What's The SaGa Series All About? |In Depth Analysis|

What's The SaGa Series All About? |In Depth Analysis|

Davidvinc RPGs

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@eddieble024 - 18.04.2024 05:44

Love you David!

@TheHeroExodus - 18.04.2024 06:27

Frontier 2 was my favorite, I think for the generational thing... u got to see the story of these 2 great people... I could see it as a TV show even. To Your Eternity reminded me of this. Thinking of Egg in particular.

Frontier 1 was cool too... blue and rouge story and alkaiser in particular though I started with the robot.

Romancing 3 had me in stitches with Robin.

Only thing I didn't care for in the saga sagas were the random enemies or unavoidable enemies. The super random stat gains and monsters eating meat to become something random..... it hurts my brain... like a cat eats a wolf.... become robot? I felt like Digimon 😅

@Shinky - 18.04.2024 06:28

You know....you make this series sound super amazing but I have so much trouble playing through them because the difficulty is astronomical so I've never played through the entirety of them. Though I did play a decent way into Final Fantasy Legend 2 and ADORED it

@user-bb6mt9bi4n - 18.04.2024 06:40

Nice Video David. Love The SaGa Series ❤ I have Finished The SaGa Trilogy GB Games. I well Finish The other Games As Well.

@ParasaurolophusZ - 18.04.2024 07:16

Most of the exposure to the SaGa series was reading about them in Nintendo Power and, much more recently, seeing your let's plays for FFL/SaGa 1-3. Those were a fun watch!

@leorblumenthal5239 - 18.04.2024 07:52

I played Final Fantasy Legend when it released in 1989-90 on a friend's Game Boy, but didn't finish it until a few years later when I had bought a used Game Boy Color from FunCo Land (Remember them?) I managed to beat the game, and bought a copy of Final Fantasy Legend 2, which I fell in love with, playing it to the end multiple times with different party combinations. I tried Final Fantasy Legend 3, but couldn't get into it.

A few years later I bought Unlimited SaGa for PS2. Suffice to say I had no idea what was going on. Unlimited SaGa is terrible; the mechanics kept interrupting my enjoyment of the story.

I recently bought the SaGa Final Fantasy Legend collection on Steam, and will try to make an effort to beat Final Fantasy Legend 3 once and for all.

@dangriffiths1372 - 18.04.2024 07:59

I've been looking for a breakdown of this series and the mana series for a while now! Thank you.

One thing, I'm sure I read that the last remnant is pretty much a saga game in all but name, is this true?

Great video!

@NovaSaber - 18.04.2024 09:01

SaGa Frontier is my favorite game in the series, and more or less my ideal for what I want from newer ones since it combined elements from the previous eras so well.
FFL2 is up there, though.

@otakudaikun - 18.04.2024 09:36

I clicked for the babe in your thumbnail.

@Xchopsuey03 - 18.04.2024 10:47

me like saga series , me don't know the lore, me watch this video, me very happy finally knew the lore

@ficamnuzone7052 - 18.04.2024 12:26

David is an absolute UNIT 😊

@Lamasis2 - 18.04.2024 13:59

It's a series I still need to try.

@NachtKaiser666 - 18.04.2024 15:07

Having played most of them (except Frontier 2 and Unlimited) I must say I think Romancing SaGa 3 is my favorite. I think it's still very hard, but in a fair way. It also doesn't have the constant pressure to evade battles like the first two RS. Don't get me wrong, fighting too much will lead to encounters kicking your ass hard, but you won't be missing important quests or trigger a generation shift by doing so. The world is also fun to explore at your leisure, even if that means you can accidentally trap yourself in the East and get stuck behind a bunch of quests before you can return to the rest of the map. Some boss fights in the SaGa series are RNG battles of attrition and this one is no exception, but if a boss is too much, you can always leave and explore another dungeon until you spark new moves, get better equipment and overall get stronger. The final boss will give you a hard time, but defeating it is so satisfying!

I love SaGa Frontier, but even with its restored content in the Remaster, it feels incomplete compared to Romancing 3. Still, I'd probably recommend Frontier to a SaGa newcomer. It's more streamlined and accessible, probably also one of the easiest in the series, especially since the Remastered version added the option to flee.

@themarchinggoblin8294 - 18.04.2024 16:39

The only one I ever played was unlimited saga unfortunately. Only reason I brought it was because with an ffx demo and a really nice fold out cardboard box case.
Soiled me on the series and haven't played another since. The game made no sense!!!

@polarbear1713 - 18.04.2024 17:03

I can't seem to get into anything beyond Saga 3, which is my favorite. I actually think I prefer the gb version too.

I also prefer to grind. If I can't grind, I can't get into it.

@TimHendrickson - 18.04.2024 19:31

I wanted to like the series, but the battle system just didn't click for me. FF Legend 2 is the only one I completed.

I tried Frontier back in the day, but the enemy leveling system got messed up by me trying to learn skills and leveling up two of my own characters too much that when they got swapped out I couldn't do anything without dying immediately.

I gave the Emerald Beyond demo a try and at this point think the leveling and battle system in this series just isn't for me.

@c1sower - 18.04.2024 19:37

I think one of the reasons I like your content is because we had similar childhood gaming experiences (we’re about the same age I think). I too had summer road trips where I played FF Legends 2 and 3 nonstop, which is why those two games are so nostalgic for me (especially the music). Nice to see SaGa getting some coverage and some love. Now if they would just re-release/port the SaGa 2 and 3 remakes for Nintendo DS on switch. They use the DS two screens, so they’d have to be revamped, but I’ve only ever seen these through Emulation and really want an official release.

@ogun6464 - 18.04.2024 20:19

I have only played saga frontier 1, but messed up my file by trying to do too many routes at once, rather than sequentially (I think there was some sort of extra ending). I've tried other games off and on, but haven't been able to get into them like I did SF1 back then. I hope the series really catches me one of these days

@HeroesLeftInMan - 18.04.2024 21:46

Bro. You're fucking ripped and way too knowledgeable about this super obscure RPG franchise. Did you use that grinding level mindset to look so fucking good?

@doseybear7920 - 18.04.2024 22:14

Finally a reviewer that actually understands SaGa.

@brandonnguyen9555 - 18.04.2024 22:16

Dude, did you travel back from the future? You look way much older than i am, and im 42....

@metalninjajesus1580 - 18.04.2024 23:45

Saga Emerald Beyond smells like another mobile game..😢

Graphics look like they're on a budget. No price to pre-order. No word on a physical. Beyond could be suggesting extra content/live service.

I like Saga but I'm tempering expectations till I see it.

@zoishiworld - 19.04.2024 02:22

man, saga from PS1 was so random and weird game, and i loved it so much! haha, was my favorite rpg in that time...

@SDREHXC - 19.04.2024 05:52

It’s cool to see you covering this series so much lately, I’m assuming because of emerald beyond. By far my favourite “niche” series of jrpgs if not games altogether.

@Mintcar923 - 19.04.2024 06:03

I only have Minstrel Song but I haven't really gotten to it yet.. I did play the beginning however.. It reminds me a lot of Dragon Quest

@A.Hanson - 19.04.2024 06:33

My first Saga was Saga Frontier. I remember seeing it advertised on the back of a game manual and it just grabbed my imagiation. My next game in the series was Minstrel Song on PS2. I'm glad the series got rereleased on switch and hope Emerald Beyond gets an actual release even if it is Asia only.

@jagth8138 - 19.04.2024 13:22

no idea how old are you, but honestly you should start eating more antioxidant stuff like blueberry or strawberries because you will be looking older and older

@jagth8138 - 19.04.2024 13:30

I'm writing this because in video from a month ago you made me hard and in this you look older, probably blame lighting and stuff but you better start eating antioxidant, drink matcha tea and eat omega 3 and so on and on. I'm 33 and people still check my ID when I buy stuff xD

@ayasolaris4971 - 20.04.2024 03:01

I had a lot of fun with the PS5 emerald demo. I barely beat the bull boss he kept blocking my attacks and cycloning it was crazy!

@StarlightMirror - 20.04.2024 03:40

Little late watching this, but I love the Saga series! It's my favorite Jrpg series, Saga 2 aka Final Fantasy Legend 2 is my favorite still have the old school GameBoy cart! I'm super excited to try Emerald Beyond, and there's a few on this video I didn't know about that got released in the West that originally didn't. (Romancing Saga series) Def going to grab those!

@Eagleknight815 - 20.04.2024 06:22

So saga to me is foreign. Outside of the Final Fantasy Legends, I never even tried one of these. Saving the video for future reference

@tristemsaris7739 - 20.04.2024 16:29

Really so Unlimited Saga is worst of the worst. I might have to try this series again then since Unlimited is the sole game of the series I've played thus far and I now see that I have merely gotten a bad first impression of it (Probably the worst). Playing its fore bearer FF2 has made me rethink my thoughts on this series since I heard Saga is based on it.

@jeffereykizior1605 - 20.04.2024 18:52

Final Fantasy Legend 2

@FriendsAndGamingYT - 20.04.2024 18:57

I never knew there was so many SaGa games!

@KazeShikamaru - 20.04.2024 20:03

The Saga Frontier remastered is so well done. That game is special. I need to finish it.

@yazarc - 21.04.2024 01:11

I actually liked unlimited saga once I learned it. I think with a few changes and tweaks, they’d be able to do a remake in the style of Scarlet Grace. A lot of things need to be changed in a potential SF2 remaster. Way too confining for a SaGa game. I also didn’t like the soundtrack. Kenji Ito is the proper sound for the series. They had some amazing systems in place though. The ability to restore HP with LP was nice, so were alternate ways to learn arts instead of the usual lightbulbs.

@awesomemccool7285 - 21.04.2024 21:13

Yet another great video from you! :) Thanks for making me a little more knowledgeable on JRPGS.

@leandrocarvalho1923 - 24.04.2024 20:57

I loved Scarlet Grace, cant wait for this new one!

@hikaru99 - 27.04.2024 19:54

I have never played these games but it looks like Romancing SaGa 2 up to Frontier is the best time for this game

@keroclow9059 - 07.05.2024 06:28

I feel if you get any skimpier clothes, it'll be no clothes for you lol

@RenIsBack20 - 10.05.2024 12:52

Thanks for these explanations, I was kind of lost with all the different titles

@moxty2795 - 14.05.2024 22:17

Both SaGa and Mana Series deserve more love and respect than Overrated FF Series

@BradleyonYT - 19.05.2024 03:40

i JUUUST opened my "Deck In a Box" after paying off tuition and wanted to revisit some of these and other console titles that weren't available or i didn't manage to acquire in 38 years of life. When I found out I could also play ps5 on it I almost pee'd my pants 🤯NGL. Thanks for compiling so many of these

@Windom138 - 03.06.2024 19:59

I hate to say it, but I feel like I couldn't get into the 16-bit Saga games because of the thin letter fonts.

@MrJMB122 - 10.06.2024 18:06

David!! I glad you touch on one my favorite series I am big fan of it psx entries.

@cpthardluck - 29.06.2024 23:07

Unlimited Saga is only bad if you're dumb.

@Benjamin-ml7sv - 05.07.2024 19:23

Nice pecs bro

@A.Hanson - 26.07.2024 06:57

Going back and watching your Saga videos as I'm playing Romancing Saga Minstrel Song on Switch. 40 year old me is enjoying this game that 22 year old me didn't appreciate enough. I'm really glad Saga Frontier and Minstrel Song got re released and I'm excited to do Romancing Saga 2 when the remake releases. I also have an import copy of RS 3 that I need to try.

@midsmoker6880 - 28.07.2024 20:45

I’m gonna buy the collection on steam

@mikemitter - 19.08.2024 20:07

Loved the open world format of the first one for playstation. Inspired me to go around the world and meet people in search of adventure.
