❤️

Miles Hamblen
Miles Hamblen - 08.01.2023 10:02

Men with hair are just women, yeah I said it.

B J - 14.12.2022 06:22

pro presentation!

Anthony Jacobs
Anthony Jacobs - 11.12.2022 07:00

This guy should shave his head.

The Truth Serum
The Truth Serum - 07.12.2022 03:31

I wonder what the evolutionary purpose of MP balding is? Why does it exist?

AZRAELTHEDYINGGOTH - 07.12.2022 01:32

You skin heads are a disgrace to America, put a wig on.

Dennis Logan
Dennis Logan - 04.12.2022 03:23

I am 48 and have shaved my head for about a year. I was balding and I enjoy how I look now since I started shaving my head. I find the best way to do it is just like your face. By that I mean warm water, shaving cream (I use shaving soap lathered with a badger hair brush in a cup) and a good disposable razor. My wife gets the spots I miss and she likes the way it looks and feels. I think that the reason people think a shaved head makes a person appear to have a dominant personality is that you have to shave regularly.

EmptyNight - 01.12.2022 21:47

I finally just shaved my head and grew a beard. Ironically, I get more attention now.

Scott Baron
Scott Baron - 30.11.2022 09:38

I didn't and haven't gone bald but at around 40, my hairline started to recede. I have straight hair and oily skin. I was also going full gray. I made a move to the Caribbean and decided to shave my head the day before I moved. I didn't want the "sweat soaked hair" look that I knew I was gonna get, living in the tropics. I've NEVER looked back. That said...some people are vain and place a LOT of value in having a full head of hair. That's just facts. the long story, short is: You need to do what makes you feel confident. Regardless of what that is. Whatever you decide...OWN IT.

Victor Lomeli
Victor Lomeli - 30.11.2022 04:17

Not balding, but said screw it!

Bustroff - 27.11.2022 21:36

Bald men are sexiest men ever

Matt Oliver
Matt Oliver - 18.11.2022 22:07

I'm not balding or anything but I shave my head

James Creations
James Creations - 24.10.2022 05:33

I'm 17 and want to go bald tbh 💀

Hero - 22.10.2022 01:56

It's so bizzare seeing everyone post how when they shaved their heads the compliments came rolling in. For me it was the exact opposite, every female friend, male friend, hell even my gf at the time said I looked better with hair. I have a flipping cul de sac on the top of my head, literally nothing on top, and that looked better than shaved? Crazy.

firstdaysofhumanity - 08.10.2022 01:30

If you shave your head and you're ugly, everybody sees you as a violent thug or neonazi, especially women.

Kings disease
Kings disease - 06.10.2022 23:51

Shaved my head and i've never felt this good in my life💪🏾👽
