How Does Finland Redefine Economic Success?

How Does Finland Redefine Economic Success?

Economics Explained

1 год назад

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Suliyaa Mantaw
Suliyaa Mantaw - 17.09.2023 07:54

Yea If a Country With Huge Population does it then notify me till then no use.

X - 02.09.2023 19:06

There are also a lot of Finnish trucks going through Lithuania in to main Europe

Articulate99 - 02.09.2023 03:09

Always interesting, thank you.

Alexandre Gomes
Alexandre Gomes - 24.08.2023 18:13

One more Russian border surrounded by their sworn enemies… yep, this will end well. Putin dies or gets removed and the next guy will just love it, be cool, nothing else will happen.

Finnish Gang
Finnish Gang - 23.08.2023 13:07

Bro forgot to add Äland to the map of Finland

Ian Beers
Ian Beers - 21.08.2023 05:08

Finland is perfect and dose everything right. 6.8/10. 😂😂😂

Turpasauna - 19.08.2023 05:20

This video is veri inaccurate. Our economy has been struggling for years, and now it seems that even our forest industry cannot save us this time. The government keeps raising the taxes, virtually no extra financial aid has been given to balance the inflation etc. Many young families are doing poorly and selling their homes.

Henkka - 11.08.2023 22:26

I don't know anyone who pays 46% taxes. I pay 7% from dividends and that's it.

John Nadcin
John Nadcin - 10.08.2023 09:03

Making money is an action . Keeping money is behavior . Growing money is knowledge . Secure your future through investing !

Jamm Bamm
Jamm Bamm - 05.08.2023 21:56

as a fin... .so so many errors... but what you expect from aus guy
but overall... 5/10

NeverStopExploring - 03.08.2023 19:13

Hi , bro . Good video like always. But where are you from ? Why are you saying neighboAAA ,not neighboR. And its not NA-y-TO , its NA-TO. Keep up with good work :)

Swiftgringo - 29.07.2023 07:12

In the past, I have been a fan of EE. Looking forward, there are many challenges and opportunities for EE. GO BACK TO WRITING YOUR OWN VIDEOS! It sounds like you're reading an 8th grade social studies paper that got a B- for being generic gibberish.

Kyng - 26.07.2023 20:40

How has immigration moved Finnland closer to NATO? This does not make sense.

Matt Collins
Matt Collins - 25.07.2023 07:29

Was this puff piece paid for by the Finnish Department of Economic Development? 🙄

SETH JAMES - 22.07.2023 20:28

Carbon offset is SCAM. You know it, and should not be allowing them to advertise on your channel

jortikka a
jortikka a - 22.07.2023 15:18

Suomi mainittu! Torilla tavataan!

ChaPar - 21.07.2023 11:36

This episode feels like it was written by ChatGPT.
It was, wasn't it, mate?

Fractalis - 19.07.2023 01:31

It is a tribute to how good your videos are that this one was disappointing to me.

tyrport - 18.07.2023 07:03

I don’t understand life expectancy as a measure of a country’s health care. The US life expectancy is heavily influenced by our love of fast driving, fatty food & drug use. Shouldn’t you look at life expectancy after reaching 65.

Marco N.
Marco N. - 13.07.2023 17:13

I think this video paints a too rosy picture, and makes it sound like the Russo-Ukrainian War is the only major problem in the country. Finland faces significant challenges due to brain drain, especially around the 2008 financial crisis a lot of the top talent of the country packed up and left, never to return. Slow economic growth dampens future prospects. Fiscal pressure to cut costs across the board, also in education, undermines an educational system which was once the best in the world, while increased immigration also poses a new challenge to that same education system. Many of the things which made Finland so successful in the first place are very much out in the open, and it's hard to say how things will go from here.

weetikissa - 13.07.2023 00:01

This video was about as shallow as Kim K. No depth whatsoever.

Vegard - 12.07.2023 05:21

Iceland is not part of Scandinavia. Scandinavia = NO, SE and DK

Mo Ti
Mo Ti - 09.07.2023 09:44

Finnnish economy is sluggish for past 15 years, national debts raised to rocket high. Please be objective.

Johnny C
Johnny C - 09.07.2023 04:38

Mate you need to fire your markets person. 25 eur is NOT $33 USD. That would be an eurusd rate of 1.32 whixh hasnt been the case for 10 years now

jättikuukunen - 09.07.2023 03:21

I'm not quite sure what the questions on the energy sector are that you keep referring to.

Amuni Pelumi
Amuni Pelumi - 08.07.2023 20:52

This video didn’t meet up to expectation, no real value was gotten, just generic recitation.

ibaublu1 - 06.07.2023 21:28

interesting sentence ending vowels note, reminds me of south park episode smug alert

Moottöri Pää
Moottöri Pää - 06.07.2023 18:56

Your numbers are very wrong with taxation.

Alexandros Mograine
Alexandros Mograine - 06.07.2023 18:28

Finland needs to cut down on spending alot. in my opinion, we should "crawl in the mud" for few years to secure the future of Finland. Sanna Marin's government literally thought money grew on trees...

Oscar Morel
Oscar Morel - 05.07.2023 19:03

Are you planning on making an episode on the Dominican Republic anytime soon?

Daniel Clark
Daniel Clark - 03.07.2023 20:01

This is the worst EE episode I have seen. How much did the Finnish government spend on this ad? Aren't you supposed to but a "Sponsored Content" marker on it? You basically spend 10 minutes describing how Finland is just like every other Northern European democracy... and Canada... without actually saying it.

Aksu - 03.07.2023 19:12

You honestly missed many of the big issues Finland is facing currently, and I was quite disappointed in this episode. It's not that anything you said is necessarily wrong, but there is so much more nuance present in the nation and its politics that you failed to cover. Plenty of positive and negative, that not only could, but also should have been mentioned.

I like most of your content, but this one honestly felt more like one of those news sections that get aired when something significant happens in a nation, to remind you the basic facts and that the nation does in fact exist.

Star A Star
Star A Star - 03.07.2023 06:00

Unless I'm mistaken, the whole reason that Finland joined NATO was because they feared an unprovoked invasion by Russia (which, it should be pointed out, Russia has done before). So to blame NATO membership for the threat of future conflict seems to me to completely miss the point.

Njonjo Ndehi
Njonjo Ndehi - 02.07.2023 18:05

Africa is the only continent that's not ageing. Ageing continents shall eventually revert to wilderness. 😳🤣

John K
John K - 02.07.2023 02:07

Definitely has a chat gpt feel

Meteotrix - 01.07.2023 22:29

this video sounds like it had a lot more AI used to write the script. It has lots of redundancies, and the pacing is very... constant :° didn't learn much either :U

Adam Vulture
Adam Vulture - 01.07.2023 09:32

If education is free in Finland, does that mean they dont have to pay any taxes? There is no free lunch in economics.

Naresh Sharma
Naresh Sharma - 01.07.2023 08:21

Can you recommend me books or courses to understand economics i dont know anything about economics

Mk - 01.07.2023 06:36

We are the besst! <3 We are the champions! 🎵🎵<3

Jono Chadwell
Jono Chadwell - 01.07.2023 05:09

"midl recession" heh

lintu25 - 01.07.2023 04:53


G.Zoltan - 30.06.2023 18:48

A good education does not equal economic success. Most of the second world has free education even at university level, which is arguably better in quality than a typical western alternative. And yet they're everything but innovative.

David Gomes
David Gomes - 30.06.2023 12:17

Finland Finland not the standard of video he usually puts out

M L - 30.06.2023 09:03

Nice ChatGPT script 😂

yeoltelly - 30.06.2023 00:47

Water listed as a natural resource?!😂 I think the story of Finland's economy is about a country with really no special resources and a rather poor location at the fringes of the Western world still managing to create quite a success through quality education, research and the resulting technology exports.

MV _
MV _ - 29.06.2023 22:35

Powerhouse? LOL. Finland's doing OK but its growth lags seriously behind the other Nordic countries while the national debt is much higher.

Eks Bocks
Eks Bocks - 29.06.2023 18:44

Their intelligence is high. Even for Europe.

A lot of them don't cause problems or antagonize people. They keep to themselves and they know how to fix problems when they arise.

That's always a given when we talk about Economics and Quality of Life. No idiots = No problems.
