How a Dice can show that God exists

How a Dice can show that God exists

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Alan Beck
Alan Beck - 24.09.2023 12:29

Doesn’t prove god exists at all 😂

user - 18.09.2023 02:25

its not the first time thje universe was created that we had the right number to exist, we simply dont know what happened before and it is possilbe it took millions of different big bangs to cause life

Matt Wolf
Matt Wolf - 17.09.2023 05:44

Just because we are here and the odds are extremely small that doesn't mean God exists

Santi N
Santi N - 16.09.2023 02:11

Love when christians use cherry picked logic convince themselves that a magic man in the sky exist.

YouTube Scientist
YouTube Scientist - 13.09.2023 02:29

I did a rebuttal video of your idea that universe is not governed by chance.
"God does not play dice with the universe"
- Albert Einstein was wrong, quantum physics had been confirmed by many experiments, specifically designed to show that world is governed by law of probability applied to quantum theory - Bell inequality test.
-Structure formation of galaxies depends on initial microscopic statistical quantum fluctuations that were magnified during accelerated expansion of space. Which also describes why the curvature of the universe is so small and why expansion rate seems to be adjusted for life.
-Also the Higgs boson mass seems to be precisely adjusted so that the vacuum can decay (so that our universe is in a metastable state on verge of destruction) creating another universe by chance. All of it is supported by science data. The video is based on opinion of most successful physicists like Stephen Hawking.

James Hale
James Hale - 11.09.2023 00:52

No such thing as chance
If all got here by chance it would be 100 percent chance which is not chance at all
Secondly nothing about rolling dice is chance
From the making of the dice picking it up
Throwing it on something
Time has no begin or end what device can add or erase or stop time
If you say there was no time 5 minutes before time began you admit there was time
So why cant intelligence or GOD be the same matter dont need to exist for intelligence to exist or you would be saying any where there is only empy space there there is no intelligence
So what kind of matter can make intelligence inless intelligence made that matter
And quite simply GOD only needs to be the only GOD because if he let everyone know the secret it would never work
People are not good with power or money history proves it
Even satan as far as i know was never able to really create so he chose to destroy

Ubaid Allah
Ubaid Allah - 09.09.2023 13:49

Allah created everything and there is no god but Allah and i believe in Allah Almighty❤❤❤

John Martin
John Martin - 09.09.2023 00:37

The Universe could never exist if it were the result of random processes. A miracle was needed!! We cannot escape the necessary existence of God. It's not a matter of faith. It is a question, among many others, of science! In this case, Mathematics, Probability Theory!

TheWalruswasJason - 08.09.2023 17:52

God is THE quantum mechanic!!!

Ashik Abdullatheef
Ashik Abdullatheef - 07.09.2023 15:21

Just make all the sides of dice 6..

Maksym Kornilov
Maksym Kornilov - 07.09.2023 12:07

Alright, now let your friend count same numbers but for every human is alived, and count how much time it would take?
Now let's put those numbers on amounts of stars and there are.
And we won't even talk about non obvservable universe

zenastronomy - 06.09.2023 09:54

u can tell all the idiot atheists who don't understand mathematics by their replies in this thread.

they all are making the same stupid gotcha statements not realising they are revealing their own ignorance

Kevinm Levites
Kevinm Levites - 03.09.2023 18:35

There are so many fallacies in this video that I have trouble deciding where to begin.

1) If the Universe is "fine-tuned" for life, then why is more than 99.999% of the Universe inhospitable to it? We can't exist (yet) in the middle of stars, or in the vast vacuum that fills the voids between the galaxies.
2) There is the assumption that his "70 rolls of sixes" is the only way that permits life, and we don't know this. As an example, a royal flush in cards is very lucky, but we could say that a duce, four, five, and nine of the same suit has the same odds of coming up. So, the arbitrary rules we assign to poker hands is what's important. We have no other examples of life beyond Earrh, so he makes sweeping assumptions from one example.
3) If God exists, then where does God come from? If God has always existed, then why not save a step and decide that the Universe has always existed? If the origin of God is an unanswerable question, then why not skip a step and decide that the origin of the Universe is an unanswerable question?
4) We may not understand many of the details about the origin of the Universe . . . but that doesn't mean that we should automatically invoke God just because we're unhappy that we don't know everything. To say that only God understands things that we don't know is very arrogant.
5) Even if I choose to be very pious and deeply religious . . . I would still be screwed out of Eternity when I die. There are--perhaps--over a hundred different sects in Christianity alone. While I'm sure that there are a few exceptions, each sect claims to have the correct way to worship God, while the competing sects are leading their flock astray . . . and their congregants are destined for Hell or eternal death. This means that out of the hundred or so sects, I have overwhelming odds of choosing the wrong one and going to Hell. The situation becomes much worse if I consider Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism (among many other religions). Atheism is a perfectly reasonable (and even comforting) choice under these circumstances.
6) Creationists and Biblical literalists hold up The Bible for answers about the origin of the Universe, and so forth . . . because it's true.

In 2 Chronicles 4:2 we find the Biblical view is that pi (the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter) is exactly equal to 3 . . . except we know that pi is equal to 3.1415926 . . . , and that this an irrational number. Even if The Bible only sees the first digit as being important, then at least the irrational and transcendental nature of pi might have been alluded to.

The Biblical literalist will get irritated with this point, and claim that The Bible isn't a mathematical textbook, and I quite agree. However, this also means that The Bible isn't a textbook on geology, biology, anthropology, medicine, and/or physics either.
7) Biblical literalism can kill. Lightning was seen as being from God, so it was sacreligious and heretical to put lightning rods on church steeples (often the highest building in town). So--because God would never strike a church with lightning--this was the safest place to store gunpowder.

The Catholic church in Brescia, Italy, exploded and killed 2,000 people when lightning hit the steeple, and the 90 metric tons of gunpowder detonated and blew up 1/6 of the town. This happened on August 18, 1769, well after Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod and was pressuring society to put them on church steeples (to protect the bell ringers).
8) If religion can modify Biblical literalism to accommodate lightning rods, then why not accommodate physics, Big Bang comology, evolution, and LGBTQ people?

In any case, I've tried to give a civil, reasoned response to this video, and I hope people reply.

Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing this lengthy post.

I wish everyone peace.

Emily Ferris
Emily Ferris - 27.08.2023 00:29

Ignore the haters. You wouldn’t see a Rolex watch on the seashore and say, "Wow! Look what just happened to be created with no outside influence!" Yes, the human body is much more intricately designed and they think we were created without outside influence.

RyDeezy - 26.08.2023 17:01

This video was not a let down. Awesome.

Bryan Avant
Bryan Avant - 24.08.2023 18:02


Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig - 23.08.2023 07:22

It doesn't matter how many sides a die has, the odds that it will roll one of the numbers on it is the same as any other number on it, but the odds that it WILL roll are number are 100%. So the odds of any outcome may be slim, but so are the odds of any other outcome. So the odds that a magical sky faery created the Universe are the same as if the Universe started naturally. That makes this argument sound a little more than idiotic, and the Universe beginning naturally is a more realistic explanation than what these liars propose.

איתן כחלון
איתן כחלון - 23.08.2023 00:18

You have to remember: the probability of getting a 6 in a cube is only 1/6 in a fair cube. Therefore this argumenr might jot be valid if you consider the counter arguent made with the jar (you can search about it)

TRU GRAFFIX - 22.08.2023 06:18

You guys are out of control do you need 100 videos trying to pitch your BS on how God is real you’re just making yourselves look silly and it’s hard to trudge through all this trash but I’m trying to find something else. Anyway I just stop by to tell you that…… oh yeah and two just like your video. Sorry I don’t like lies and simple my folks they believe the lies so I’ll leave you with that.

Jo Mamma
Jo Mamma - 20.08.2023 00:28

You lost me at "a Dice".

Yudianto bin Soedjoko
Yudianto bin Soedjoko - 14.08.2023 18:26

Islam - The Connection between Teology and Science
the Divinity doctrine of Panenteism and God's particle in Quantum Physics

Al Quran 3.Āli 'Imrān, verse : 59
إِنَّ مَثَلَ عِيسَىٰ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ آدَمَ ۖ خَلَقَهُ مِنْ تُرَابٍ ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
really, parables Isa at (at) Allah such as Adam ||
(HE?) kholaqo (created) HIM (?) from a ground, then (HE?) said, as a part which owned by HIM (?): KUN, so then (HE?) is exisiting...
|| hold on, stop, and take a breath;
"at" is like address for someone, don't imagine it as a place like in, on, a side, or else.

There are three words that bring contribution in this creation, ie word: Allah, Adam, and a ground. We can't talked that Allah Himself exists as a thing on a side among others. So, this words arrangement read and write as this.


(+) Allah created everything!
(-) So you are Theist, Allah created something beside the existence of HIM self.

(+) Everything inside Allah!
(-) So, you are Panenteist, but who stays outside HIM?

(+) There is no Allah there, you can't describbed it!.
(-) Ok, you are Ateist.

(+) I don't wanna talk about it!.
(-) So, you are Agnostic, maybe you rather like to sing that song: I don't wanna... talk about it. You must be Rod Stewart fans, from his fans club.

(+) Don't talk about it, just have believe!
(-) You look like the one fraction of that club, as its denomination...

Lou Tracey
Lou Tracey - 14.08.2023 14:36

I played roulette and picked the correct numbers 3 times in a row, the dealer was replaced and i was scrutinised all night, even i dont know how I did it to this day, that it was all a chance of probabilities..

aurora boreless
aurora boreless - 14.08.2023 13:35

GOD juggling dices and good scoring , sequences or juggling dice or balls falls from juggling or get a bad score is all part of the juggling dice or juggling balls cycles. So what is the big deal about god does not existing it does exist and is running the infinite universe.
no god does not play dice. It all is a cycle. Both lead one to believe god who created it whether runs it or not, certainly god runs the universe , why go to sleep and wake up fresh is all that matters for life. GOD takes care.

Legendary nature
Legendary nature - 12.08.2023 05:12

There some inherent thing about this man that makes want to punch him his the face. Sounds like d

J CASTAS - 04.08.2023 17:39

This is what happens when you’re trying to accomplish a known outcome. The chances become more impossible. The odds of winning the Mega millions for anyone who purchased one ticket are about 302 millions but if you think all the winners were meant to win it, then the odds are more than 302m. Because you have to take into account all of the things that had to come into place for any of them to buy the winning tickets.

Chit Chat
Chit Chat - 27.07.2023 23:13

Could also be proof of the many worlds interpretation.

Emmanuel Piscicelli
Emmanuel Piscicelli - 26.07.2023 19:03

Maybe someone could explain the texas sharpshooter fallacy to this guy.

Bangkok Boy 🙏
Bangkok Boy 🙏 - 16.07.2023 10:17

Hu? Just how does this proove that God exists?😂

Arvin Nacario
Arvin Nacario - 13.07.2023 13:42

how do you know universe hit 70 rolls on number 6 "FIRST TRY"? you think you know everything?

Scott Godlewski
Scott Godlewski - 12.07.2023 06:44

Whenever I hear the intelligent design argument I think of a Adams’s puddle in a pothole.

حسبن البصراوي حسين
حسبن البصراوي حسين - 10.07.2023 12:44

"Have they not traveled through the land and observed how was the end of those who were before them? They were greater than them in strength and in impression on the land, but Allah seized them for their sins. And they had not from Allah any protector

Chris Palin
Chris Palin - 01.07.2023 13:22

What makes you think that we are at all important? So what if there was a universe without us?

EXPOSED! BY GABRIEL PEREZ - 30.06.2023 20:31


billhillard - 27.06.2023 15:51

This argument is completely incorrect. It makes several assumptions that are illogical. If we take into account that we came from this particular universe, then the odds of us existing is 1 for 1. The universe was not created for us. We are a product of it, so of course we fit the nature, design and environment of this universe. Still, it was a fun video. But the math and such is purely fictional.

Do not get me wrong. I hope that there is a god and a point to existence. But it seems rather unlikely. I do hope that I am wrong though.

Joshua Dawe
Joshua Dawe - 26.06.2023 03:01

Sounds like you are confusing the Cosmos with the Universe. The Cosmos which surrounds the Universe expands whilst the Universe in the dead centre of the Cosmos is a fixed constant equating to zero. Think of the Universe as the equator of the Cosmos.

Ricia Johnson
Ricia Johnson - 23.06.2023 19:41

Well done !

Danny Hocutt
Danny Hocutt - 22.06.2023 17:26

That’s assuming,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milky Way
Milky Way - 16.06.2023 21:52

Let ssay we uave an infinite row of universes

Now if the conditions arent right for life then you cant observe them so they might as well just not exist

The chance of an universe that hss the perfect conditions are low but never zero

Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 13.06.2023 15:56

The bottom line is you using dice has offered no more proof than has ever been offered to suggest the existence of deities is true.
I find this just about as compelling as you reading claims from a holy book and thinking that you've Just offered evidence that the claims you read were true because you read them.

marco hernández
marco hernández - 10.06.2023 22:33

Dios existe en la mente de cada persona que habita este hermoso planeta, si solo si, la persona este operando su modo de fe. El ser humano es el único ser que tiene conciencia de un dios, porque dios como tradicionalmente la gente lo concibe es una creación del mismo ser humano, ya que es la forma en que ante su inmensa ignorancia de todo lo que lo rodea, le puede dar una explicación.

Frog Man Gaming
Frog Man Gaming - 10.06.2023 00:12

sources? like you cant just say that the universes expansion rate is at the perfect level and not site something or explain why you just say "ye bc otherwise no elements" also you have it backwards the expansion rate that we have caused this to happen we roled a dice with the 10^50 sides or whatever and got this so we are like this if it was difrent who says that there wouldent be something like this you are acting like if that didnt happen the universe would just not exist and this is all asuming that what you said was true

Enrique Fabregat
Enrique Fabregat - 07.06.2023 07:33

This is utterly stupid.

Omar89 - 07.06.2023 06:30

Interesting how in such of this video, a logical and scientific explanation about God is reject, while if it was the opposite (which cannot scientifically be explained) would be taken as logical.

Those people just don't believe in God and don't want accept it. Unfortunately

Victor - 07.06.2023 05:15

You just have to feel the unconditional love once in your live to know god.

(Im not into any religion).

Cedrik Krass
Cedrik Krass - 05.06.2023 19:36

aight, so basically even before the universe started, the laws of the universe were already there. Now when the big bang happened the universe expanded at that rate of speed because the scientific laws only allowed it to go that fast. Now lets talk about your theory about god so to say cheating for us to exist. In your explanation there is a problem, you think that theres only 1 dice being rolled all the time but actually there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dices being rolled. We can see that from all the other planets that failed the dice roll and are now empty and our planet is the planet that passed the dice test. Now from then on, most of the planets that succeded the first dice roll failed the second dice roll of creating life and our planet just passed both dice rolls.

StaticBlaster - 01.06.2023 19:22

The universe is vast and operates according to the laws of nature and universal forces. When combined with probability and statistics, it’s possible that life could arise somewhere in the universe. An analogy using a standard deck of cards could be: imagine you have a favorite card, say the seven of hearts. If you keep drawing cards from the deck, eventually you will draw your favorite card. Similarly, given enough time and the right conditions, universal chemical processes could eventually produce biochemistry and thus biology somewhere in the virtually infinite darkness. We happen to be on one such planet where this has occurred. My point is a creator is unnecessary.

05-[REDACTED] - 01.06.2023 04:53

Lets say we have 2 universes 1 is ares the other is incapable of producing life so you have 2 chances to roll a 6 70 times,
but what if you have 3 universes okay you have 3 chances to roll a 6 70 times
Because in multiverse theory there is infinite universes aka infinite chances to roll a 6 70 times its impossible to not happen

Tally - 31.05.2023 23:56

The thing is that there is no start or end of time. Time is boundless. On an infinite timescale you can roll a dice infinite times, therefore getting 6 in a row many many many times would not be that special anymore.

For instance, if I allow you to toss a dice only once and win if 6 comes up, your chances of winning are 1 out of 6. However, if I tell you that you will have infinite tosses, you will definitely win all the time as 6 will come up at some point during your tossing.

Then I am going to tell you to toss your dice and get 5 times 6 in a row. You try once, but fail. Then you try again and fail again. Basically you will keep trying until you get your 5 times 6 in a row. Then when you get the result I want, I ask you to get 20 times 6 in a row. You start tossing until you get the result I want. If you do this infinite times, I can ask you to toss the dice and get 6 in a row as many times as I want no matter how high the number is so long as it's below infinity itself.

With infinite tossing the chance of winning is inevitable.

The real proof of God would be given by disproving infinity. If you disprove infinity, the existence of God becomes almost inevitable.

French Filmm The Band
French Filmm The Band - 31.05.2023 06:20

There is no other answer but God how could a world like ours and the people who live in it with our living bodies with all its glory be just a chance.
