Most Powerful Switzerland By Blood Alone Start! One Neutral to Rule Them All! HOI4 BBA

Most Powerful Switzerland By Blood Alone Start! One Neutral to Rule Them All! HOI4 BBA


1 год назад

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It began with the forging of of the Neutral Entente. Invites were sent out from Switzerland to all the neutral lands of the world
3 were sent to the Banana Republics, whom the monroe doctrine won't save
7 were sent to the Middle East, masters of oil drilling and the generic focus tree
And 9....9 were sent to the lands of Europe, who above all else desire power

But they were all of them deceived, for an Adolf Furrer had risen to power in Switzerland, and he had in secret devised a master plan to dominate all the neutral lands and fill them with a second neutrality
Into this Neutral Entente he poured his meh, his neutral feelings, and his will to dominate all neutrality

Switzerland's brilliant plan to enslave all the neutrals of the world with its secret weapon, Austria will be shown in this video.
By creating a faction for all the neutrals of the world to join, we set an irresistible trap for Austria to break free of its puppet status and at the same time enslaving these nations for Switzerland and Austria both to then capitalize on.
this creates a powerful base of factories that we can then use to fight whoever we want to. or maybe just stay neutral? the world is our oyster


#hoi4_by_blood_alone #by_blood_alone #Switzerland_By_Blood #switzerland_by_blood_alone #switzerland_bba #swiss_cheese_hoi4 #neutral_entente #everybody_gets_a_canton #you_shall_not_pass_hoi4 #I’m_not_locked_in_here_with_you #swiss_hoi4 #switzerland_focus_tree #hearts_of_iron_iv #hearts_of_iron_4
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