What Makes Popular Kids Popular?

What Makes Popular Kids Popular?

The Infographics Show

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@xmuncho - 14.01.2024 17:50

Yeah the love one is true 😢😂

@chalkchalk - 23.11.2023 02:23

At my school (uk) every one is a bully or a road man

@nataliejade1913 - 01.11.2023 11:35

Because they're mean and use vulnerable kids as a punchline, an object to laugh at to entertain their friends

@Real-Dante-lopes - 26.10.2023 09:13

I was popular in school always hung out with the jocks knew everyone hated anime always loved sports especially skateboarding always wore Jordan’s

@lacywagner3666 - 10.10.2023 03:15

In the movies the popular kids always look at the outside happy but at the end of the movie I always knew that there was sad because the people in their life wasn't going to long trum but that's why thay was so mean to that one kid in the movies. I think that mostly people don't want to be popular but love and like but because there live looks great on the outside it must really be. Its human nature to what to be like and love. But if u look for it in bad whys u are not going to get it .

@plusmin09 - 21.09.2023 23:50

Humans are primates

@nicolettanicolaou371 - 20.07.2023 17:17

In elementary school kids bullied me and my friend because we didn’t know how to do acrobats.

@Cliff_Melton - 27.06.2023 06:08

School is like a battleground 🤣

@Salwa-tw6uc - 25.06.2023 20:31

Bro now that i think about it, i was the popular Kid smh huhuuu T_T i've just realized duhh

@shawn6306 - 08.06.2023 03:22

I don't want to be both i only just want to be unpopular i hate popularity so much i think popularity is overrated i love being unpopular outcast because i have the freedom to be myself doing what makes me happy

@AidenShingler - 09.05.2023 04:25

Hey @infographicsshow can I get your sources?

@felixcoree - 08.05.2023 21:02

Honestly, i don't wanna be popular. I just wanna be appreciated for whatever im good at and have a small group of good friends whom i can enjoy with. Thats all i need in my highschool life.

@harrisonforbes8367 - 08.05.2023 04:20

Thank you so much i can now be popular and not gay 😎😎

@dreezysig7469 - 19.04.2023 02:41

As long as my ppl good and my enemies are away from me Idgaf who’s popular

@carpenoctem775 - 16.04.2023 04:44

When I was growing up it was usually who was more athletic.

@Lily69420AYFGA - 11.04.2023 12:30

at my school:

-toxic asf
-rich asf
-NPCs (normal)
-quiet kids (me)

@MentaliusMods - 25.03.2023 05:12

In middle school, it was all about the clothes and stuff.

@walnutek749 - 22.03.2023 20:13

I was very popular in highschool and college but after school nobody really cares about you....i was the most popular girl because i was the most prettiest girl....trust me it doesn't after it ends...i miss those days

@elizabethmaas - 20.03.2023 02:11

The gacha backround 💀

@kyliekyliekylie_ - 18.03.2023 14:36

In my school, rick is a popular kids, he's a jocks, big and tough. Nobody wanna mess with him and also nobody wanna be around him. That means he doesn't have a real friends since he always hangout with another bully that just feel untouchable when they bullying people under Rick's name. And one day, I bump into him in cafeteria and he doesn't look bothered at all but all his " Friends " Is almost put their hands on me. Rick stop them and apologize. Everyone seeing that Rick isn't bad as they said. So everyone start to forget the bad rumours about Rick and now everybody just being cool with Rick and sometimes I was hangout with him too.

After all, it all depends on how someone looks. If you're a nerd but big person, nobody will mess with you. I promise.

@artsygirlforlife - 23.02.2023 04:08

I’m friends with the “popular” girls, and am a volleyball/athletic girl. Although I much prefer my other group of friends that actually listen to me, and really want the best for me. I’m trying to separate myself from the popular people because they are SO judgemental and rude sometimes, and it’s really tiring to be with them.

@zhanderreydeoferio2298 - 21.02.2023 03:47

I don't know what's gonna happen to me in the future because I'm unpopular but then now I'm popular, currently in high school.

@worldsgreatestdude1784 - 25.01.2023 09:22

I kinda went from being in a small group of friends to being popular pretty quickly because I just turned into a goofball in my junior year of high school when I was reserved in sophomore

@goofball2228 - 18.01.2023 05:40

I used to be so unpopular. I was bullied, and called “weird” and I was always developmentally behind my peers. Once I got to high school tho, I became popular for being nice, athletic, smart and funny. People who bullied me before apologized and said I was cooler than they thought.

@Hitotallynormal - 09.01.2023 06:07

At my school there’s always what I call celebrity kids where they are super popular so they think they own people and the school and also a lot of them are class clowns and gossip people but what there most known for is what I call school scandals which means so-so cheated on so-so or so-so got so-so expelled

That’s what I think the definition of popular is

@thePlaylistChannel24 - 08.01.2023 22:02

Popurlarity depends on what clubs you go to, how you look, your athleticism,
social media apps, and of course interation with others

@cattoleonce4066 - 30.12.2022 20:33

in my school theres no such thing as "the popular kids" everybody is basically equal, there are no bullies or whatever its honestly pretty boring how normal school is. just study study thats it

@progamerfil1370 - 24.12.2022 16:00

I just did me I was myself

@konstantinosskarmoutsos5935 - 12.12.2022 19:58

Used to be alone and I was OK with that. But when I liked a girl for the first time I decided to try to be something closer to alpha. Still on progress

@Mark-rv8kp - 30.11.2022 11:52

One was to become popular is often bullying less popular people

@ethangjon530 - 28.11.2022 14:46

Why am I watching this when I am already

@Pigeon61600 - 28.11.2022 03:44

I rather not be noticed. I just want to blend in. And be unnoticed. I don't know if im the only one who thinks this. This is just my opinion.

@george78922 - 16.11.2022 22:23

I’m my school:
you have to look nice
You must be into football
You have to be mean to the unpopular kids
You must be popular from the first day you went to school

@guitarman8412 - 12.11.2022 04:02

The popular kids are the majority in my school. High school is the worst time of my life and do not worry about popularity!

@johnw9190 - 07.11.2022 20:01

I promote myself as the best wingman you will ever have. So, beta? Gamma? LOL

@deadaccount6385 - 18.10.2022 20:21

I wish I spent more time alone in school. I’m a loner and I naturally fade away from people’s lives. I should have accepted that soon because I would have been more happy. I’m happier when people forget I exist and let me live in solitude. I have close friends but we mostly talk over text.

@XT1515 - 07.10.2022 21:44

as an extreme introvert, I don't want friends or popularity because they're torchure to maintain.

@thatwierdbilly - 23.09.2022 23:29

last year i had a few friends but now they changed school and i have like no reputation in my current class

@mexicanguy6724 - 21.09.2022 03:27

what i do to be popular is having social skills is definitely helpful and what i do to become popular is being a joker or a clown and that just always seems to work

@beatricesablah5901 - 17.09.2022 16:43

You know I am a nerd certified.but I am part of the cool kids .This is all part of an experiment I am conducting to see how the cool kids treat others or how they expect you to treat others

@Bluealivedamnation - 14.09.2022 06:24

Bro imagine your only flex is “I bullied Elon musk”

@rex7305 - 10.09.2022 19:29

how to be populair: step 1. learn to read minds

@junkoenoshima4043 - 08.09.2022 00:58

I’m popular bc some guy told me I look like Jennie from blackpink…

@sweetchinmusic801 - 04.09.2022 01:22

'Popular Kids' is a construct mostly created by kids of White people in developed countries.. Kids in schools in developing countries are just excited to go to school and be with their friends. No 'popularity' or 'out of your league' BS.. It is also to be noted that one of the root cause of bullying is also primarily letting the kids dividing themselves into popular and unpopular groups.. The adults in these countries have also failed these kids by not doing enough to instill a sense of unity among kids in these places leading to Teenage depression issues.

@iTlsMe - 27.08.2022 03:13

In my school the popular kids in my school are the ones with curly hair with the fades on the side and goofy ahh piercings and the ones who vape in the bathroom

@hmmtube4580 - 24.08.2022 22:27

Wat about introverts??🤔
Unpoppular?? Probably yes I think so

@colorfulalchemy9764 - 20.08.2022 06:39

as a highschooler this is mostly accurate

@Maru-pp7pl - 19.08.2022 06:06

There's "cool kids" and then cool kids. The "cool kids" vape and are good looking and the real cool kids are just nice to be around and funny

@jrawby6215 - 17.08.2022 06:45

At my school it's
Social media fame
