What Protestants Get Terribly Wrong

What Protestants Get Terribly Wrong

Breaking In The Habit

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glenn212now - 31.10.2023 06:12

I'm a Catholic, and I have to say I don't believe 100% of the Church's doctrine. I think that's fine. I believe in the most important things. I also think Protestants are totally fine. I have no issues with them. The only thing that bothers me is all the back and forth criticism. I recently read something online saying Catholics and Protestants BOTH believe each other are going to Hell. That's ridiculous. I think Jesus looks down on all this fault finding. We need to leave each other alone and focus on our common love for Jesus.

Adelbert Leblanc
Adelbert Leblanc - 28.10.2023 20:35

A Catholic Christian doesn't care about mockery, attacks and insults. he remains focus on the Word made flesh. He knows the person of Jesus Christ very well. He does not doubt or confused because he knows the Gospel and the teachings of the Church well. He knows how to detect the Word in the midst of words. He is focus on Faith, Hope and Charity and on the Holy Cross.

Adelbert Leblanc
Adelbert Leblanc - 28.10.2023 20:29

Many copy/past here verses from the Old testament, without a real understanding of its. Be aware : Jesus nuanced the scriptures of the Old Testament (this was one of the reasons of the conflict with the Pharisees). Since Jesus, a Christian must read the OT in the light of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church. For a "raw" reading would lead us to spiritual rigidity and to mis understandings of the Holy Scriptures.

Sisi - 26.10.2023 10:01

i like the catholic church but they did so many bad things back in the days like clearing peoples sins for money, that wasnt what jesus wanted either. luthers revelation started because of these things didnt it?

The HalfElf Cleric
The HalfElf Cleric - 24.10.2023 18:52

This ignores Lutherans, the OG protestants.

Lovely and Smart Commentator
Lovely and Smart Commentator - 23.10.2023 14:17

I will not tolerate the misogyny within Catholicism and right wing Fundamentalists.

Gordon Rugg
Gordon Rugg - 23.10.2023 04:44

I really enjoyed these two videos, and though protestants and catholics dont always see eye to eye, it's fair to say we're both following the one true God, and are doing our best to interpret it. I think the beauty of the bible is how following it can lead us to different conclusions and perhaps both can be equally valid. I think the protestants try to take away the fluff and get right to God and the relationships if God to the individual while catholicism has a stronger hold on traditions . In my mind, the holy spirit is definitely in both of these churches and dialogues of respect and understanding can improve both churches and overall fulfill God's plans. Im still deciding on my denomination, but i wish you all the blessings in this world, and may God be with you

Snake Ohio
Snake Ohio - 22.10.2023 19:15

Where do Catholics come up with these lies?!?

Precious Bees
Precious Bees - 22.10.2023 17:01

So does that mean protestantism took monasticism and said "everyone should be a monk!"?

Thomas - 21.10.2023 17:21

Genesis: 26
Then God said, "Let us make a man - someone like ourselves to be master of all life upon Earth and in the skies and in the seas".
27. So God made man like his maker. Like God did God make man. Man and woman did he make them.
28. And God blessed them and told them "Multiply and fill the Earth and subdue it; you are masters of the fish and birds and all the animals."

So God makes two people a man and a woman (Adam & Eve) and tells them to multiply (have intercourse and give birth to children) .

Notice the problem here. Who when the children are older are they going to have intercourse with to continue this multiplication of the Earth? Are we to assume each other incestuously? It has to be that if the Bible is to be taken literally. But that then implies God approves of incest.

So what's it to be? Genesis is the word of God? So God does approve of incest or Genesis is just an allegorical story? In which case don't take the Bible seriously or perhaps Genesis and the Bible are a load of made up nonsense? In which case you'd be better advised to avoid.


emma ♡
emma ♡ - 20.10.2023 21:51

as i protestant i wanna saz something ( I hope this doesnt sound mean so yeah )
i had mz konfermation last zear in may (For that u maust know that i live in germanny) we saw it more like as a bounding whit jesus and god . with that we learnd how to talk to jesus and god. I talked to mz catolic friends about that topic and they said thaz also leard that so idk if protestants are diffrent in america and germanny

CaffeinatedMe - 20.10.2023 08:24

You clearly don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Protestants.

Teresa R
Teresa R - 20.10.2023 06:15

You are not speaking AT ALL about my Protestant experience. And don’t forget, we’re a mess because you guys were such a mess in the 1500s! Selling access to heaven much!? ❤❤. It’s time to come back together. But there’s a lot of work to do first! Thankfully I’m part of a Protestant church that worships with icons, incense, the saints, and the mystics. Pretty sure Jesus didn’t make all 7 of these sacraments, nor did he use the word “sacraments.” And we have two of them Jesus did. Jesus does mediate through prophets but pretty sure that has nothing to do with todays ordination. Look at the behavior of many priests. By their fruits you shall know it, not my some ordination by men (and I literally mean men, ignoring the half of Imago Dei!).

tooiee1 - 19.10.2023 02:16

God bless ...

Austin Greer
Austin Greer - 18.10.2023 12:34

You are very well spoken brother. I have 2 questions and 1 piece of constructive feedback, respectfully. What do you mean when you say that God's grace is "mediated" through the sacraments and what sacraments do Protestants "ignore?" 
1) Are the sacraments spiritual vehicles without which God could not impart His saving grace? How would foregoing the sacraments limit God's way of giving grace when the Bible emphasizes that faith and obedience are all a person needs to live in God's grace? And that's obedience as an orientation to God, not individual acts of obedience because it is easy to go through the motions without having your heart bowed before Christ. The Apostle Paul, when admonishing churches, pointed them to have faith in Christ's crucifixion and resurrection for grace and I don't read any of the Apostles describing the sacraments as mediations of grace. 1 Timothy 2:5,6 says, "5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time." Christ Himself is the mediating vessel Who imparts grace to all who believe and surrender their lives to Him. Hebrews 9:15 says the same thing. Hebrews 4:15-16 is even clearer that our instruction is to approach His throne in prayer with all our neediness to receive grace. "15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." What I read is that we obtain grace by going directly to God with our needs, not by coming to Him through works of the law. 
2) You said "But how can you say you're going directly to Jesus and obeying His commands when you ignore what He instituted?" What are Protestants ignoring except going to humans for forgiveness because the NT teaches going to God (1Jn 1:9)? The sacraments are not described as the primary way to come to Jesus for grace, which suggests your statement, places a function on the sacraments that the Bible does not. I'd like to see biblical harmony in your doctrine between the OT and the NT.
Treat Protestants as fair as Catholics regarding both religions being a mixed bag of faithful and unfaithful believers. It is uncharitable to reduce Protestant faith to what unfaithful Christians make of it. Why not comment about Catholicism on the same matter? Unfaithful Catholics go through motions in their own way then do whatever they want the rest of the week. The distinction is not in being Catholic or not, but in tried and true faith and obedience to Christ. The permanence and essential quality of Protestantism is faith and obedience to Christ as illuminated by His word through the Eternal Holy Spirit and by the will of the Father.

Russ Matthews
Russ Matthews - 17.10.2023 21:37

Ok, see if I got this right.
1.Getting rid of Idols, Alters, and Statues was bad. Let me blot out Leviticus 26:1 from my Bible
2. Too much focus on Christ alone is bad.
3. We don't follow traditions of men, which is bad.
4. Should follow traditions of men to "help" Jesus show Himself to us. Jesus needs help?
5. Water and Oil helps God save us as He needs our help. He is not capable alone. Looking in Bible to find where Water and Oil have saving qualities.
6. Need to believe that since the beginning, Christians actually believed in the real presence of the Eucharist? I assume you only read from a very small select group of church fathers.
7. When we cut off from the sacraments, it cuts us off from Christ? Bible verse please. Just saying something does not make it true
8. Priesthood goes all the way back? Sure, before Christ. Why did the vail in the temple rip when Jesus died on the cross?
9. Jesus gave the Apostles the ability to forgive sin? Excuse me while I blot out Mark 2:7 from my Bible.
10. Believe the Catholic church is the one true church that Jesus started through Peter, regardless of what the early church fathers believed.

So, from what I see in the Catholic church, we humans need to do our best to help God accomplish His plan for us. Without our help, God would be useless. What a sad belief.

Simple Is Better
Simple Is Better - 15.10.2023 00:38

Does God invite us to perform works in His name and act His will rather than to perform all good works directly so that we can be part of His body? If we are working as limbs, the Spirit flowing through us like blood and His guidance driving our muscles as nerves do, then we are a part of His body. God does not need limbs or a body but He desires for us to be joined with Him: are the works we are called to perform how He brings us into communion with Him?

Juicesus Maximus
Juicesus Maximus - 12.10.2023 19:53

Catholicism is THE Church, not part of Christ's Church. The Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church as well. Protestantism is evil pride at its worst because it lets one create their own doctrine of salvation and how to serve God, versus what He set for us. Morally relative, heretical, and selfish it is. I pray for the conversion of them to the One True Church, the Catholic Church.

Q awesome
Q awesome - 12.10.2023 16:50

Catholics are polytheists
