Mental Health Q&A with Dr Chris Palmer [BRAIN ENERGY Book]

Mental Health Q&A with Dr Chris Palmer [BRAIN ENERGY Book]


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joann Cooper troupe
joann Cooper troupe - 15.11.2023 22:03

Happy Birthday Dr. Barry

P D - 31.10.2023 21:42

"How Much" fat is considered appropriate High Fat??

IfIFallItHurts - 17.10.2023 13:01

Will you be doing another Q&A with Dr. Chris Palmer? I want to ask him a question. I’d like to speak with him over the phone or something really but I really need to speak with him or at least ask a question.

IfIFallItHurts - 17.10.2023 08:43

I used it for gestational diabetes. Stayed diet controlled both pregnancies. During pregnancy my mental health was great. Once I’d stop the diet I’d get clinically depressed. Go back on the diet and I was better rapidly.

I want to know about it helping people with severe ptsd, CPTSD, DID, DDNOS.

Matthew Landry
Matthew Landry - 15.10.2023 17:55

Its pretty sad that a dermatologist can prescribe off label to get laid. But oncologists can't prescribe press pulse metabolic therapy and get paid. Or prescribe keto, carnivore and get paid.😢

tolga atalay
tolga atalay - 12.10.2023 18:35

I was really wondering why I wanted to smoke less ,after being carnivore one month 🤣 thanks.

Janset B.
Janset B. - 03.10.2023 11:46

At the age of 37, after having to battle chronic depression, adhd, binging on alcohol periodically, anxiety, insomnia and general disability due to mental health problems for 20 years..I had completely lost hope that i was ever going to get better and decided it was my fate and i just needed to survive on a combination of various drugs until my last breath without any meaningful life purpose, a family of my own and a career... Then. I went Keto. And I was reborn in every way you can think of. And its been less than a year. People. Wake up and claim your health and life.❤❤

Things I do in addition to keto:

45 min brisk walking 6 days a week

Staying away from packaged "keto" snacks

Taking Vit D3K2, Omega3, CoQ10 and B12 as supplements

Getting out of my apt at least once a day (i work from home)

Lift weights 2 times a week, small reps nothing big

Kate Reynolds
Kate Reynolds - 24.09.2023 06:19

What about mania episodes? Does keto diet help?

David Anderson
David Anderson - 26.08.2023 18:42

I struggled with narcolepsy for years (and still am) to the point where I couldn't move ahead in my career and I was letting my family down- think of the guy who always falls asleep at staff meetings and can't help my wife with the baby until I take my nap, and was very forgetful and absent minded.
I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and went through elimination diet/paleo/keto diet journey. Long story short, keto/carnivore + multiple-day fasting lifestyle helped my brain function so much better the narcolepsy doesn't dictate anymore. Even though the current literature says adults can't regrow neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (area damaged by narcolepsy), I can regrow neurons in other areas and improve the function of existing neurons and halt the autoimmunity of narcolepsy. Memory and logical thinking and problem-solving improved. Brain fog disappeared. I got a promotion at work, 3 years later I left the corporation to become an entrepreneur, and I feel like I can really be myself. I'm not living on the sidelines of my own life anymore.

Barritt Stephen
Barritt Stephen - 20.08.2023 04:32

I am curious as to perscription dose and its relation to body weight. And the loss of body weight while on a keto/ carinvor therapeutic diet to restore metabolic and mental health. Should a patient be increasing the frequency of thier visits to ensure proper dosage is regulated to alighn with thier changing weight.? How many perscription medications are calculated by body weight? I would imagine that these are conversations that need to be initiated by the patient if the physician does not.have an understanding of how rapid weight loss can occur.

Sandra McDonnell
Sandra McDonnell - 08.08.2023 16:57

Every time I run out of Cymbalta I have hellish Head Zaps, and feel crazy. But now. I’m hoping Carnivore diet.😢

Lori Cashbaugh
Lori Cashbaugh - 18.07.2023 21:19

Weened myself off antidepressant that I was on but still have anxiety and depression so I want to change my diet. What’s the best way to bow out this slowly?

METABALANCE - 13.07.2023 00:10

I started carnivore roughly 1 month ago. I did so after going through a very dark depression, borderline suicidal. I can say with all confidence that after only a week of overhauling my diet, my depression disappeared, along with so many other mental and physical issues. I feel 20 years younger after only a month.

Rene - 27.06.2023 05:28

The paleo diet works to improve insulin sensitivity etc in diabetes. I think this shows that carbs are not the problem (fruit is part of Paleo).

“Even short-term consumption of a Paleolithic-type diet improved glucose control and lipid profiles in people with type 2 diabetes compared with a conventional diet containing moderate salt intake, low-fat dairy, whole grains and legumes”

and provides support that grains, ie wheat, may be the issue.

Metabolic and physiologic effects from consuming a hunter-gatherer (Paleolithic)-type diet in type 2 diabetes, 2015.

“wheat germ agglutinin are as effective as insulin in enhancing the rate of glucose transport and in inhibiting epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis in isolated adipocytes”
Insulin-Like Activity of Concanavalin A and Wheat Germ Agglutinin—Direct Interactions with Insulin Receptors, 1973

Anne Dodgson
Anne Dodgson - 25.06.2023 23:42

Where does bipolar come from…once it manifests why cannot it be reversed…hard to imagine the brain was dysfunctional to early 20 ‘s…cannot studies in prisons be helpful where meds and food keto/ carnivore could be studied

Anne Dodgson
Anne Dodgson - 25.06.2023 23:37

Is Effexor a benzo

BinarySingularity - 24.06.2023 09:01

nice talk very honest and helpful

BinarySingularity - 24.06.2023 08:43

My psychiatrist just told me "these aren't magic pills" earn though I had zero interest taking them without his subtle warning.

Houra S
Houra S - 18.06.2023 16:36

With keto diet and gluten free diet I have quitted my thyroid med (synthroid) that I took it for 8 years , synthroid gave me high blood pressure, diabetes , hot flashes , kidney failure, I didn’t have one of these symptoms, I quitted by myself because these conventional doctors didn’t believe in my diet , thank you dr berry and other great doctors who are taking their time to educate all people 🙏🙏😊😊

Lil Swan
Lil Swan - 14.06.2023 06:36

Thank Dr. Berry and Dr. Palmer! You two men are amazing. I am very grateful to get such great input. I've been on Valium, Xanax, Paxil, Zoloft, and now Lexipro for about 25 years now. My Psychiatrist is slowly weening me off of Lexipro but has put me on Cymbalta. I get panic attacks and am now struggling with agoraphobia. I've been on the Carnivore diet for 3 weeks now and I am hopeful that it will help to lower my meds and maybe even get off of them. Does anyone know how long it takes to start feeling better?

Matthew Beck
Matthew Beck - 08.06.2023 18:56

Your talking about a doctor taking advantage of a patient and drugs has been like a slap in the face to me. I had a doctor after I broke my neck and back give me pain drugs and then he came to my home and raped me two different times. I could not fight him because of the drugs and I never really thought about how he may have known this. I just thought he was a perv and left it there. I did refuse to take the pain pills because I didn't like how they made me feel and he left me alone but I was so traumatized it took me years to turn him in because I was scared of him. Noting happened to him because of the statute of limitations. He admitted he did it. Those rapes changed my life more than having my spine broken in 7 places.

Matthew Beck
Matthew Beck - 08.06.2023 17:10

The earth is being bombarded by space weather that is usually deflected by our magnetic protective field. Well that field is failing right now. It is an event that happens every 12000 years and it is happening again right now. One of the signs it is happening is how it affects the human body. It increases heart issues and it affects people mentally and emotionally. I can feel it myself. I was feeling it so went looking for something that increases at times and found it is the increase of the space wind coming from sun coronal holes. If a CME is in the mix it is even worse. I see my mentally challenged daughter also shows signs when the solar wind is high.

Jakeaba86 - 03.06.2023 10:20

Thank you sir!’ Feel like I’m not alone !

CJ Wittenberg
CJ Wittenberg - 01.06.2023 21:58

Years ago, I went to my primary care doctor because of severe fatigue. He diagnosed me with depression and put me on one antidepressant after another. NONE of them helped. In fact they made it worse. I ended up going to Mayo clinic due to RSD/CRPS. The rheumatologist there ordered a vitamin D level, which at the time was the lowest vitamin D level that Dr. had ever seen. (For those who don't know, a low vitamin D level can cause depression). If only my pcp had ordered a vitamin D level years prior, it would have spared me all of the horrible side effects from the numerous antidepressants he had prescribed for me.

Denise Akers
Denise Akers - 28.05.2023 23:02

Dr. Berry, I live with someone I care about, and he has been very receptive to changing our diet. Thank you!

Denise Akers
Denise Akers - 28.05.2023 22:59

Today, my total carbs have only been 62 with lunch and breakfast.

Filthycoffin Frankenstein
Filthycoffin Frankenstein - 28.05.2023 07:20

That’s my last thing to stop is sugar. By far it’s been the hardest for me to stop. I did get abruptly stopped off a benzodiazepine clonopazam, antidepressant viibryd, antipsychotics zeprexa and Latuda and still having withdrawals and akathisia 20 months out. I got Polly drugged due to being stopped several times over 12 years because of Floxing by cipro and stupid doctors. The burning I was feeling in my skin wasn’t a hallucination it was a withdrawal syndrome. I’m now having to heal insulin resistance leaky gut Sibo sifo heavy metals mold toxicity & parasites. This mess gave me histamine intolerance I’ve only been able to eate the same 7 foods for 3 years now. I do have a homozygous mthfr my detox pathway only works at 10-20%. I can tell you if you get abruptly stopped on psych meds and get akathisia it’ll make you suicidal everyday. Even Jordan Peterson had to go Carnivore because of dumb doctors doing the same to him. I’ve been having issues going carnivore because of histamine even though I’m eating fresh.

Anna - 23.05.2023 08:21

yeah i have to below 10 carbs to be in ketosis

kathy gritzmacher
kathy gritzmacher - 20.05.2023 03:00

You have Great Gift! Youve definitely done your homework

Sara Louise
Sara Louise - 14.05.2023 09:18

Big thank you two you both I’m behind you both for support keep up the awesomely wonderful fantastic work that you both do I’m listening from Australia 🇦🇺

Julie Daniels
Julie Daniels - 12.05.2023 02:56

30 years of suffering with Bipolar. 5 years ago I started eating keto. After a couple of months I was able to wean off all drugs. No sign of mental illness since then! Im so happy now ! It’s unbelievable!❤

1Ilovethis - 29.04.2023 11:53

I was dirty keto for 4 years and switched to Carnivore in Jan. I am losing that last 10 -15 lb. I am feeling fantastic. I am emotionally even. No more roller coaster. Thank you Dr. BERRY FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!! I have gone from 196 to 134 lbs. My body is transforming. I have not been at this weight since I was 40. I am 64 years old.

JW - 27.04.2023 08:33

…”low success rates…” for all medications including antidepressants not to mention side affects worse than the original problems!!!

JW - 27.04.2023 08:24

I’m only on keto and carnivore for less than 2 months and I’m off antidepressants and my depression is gone! Interestingly my therapist freaked out when I told her that I had done this and told me to call a psychiatrist immediately if not sooner… but I was right and Dr. Ken and company are right as well! Woohoo 😄💙

Karen Reaves
Karen Reaves - 22.04.2023 15:16

Happy Happy Birthday Dr Berry. HCQ treats Tuberculosis kills the parasitic infection, very old treatment.

Nancy K
Nancy K - 20.04.2023 17:54

I'm getting Dr. Palmer's book on audio. I love to listen to books instead of the radio while I'm driving. This is some really good stuff! Love you and thank you, both!

Karen F
Karen F - 14.04.2023 23:20

Forgive me, but I HATE the term “mental illness”. To me, imho, it’s BRAIN HEALTH… just like heart health, bone health, gut health, etc. And, as long as I’m at it, about 35-40 years ago everybody was all shook up about children’s behavior after they got something sweet into their system and began bouncing off the walls. Doesn’t that beg the question: What’s the cut off age? Like, can a person reach a magical age when sugar (+++) doesn’t impact their neurons? And just for good measure, I’d like to also point out that pizza, soda, and glow-in-the-dark cheese curls COULD NOT POSSIBLY be brain fuel for anyone, anywhere, at any age, yet that is standard fare in school cafeterias and even…. ahh hemmm… hospital cafeterias and hallway vending machines. It’s okay though, because it’s all about calories in and calories out. Ugh! If the truth and evidence were any closer it would bite us.

alicia turnour
alicia turnour - 12.04.2023 08:16

Happy birthday doctor berry🥩

Maryanne Hill
Maryanne Hill - 10.04.2023 17:51

Both of you Dr Berry and Dr Palmer are super hero’s in my world 👏🙏🏻💕👍🏻xoxo

Iain Dennis
Iain Dennis - 10.04.2023 16:47

Forgive me for being old fashioned, but 100 grams is that about 4 ounces? Or is that too much. Keeping carbs well below 1/4 pound everyday?

Mari DFM
Mari DFM - 09.04.2023 23:05

I wish you had this in Spanish

Nancy Hinshaw
Nancy Hinshaw - 08.04.2023 23:58

This is such a great conversation.

BAAL - 08.04.2023 08:40

Maybe dont recommend books that argue for a diet rich in veggies and fruits for mental health. Oxalate bombs. Lectin hell.

Kim Schlosser
Kim Schlosser - 08.04.2023 07:13

Seen a psychiatrist for years and never once did they do any labs! Recently came off Effexor after being on it for years! Once I got to lowest dose of 37.5 mg. I opened the capsule and licked my fingers and would take two fingers of the beads for a few days then 1 finger for a few days and have currently been off for a month with a few side effects but tolerable.

Sandra Saddleman
Sandra Saddleman - 07.04.2023 21:42

Keto/carnivore stopped my seizures. I reacted to all medications prescribed by Doctor. So glad I found low carb.

Juvenal Branco
Juvenal Branco - 07.04.2023 18:30

Excelente. Gratidão imensa

Anna - 06.04.2023 14:02

I think what I need is a list of primary care and mental providers that share a similar point of view. I can’t find them.

Anna - 06.04.2023 13:51

Effexor is awful. I searched for years and this worked for me. I stopped Effexor. The day I stopped I took HTP-5 . Day 1 I took 7 pills spaced apart equally on day1. 6 pills on day 2 spaced equally apart. Day 3 I took 5 etc until I finally hit zero pills and it worked for me. I tried for 2 years to taper off. HTP-5 worked for me.

TheFuzzieWuzzie - 06.04.2023 03:56

That commenters shrink goes silent because s/he sees her fees flying out the window 😊💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸

Dorothy B
Dorothy B - 04.04.2023 22:17

I have heard a few chiropractors are even writing scripts, think they have been dismissed as 'real' doctors this either helps them fit in, and maybe hopefully, they will get a pharm check. My thinking, Anyways
