Reacting to ADHD Brain Hacks on Tiktok

Reacting to ADHD Brain Hacks on Tiktok

How to ADHD

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@newtonoakley - 11.01.2024 14:08

I find the idea of cupboard doors being off would be too visually stimulating for me (I try to aim for minimalism because of this but I also hate under-seasoned food/not having cupboard staples!) - but then I’ve got to make peace with stuff not getting used. 😞
Going to try labelling this weekend as I think if it’s done with a nice font, that might be a happy middle ground. 😅

@mae1813 - 11.01.2024 07:17

Okay I'm side tracking is that a blue narwhal plushie in the background.😮

@mae1813 - 11.01.2024 07:07

Yep permanence that's why I have 6 boxes full of Acrylic paints. Literally full of the same bottles of paint, most still sealed. Yep

@MiniMimots - 10.01.2024 13:25

The covered door for me is... cats
My cat is a thief so i have to be carefull sometime ^^'

@wierdgeak1621 - 09.01.2024 12:07

Thank you for saying what you said about object permanence. I am a child development major in college and when that video said “object permanence” I cringed. We are not actual babies!!!!

@dizzyzizzy - 08.01.2024 21:08

the "put away" part is different for me, the thing that works for me is in every room (or at least most of them) i have a box, an open visible box, that i put things into to not waste energy worying about it, then when im listening to some sort of podcast to not feel like im wasting time i just put them into place

@aroacedragon-nt5ol - 07.01.2024 19:52

For me, the broccoli I buy is actually frozen broccoli. Then if I forget it, it's fine, cause its frozen and won't go bad. I do this for a lot of foods, just buy things that can't go bad, then if I forget it for a while it's okay.

@byusaranicole - 06.01.2024 21:37

Instead of "don't put it down, put it away", instead of putting something down wherever I am, I throw it closer to where it goes... So later when I'm up and walking to a particular room for another reason, I'll see it and then I'll take it there since I'm on the way anyway. So if I were you anything that needed to go up the staircase, I would throw so it was at the bottom of the staircase.

@DuncanCunningham - 27.12.2023 03:48

Cupboards? my wife did something, she put up little curtains that, if you have company over and want to hide stuff, just draw the curtains over the cupboard openings.

@audreyfleming6608 - 06.12.2023 08:52

I give most of my items multiple homes. i used the be so set on having things in the right place that i would just leave them out until I could put them in the right place and… you know how that goes.. so instead i keep track of where i bring items out to— my makeup lives either in the bathroom or out in my bedroom, so my makeup has two homes. checking two or three places when im looking for something is wayyyy easier than knowing it could be anywhere bc i didn’t put it in its one home

@KatyaHoffmeister - 02.12.2023 18:05

I agree - "put it away" is a recipe for slipping into "one-after-another" chain of neverending distractions. K 😢

@Juliadesol - 02.12.2023 16:36

Since seeing your videos there are so many things that make sense to me as i do them the same ...

@gabrielmerchant - 30.11.2023 09:20

YES YES YES THE ORGANIZATION TIP HELPS I came up with that on my own too!! It's super helpful for me because my brain loves to refuse to acknowledge mess as Real and tells my body it's about as worth the effort as trying to eat an apple in a painting. So by interacting with it, it helps my brain figure out that it is a tangible issue. I highly recommend it! Still haven't figured out how to get myself to do the dishes but I can at least actually START the task of doing the dishes by organizing first. I also recommend trying to get the biggest pile biggest kitchenware done first, because it makes the REST of the piles look wayyy less intimidating especially if ur like me and you have to wash your dishes by freaking hand.

@gabrielmerchant - 30.11.2023 09:09

Gahhh what are those locking hooks called?? I can't figure out the right search terms and it's really frustrating me 😣

@skookumredcanadian - 29.11.2023 04:50

My version of “don’t put it down, put it away” is “chess rules”- you touch it, you put it away. Once I’ve decided to pick something up that needs to go away, I can’t set it down until it is in its proper home. Saves me from getting something halfway there and getting distracted by something else- if my hands are full everything in my hands has to go home before picking up something new. So many less misplaced items because I wasn’t aware of where I set it as I went about my day…

@blabible - 24.11.2023 04:16

Yes I led a life without "cabinet doors" or storing things in other things, just everything there for me to see - and the issue with that is that it's so much more difficult to clean. So now I prefer storing

Anyway there are so many intermediate options like glass doors, labels, or cleaning xD

@magic80588 - 23.11.2023 17:16

Thank you for your channel, I always thought something was wrong with me. I’m working on getting diagnosed at the moment.

@silvermoonshineX3 - 22.11.2023 11:30

I did DBT for my Borderline and they gave us sour candy as well to help with intense emotions!! I learned a lot from it and I think literally everyone can benefit from DBT.

@bethanycreativeside4326 - 21.11.2023 16:46

I agree you have to know yourself. Have to know if you're going to get distracted and you don't need that distraction right now, but if you know that you're going to be able to pick it up later and take care of it then it's okay to put it down. But yes it's a good idea. If you have nothing else to do to go ahead and put it away because then you won't have to have that thing over your head later when you need to clean up your house

@HeartTheBodyMovement - 21.11.2023 05:41

I taught myself to eat a full bag of apples because wanted them, but I’d never eat them and they always went bad.

I started with one apple. And made my goal to eat it before I went back to store. I did that a few times till I started wanting more. Then I bought 2 apples. Same thing. Once I got to 4 apples, I got the bag. A full bag of apples is no longer so intimidating for me to eat

I have also learned that I don’t have to put together a salad to eat a salad. I will eat a carrot. 2-3 handfuls of lettuce, just things whole and raw broccoli, celery, whatever! It works, and It gets the greener stuff in my system.

@julissavalencia1751 - 16.11.2023 22:16

I find nice looking clean my houses/ do laundry with me when I need to clean and I clean along with them. Or when I need to do my exercises I also watch aesthetic workout videos😂 I watch people having fun doing the task I’m dreading doing😂

@sweetie3.145 - 15.11.2023 21:11

I seriously was shaming myself for "being addicted" to Harribos Twin Snakes that are sweet/sour. I felt like I NEEDED them any time I got stressed! I can DECIMATE a bag of those when Im burning out. Maybe I can wrap each of the--nope.

@sweetie3.145 - 15.11.2023 20:59

😲 Every room should have a little BUCKET!

@sweetie3.145 - 15.11.2023 20:58

You advocating for those of us who CAN'T "just put it away" because reasons.

@karolinekjrgaard7394 - 14.11.2023 13:00

About the "don't put it down, put it away" - for me, living in a very small student apartment, I find this to be a very good rule, since I only have very few steps from one side of my home to the other. It doesn't take that much extra energy, plus the small space gets really messy very quickly, so it helps keeping the place somewhat tidy most of the time. But I could see it be more difficult in a bigger home, and I agree it really does depend on one's living situation. Loved the video :))

@charlessaintpe8574 - 10.11.2023 18:01

RE: "don't put it down, put it away", I would say "don't put it somewhere you'll forget about it".

@Willow_fish - 07.11.2023 02:45

I could not do open shelving. The dust would bother me to no end. At the very least, if I was that dedicated to the bit, I'd replace the solid cupboard doors with glass panel cupboard doors so I could have the dust protection but still see inside of the cupboards.

@echognomecal6742 - 06.11.2023 21:27

Frozen, steam-in-bag, toss it in the nuker (microwave) veggies are the best. It also saves on time, dishes, & the water/electric bills for us frugal poor out there.
Life changer: basket on/near the stairs that goes up & down with me. I also have a spot fairly central to the house where I "put down" stuff. Then when I'm headed in the direction where stuff goes, I bring them/it with me. Also a basket of "going out" stuff that I see before leaving. This way, anything that needs to be returned comes when I shop. Stuff for my friends gets snatched up before I go see them or when they come over. (...which I think she's basically saying as I write this...)

@daylightdies7194 - 06.11.2023 15:36

Weather I have adhd or not I don’t know but if I don’t tell myself the words do it now or you will not do it then it doesn’t get done 😂

@Jay-ql4gp - 05.11.2023 22:47

Doctor's appointments. Specifically.... missed Doctor's appointments. Exacerbated by the fact that some doctor's don't remind you of your appointment. At least not more than once. Which is troubling when it's the follow up to a procedure and it's months ahead. And then they send you a letter telling you that they 'had' to charge you for the office visit that you missed. That they didn't tell you about. Because your brain takes things from you. And I hate it.

@carolerobbins9522 - 04.11.2023 06:45

Maybe you could try putting a small to medium box on each end of your staircase and try to remember to put displaced objects that go upstairs or downstairs in those and grab them when they’re full.

I also like to turn my clothes inside out after the first wear and hang them back up if I want to wear them again before washing

@MP-tl1qk - 04.11.2023 04:31

You are reframing everything in such a great way! Thank you for making sure to correct phrases that are often used incorrectly such as object permanance! It makes me lose trust on users that are sloppy with certain words they use that don't make sens a to what they're saying!

@thegirlnextdoor3307 - 02.11.2023 17:15

I really cry watching your videos , I’m 32 and just realizing that I have adhd ! It’s so many things that I do from the hyperfocus to the IBUN topic ! To me being overlooked because I was good in school or smart but never did homework ( out of mind out of our sight ) I’m a bartend , I act , I can do nails , I have 2 LLC’s and Im a micro influencer on tiktok! Can’t stay consistent with ANY of THOSE THINGS ( Well bartending it’s my IBUN because it’s my main source of money ) and I learn how to do most these things in 3 days , no sleep ! And got bored in the Same amount of time ! I go crazy over that ! The tip where it’s say “dont put it down put it up” literally made me cringe also ! I paused to comment this ! Like I really am appreciative of you being so informative , I feel like now that I have an understanding and reason to get checked ( I also hate going to the drs ) I actually had a hyper focus moment due to your channel ! Monday - wed I finished most videos 😂😂😂😂😂 I’ve also changed insurance because boy adhd is hard to get help with state insurance

@sunriot1142 - 31.10.2023 10:42

I don’t put things away. I throw them to the general area they belong lol. Then next time i’m standing there (say the sock drawer) the socks are piled outside of it ready to go in

@karladolman9664 - 31.10.2023 05:01

It's working memory.

@sandraesparza4710 - 30.10.2023 16:43

You can put a rubber band around the hook of your hangers and then hook it on the rod and then use the rubber band to secure it on the rod so it doesnt come off.

@rayniervazquez1500 - 29.10.2023 02:40

It took me 40 min to Watch a 16 min video. Do you have something for that?🥲

@gandalf501 - 28.10.2023 11:30

My hack is regarding misplacing my keys. I now generally have 4 places I place my keys.
1. Near the door.
2. On my computer desk (hyperfocusd IT)
3. My pants pocket
4. My bedside table
This greatly reduces the places that I need to look when rushing out because I'm running late. Doesn't mean the keys don't get put down in other places but it only happens accidently.

The actual hack that works with my brain is
"Have multiple places that some thing can belong in that makes sense and is convenient."
To me nothing has just one place it belongs, well except my glasses which is on my nose. 😂

@sama5867 - 27.10.2023 22:12

Cabinet doors prevent everything from getting absolutely disgusting and dusty and greasy! If you really hate cabinet doors then you should always use your fume hood while cooking. Even the ones on the bottom of microwaves are useful.

@marytalley2571 - 27.10.2023 00:11

Ha! I like "Lighnting in a Bottle", I found this channel and it got me in the mood to actually clean my room.😅

@ashb2404 - 26.10.2023 21:01

I get legitimately angry when my hangers hit the floor

@randomrandom450 - 26.10.2023 16:53

Oh ok, yeah I do the "spot for clothes that are not 100% clean but still plan to wear again", this drives my gf crazy because my spot is... right next to the dirty clothes basket, so it feels like I'm too lazy to put it in the basket, but no, it's because they are to be wore again.

@moyaxoxo5923 - 25.10.2023 14:11

I like everything away otherwise I’m stressed out . The less visible the things minus decor things the better. I also watch things to get my in the mood . If I wanna make myself inspired to organize my closet I’ll watch some closet videos to make me excited about cleaning my closet. I also like to make my tasks have a time limit and then a reward to force me to finish the task then I get a reward and I get to feel good about finishing a task ✨

@cailleanmccain - 25.10.2023 12:09

Regarding cabinets, it might look cluttery or be overwhelming. So I would recommend not using doors but shutters or something similar you can roll down if it needs to look calm or tidy and then up again if you need to see it all.

@inspografica - 25.10.2023 03:42

I suggest having baskets for things that you need to put away, but may take extra time or may get you distracted by other things that you find that are out of their places. So you can put them away when you have the time. Maybe one in the living area, and one upstairs may work

@danielledavidoski4076 - 24.10.2023 01:08

I can only do frozen veggies bc otherwise it goes bad lol
