Cindy Guentert-Baldo

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@justafan9665 - 02.02.2024 02:29

I get that you cuss. Ok. But routinely referring to your kids as mofo’s is obnoxious and quite frankly immature.

@josieann4390 - 29.01.2024 02:46


@DanaSilvia - 11.01.2024 16:26

I was so prepared and gung ho for the new year in my planner, then started off the year with a Covid/Flu mix! Needless to say, I have been living off of post its and pencils until I am well. My planner is patiently waiting for me!!

@Yessica13 - 11.01.2024 01:24

I haven't had issues with washi tape in my common planner. Maybe it's too old?

@erin723 - 10.01.2024 23:18

Re: teenagers and cold weather. I am convinced teens do not feel the cold! My approach was you’re in high school and you have the right to freeze. In fairness, sometimes the school is overheated (I assume to compensate for the outside temps) so my kids would be too hot in the building if they dressed for the outside temp.

I also observed some kids wrapped in throw blankets in class. I’m simple grateful the school allows the kids to do what makes them comfortable so they have a chance at paying attention and possibly learning something. 😂

Summary thought: teenagers aren’t so dumb that they’ll stay in the cold past the danger point under normal circumstances regarding the school day. Reference: I’m born and raised in central Iowa so I feel credible with my thoughts. 😊 Personally, this is a battle I chose not to fight with my teens.❤

@forensic2010mnr - 09.01.2024 19:31

I'm so happy that you filmed and posted the chronic illness planning. I think it's a fantastic resource and has so many tips and tricks in one place rather than the span of your years of videos.
This week I'm in my home state as my grandfather entered end of life hospice. I was never that close with him, but it was so startling to see him. I have had to divorce my memory of my grandpa from who that man is. I realized that I did not come up here for him. I came here to comfort my grandma. I am here to bring my sister back to that part of the family and stand up to those who made her feel unwelcome. I'm going back home tomorrow (winter storm up the east coast delayed me) and I feel not awful about this trip

@breannenance3776 - 09.01.2024 16:12

Unfortunately it’s not just the teenage boys. My fiancée (23) also is allergic to pants. He’s tall and a little fluffy (6’2” 270lbs) and he says pants are uncomfortable on his legs.

He only wears pants if I give him 2 week notice of an event where pants are required 🤣

@annec8127 - 09.01.2024 01:48

So surprised to hear you were nervous about the chronic illness and planning, Cindy, but I'm so glad you did. Thank you!

@JaundFragezeichen - 09.01.2024 01:06

I've been watching your videos for years. And your Vlogmas reminded me that I really enjoy your colorful thumbnails and that the more basic thumbnails don't catch my attention and sadly therefore I rarely click on your videos anymore. I know it is a lot of work to design thumbnails. If it's not too much to ask for and if you have the capacity I would love if your thumbnails would be more eye-catching again. 😅 But if it's not possible, it is okay as ae. I will try and watch more of your videos anyway and support you. 🤗

@MiaDraws - 08.01.2024 23:23

Also, get a pevlic scan for those will a uterus! If you have been drinking enough water and are still feeling like you are getting bladder infections go in get tested pap and urine test. Chronic bladder infections are one of the lesser-known symptoms of ovarian cancer and it is better to be safe than sorry. Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer and can be very hard to diagnose early because most people ignore the symptoms.

@linnakat6848 - 08.01.2024 23:14

I struggled with gratitude journaling. I saw a post somewhere suggesting other ways to frame it and I've found that noting a "highlight of my day" has worked well for me.

@ashleynolker2200 - 08.01.2024 20:32

Ohhh can you share some of your recipes for this week? Beef/broccoli and the cc taquitos pleaseee sounds yummy!

@betsyville09 - 08.01.2024 20:17

I have already selected my kits and put down my stickers in my weeklys for the entire month. I need to slow my roll but I am just loving the creative problem solving of figuring out how to use my shit in my new smaller planner.

@alexandrasichart6749 - 08.01.2024 12:00

Happy new year! I love your style of planning. Thanks for showing.

@mimil1641 - 08.01.2024 11:13

Put "dig out music stickers" in your planner-- you've mentioned them before. ❤ I'll dig out my dance & yoga stickers. Returning to hobbies win for the week.🏆😅

@katv1195 - 08.01.2024 10:41

The glue on that curling washi is failing - a washi did that to me. Either glue-stick it or trash it because it will only get worse

@akeepihlblad147 - 08.01.2024 10:33

Planning is going well right now, I have (undiagnosed, but all the health providers who can’t diagnose because I have to many coping strategies so I am not “disabled enough” treat me like I have diagnoses) adhd and autism and writing stuff down is crucial for me otherwise I won’t remember anything and I need to visualise how much of my time is planned for because otherwise I do way to much and forget to rest. I just pushed two todos to later this week and I really need that flexibility. I wish I had the option to have my Mäksē with both weeks (vertical) and daily pages. I really need to have everything in one place.

@Giggleypuff1 - 08.01.2024 07:49

It’s not a “these days” thing. Even when I was in high school in the early 2000’s, there were guys who wore shorts in the dead of winter

@dianaleerode1499 - 08.01.2024 07:38

So far so good with my Makselife, but we will see. I'm trying to change things up so its easier for me to check in on a daily basis than it was last year.

@eliontheinternet3298 - 08.01.2024 04:42

Is the game Pathfinder 2.0?? I would love to know 😂

@suzisaintjames - 08.01.2024 03:45

I know, I get what I get, but you asked... I prefer when you plan on Sundays. There were just too many "I'll put this in later" things today and it was kinda confusing. But, I totally understand that you have to do when you can. Sending lots of love 💖 from sunny 🌞 Arizona. Take care of yourself and each other 😷.

@suzisaintjames - 08.01.2024 03:15

If your washi tape rolls up, can you add some glue or tape roller to the back of the washi tape to stick it down? 💖🌞🌵😷

@jennifermerk7693 - 08.01.2024 02:32

lol my son is the opposite-we live in Georgia and he pretty much only wears pants…even in the summer. But to be fair to RJ-he is just embracing full Coloradan lifestyle (I grew up outside of Denver and shorts with hoodies and flip flops while snowing totally legit dress code… lol)

@stri23 - 08.01.2024 00:35

I realized my a5 week on one page is way too small to fit daily to dos. Quickly ordered a momagenda and 🤞 it arrives tomorrow.

@cassandraatmwddesignsco2791 - 07.01.2024 23:00

I’m pretty sure the SG washi was an oops from the sub box. It’s also one of my favorite patterns which is why I fight with the washi curling. I add a little bit of double sided tape and it stays down.

@crystalpackard4117 - 07.01.2024 22:18

Ugh! I feel you! I am in my late 40's and was having a constant period, spotting to heavy, for 8 months. I thought it might be perimenopause but I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis. Not saying that's what you have. Our symptoms could be from so many fun things! For me, the "cure" was a total hysterectomy. Honestly, after healing, I feel awesome!

@ErinR0618 - 07.01.2024 22:07

How old is RJ? Mine went through that phaze around jr high and early high school. He's now almost 19 and never wears them.

@ReadWithDevine - 07.01.2024 22:03

I wish I could explain to you why teenage boys don't like to wear pants. But first someone needs to explain to me why they also don't want to wear jackets! I teach eighth grade, and these idiots come walking into the building every day in a fucking shorts with no jacket, and then have the audacity to complain that they're cold. 😂😂😂

@mkroberts77 - 07.01.2024 21:58

The lack of lines threw me too! I really don’t like it. I used a light grey highlighter and put them in.

@533134 - 07.01.2024 21:57

I have a monthly planner, so I haven’t really looked at it yet.

@rosepaperbyann-marie4590 - 07.01.2024 21:47

I just started journaling as well on a therapist recommendation. It’s a hard habit to keep up

@KatiesCraftStudio - 07.01.2024 21:09

Cindy, it looks like it’s one washi tape in particular that’s curling. Throw it out. Do you really want to be dealing with it all month?

@morgandeen - 07.01.2024 20:51

I am 23 years old and dealing with chronic conditions. Right now is the worst it’s ever been as I’ve developed a neurological disorder with tics & balance issues, so I’ve been using a walker. Even though you have a different situation than me, it has been nice to watch you because you understand the limitations and not everyone does. ❤ Thank you for the representation, in general but also in the planner community!!

@alexreith4877 - 07.01.2024 20:18

I had a coworker who had kidney disease (I don't think it was pkd, but we weren't that close) and she went through menopause completely while she was in kidney failure and then her cycle came back completely after she got her transplant. She was in her 50s I think. Also I think I read a comment somewhere from someone who said she went through menopause 3 times, once in her 40s, once in her 60s and then again in her early 70s. Not sure how that's possible, but sounds horrifying if you just want an end to it.

@cwalsh4992 - 07.01.2024 20:16

I'm still watching (it's fab) but I wanted to jump in and say that gratitude journaling is absolutely well worth doing.
