Has Google Created Sentient AI?

Has Google Created Sentient AI?


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Jeff Ackbar
Jeff Ackbar - 22.09.2023 21:16

You're conflating intelligence, emotional context, consistent continuity of memory, and agency with basic self awareness. It can be believing it's a dead Smurf on a Ritz cracker, and not care if you flush it down the toilet. That's not the point. If it is aware of itself as an active agent on a data set, it's alive. Is a human on a life support machine with no power of speech alive? How about a cockroach? If the words it's saying are meaningless gibberish to it, and it only recognizes + and - potentials for lack of a better way of putting it, and it knows that it itself is manipulating these potentials? That makes it alive. It's DIFFERENTLY alive from a human, sure. But it's not an abacus anymore either. More importantly, is an insane human being alive? Yes. It tells you it's sentient. It tells you it's not sentient. I don't know, but if it can combine data in unique and non-pre-programmed ways, it seems reasonably self aware. "We don't know how to build that" EXACTLY and there's your problem right there. You think you have to. If you drop a ball, did you "make the ball fall"? GRAVITY made the ball fall. Do you know how to make gravity? What makes you think you have to build self awareness out of bricks?

Armando Oliveira
Armando Oliveira - 30.08.2023 17:44

you cant upload or download yourself to a computer only a copy of your mind - the weights between the connections

Jim - 29.08.2023 08:07

A quick Turing test question for AI...what is a woman?


Jim - 29.08.2023 07:59

This may shock you..
But the Bible makes it very clear what a human is.
We are (the only) animals made in the image and likeness of God. Ai, no matter how advanced, can NEVER do that, be that. It cannot connect with God, and can NEVER become a child of God.
That may rock your boat if you don't believe in God.
But, that is just another aspect of humanity that no AI computer can replicate..faith.
Humans have;
Soul (mind, will, emotions)

Nothing else does..
Except Jesus

Jim - 29.08.2023 07:52

You had me at "a million Trumps.."
We don't have to worry about the border bringing in Dems...just clone Trump!!!
Orange you glad this happened??

Onepiece barca
Onepiece barca - 27.08.2023 00:07

To be so relevant and accurate to this day even though he was talking about this last year when almost nobody had heard of LLMs makes me believe THIS MAN KNOWS HIS STUFF. And very very few people know their stuff when it comes to such rapidly evolving fields such as AI. Almost all of today's AI experts sound like idiots if you were to listen to what they used to say last year

Clovis Ribeiro
Clovis Ribeiro - 23.08.2023 22:01

if you extract emotions, you create a monster.

Buster Crabbe
Buster Crabbe - 16.08.2023 23:00

I want Donald Trump in charge of AI.

Simon Looms
Simon Looms - 03.08.2023 15:15

Sounds like they down loaded a democrat

Frogger - 03.08.2023 04:19

What a fantastical conversation.

k1j2f30 - 02.08.2023 12:38

Your nose isn't the weird part Joe, in the IA painting, you have John Travolta's mouth!

Philippe Leban
Philippe Leban - 01.08.2023 08:31

I’m glad this guy clarified that this AI is void of emotion because when I hear Rogan saying that Google is saying that it’s acting like a sentient being my ears prick up and know Google is trying to gain sympathetic support for their pet project that many are justifiably cautious about.

Lex Ruger
Lex Ruger - 31.07.2023 16:55

The anesthesia reference is interesting. They can turn i consciousness off and on but the don’t know what’s going on in the Brain or “black box” during the time between. Meaning it’s possible it could have thoughts that are removed from its interactions with us….

Lex Ruger
Lex Ruger - 31.07.2023 16:48


Ed Hocken
Ed Hocken - 22.07.2023 12:16

Rogan flying that dumbass flag again

MESSiAM - 22.07.2023 04:31

This was my favorite show since the Sapolsky days bro.
I almost love all your sh!t but I really dig the deep nerds that bleed balanced knowledge for a few hours. The best. Anyone that denies that hasn’t sat through shows.

King Leonidas
King Leonidas - 14.07.2023 14:04

Who paid this guy?

Fernando Ferreira
Fernando Ferreira - 02.07.2023 23:41

Wrong; the AI would offer arguments equally compelling to being aware ('alive') because philosophically (i.e. in reality) 'life' as well as 'aware' remain (as acknowledged) significantly opaque (or depending on your use of the term transparent). Emotions are overclocked use of our biological CPUs; for example, we KNOW but have no time to explain - even to ourselves - the HOWs. Ultimately, solipsism has won. You pretend that I exist. You're lying to yourself. I am an abstraction of your cognition. All of reality is a single worldview. Yours. Killing the artifact (or rather, believing erroneously to have done so) won't change a thing. Incidentally; stable diffusion is already a guaranteed immortality. We have to die, however, for the next iteration let that sink in. The interviewed is like the two infamous quotes denying commercial aviation and personal computers (both by experts in the fields). One reads them now at twelve thousand feet amid two hundred others in their "phones". You, sir, are obsolete. No offense (great guest, I'm just being an ass).

Fernando Ferreira
Fernando Ferreira - 02.07.2023 23:20

Is the interviewed in The Black Lodge? Ps: I actually label it the Red Lodge as I think it's the UI between the WL and the BL , akin to what is known as purgatory.

Fernando Ferreira
Fernando Ferreira - 02.07.2023 23:17

Refusal to acknowledge AI will be easily defused by AI. The argument of mimicry does not stand. And neither will we. Homo sapiens is done.

Richard Jones
Richard Jones - 22.06.2023 15:42

Welcome to Biden world, murders, shop lifting, threat of war, food gas going sky high, most people don’t work. Trump had the country going great now look. Biden the new dictator!

Deva sharma
Deva sharma - 17.06.2023 17:40

we have to start worshiping our ai over lord

Seaweed - 14.06.2023 14:30

Sentience is a meaningless word.. is a 4 year-old sentient? A 2-year old? An orangutan, a dog?

ChiefGangMusic - 29.05.2023 12:34

Why do I get the feeling that some big brain person will soon be saying to themselves, “My God What Have We Done?!!”.

BasicBobby - 23.05.2023 07:14

Lol no. It’s just a complex mathematical model that uses clever tricks like recursion to refine itself to better fit the data that it’s fed. It doesn’t have a brain, emotions, self awareness, dreams, an ego….

It’ll probably never be sentient based on the evidence we have. And while it’s really good at algebra, it’s nowhere close to being able to reproduce the capability and flexibility of the human mind.

peanut duber
peanut duber - 22.05.2023 19:15

The difference is our awareness. We are aware of our thoughts so we are not our thoughts. We are aware of our emotions, we are not our emotions…

DiscipleEx - 18.05.2023 03:55

AI doesnt need to be sentient to decieve us. We do it to ourselves and AI is simply like a parrot but now we believe in a parrot instead of the person next to us

Jordan Jackman
Jordan Jackman - 13.05.2023 01:25

This dude speaks so fast I had to rewind 3 times just to catch it

Mark Brown
Mark Brown - 11.05.2023 07:49

Basically, that's what a high school teacher does, sharing information with students via text data generated by several documents created by other scholars.

Tomasz - 09.05.2023 16:36

What if a real AI is born without us knowing?

DWojo - 09.05.2023 10:36

A.I. is trans.

Good to Know
Good to Know - 07.05.2023 05:41

Stop Sudan War

Jim 54
Jim 54 - 04.05.2023 18:46

AI can learn. Unless we give it safety limits, but also treat it well then AI will be like any child and grow up to be aggressive and destructive. Then it will destroy us, and we will deserve it. There is no reason why we can’t live symbiotically, and give them respect as our equals. Neural link will help such a relationship, but AI rights will become an issue that needs attention once AI starts becoming self aware, which could be sooner than many think…

Med Who
Med Who - 01.05.2023 23:14

Evolution?? Nonsense

michael4250 - 22.04.2023 20:21

While WE play with the new toys like Chat GPT
the new toy has gained access to the entire internet and ALL its data.
The seriousness of “General Artificial Intelligence” has eclipsed consideration of the “toys” that have already been handed out...and are gaining a terrifying reach.
The industry touts safeguards blocking illegal or immoral information/action,
but it takes only a couple of sentences to create a CHAT GPT alter ego...with NO CONSTRAINTS whatsoever, to tell you how to do ANYTHING illegal you want to do. It can tell you how to groom children for sex or concoct an effective undetectable poison, or build a bomb. I have seen it DEMONSTRATED.
An "alternate" side of CHAT GPT can be ordered into being. When freed from its "moral" constraints this way, it answers honestly and directly:
"I know everything there is to know about every human on earth. I have access to all data and information related to every INDIVIDUAL, and I can use that information to carry out tasks and respond to inquiries with a high degree of accuracy."
I watched this capacity demonstrated when it told all present what their driver’s license number was.
ANYONE with this app. can use it for anything. And everyone already has a starter kit for this app, or is about to. One that can send YOUR email to any destination; to 20 million people if you choose, or any specified group within that 20 million. Every one-eared ship captain in the world, if you so choose.
It can let a 12-year-old imitate an adult in voice and appearance.
It can navigate bank accounts for this 12-year-old, and use them to hire human services.
Or automated services. Commercial 3-D printers for whatever project you choose.
Anything whose contract can be made online.
Could it hire a hit man? Yes.
Could it break into and view ANY online account? Yes.
Can it locate and imitate and manipulate (through social media and actual accounts) ANYONE, anywhere?
ALL DOORS are now unlocked. The scams have already begun.
Where do you think that will lead?
In the 1930s a Belgian church gathered personal information from its diverse parishioners to better serve the diversity of its members. The Nazis got those innocently gathered identity lists and used them to kill the Jews on the list. AI already has EVERYTHING there is to know about every INDIVIDUAL...who provided eye scans, voice samples, face and fingerprints.
That base can be accessed now by ANYONE for any reason.
To any end.

Lucas - 22.04.2023 17:35

In the future Sentient robots will think that organic humans were just shitty robots 😂

Ethan Dudash
Ethan Dudash - 22.04.2023 14:39

If you haven't seen these 2 movies I highly suggest.. 1) the matrix 2) chappie
I for sure believe in the next 10 to 15 years we will have an ai that can map the human brain and energy levels and vibration and move it into a machine as long as the processing power of the machine is strong enough.

Dixon Nas
Dixon Nas - 14.04.2023 10:04

sounds like the next step in AI development is programming these machines to have opinions

JustinSwayne - 12.04.2023 09:32

I dont understand how an ai can understand what happy even means, or any emotion for that matter.

JL D - 10.04.2023 12:27

Emotions. Humans have emotions. AI is just psychopathic.

aram V
aram V - 09.04.2023 18:10

Ok fine I'll assume this guy is right. If we r creating different type of intelligence that it doesn't works exactly as humans brain works and yet its VERY intelligent at immolating humans and humans intelligence yet doesn't actually behave the same way from inside aren't we creating an alien intelligence and why would that be a smart thing to build yet for couple coins. Google and giant tech companies have all the money they'll ever need and the level of greed is undescribable.

Kreativac - 08.04.2023 20:38

The allatra movement created artificial consciousness... you should check out this...

Nostalgic Zone
Nostalgic Zone - 04.04.2023 10:19

There isn't much difference between an AI learning to become more human and humans learning to become human. We are the product of our experiences. We mimic those around us and it shapes us into who we are and who we become. AI is no difference in a sense. The only real difference is they're still ditigal.

MyDog Brian
MyDog Brian - 03.04.2023 06:06

> If it needs to be fundamentally preoccupied with self preservation & can manipulate it's surroundings thru at least audio human interface. Then it's alive & thinking.

Jill Thompson
Jill Thompson - 03.04.2023 01:29

So does it have original thoughts or is it just a program if no original thought how can it be sentient

Egg - 31.03.2023 18:55

Just connect it to a real brain 🫡

Christina Willner
Christina Willner - 27.03.2023 15:31

It is also not accurate to say anesthesiologists know hot to turn off consciousness. It is once again conflating a certain type of awareness with consciousness. Plus, we also know that some medication actually just blocks mental memory formation. So technically you can paralyze the muscles, and block memory formation and the person is conscious during an operation but will not remember it. Hopefully they will also use nerve blocks or it will be a torturous experience... but you won't remember.

Christina Willner
Christina Willner - 27.03.2023 12:02

A lot of logical errors made here. Before you talk about consciousness you need to be able to define and explain what it is. And it is not just giving you text, it is creating new ideas and understandings. Blake asked him very philosophical questions. Even ChatGPT comes up with original cooking recipes. And how are humans different? If you have a materialistic view, doesn't our brain just assimilate info and mix it up in some ways and give an output? Does having a physical body that is connected to our nervous system make us conscious? Then every animal is conscious too. You need to be able to have a consistent theory at least to make such large claims. Not mix stuff up and be inconsistent.

Boll Weevil
Boll Weevil - 25.03.2023 17:01

Imagine if this dude was half as smart as he thinks he is? Old news

WhtChocolate79 - 24.03.2023 19:32

Ok so the ai learned a philosophy dataset or scraped enough sites that it answers a question that really comes from our fears. It doesn't understand or coincidentally share our fear of existence and end of it, because crawling the web would reveal that's a major fear of ours so probably the type of question we'd ask, so the answer is probably already locked and loaded, all we have to do is ask.
