The Story Behind the Iconic ‘Tank Man’ Photo | Developing News

The Story Behind the Iconic ‘Tank Man’ Photo | Developing News


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Britt Vd R
Britt Vd R - 24.10.2023 17:25

Tiananmen MASSACRE it is called!!! IT WAS A MASSACRE!!!! Peacefully protesters were slaughtered!
CCP is an evil regime!!!!
HOW could and can the West (world actually) ACCEPT this evil regime? MAO (his deadly coup) was a huge slaughter of the great Chinese people.
Survivors lost and STILL lose their homes, land, company etc to CCP if CCP wants/needs it.
Then, NIXON (USA President) accepted China CCP on the world trade market like how it still is today in the 90's (was it?)
HUGE and DUMB decision as we all know.
All GREEDY Western companies left their own country for cheap labor in China.......PURE AND ONLY for GREED!
CCP only allowed (big) companies in China with a JOINT VENTURE contract, so CCP stole all knowledge and made/is making cheap (and lot of bad) knock-offs.
All those jobs from we the ppl went to China and the West has to compete with all the cheap knock-offs and fake stuff.
This TANKMAN (students were dressed in white button down shirts btw at this protest) was/is a HERO!!
Even in "Wind of change" Scorpions we see TANKMAN.
(Nothing has changed, it is worse than ever in the world and in China (China = Organs harvesting, C-virus huge lockdowns without food, killing Falon Gong members, disowned from hous and land, concentration camps, slavery, murdering Muslims etc)
TANKMAN was probably killed immediately after being captured. That's CCP'S way of dealing with ppl like him.
MASSACRE it was.
This year, Chinese ppl FINALLY are protesting against the system (CCP) again. More and more protests in China.
Students studying abroad (West) KNOW that CCP lies all the time about everything!
These students never knew what happend in history.
Youngsters in China are not like their (grand)parents!
Bob Marley sang "2000 years of history cannot be wiped away so easily" (Zion train) and that's how it is.
Youngsters from abroad (and visiting abroad for hollydays, work in Taiwan or South Korea) KNOW and will tell the TRUTH about CCP.
Since 2020 many ppl LEFT THE PARTY (CCP) in the USA, UK,, EU and in China!!
CCP has an escape China plan, so that those evil can flee China when trouble comes after them.
High CCP members their kids do NOT live in China!
I know this from Chinese ppl themselves btw.
When Tiananmen MASSACRE happend in 1989, I cried, was a young mom back then.
Asian ppl had their Dynasties, kings and none of them cared for the ppl.
Time to FREE the great polite nice Chinese population RIGHT???

jaden pillows
jaden pillows - 12.09.2023 17:53

There’s another photo of people running away with bicycles lined up on the sidewalk you can see the road to the left and you can see the man before the iconic photo was taken that photo in particular the one I just described shocked me more because you never really think of the other angles of iconic moments in life such as this

Shin Chin
Shin Chin - 14.08.2023 11:28

That "guy", who you never know who or what he was, actually safely blocked the tank on the anevue and made the it avoiding him without geting shot, and then climbed up the tank and do something -- you can call it a "talk "-- then walked away with his mate, again, safely. How the hell MSM can tell the PLA is killing from this? For more historical evidences show this: The mobs killed soldiers and the PLA restrained, not the opposite. Stories are still been talked, but the photo just show this? Talk is cheap, cheaper than evidence. Shame for MSM.

Ed Whitson
Ed Whitson - 13.08.2023 06:12


Iron Knight Gaming
Iron Knight Gaming - 17.07.2023 00:34

They killed him discretely.

Scale Model Inc. LIVE!
Scale Model Inc. LIVE! - 06.07.2023 12:47

I remember watching the entire thing as it happened, and this image still stands out as one of the most iconic images in history. I cant help but feel he was taken by the government and given a third eye for his courage.

Aaron Blain
Aaron Blain - 28.06.2023 20:48

Yes, it's interesting how a photo creates a narrative. Westerners all believe this man was crushed to death, when in fact they were incredibly patient with him. And nobody mentions that he was challenging these tanks as they were LEAVING the protest site, nor do we mention the burned bus full of soldiers who had been burned to death by 'protesters' trying to escalate the situation into a full-fledged color revolution.

anthony dagostino
anthony dagostino - 25.06.2023 04:04

Wow, went from intelligent photographer explaining composition, to blathering leftist idiot in 0.002 seconds.

First, since the tank man has never been identified and interviewed, you have absolutely no clue what he said inside that turret. But it's most likely NOT what happened too and where are his relatives. How the hell would a lowly tanker know any other that, considering the thousands of protesters?

Finally, how the hell did this photo help republicans? You think it white washed what happened and republicans cheered for the ccp? Was the photo only picked up by Darth News? No, it was picked up by seemingly every leftist lunatic newspaper, with Time, the top level liberal rag placing it on the cover.

So who was trying to white wash the event? Republicans who hate communism? Or the leftist demoncraps that crave socialism/communism/subjugation?

Richard lee
Richard lee - 23.06.2023 17:09

that's one of the hardest videos ever taken

Tom Modeski
Tom Modeski - 21.06.2023 16:45

This isnt what I remember, he never climbed on the tank, it ran him over!!

Flowericious Resident
Flowericious Resident - 17.06.2023 00:46

This real event of history gives me ghost bumps. He’s very brave for the whole million of his country to stand alone against communism

pooi-hoong chan
pooi-hoong chan - 11.06.2023 20:46

There was no TianAnMen massacre. Massacre, It was a BS hoax created by the west.

The Accountant
The Accountant - 04.06.2023 23:31

In memory to all who died trying to improve their lives! The world Remembers you China the Oppressor

Mariko Swanson
Mariko Swanson - 01.06.2023 16:09

Our girl.

Anya Getman
Anya Getman - 13.05.2023 06:12

He was smuggled out of China right?

novisla2922 - 02.05.2023 06:57

Dude definitely went hiding. When the guy was pulled off there were many civilians on the street. Chance of them not remembering the guy?

Lucifire - 23.04.2023 23:09

And what happened to tank man after a few months went by? Such an iconic photo and no reporters ever tracked him down? People that knew him never spoke of him? Ummm yeah, that doesn't sound right.
