The Downfall of Final Fantasy 14 | Asmongold Reacts

The Downfall of Final Fantasy 14 | Asmongold Reacts

Asmongold TV

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@PRODUCTOFPAIN - 10.12.2023 03:10

Aghhh.. I love Black Desert Online <3 So much better than any MMORPG I have ever played. <3

@diogoavilla1329 - 10.12.2023 02:52

Dude complaining about hardcore component in ff14 is hilarious honestly

@moderncreep9385 - 10.12.2023 00:18

This is my response to your question about how the magic wears off for a long time players. And yes, it absolutely does. I did a little experiment on myself to find out this answer. I put in countless hours of 14 since it came out and one day I just got sick of it.. just after the shadow bringer expansion. When I beat that expansion, I put the game down. felt like I had to because it was all formulaic like you say, and I was getting bored very quickly. I asked myself.. Why did this come so abruptly? I was OK with this for a while and then all of a sudden I was sick of it, so I was thinking ok, let’s just take a break for a couple of years. Then let’s come back and see if the magic re-emerges. So recently I just started up again, completely fresh character from the beginning and I’m happy to report that I missed the game very much and I’m loving every second playing it again. So I think the problem is that it just wears off after awhile. So if you are feeling that sense of repetitiveness, just put the game down and do some other things for a while. Such as true with everything in life, you have to take things in moderation.

@freeme2705 - 09.12.2023 21:09

As someone who played wow for a lot of years, I enjoyed it when I didn't have the responsibilities I do now so I can't dedicate the time to be successful and have fun in it. Ff14 I didn't enjoy as much back on the day, but now that I have less time, I can accomplish quite a lot and feel rewarded playing it with reduced time. So I can really agree that it hits home for the mid core players

@GawainCross - 09.12.2023 14:51

FFXIV has gotten worse with fight design as they have artificial difficulty like body checks for every effing mechanic now. There's little to no room for recovery.

It used to be you could get through an entire fight to enrage through heal and recovery, but you couldn't clear because the dps check, but you could see all mechanics and learn them and then work on your rotation and damage as a team after perfecting mechanics to clear.

Now if 1 person's dead the next mechanic will wipe the whole team within seconds.

This is because they lowered the difficulty of all jobs which is fine but artificially inflating fights difficulty wasn't a good substitute.

There's almost no intrinsic gameplay to FFXIV now and that's why I think it's worse combatwise.

@gamergatsbi6414 - 09.12.2023 00:10

Time to move on.. the fact he's played for so long says enough. They cannot do anymore to satisfy him. Its about the new players now and those still in between.

@LB_Redacted - 08.12.2023 22:12

my brother in christ you got 12k hours out of game, its not that bad.

@CollinGibsonOnline - 08.12.2023 18:35

He lost me at ignoring the story...

@CanYouResistClick1ng - 07.12.2023 23:54

I liked how even though asmongold doesnt know much about FFXIV Endgame, he could still see right through Lynx's bullshit and could tell this video was BS

@Necrilem - 07.12.2023 21:05

5 minutes in and it srsly just sounds like someone (not asmon mind you, the nobody that made the video) that just whines and shits and is so entitled, they think they speak for everyone and makes statements like "ppl think this, ppl think that" even though it is just him and his opinion.

@DREAMGUYX - 07.12.2023 16:15

He said story skipper so with that in out 🎉

@lordjaraxxus5418 - 07.12.2023 14:35

One button rotation thing I can understand due to a lot of jobs having so much button bloat.
In wow, I would take like 16 buttons to have a rotation with cooldowns and even some cc abillities bound and that's it.
in ffxiv, it's a 3 button combo for just basic attacks then usually 2 buttons for basic aoe, then 3 buttons for first set of spenders for positions and aoe, then another two or three for the second set of spenders with positions and aoe. there are also another 2 buttons for big generators for single target and aoe. Then another 2 for buffs/debuff management... Take a guess which job I am talking about.

@terrificlife1576 - 07.12.2023 08:07

FF14 has fallen down a lot in the last 2 years; I am not surprised so many are quitting the game. The community in FF14 these days is full of RP players or solo players who are the most toxic people I have ever seen in any big MMORPG

@macbrush - 06.12.2023 20:05

They need to make dungeons and raids more exciting and contents vary more. Take trash mobs in dungeons for example, it's been awhile that a tank can just pull wall to wall without even thinking about it, just pushing the same buttons routine over and over... that's boring. Another example is that tanking in WoW Classic actually require skill and cooperation of party members, but in FFXIV, you just turn on tank stance, and AOE, that's fuxked up boring.

@geneticallytails - 06.12.2023 13:05

When he tries to make fun of people who enjoy the story: "who cry because a pixel said something sad?" he gave me huge edgy kid who doesn't understand sh*t about life vibes...

@chafaris1355 - 06.12.2023 01:26

So basically someone who played 11 years with at least two hours each fckng day straight tells me that he is bored? Damn

@Enacht1811 - 05.12.2023 21:02

i dont remember where i watched a vid about how larian studio go full blow with baldur's gate 3 broke the secret code of game devs to never go full blow with their games to keep players demand of how good a game is in check and get some harassment from other devs or something like that

@Ozawanikoot - 05.12.2023 19:54

Lmao all are WOW players

@jakejackson8234 - 05.12.2023 16:19

This is literally insane. Man has played a game for 12000 hours which is 500 days straight, a literal year and some months, actually spending his life on this game. Play something else ffs you're losing your mind

@sketchtheparadigmyork1217 - 04.12.2023 22:08

Honestlyyyy it kinda just feels like all of the normies who started playing just bc the streamers deemed it popular is why there’s so much contrast from its height to this.

@marcovermeer1809 - 04.12.2023 17:21

This guy truly whines and whines about the boss fights.... Last I heard they were DESIGNED so you did not need addons, just good reaction times. IF they make bosses really difficult, like in Mythic wow raids... you can't do them WITHOUT addons. Besides, people would make addons anyway to make shit easier.....

EDIT: My god, Zack, you hit the nail on the head there with that rebuttal of his dogshit opinion: "What do you mean? Have you seen Classic WoW? They got 3 buttons and they still hit the wrong one!" My man, this is why you are awesome!

@zarathos888 - 04.12.2023 15:01

I always thought paladin utility had a lot of ways to demonstrate moments of glory. Using cover and passage of arms to save/mitigate mistakes made.

I agree they have dumbed down a lot of classes summoner not being able to create/manage dot damage zones is disappointing.

Black mage always stood out for me because the rotation would often lead to situations where you might need to freestyle it if you lost any seconds of cast time. If anything generic set rotation most dps play into without any mix ups is kinda what irks me more.

The healers definetly got it the worst. Astrologian had way more depth with all of its card options. Even if it was a little busted.

Tbh i dont think difficulty is what is upsetting most longtime fans in ff 14 its oversimplfying classes not allowing busted crap to exist to maintain content difficulty levels is worse then easy content.

@eviolite1930 - 04.12.2023 07:48

Sounds like the boy needs to go get a job or at least stop playing the same videogame for 12 hours a day.

@samuelleie - 04.12.2023 06:26

Well... the guy in the video played 12k hours of the game and says it is mechanically repetitive... I would say any game would get repetitive after this much time. You know, games are done thinking about a game "loop", so yeah it will become repetitive soon or later.

I'm saying this in the perspection of a player that usually don't play more than 150h in one game.

@TeeteringPeaks - 04.12.2023 04:20

A story skipper not liking the game, what a suprise

@waxydabz8205 - 04.12.2023 01:01

We need a new and better Shadow King game

@TheGeoff - 03.12.2023 22:19

what this guy and many hardcore raiders fail to realize is that they are the MINORITY of players.

@thecasuallongsword - 03.12.2023 20:55

There's probably not enough of him to support the game so square has to broaden their approach.

@meyatetana2973 - 03.12.2023 18:22

A lot of us quiet when ARR went into next expansion because they introduced nothing new, all the mechanics were just rehashed from the old raids of ARR they've alway sdone this and always will do this. See how this is good so even bad players can do harder or newer content without learning new stuff, but it's bad as it doesn't challenge those who are good or even bad but enjoy challenges and changes.

@madjong7174 - 03.12.2023 07:25

the comments are more interesting than the video, lol.
The lion's share of the problems voiced is a problem of the genre, not a specific game. Should I tell you about thousands of hours in Lost Ark, hundreds in BDO, a thousand or two in BNS, Aion, archeage, moonlightblade online, revelation, jade dynasty, pw, newerwiner online, cabal online, this is so, one of the most memorable. I've probably spent half my life playing MMORPGs. and they all have problems, including common ones, such as self-repetition, a long period without new content, a routine of daily and weekly tasks, a gear score race, and in the case of F2P MMOs also donation, which is often crazy and unbalanced, but Against the backdrop of all this, there is often toxicity and burnout of the community, but they still continue to play as if it were work.
Of the many MMORPGs in which I spent years of my life, ff14 is the easiest, most unobtrusive and interesting. I don’t need to be in it 24/7, 365 days a year, to be equal in terms of GS to those who are in it constantly, it’s enough to close current raids for a couple of weeks. Yes, I don’t even need this GS, it doesn’t solve anything anywhere other than these raids, and raids here are not the only end game. I don’t need to log into the game until I’m completely burned out, I can play exactly until I get bored, and then, after waiting for a major patch and a piece of the plot with alliance raids and other things, I can log in, go through, have fun and, if I get bored, repeat this trick and I won't lose anything.
Now I'm spending 6k hours in lost ark. For me this is already work. Do you know what will happen if I stop? in general terms - nothing, in reality, if I decide to return, then I will fall far behind in progression. Who should I chase? no one cares, I'm a F2P player. but every week of inactivity I will lose 150+ thousand gold. can you imagine? six months of NK activity in FF14 and lost ark - heaven and earth. so, fear God. in ff14 there may be more problems from saturation with content, but they are superficial and minimal. There are examples with much more global problems.
ah, I could talk for hours on this topic, but to whom and what do I prove and explain... to burnt-out players who take as an example something that they have not yet managed to burn out from...

@Enter-the-Fray - 03.12.2023 02:30

Story skipper will be sundered by my Ire

@musicilike69 - 02.12.2023 12:35

He's trying to jam a Hardcore American gaming take onto a Japanese one and he's an absolute fail. FF14 is NOT about the cream of gamers and tuning for them to the max. It's for everyone from a casual gamer with 5 hours a week to spare and this one who has invested a lot of time so it should do what he says. He sounds like he wants to dominate in esports in an FF context...It's a grand story RPG. Dude's gotten lost.

@mrbdrm2 - 02.12.2023 11:10

The only reason ff was gaining popularity is wow. it wasn't even a good game to begin with.

streamers was mad at wow so they free marketing FF and now they are bored with it since wow have made a new content

bb ff

@borzydar1196 - 02.12.2023 10:10

12k hour in 6 years is roughly 5.5 h A DAY

@edwinpastuizaca7374 - 02.12.2023 07:53

I want the Riot mmo :(

@Kiko-fc1gd - 02.12.2023 03:12

One thing I agreed with him about was the formula being a bit samey, but I also honestly can't find much of a problem with it because it's just FFXIV formula. I enjoyed the formula every single time, I bought into the game knowing this is the formula and being content with this formula, like how you buy Dark Souls 3 because you liked Dark Souls. It's true that it's a formula, but you buy and play into that game knowing that's what you're getting. I'm not here to try and convince burnt out players to feel a different way, I just mean that maybe you really are just burnt out and you don't wanna go through things that feel the same way for a while. All it says is that you have to play a different game. This was never gonna last forever and I myself have felt burnt out numerous times, I kept coming back for the reason that, despite things being somewhat the same, I liked the game for what it is. You buy God of War 2 expecting God of War, because you just want more God of War 1. It's formulaic, but you get what you're buying.

P.S. The one I had an irrational fit over was the "one button bad" take, because bro, I HAVE A SINGULAR KEYBOARD, Paladin's kit takes up three hotbars, imagine if the Confiteor combo took up 3 more buttons, my fingers would fall apart.

@paulwoodford1984 - 01.12.2023 12:16

Final fantasy 7 remake / sequel was truly the down fall of final fantasy. terrible writing and changes in story.

@ziggytubey - 30.11.2023 21:38

we need a Anarchy Online remake or AO2, that is one diverse game.

@SlinkyRock - 30.11.2023 20:58

FFXIV Players: Yes, we asked for this, we like a worse game. It's fine to quit an MMO until next patch. 😏😏

@SCEndbringer - 30.11.2023 20:22

It's funny when players show you the hours "played" in ffxiv. I've been a sub for 3 months and have 3k hours on the game... because I don't log off, and the game doesn't log you out when you afk.

@CodieFrink - 30.11.2023 19:57

I see stuff like this all the time. Guy spends every day on a game for 6 years, levels everything to max, does all the content possible and then complains the game is "too easy" (because you been playing for 6 years straight) and there's "no content" (cause you did it all immediately.) Also surrounded by "the casuals want it to be easier and they are ruining it" attitude. If you make something you're entire life you're gonna find it easy after awhile. A game can be "easy" and fun. But if you're not having fun, yeah stop playing but don't try to blame everyone else cause you got burnt out. Dude spent 10 minutes complaining about people HAVING FUN in the way he didn't want them to have fun and said they are the reason the game was "bad" cause they enjoyed doing the stuff he didn't like.

@jetdathreat - 30.11.2023 18:44

12,000 hours over 6 years is 5.5 hours a day, every day for 6 years... damn

@oldnotweak - 30.11.2023 12:46

best way to experience an MMO... just watch a compilation of cinematics and gameplay clips to turn the game into a movie and save yourself 12000 hours of mind numbing grind and despair

@blondiwithstyle - 29.11.2023 09:32

The only complaint I got about FF14 is that it's a game trying to be both an mmo and a singleplayer at the same time. Your character's progression is locked behind main story. There are around 100 lvl 50 quests so even if you become lvl 60, you cannot do dungeons higher than 50 until you have completed those 100 quests. There is a solution to this - you pay the developer to SKIP the story. This should be a clear sign of design flaw and at the same time it is an acknowledgement of player's wishes.

Imagine that you are picking this game up in order to play with others that have already played it for a while and are max level (90 atm). You start leveling, enjoy the story and... BOOM. You hit lvl 50 and now you need to clear 100+ quests before you can move on to the lvl 51+ area. You finish those, hit lvl 60 and... BOOM. You need to clear X+ quests again before you can move on to the lvl 61+ area. Rinse and repeat.

@Jackeetchai - 29.11.2023 07:12

I only have one thing to say. FF14 needs to do something on PVP and make use of it and connect it to PVE, vice versa.

@sadot9315 - 28.11.2023 20:34

I'm a pretty new player and I am excited for FF14 because I can solo dungeons with AI. I can play a dungeon without someone crying "wipe" if a fight isn't going perfectly or a player dropping out bc the party isn't doing enough DPS for them or having trouble with a mechanic. I can deal with these people after I figure it out.

@MangoPanic - 28.11.2023 12:34

Smth about ultimates too is that it's not just about the people who play them. Ultimate clears get watched by all sorts of players who may not even have that skill level, but it's just exciting to see!

@MangoPanic - 28.11.2023 12:23

The reason FFXIV doesn't have moments of glory is because they don't want any class to be better than the other in order to prevent people playing certain classes from being excluded.
There are some tho, they're just not do-or-die features. Like for example, doing alliance raids and dungeons kinda sucks without a physical ranged DPS to use peloton (increased speed ability) for example. And dancers can designate dance partners to share their ability effects with which can be super useful. Reapers also have their teleport ability which can get them out of trouble faster than any other class.
