The TROUBLED History Of Godzilla 1998 (How Zilla Became So HATED?!)

The TROUBLED History Of Godzilla 1998 (How Zilla Became So HATED?!)


1 год назад

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DangerVille - 02.03.2023 18:59

Which of these 3 American Godzilla designs do you like more!? Also, please be cool to everyone regardless if they have a different opinion than you. (In the end its all just for fun anyway)
- Jacob

It's Ya Boi!
It's Ya Boi! - 30.09.2023 07:09

first godzilla movie was final wars

Pyracantic - 28.09.2023 15:30

Fun fact Godzilla 1998 you just remove the year it's still trademarked as Godzilla and Godzilla the series that Godzilla is still trademarked as Godzilla The only thing and the only thing I want to mention is that Zilla is only trademarked and mentioned in Godzilla final wars as a separate creature based on the Godzilla design from the 1998 movie

Local Baptist Christian
Local Baptist Christian - 28.09.2023 14:13

Godzilla 1998 was the first ever Godzilla film I have ever seen, I still hold it dear to my heart.

jason castellon
jason castellon - 24.09.2023 07:52

This is really cool! :)

Bhuvan Goduguchinta Raja
Bhuvan Goduguchinta Raja - 22.09.2023 18:05

Godzilla 98 was my introduction

Stingray - 19.09.2023 17:57

The only godzilla movie I watched was the one with ogra and I liked it but the later on I watched Godzilla the series that is when I really started to like Godzilla to be honest I like Zilla Jr

Road warrior
Road warrior - 18.09.2023 01:28

98 Is the best designed movie monster I’ve seen. It’s awesome

ZEROH to HERO - 15.09.2023 12:23

I don't care what anyone thinks, I still like Godzilla 1998 the edginess is what is dope about the movie

Mourning Coffee
Mourning Coffee - 14.09.2023 14:18

The director admitted he hated Godzilla and was trying to design something to piss Toho off enough to get him fired as a joke.

I don’t care how many people have nostalgia for this movie. It’s a horrible embarrassment that almost single-handedly ruined Godzilla for the west.

Thank god for Godzilla 2014.

LA The Radom
LA The Radom - 10.09.2023 04:25

If only they used the Stan Winston design at least

KjllShot - 09.09.2023 13:10

I love this godzilla always have i hate the look of the traditional godzilla this one looks the best by a long long shot!

Cirro - 06.09.2023 03:35

I got into Godzilla due to the toys. While I’m not a super fan of Zilla movie and I actually liked the show more I wish they added more of a horrific aspect to zilla and feel like they could have done more

RoTD - 04.09.2023 21:24

Poor Godzilla film, but enormously fun standalone monster movie!
I'm glad it exists, and I love it to this day

spider frog
spider frog - 24.08.2023 02:06

im glad to know your a zilla fan too

LUNER - 12.08.2023 06:03

Zilla is hated by the old heads but i was born in 96 and this is my favorite one

Anna May
Anna May - 08.08.2023 17:57

When I think of what an actual Godzilla would look like, I think of Zilla. The others seem too chunky.

Ivan Rodriguez
Ivan Rodriguez - 06.08.2023 05:13

It’s not a good movie but I respect because the 1998 movie was my introduction to Godzilla franchise

Stoffel Dilligas
Stoffel Dilligas - 01.08.2023 20:47

The worst part of this movie was the sound track. I dont care of Jimmy Page played on it. They ruined Kashmir

Benedict Relloso
Benedict Relloso - 24.07.2023 01:58

Godzilla 1998 is awesome

Blake Chaple
Blake Chaple - 22.07.2023 06:21


TheMook19 - 20.07.2023 17:29

I've always liked the American Godzilla.

Brimp - 20.07.2023 10:26

Honestly I think zilla was a blessing in disguise to pave way for the 2014 Godzilla. You can definitely see features from both American and Japanese versions where it primarily stands in a more horizontal posture but isn’t outright like a t-Rex. The dorsals are so good all though I do like Zillas more forward facing spikes.

Thisissomebullshit - 13.07.2023 07:22

I absolutely love Zilla and I enjoyed the movie a lot but it's definitely not Godzilla kaiju nor a Godzilla movie . It's literally the beast rom 20000 fathoms remake.

The Onceler]
The Onceler] - 09.07.2023 06:29

bro why is zilla hated he is cool he looks kinda better then godzilla

Iggy - 05.07.2023 23:38

I always love zilla and accept him i just really hate the movie because he was treated terribly he get killed and witness his babies death just for the couple to kiss each other and people cheering, i know he cause destruction but the movie surely must have another idea. For me the movie just prove that military cant do anything except shooting at whatever that they see

dotstrife - 29.06.2023 12:07

this title was missleading. they dont really go into the backlash. they dont even start talking about 98 till like halfway thru lmao

Sutapa Sarkar
Sutapa Sarkar - 23.06.2023 23:09

Zilla 1998 is better than godzilla

Michael Kryger
Michael Kryger - 23.06.2023 19:05

Godzilla 1998 is still a good movie imo, people say zilla was too small, weak, didnt have atomic breath, and was killed by normal weapons which all are true but what people also dont understand is zilla was still a youngster when he rampaged through new york and would've gotten much larger if he had survived. The sequel movie that was going to be made would've explained that and shown a fully grown zilla but we never got that sequel. If you watch the tv cartoon for zilla you'd get to see some of those concepts for the sequel actually being used such as zilla having a green atomic breath as where other concepts werent used.. I actually liked the look and concept of zilla tho but to each their own i guess lol

Faisal Galvez
Faisal Galvez - 13.06.2023 18:23

Yes it did, I didn't even knew that Godzilla was originally from the Japan, 1998 was the very first thing I have watched, so when I came across the 2014 I was wondering why he is helping the humans, like wtf happened how did become the hero all of a sudden? We just razed the eggs in the whole football field to the ground and now we're besties?

ÆthelDan Danute
ÆthelDan Danute - 09.06.2023 17:25

The old godzillas were fucking shit. A man in a rubber suit awkwardly walking around cardboard boxes. The only reason 95% of you hate the 1998 Godzilla is because you can’t think for yourselves. The other 5% are probably just weebs.

Godzilla 1998 Hoffman
Godzilla 1998 Hoffman - 07.06.2023 07:32

Godzilla 1998 is what got me into Godzilla

Tsiyon Financial Vlog
Tsiyon Financial Vlog - 01.06.2023 07:58

Dope Zilla✊🏿

Gen-Zeke-8 - 28.05.2023 17:03

I was 20 and took a future psycho bitch on our first date. Love's always so youthful in the beginning...but anyway, about this Godzilla? Shouldn't have been called Godzilla.

GameSmith - 27.05.2023 05:07

Honestly, what got me into Godzilla since I come from a younger generation was scheduled 2014 honestly it’s kind of awkward but then for me I honestly don’t know my favorite part of OK I love schedules the series it’s I watched it not recently and really good honestly as well cartoon show that isn’t him honestly, what happened to these old cartoon shows like sonic SpongeBob popsicle popsicle, eating cakes on the double. I don’t know I haven’t watch the show send I was 3

John Steiner
John Steiner - 27.05.2023 02:32

One thing I was fascinated by was the reversed toes [dew claws] were on the outside of each foot rather than the inside like with birds and theropod dinosaurs. That's part of what reaffirmed lizard origins, because on lizards the toes get shorter from in to out of each foot [toes 1 through 5].

John Steiner
John Steiner - 27.05.2023 02:16

What's funny is that to me this was the best Godzilla movie before or since. I could never watch the others with the same seriousness again, despite being introduced into this franchise well before.

Kudra Abdulaziz
Kudra Abdulaziz - 25.05.2023 10:34

This will always be the true Godzilla for me. 👊😎

Elvin Arzuaga
Elvin Arzuaga - 24.05.2023 00:16

I grew up with this movie and it still has a special place in my heart. This is what got me into Godzilla in the first poace

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar - 22.05.2023 11:46

This Godzilla weak what like make animation series

Sabre Vanson
Sabre Vanson - 16.05.2023 17:51

I watched the 98zilla and its amazing animated series. I preferred the look of Zilla over Godzilla designs prior. I liked that Zilla looks like a actual monster as opposed to a dude in a suit. Was Zilla story good? No. It could have been way way better. But, I still love how Zilla looks

Jay Enlow
Jay Enlow - 16.05.2023 07:56

As a kid I loved this movie, still holds a special place in my heart despite agreeing that it does "take the god out of godzilla" years later. This film was all I knew until my father found Godzilla Final Wars on Crackle, 2000s kid, and loved the hell out of that and then followed my interesting in watching more of the Japanese Godzillas and the rest was history.

Freelancer131 - 16.05.2023 07:12

And people still did learn because we keep remaking unfaithful adaptations even today XD

Dino Kiddo
Dino Kiddo - 16.05.2023 01:57

i like Zilla's design i think it's cool i would love to see Zilla in the new film

DA300 - 13.05.2023 18:29

This was the first “Godzilla” movie I watched when I was 9 and is what got me into monster movies
