Nintendo's 2024 Is Starting to Look Interesting...

Nintendo's 2024 Is Starting to Look Interesting...

Sunbro Nation

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@SunbroNation - 18.12.2023 20:54

Let me know which games you're most excited for in 2024 and which unnanounced games you hope we see release! Also, please hit the like button before you leave! :)

@chipscoco8321 - 27.12.2023 09:36

I hope that there is no new console next year the switch needs more games frist if i does happen and in my opinion it will not happen anytime soon people do not want new consoles anymore as much as the want good games which i am sorry Nintendo is not to great at considering a lot of the time Nintendo games are made by another company, pokemon, fire emblem, paper Mario, Kirby, Luigi’s mansion just to name a few it seems like Nintendo is doing the exact opposite of sega instead of stopping making consoles and just making games like sega Nintendo is stopping making games and only makes consoles it seems. And if we get a new console It better be as good as the 3ds with the home menu and the theming or I swear I will be very upset.

@boogerdawson25boogerdawson61 - 27.12.2023 04:00

Remake remake remake remake remake remake remake remake

@boogerdawson25boogerdawson61 - 27.12.2023 03:57

Nintendo will sell you the same game seven different times and idiots will buy it everytime.

@sniperpaintcorrection6790 - 26.12.2023 05:52

I wish they would remake yoshis island

@Dolsondufour - 25.12.2023 17:07

It would be cool if Nintendo remake Zelda link to the past or link between worlds 😊

@javierkiman8302 - 25.12.2023 02:39

Nintendo is for children and the games are very short in gameplay and worth too much for something so short and likely very bad in quality. Why are adults playing Nintendo, because children's game is fun in a virtual world that Nintendo makes for a person. I have grown disgust on the music since super Nintendo, but two directions do very well from Nintendo. Three dimension is very bad from Nintendo. After n64, you have RuneScape on a laptop that is much better in music. The style of music from RuneScape is much better than Nintendo. Nintendo music is like listening to a degenerate get their music on. Its not quite there and will never be for an ordinary person.

@EXZACHTLYWRIGHT - 24.12.2023 21:17

This is a long shot but I am hold out for a Metroid Prime 4 themed switch or switch two bundle that comes with the new game. I am still rockin the OG switch and it’s been hard not “switching” 😉 that up for the OLED model. My fingers are perpetually crossed!

@bugbee84 - 24.12.2023 10:26

I highly doubt that Nintendo would release a Zelda bundle game. they stand to make more for each one.
7 years is a long time for a console. and id support it longer i love my switch, my kids love their switches. I can only hope that Nintendo stays with the ideas this console has and improve upon it.

@taker610 - 24.12.2023 08:28

You really have to wonder why Nintendo has not shown a single frame of Metroid Prime 4 in 7 years. What is the issue? No other game has gotten this treatment. I think we get the reveal of Switch 2 in January because they really need to get people excited for the new console early. We won't see anything about Prime 4 until the Switch 2 is announced.

@jamesgotchall7205 - 24.12.2023 07:39

I want Twilight princess, and Metroid primes....I feel the transition for these should be fairly straightforward as retro studios did such an amazing job on the games despite the internal scandals at the time. I played prime on the GameCube, preorder version and I have played remaster and it is amazing to see how well it's aged

@jessren1618 - 23.12.2023 21:08

Where is a new Luigi’s mansion?! Kind of weird they would just HD an old one. We need a new odyssey!

@ItsMyLittleTony - 23.12.2023 13:37

I’m tempted to go buy a Wii U just to play WW/TP as I’ve heard the rumours of these remasters for so long now it’s literally a guessing game as to whether they’ll get a release and does depends on the timeline for the switch 2/switch pro, whatever they call it

@jozztv1661 - 23.12.2023 08:53

More remske's and nothing new meh Nintendo want there ass handing to them.

@Oldman86nl - 22.12.2023 15:51

Ea skate on switch 2

@kennethmiller9346 - 22.12.2023 14:44

Now do ps4 please.

@ghostlink3098 - 22.12.2023 07:37

I've completely just given up on the idea of Nintendo porting Wind Waker / Twilight Princess for Switch. It's been far to long, plus with the next possible Nintendo console the idea of those games coming is probably extremely unlikely.

@lazaromedrano9244 - 22.12.2023 02:41

Don’t miss out my games nintendo Switch I wish next year release Zelda Wind Waker HD Twilight Princess HD Super Mario Odyssey 2 Call Of Duty Super Mario Galaxy 2 Superman Returns Donkey Kong Marvel Mario party 11 and many others!😍😇🤗😂🥰🤣

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:44

Personally if Donkey Kong had his own movie I kind of wish that Nintendo would give me a call cuz I'm good at creating a real Donkey Kong voice like he says in most of his games like the word yeah I can actually say it very similar to the way Donkey Kong says yeah and Donkey Kong 64 I am willing to put my voice into a powerful tone that makes it sound like a real Donkey Kong in a real gorilla talking not like the lame voice acting in the Super Mario Bros movie where Donkey Kong's voice acting sounded terrible you sounded like a punk teenager instead of a real Kong I can make him sound like a real Kong I can't even make king cooper sound like a real Koopa and not like Jack Black where he sounded like a little kid it's having a tantrum

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:41

Maybe the people that worked on Chrono crosses 60 frames per second with Square Enix maybe Namco Bandai teaming up maybe they can create an update patch that finally gets Tales of Symphonia it's battle mode back up to 60 frames per second again I have a Namco Bandai and Square Enix Chrono cross team working together restoring Tales of Symphonia remastered 60 frames per second send Square Enix did not have a problem of getting a game that's been 30 frames per second on Playstation 1 for years Chrono cross and yet the radical dreamer version of Chrono cross is actually running at 60 frames per second now and it's been 30 frames for years so what's the Tales of Symphonia team stupid excuse I'm not giving us 60 frames and real time considering a game that's been in 30 frames per second since the dawn of existence Chrono cross is running at 60 frames in radical dreamers so what's Namco Bandai stupid excuse for Symphonia remastered 60 frames in real time

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:39

I hate to burst your bubbles but the mobile World cannot do 4K or Ultra 4K the technology doesn't exist if 4K was possible cell phones would already be doing it years ago get a reality check if 4K was possible cell phones would be doing it first cuz they've been doing Mobile gaming and mobile everything else for years cell phones if a cell phone and a notepad and a laptop cannot do 4K there is no way a Nintendo switch can do 4K because the technology for 4K does not exist in the mobile World 4K is designed for big giant TVs monitors cuz they can take full advantage and appreciation for the 4K in a bigger screen only TVs that are 32 inches and computer monitors that are 32 inches or bigger are the only ones that can do 4K anything smaller like a cell phone or a Nintendo switch cannot do 4K because 4K does not exist in the mobile world because the technology does not exist because 4K wouldn't be truly appreciated on such a small screen because they couldn't handle the resolution or the 120 frames per second properly on a small screen that's why even when I run my phone in 60 frames or 120 frames per second I don't notice the difference cuz I'm mobile device cannot run 120 properly 120 frames per second option because they cannot run it properly only a 32-inch TV or monitor or bigger can run the 120 frames per second better and 4K and Ultra 4K because on a bigger screen it would be more noticed just like with 120 frames per second and 60 frames per second is real time is more noticeable on a bigger screen than it is in a smaller screen when it comes to real time and don't you think it's stupid that Namco Bandai is making stupid excuses that Tales of Symphonia remastered cannot run in 60 frames per second because it would break the game don't you think that's a bunch of BS considering Chrono cross on the Nintendo switch in other systems is running at 60 frames per second during battles and it's been a 30 frames per second game since it was first released on Playstation 1 for years so what's the tales of phony a stupid excuse for not giving us 60 frames for the remastered version Symphonia

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:33

The switch is at the end of its line Nintendo is not going to release Metroid Prime 4 on Nintendo switch if they release it it will be on their next system that isn't a mobile device in a console console because Nintendo is causing too many third-party games to run poorly on a mobile device because the because third-party developers want to make modern-day games in Nintendo is not making a modern-day system so hopefully after the switch Nintendo goes back to making a modern-day system that's as powerful or more powerful than what series X and PS5 can do graphically and Visually open Nintendo's next system system will be as powerful as those two or more powerful cuz I think Doug Bowser's considering going with a next-gen true system requires a TV to be played in give up on the mobile idea because even Sony realize in these days mobile devices don't work very well unless their cell phones those are the only devices that thrive in the mobile world are cell phones and notepads that's why after the PSP and Vita Sony gave up on the mobile world because look at when PlayStation 4 Pro came out and PlayStation 5 came out have you seen make a new mobile device since then Sony is totally abandoned the mobile world they'll make stuff for mobile systems on as a third party company but Sony will not make their own mobile device anymore because it is not a thriving business for them anymore and I think Nintendo is starting to learn that too set making their own mobile device is not the smart move because it's causing too many third-party games not to run as well as they should cuz look at how horribly Resident Evil HD and Resident Evil Zero HD don't run so well on the switch and also Dragon Ball fighter Z also suffers from Bad performance and loading times on the switch and Mortal Kombat 11 doesn't look all that great on the switch either and look at how horrible Mortal Kombat one is on the switch there are a lot of issues with it also look at Batman Arkham Knights the Batmobile part of the game doesn't run very well I think Witch is causing Nintendo to have a wake-up call and realizing the mobile world is not for them because their Nintendo switch is in a true mobile device only a cell phone is a true mobile device cuz look at how different and style and gameplay their cell phone games are proving their actual mobile games the Nintendo switch is just taking a normal Xbox game and PlayStation game and running it off on mobile device which means it's not a real mobile game that's why I have the games don't run right on the switch cuz they're not mobile style like cell phone games if Nintendo wants to continue to make a mobile device they're going to have to take a page out of the cell phone book on proper mobile gaming otherwise they can continue to tick off fans by running games that don't look or run properly Nintendo's mobile device because they're not a true mobile experience if you want a true mobile experience play a cell phone game because those are real mobile games with Nintendo switch it is just a PlayStation and Xbox game port on the switch that's running on a system that technically cannot run the game right in games Nintendo is making for the switch are real mobile games the cell phone proves that point of what a real mobile game looks like

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:25

Your video must be a little old because the Mario RPG is already out in the switch so your video must be pretty old because the Mario RPG is already out on switch as a digital download and Retail

@PattyLegeret - 22.12.2023 00:22

You know dude I totally agree with you I've even told Nintendo several times since they released Luigi's Mansion 3 and then now they're releasing Luigi's Mansion 2 HD I told him since it's already a normal console-based version with Luigi Mansion 1 they should add a few extra areas and stuff to it like Capcom did with the original Resident Evil where they cause the top of the stairs to have a door there that wasn't originally there and how they added an extra door above the the dining room in the original Resident Evil how there was an extra door there that wasn't originally there it was originally a dead end in the original version just like Capcom did with Resident Evil 1 how they added a few extra doors and areas they could do the same thing with Nintendo when it comes to Luigi's Mansion 1 making an HD and have a few extra areas plus a lot of the original areas making the game bigger longer and more fun when it comes to the original Luigi's Mansion in HD that way like Resident Evil 1 in HD they could actually revamp the graphics and stuff play Capcom did to Resident Evil 1 when they put it on GameCube giving Luigi Mansion a revamped version what is also HD graphics and extra areas like Capcom did to the original Resident Evil when they put it on GameCube and the Wii system as Resident Evil Archives

@OtakuUnderground92 - 21.12.2023 17:59

Interesting 😂 How? It’s literally what they’ve been putting out forever. Also Metroid is vaporware.

@ohokay6809 - 21.12.2023 09:57


@jtwright7084 - 20.12.2023 23:55

We need a new fire emblem game dude…

@JJSamra - 20.12.2023 04:24

I think we need to make sure to keep our expectations realistic with the Switch successor. If it stays the hybrid model, don't expect anything better than a steam deck like internal hardware. If its better great but I highly doubt it. Externally I can't see anything less other than OLED. Maybe a better docked experience. If they even go the route of the dock being an external performance push, I see at worst 720p 30fps undocked and at best 1080p 60fps docked. Lets not forget this is Nintendo and hardware power is not what their known for. But I do feel like this might just be a Switch pro with a new skin. Nintendo was complacent with the WiiU from the success of the Wii and I have a hard time believing the same won't happen.

@papasears1982 - 20.12.2023 03:27

Nintendo Switch squared, bring it! ANNNNNNNNNNNNND Xenoblade Chronicles IV (b ' : ' )b

@ArceusDX - 20.12.2023 02:15

God they really need to start talking abut Prime 4, it's almost been 5 years since development restarted, surely they have something to show at this point.

@kr1me2000 - 19.12.2023 22:12

2023 was a terrible year for gaming.... Mario wonders was decent but Zelda TotK was VERY bad :(

@hex1233 - 19.12.2023 21:44

Switch 2 still won't be as powerful as a Steam Deck.

@twig-e6431 - 19.12.2023 21:33

I'm starting to think that there won't be a February Direct. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is probably a May release and Paper Mario ATYD in July.

Then we will get an April presentation for the next Nintendo system; they will show off the foldable screen with a new 3D Mario game, F-Zero GX 4K, a big 3rd party port, Madden 2025, NBA 2K25, PGA Tour 2K25, etc.

@johndo7793 - 19.12.2023 21:17

We want an open world Turn Based Light-RPG Donkey Kong

@thrivingspirit8813 - 19.12.2023 18:34

I would like to see them make a new ducking station that improves playing in a 4K TV and it works with the current switch we have I will buy it now

@bertelmannmarc7627 - 19.12.2023 16:48

i think they will remake every single game fron nes to wiiu.. (Idiots - they destroy their own business..)

@herryhubert2706 - 19.12.2023 14:40

I so hope for a Switch release of Twilight Princess, Windwaker and/or Majora's Mask. No matter how great looking Tears of the Kingdom is, it never comes close to these three, storywise, puzzlewise. I don't wanna be negative about TotK or BotW, because I really love those games and I spent hundreds of hours playing them.
It's just that in an open world you always cut down on the story. It's like reading the first chapter of a book, and then go on reading the other chapters in any order you like. The forementioned three took you into the story and it had something emotional in it. In Twilight Princess you slowly form a bond with Midna, and I have to admit that the goodbye in the end actually put a tear in my eye. I never really felt anything emotional with TotK or BotW.

@daddyvinVlog - 19.12.2023 14:00

Is the nintendo switch can do touch screen?

@blaze7x726 - 19.12.2023 13:28

Ha 2024 probably more like the year 2030 for thr next console there gonna just keep milking switch 1 till the cow flys over the moon lol.

@PrinceSamTV - 19.12.2023 12:44

Nintendo is literally the embodiment of a stereo typical old Japanese grandfather who will never accept change.

@m.ibrahimvip8988 - 19.12.2023 12:20

the structure of the video was really helpful!

@aHigherPlace7 - 19.12.2023 11:42

There are enough people being loud enough about TP/WW understandably...But I can't accept those unless I get Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D (for better or worse) up-scaled to at least 1080p on Switch

@derffmancometh9582 - 19.12.2023 10:43

Hopefully we get WWE 2k24 on the Next Gen Nintendo Switch!?😃🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😅🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽

@iceman_75 - 19.12.2023 10:31

Hopefully Dragon Quest 3 HD2D

@nathanaelsebastian - 19.12.2023 09:31

is it better to wait for the switch 2 release or just buy switch right now, because i want to try botw and totk and some mario games?

@OhNuzzy - 19.12.2023 09:09

Well shit I just bought a switch lol ☹️

@brechtdeclercq7542 - 19.12.2023 09:01

Actually Mario VS Donkey Kong is a remake on the 1994 Donkey Kong Gameboy game if I'm not mistaken

@nicb.1411 - 19.12.2023 09:01

Not gonna lie, I'm a little pooped out on Mario and Zelda games. Metroid 4 will be a breath of fresh air.
