A Protestant Talks With a Catholic Theologian (First of Five Conversations)

A Protestant Talks With a Catholic Theologian (First of Five Conversations)

Matt Whitman

4 года назад

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Paulonius - 17.11.2023 19:12

I have never met any Protestant so obsessed with Rome. Not in my Southern Baptist upbringing, not when I was a born-again in the 1990s at an Assembly of God church, not ever. The fact that the Catholic Church is centered in Rome has never been a point of contention with Protestants that I have ever met anywhere. Is this something this younger generation has become obsessed with? He's brought it up in other videos talking to Catholics, so it clearly bugged him at the time. Over it now, I hope?

Mark Browne
Mark Browne - 15.11.2023 02:16

Long live the prodestant faith

Turi - 12.11.2023 14:55

St Irenaeus (c. II-III A.D) -> Writes something like "Church must be related to Rome" (text: "adversus haereses")

vdoggydogg 39
vdoggydogg 39 - 11.11.2023 17:10

stupid discussion, you worship the same god. Shake hands and be on your way.

wiz4rd - 25.10.2023 23:53

How did you even find this guy! WCC is a tinyyyyy college. Although, on that note, you probably won't see this, but you should look into University of Dallas catholic college for some of the best theologians/Catholic scholars in the states.

Jean Manns
Jean Manns - 22.10.2023 15:32

I grew up in the Catholic Church and was drawn out by the Holy Spirit. Got saved and have a true relationship with God instead of a religion that depends on their teaching to get them to heaven..have never looked back!

Eric - 14.10.2023 19:26

The word catholic (small 'c') is a wonderful word. If you are convinced that the ONE TRUE CHURCH is universal, global, in every tongue, tribe, nation, and in keeping with Peters confession about Jesus, etc... then catholic is a good confession.

Neda Wilmhoff
Neda Wilmhoff - 03.10.2023 05:50

Reincarnation is life in a new body, animal or human. Resurrection is returning to life in the same body. Christ was in the same body since he still had the nail holes in his hand. One does not have to join the Catholic Church to be a Christian.

Wayne Zimmer
Wayne Zimmer - 03.09.2023 06:13

Raised Catholic. Honestly when you said… including the Pope. Honestly Wasn’t that heresy in the RCC?

Roy Hibbert
Roy Hibbert - 23.08.2023 04:21

First fry eaten 20 minutes in. Incredible restraint by both of these fellows.

Steve365 - 19.08.2023 18:57

Anyone who's ever given an honest reading of the Bible knows that Catholicism and Christianity have nothing to do with one another

Perry Saker
Perry Saker - 09.08.2023 17:25

So when did God give authority to any man other than Jesus to forgive sin?

Steve365 - 07.08.2023 01:35

Don't kid yourselves folks Christianity and Catholicism have nothing to do with one another nothing to do with one another do with one another.

Wendy Travis
Wendy Travis - 03.08.2023 11:31

Protestant or Catholic… doesn’t matter. Occasionally, after being sucked into this type of discussion, I must remind myself… God doesn’t require a college education to understand or believe in him. Run from any one proclaiming any different. MAN has made faith difficult. Gold is plain and truthful.

Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 14.07.2023 10:22

God bless you and your amazing humbleness. Thank you for this awesome video. May the heavenly father guide, protect, and bring peace to you always 🙏 😊

IHIuddy - 11.07.2023 14:00

I mean Protestantism is formed out of Catholicism so deep down they have core theological aspects that are similar. Depending on which flavor of Protestant denominations you are talking about.

Richard Neagle
Richard Neagle - 07.07.2023 15:09

It would always come down to The Real Presence for me . If I were a protestant and came to believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Catholic and Orthodox churches in the holy sacrifice of the mass , then nothing would keep me out of either of those churches.

Margaret Cutt
Margaret Cutt - 07.07.2023 06:01

Don't forget... When there were disputes, it was Peter who settled things. His word was the final say. Peter went to Rome... ergo..... :)

Andrea (Andrew) R
Andrea (Andrew) R - 05.07.2023 04:27

I had long ago closed any dialogue with any protestant so you "made a miracle" - it's a honest compliment.
Quick reply to the final question: Saint Paul worked independently but recognizing the authority of Peter - of whom he emphasized the role calling him with the Greek for "stone." That is the same about the others.
Quick answer about why Rome: that is simply how it went like, which means how God wanted it, for the power Rome had. Peter started it there, Peter had such authority.

Ps: I must say that I'm Italian, there my be some personal interest here - just kidding

Jam Muncada
Jam Muncada - 24.06.2023 07:25

I’m a Catholic and I would love to listen to you and your channel. For me I love all Christians we are one in body of Jesus Christ. Like every human beings have it’s own brain and emotions so, our differences and misunderstandings are just because of our limitations and it’s not easy to understand God’s ways He is the almighty that’s why we study God’s words and works. We shouldn’t hate each other but to understand and accept our differences. We have a lot of things to study about God. I’m a proud Catholic but I detached myself from my church for many many years and for me to understand of not being a Catholic and to understand other religions be free from not following my Catholic faith just focus on Jesus Christ and myself because the heart is also the church but, guess what I’m back going to Catholic church again I see more now the importance of community, worship, Eucharist, prayers… The Catholic church is not perfect we all are sinners even our Pope but in the church we have Love. God is Love!❤️✝️🕊

Samuel Doucette
Samuel Doucette - 12.06.2023 22:38

I'm really trying to focus on the video, but I can't stop thinking about how cold your lattice fries are getting.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones - 02.06.2023 00:45

All are Christian. Scripture alone all plus the authority of the Church. Specifically the Church of Rome. Christianity existed for 400 years without the Bible. The Roman Church created the Bible.

ThePickle - 29.05.2023 15:22

As a Protestant, and seemingly the only one in these comments, thank you for doing these videos Matt and allowing everyone to understand a little more about their more distant brothers and sisters of Christ. Your work has done a lot of good and with any hope it will allow dialogue between each Church. God bless you brother.

ThePickle - 29.05.2023 15:18

Literally everyone in these comments are Catholic! I have no clue how this happened but hi my brothers and sisters

Irv Gotti
Irv Gotti - 27.05.2023 00:33

Can you tell me why there are so many children being raped by catholic priests? Also what do you believe there punishment shoud be?

Cassidy - 25.05.2023 23:46

God bless you gentlemen. Love the conversation and breaking bread together. Love it.

Alexius Cosanus
Alexius Cosanus - 21.05.2023 19:38

Colloquium falsum perinde ac pastus commenticius. Bliteum praesertim

Sigma Omega
Sigma Omega - 06.05.2023 16:22

Agnostic here, looking in from the outside, Protestantism seems to have a meaningful and true origin, to expose corruption within the Catholic Church, as it did, but ended up going to far and offsprings of protestantism include cults, and radicals and such, without the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church for that matter, Christianity wouldn't be as widespread and structured as it is today! I plan on reading the bible and deciding if I will join the Catholic Church, or some form of a Protestant Church!

Apple Romas
Apple Romas - 05.05.2023 15:33

I like your vdeos, you listen to others, but for me Catholic is unique, we have the sacrament, we have the Mother of God we follow the church rule since Peter that means Jesus is the founder and mostly we have the Holy Eucharest.What do you think?

Jiayou Jamie!
Jiayou Jamie! - 24.04.2023 12:39

I was always a Catholic but grew up with Protestants and I was always ashamed of telling anyone I was a Catholic. Throughout my life I’ve struggled with sharing this part of me because of all the shame and backlash that comes with it. The only Protestant I’ve ever felt accepted by is my Baptist best friend and through our friendship I could never come to the conclusion that Protestants and Catholics are inherently opposed to each other. Since I started watching your channel I’ve formed such a respect for you because you try to understand instead of judge, trust me it makes a huge difference in the lives you touch as a person of faith. For people who walk in shame about a personal thing such as religion, it will surely will bring them strength and courage to talk about faith in a peaceful way just as you do.

auggie - 09.04.2023 20:11

still in these comments there are people pointing fingers and arguing. we need to come together as the body of Christ because at its core we all or we all should believe Jesus is God and died for our sins. we should teach each other and take comfort in each other as we wait for Jesus’ return. Happy Easter 🐣

Paradicted - 07.04.2023 23:39

One definite thing they have in common is neither seems to mind cold waffle fries...

Dave Cooper
Dave Cooper - 06.04.2023 18:03

We've watched one and two.
Three will be after a few errands

Kimberly Amanda
Kimberly Amanda - 03.04.2023 23:29

Are those waffle fries?! Yes, that's what I'm looking at 😂

joshua Kelly.
joshua Kelly. - 20.03.2023 20:12

So do we reach the same heaven when we die...

Michael Grijak
Michael Grijak - 04.03.2023 01:12

If this "protestant" believes that Jesus died on the cross for every single human being that ever lived or ever will live, it's not really surprising that he can sit down with a Roman Catholic theologian and have so much in common with him. This is because his theology is just as defective as the Catholic man's is. The one aspect of God that these two allow to bind them together is the love of God. Both of these men elevate the love of God over and above all of His other attributes. The BIBLICAL GOD is not at all like this. My God is love as well, but FIRST AND FOREMOST, He is Holy, Righteous and a Just God. Either the sinless Son of God actually accomplished what the Father sent Him here to do or He did not. If ANY for whom He died end up in Hell and then the Lake of Fire, then we do not have a Just God and a Savior, we have a miserable failure of a "god", a god that is no god but rather, a mere idol, a figment of depraved men's foolish imaginations and darkened hearts. I worship the God that actually SAVES sinners (by His sovereign grace). Even my faith I cannot credit to myself, for it is the gift of God, not of works, nor any imaginary "free will", or else I would have reason to boast, but it is written, "if any man boast, let him boast in the LORD". These two men are what Jesus calls "the blind leading the blind".

June VanDerMark
June VanDerMark - 03.03.2023 18:28

Catholics and Protestants debating over whose side of the debate Jesus would be on ...??? ... when even if Jesus had existed ... born perfect as a Jew to parents of religious Jewish heritage ... he would not have had anything in common with either Catholic, or Protestant doctrines.

And as for Mary ... had she been real ... she would have been horrified that anyone would think of her as being a Catholic saint.

Religion did ... and does ... make people even more delusional than "normal."

“We are all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.” Anil Seth … neuroscientist.

kkuster1 - 25.02.2023 07:33

Lutheran, surrounded by Catholics, even married to one.. Do work for the local Catholic Church. Often volunteer. But I still can't see any circumstance where I would ever become Catholic.

Chepepon Carlos
Chepepon Carlos - 23.02.2023 05:50

All Christians start the same: "we believe in an all benevolent, infinite loving god" and then proceed to avoid the fact that their god can be jealous, vengeful, genocidal and even childish. At least muslims accept that there is an angry aspect to the god of abraham.

MarLu Sands
MarLu Sands - 18.02.2023 02:03

Protestants pick and choose what fits their agenda. Protestants pick to go against the Catholic Church by protesting against it, however, they choose to pick the Catholic Bible therefore contradicting themselves. The Catholic Bible has been plagiarized by Protestants since the 1500’s they took out seven books, what the Holy Spirit guided the Catholic Church Fathers to compile, just to make it their own, never going to happen. If one protesters against the Catholic Church, they should also protest the Catholic Bible completely as well.

Plagiarism Is punishable by law. A good movie script don’t you think?

Plagiarism will lose in any court, especially in God’s court in heaven

Sean Curtis
Sean Curtis - 08.02.2023 16:09

Thanks from a Catholic brother in Christ

G M - 07.02.2023 10:02

Thank you - I'm rediscovering my Catholic faith (and engaging with my protestant friends) and really appreciating the light you're shedding on both paths.

FIrru - 05.02.2023 16:06

From France, I really liked this conversation. Thank you ! God bless you !

Marco M
Marco M - 03.02.2023 07:55

Yuck! You’re a libertarian and a WASP 🤮

James Keener
James Keener - 02.02.2023 20:19

I'm Christian because my mother was. I'm Catholic because I loved the parish church I visited. So what you fellows are talking about is very illuminating for me. Thank you.

As are many others who comment here, I am moved by our decency, Matt, and your intelligence and searching. We disagree on some issues of religion, and a lot on politics, I think. But I hope the compassion, acceptance, and sense of brotherhood you live could be inspiring to others and perhaps a way out of the bipolar structure of public discourse today.

Figeon - 30.01.2023 08:51

It’s incredible to read so many stories in the comments of people finding the one true Catholic church in their lives.

Tony Rowan
Tony Rowan - 27.01.2023 21:59

I can’t be catholic because of what the Catholic Church was. I am willing to listen to why I should be if someone has an answer. My basic feelings are around the historically perverted popes and the sinful actions of church members. For example priests who lead soldiers into a Protestant ministers home and taunted while the soldiers raped and murdered the family. I understand that wasn’t everyone and I don’t want to hear about the other side. As far as I am concerned if a church or Christian is genuine he can’t do that or at the very least would repent. The Catholic Church claims supremacy and so needs to have supremacy at least (possibly perfection) in moral direction but it seems historically to be the worst. I can’t see how Christ would allow this for his body. I am open to how a catholic could reconcile this as 100% my biggest obstacle to ever becoming catholic is this and I know I am not alone. Again I don’t want to hear about other peoples actions as they aren’t claiming supremacy, I need to know what the defence is, if there is one

chris daryl lavares
chris daryl lavares - 18.01.2023 18:16

Rome is the home of the stone of St. peter. The ring of the pope lies the stone of St. Peter, that is, passes throughout the pope in time. With that stone, christ instituted his church as he destroyed the old temple. As a temple of stone to a temple of human flesh represented by St. Peter and his descendants of pope and all apostles and believers. Peter is given authority by christ himself to collect, care, and guide his church. What I mean church is all Christian churches, not only catholic.

chris daryl lavares
chris daryl lavares - 18.01.2023 17:52

for me, as a catholic born christian, being one with the sacraments of christ and mass are my guides to the trinitarian one God. In order to be one with christ is to be one in him by holy spirit present in the scraments for the human soul and see what God's eyes see in me... doing his will is hard, but at least I have a guide for it to address.
