The Bozeman Trail: A Rush to Montana's Gold

The Bozeman Trail: A Rush to Montana's Gold

Wyoming PBS

5 лет назад

6,779,894 Просмотров

The Bozeman Trail was an offshoot of the Oregon Trail, a shortcut to the newly discovered gold fields of Montana Territory. Cutting through the heart of Indian country. It became a flash point for a clash of cultures that would explode into warfare, destruction and tragedy. First telecast March, 2019.


#Bozeman_Trail #Wyoming #Montana #John_Bozeman #Chief_Red_Cloud #Northern_Arapaho #Crow #Lakota #Gold_Rush #Fetterman #Wagon_Box #Fort_Phil_Kearny #Montana_PBS #WyomingPBS
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david breen
david breen - 31.08.2023 01:25

Fantastic! American history is amazing. my biggest amazement is the soldiers, and indians living all those years, passing away in 1909/1912 just amazing the life they experienced, the history made, the making of America.

C Q - 31.08.2023 01:12

Thanks for making this documentary.

John Hedges
John Hedges - 29.08.2023 20:14


Tony Klymson
Tony Klymson - 29.08.2023 05:18

Riders are always given the credit and no credit is ever given to his mount .😊

Cathy Morrison
Cathy Morrison - 27.08.2023 07:04

Sad Thing The Pine Rig Reservation is Still Live In 😢 POVERTY 🤬🇨🇦

Chris 1966
Chris 1966 - 26.08.2023 21:58

Thank you for producing this excellent video. I live in England and joined the Oregon California Trails Association (OCTA) who now help preserve the trails. Incredibly sad how the lands/traditions have been greatly reduced.

Girlgamssilver Scratchin'
Girlgamssilver Scratchin' - 25.08.2023 23:01

The absolute damnation of America is because of their treatment of the Native - Americans, and their propensity for enslaving African - Americans.

Cheri Molina
Cheri Molina - 25.08.2023 13:05

One has to keep in mind the mindset of this time period. Not saying it was right. It wasn't. Just like Darwin's theory. I'm part American Indian, Lakota. I'm part Irish. I'm part French. I see all sides. What a MESS! Our blood is all the same color.

jo Meyer
jo Meyer - 23.08.2023 16:59

you skip...

Victor Lee
Victor Lee - 22.08.2023 00:35

I enjoy learning so much about the Native Americans,s. I know we can't be responsible for what our ancestors did. It sadens me to see what happened on both sides. If we had not broken treaties and honored them there may not have been so many deaths. Indians and settlers most likely would have gotten along for the most part. Anyone with any feelings çan see how the Indians felt about their land hunting grounds and burial grounds being invaded and taken from them. I have always said how can you say you have discovered a place where someone already lives.

Susan Taft
Susan Taft - 19.08.2023 01:24

It wasn't the gold rust that made people move west it was manifest destiny ee the united stat bought the land from the french in the Louisiana purchase and the idea of the land away from the crowded cities of the east with more people coming everyday after the civil war

Laura Nicholls
Laura Nicholls - 08.08.2023 14:27

Is this why their called. Native. Indians. Because they originally migrated from m Asia?

Hellbound Rubber
Hellbound Rubber - 03.08.2023 05:12

Native Americans were the first tragedy. White Settlers were the second. Constantly used as pawns to break Treaties. Custer was an early 911. 2 days before the attack, Custer's men asked what the 3 Indian Scouts were doing? A fellow soldier informed them they were performing a Death Ritual. They were getting ready to Die!!

Tom Cooley
Tom Cooley - 24.07.2023 01:40

Worked at the Flying Diamond Ranch in the late 70 s and we had a winter camp on the Dry Fork of the Powder River . Pretty good winter country for cows and sheep .

Bug - 23.07.2023 13:58

Just so you know, this is not a Doc about the Bozeman Trail. It's another PBS BS story about the "evil" White man. More Marxist propaganda.

Craig Hubert
Craig Hubert - 23.07.2023 01:46

For all of the great warrior’s of the Indian tribes of North American the great white man has made all of their descendent victims. Sad very sad.

Craig Hubert
Craig Hubert - 23.07.2023 01:42

Just love the self hate in narrative of the story. Yes story

farhad farhadian
farhad farhadian - 21.07.2023 06:39

Evils they were today they do the same savergery to other nations constant wars aggression usurpation and plunder death and destruction

Scott Moyer
Scott Moyer - 20.07.2023 04:06

The Indians did not really hunt buffalo , until the Spanish introduced the horse

Doug Smith
Doug Smith - 19.07.2023 18:22

The photographs, and artwork, original as well as contemporary were fascinating. The scenery, gorgeous! Thank you PBS.

Veritas - 19.07.2023 12:53

Tip to the lady in the blue sweater: the word is creek, not "crik."

Juan Barberis
Juan Barberis - 17.07.2023 01:43

The Anglos caused so much pain......shameful!

Prove its a fact
Prove its a fact - 16.07.2023 21:01

Is it ignorance, intentional, racism, a combination of those three, or something eles

Why is it that whenever anglos give accounts of their ancestors coming to the land now named "America" , they make use of particular words such as : "Emigrants", and "Settler"?

I make this obvious inquiry because of the following factors :

Adhering to the historical facts, they were "emigrants" that invaded the country now call "America".
Thus, they were invading emigrants (as opposed to just "emigrants").

They "homesteaded" on land that they knew full well was usurped from the "Native American people"
The "settlers" were willing participants in the usurption of an entire country. Thus, they were not just settlers. They were people that settled on patches of land they either stole , or had full kowladge that it was stolen (the multiple thousands of Native damed)

Paddy Brennan
Paddy Brennan - 16.07.2023 03:03

As the British would say
We never sent you our best and brightest
Bunch of crooks and murderers carpetbaggers and snake oil salesmen who were kicked out of England

Dan D
Dan D - 12.07.2023 04:09

The most amazing part is how many lived into their late 80's. Better food and no pharmaceuticals...

Cheryl Rosalis
Cheryl Rosalis - 12.07.2023 02:28

If only they had left the Indians alone.

Silver Back
Silver Back - 09.06.2023 12:49

The expansion of the United States of America...absolutely soaked in blood!

Bill Hosko
Bill Hosko - 23.05.2023 03:55

The horses the Indians are on in the photos/paintings came from Spain. Good grief. Stop, with the endless mis-portrayals. There were NO horses in NA when the Europeans arrived.

R. Eric Bingaman
R. Eric Bingaman - 16.05.2023 23:34

I thought the Bozeman Trail took off at Douglas not Casper

Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson - 15.05.2023 02:54

Cavalry not Calvary, someone let that slip by.

Argo Naught
Argo Naught - 14.05.2023 17:40

The story of the Alder gulch discovery is quite a rich one. Forgive the pun. Alder gulch is called the richest gulch on earth and actually out produced some enrire counties in the California motherlode.
Fairweather, Edgar and co. had been captured by Crow indians and eventually released quite impovrished. Then pursued again and harassed by young braves pretty much just for fun. Those events eventually landed them on the banks of Alder creek in their desperate attempt to reach Bannock. Some of the party wandered upstream but Fairweather and edgar tried their luck on the bar on which they were camped. With Fairweather digging and edgar panning, Fairweather exclaimed, "I found a scad!" To which edgar replied, "If you got one, i got a thousand!" Thus was born the greatest gold strike the world has ever known.

Ian Hobbs
Ian Hobbs - 14.05.2023 00:18


Crazy Horse az
Crazy Horse az - 10.05.2023 18:25


Rasputin - 07.05.2023 17:54

I am not going to apologize to anyone for the history of the USA. It’s a beautiful nation, that was founded as any other successful powerful nation was. I’m sick to death of hearing about how we natives demand this and that.
Did you demand that from the other tribes when they took land from you? Or how your woman did all the work, while the men laid about doing as they pleased? No, I suspect not. Those alive today have nothing better to do than look backwards and lament something they never had. Meanwhile living in the greatest country the world has ever known. Anyone can become wealthy and make something of themselves here in America. People die trying to get here to this day. But no, you would rather maintain that self defeating victim mentality that you languish in.

Stop blaming others for your condition, the world owes you nothing. Life is what you make of it.

22vx - 06.05.2023 22:34

He keeps saying calvary 😅

Rubicon DE POOTER - 03.05.2023 21:59

Nu begrijp ik de situatie, het ondertekenen van de 'treaty' was enkel geldig zolang de bizon in situ verbleef voor het continu beleven van de Indian leefstijl die dus ophield( stijl en treaty) bij het uitmoorden door de blanken van die bizon, met opzet dus zodat de treaty niet meer geldig was, dan nog het uitmoorden van de mensen met nederzettingen in een later stadium om de finale nekslag toe te brengen aan de congenital, ik denk dat je juridisch moet focussen op -het uitmoorden van de bizon om de slag thuis te kunnen halen-, dan -treaty ongeldig en kan niet verder zetten-, dan finaal uitmoorden dat heet -genocide -zowel op de bizon als op de congenital, meer fraais kan ik er niet van maken. Overigens wie heeft die documenten van die treaty's in bezit, en welke zijn de vervalste documenten? Men is daar juridisch mee bezig, ik stel me vragen bij een genocide waar de onpartijdigheid nog is gebleven, ook in American landscape zijn er passages die gaten hebben, zo van en waar zijn die soldaten gebleven intussen, even een tribe gaan uitmoorden tussen de soep en de patatten...niet genoteerd. Gewoon logisch redeneren guys, dan gaan de gaten opvallen en de situatie wordt zo klaar als een klontje Tiense suiker. Dan is het zo dat de Black Hills en kijk op de map welke terreinen nog, terug eigendom moeten worden van de congenitals want een treaty gebaseerd op een genocide houdt geen steek. Zeg nu zelf ook als blanke dit houdt geen steek. Redeneer zorgvuldig en geef god wat god toebehoort en de keizer wat van de keizer is. Een rechtschapen magistraat kan dit vast regelen ze zijn beëdigd net zoals wij. Was dat een stelletje beurshanen zeg die Amerikaanse soldaten inclusief hun top van witte boordcriminelen.

D. H.
D. H. - 29.04.2023 20:57


william clark
william clark - 29.04.2023 00:23

Typical PBS

Greg Knipe
Greg Knipe - 23.04.2023 21:53

in short, shooting your way through a lot of indigenous people, and their food source - in order to shoot each other, over gold. not a proud past we boast of. when a Monantan tells you he / she is 5th generation, you have met the person responsible for reparations. anytime someocalls you an out of stater, you have an imposter. they moved here over a pile of corpses. real mericans.

Terry Tyrrell
Terry Tyrrell - 23.04.2023 07:39

I wish i couldn't have grown up in them times

John Clark
John Clark - 17.04.2023 08:03

...and the Yankee foundation of half truths

Wolfgang Knöll
Wolfgang Knöll - 12.04.2023 01:08

What a time.

cunderw12 - 01.04.2023 01:09

I cannot believe they were okay with murdering defenseless women and children. Greed is the worst trait one can have.

cunderw12 - 31.03.2023 20:31

All they do is take, take, take. When will they learn to give. ❤️

Ludwig Hasenfuss
Ludwig Hasenfuss - 31.03.2023 15:08

Lacota woman
I am a german man and a natur human.
I am proud to read your words.
I live since 2010 not in germany
I can and i would n o t life in thies "white men" country
I live in e x i l ,
Because I have lost my own fatherland and my own moutherland
But i not lost my soul , my own heart, and my own way to watanka
That is the right way of human life.
It is goog to hear from you, proud woman

Anna Mosier
Anna Mosier - 27.03.2023 01:12

Very good work

Marilyn Brady
Marilyn Brady - 22.03.2023 18:47

Many of our early settlers behaved liked a pestilence. Perhaps the military should have supervised the settlers behavior.

Those who had first settled the land and had managed it for centuries could have taught those haughty early settlers much. Greed and pride destroyed so much.

Perhaps there was no accountability for the invaders this side of life but "Judgement is mine; thus sayeth the Lord." There was and is a day of reckoning for every person.
