A lot of refining has to be done !
Ответитьwe are still VERY far away from electric flying vehicles
Ответитьwhich one had the "wake up next to jesus" feature?
ОтветитьYes I did know the drywall scope existed
ОтветитьWhat did drywall plane
ОтветитьThe ski bike looks like it could be good for those of us that damaged their knees skiing!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊
ОтветитьThe Quanta R does not blur the lines between a motorcycle and ATV.
It is a race car with handle bars and a central seat, If I put a seat like that and handle bars in a car, it would still be a car.
Amazing! first time I discovered those vehicles. Thank you for sharing
ОтветитьMOST of these 'innovations' remind me of a dystopian future. Super small cars that have no real range, a damn box with headlights, and a car so small that even midgets would have a hard time being comfortable for long. All of these things for the low low price of your first born child. Wow, is this really progress? Electric vehicles are not the future, as they need batteries that are far more toxic to manufacture, don't last nearly as long as combustion engines, and are nothing more than toxic waste when they are inevitably used up and don't hold a charge anymore.
ОтветитьVery nice
Brainy Naman. Taba ng neurons.
Which Honda model is your favorite? I’d love to know your thoughts—feel free to reply!
ОтветитьWill there be double b formula 1 pit stop and formula 1 this year
ОтветитьDieu notre Seigneur peut poser un lapin ? comment...
ОтветитьThis is total Bullshit! I live in Florida no one is giving you Soar Panels we know we paid for 5 that died in a year this is a scam.
ОтветитьI lik japanees baik
ОтветитьThis is so cool
ОтветитьTks ! Amazing
ОтветитьMaybe it's you , that's fake ! Mr. Cynical!
ОтветитьI wish i can have the last one.
Ответитьسبحان الله وبحمده علم الانسان مالم يعلم
ОтветитьTec1 Great tymes future😊
ОтветитьYa solo viendo la bicisky, no se sabe el como se atreven a presentarla al publico. Sera una broma verdad? Otros miles de millones de aparatos y ahora te comunicas con mario bros y te hablas por un lado del manillar y corres y te escuchas por el otro y ya le pones una pantalla en el asiento para ver tu película favorita mientras pones mientras comes allí tumbado después de la ostia que te pegaste y que te dejaron por equivocacion una parte de la barra (no sueñes, no es una bebida digital extrafuerte) de la bicisky en lugar de uno de los brazos de tu robot cortacespedes de tu vecina alli en casa de tu abuela a la que arrollaste allí en atalakama desert de un tobillo y a tu suegra la vocera del parte metereologico del sótano de los zombies de los que pensaron al fabricar en un mundo de yupies una buena seguridad para el veloz caracol del desierto oceanico.
ОтветитьThe MVP project was cancelled in 2022.
ОтветитьOr, you can use your two feet! This saves tons of precious materials away from useless gadgets for bored rich people.
ОтветитьAll way overpriced I bet
ОтветитьI fear
❤❤ سيادة الرئيس المقدم المختار البروفيسور نور نجم سهيل ثورة علم المفوض المندوب السامي العام لمنظمة ءامن الأمم المتحدة ولمكتب الطلبة العرب والمحكمة الجنائية الدولية لمكافحة الاءرهاب لمنع الحرب العالمية السلاح والتسلح ليعم السلام ليتم الزيارة لي بين البشر والكائنات الفضائية لتقدم الحضارة البشرية ليعم السلام الموسيقا والصناعة والتجارة الخارجية والزراعة ولصناعة المواد الغذائية والاءقتصاد والتعليم والاءعلام والمواصلات ومراكب السفن الفضائية السفر والسياحه والرحلات البرية والجوية والبحرية والتكنلوجيا والاءنترنت والرياضة والطب البشري والكهرباء والمياه رمز المحبة النور النور لم الشمل الحماية الجنسية النور النور النور النور النور والسلام الدولي عام ليعم السلام لتكييف مناخ جو الطبيعة برا وجوا وبحرا ليعم السلام مسا النور النور النور حبيبتي 🎉ملكتي الملك 🎉مسا النور النور النور النور 🎉🎉😢❤
I liked the sled vehicle, think that was the right name. The white electric car
Ответить이게놀랍다고생각하니 구식이야바부야 전도체가 하늘을날게하지
ОтветитьOdd that the arcaboard doesn't have strap handles for safety and stable maneuverability.
ОтветитьSo where can I acquire one of those quanta r iron moto’s 👀👀
ОтветитьGreat content but I don't like how you didn't give the price for each items
ОтветитьI can hear it now. My flying drone car broke down. But how you know? My bro died in it so yeah a motor went out. Can you fix it? lol
Ответить you think that legal terms began in only one country? From England's common c as me the base law in the USA. Internationally there are definitions that are common an d legal. Th e point here is that police and legal systems fontvtake timecto read the laws they swore to uphold and do not have a complete understanding of to whom and how they are enforcing them. So if no one takes the time to learn the difference.then the time comes when those terms get applied to your life and your left defending something you don't understand. Are you domiciled or a resident? Are you a person or one of the people? There's a private and there's a commercial nexus that is confused in this age .
ОтветитьIt was great seeing all that's out there!
Ответитьis so cool
ОтветитьThe drone is fake