Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds

Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds


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One island, two worlds.
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The six Vox Borders documentaries, presented by lululemon, are publishing weekly on Tuesdays.

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Haiti and the Dominican Republic share a border, and an island. But the two countries are very different today: the Dominican Republic enjoys higher quality of life for many factors than Haiti. I went to this island and visited both countries, to try and understand when and how their paths diverged. And I began to learn how those differences are playing out in the present.

Vox Borders is a new international documentary series presented by lululemon, by Emmy-nominated videojournalist Johnny Harris. For this series, Johnny is producing six 10-15 minute documentaries about different borders stories from around the world.

Vox Borders Episodes:
1. Haiti and the Dominican Republic ( https://youtu.be/4WvKeYuwifc)
2. The Arctic & Russia (https://youtu.be/Wx_2SVm9Jgo)
3. Japan & North Korea (https://youtu.be/qBfyIQbxXPs)
4. Mexico & Guatemala (https://youtu.be/1xbt0ACMbiA)
5. Nepal & The Himalaya (https://youtu.be/ECch2g1_6PQ)
6. Spain & Morocco (https://youtu.be/LY_Yiu2U2Ts)

Video by Johnny Harris
Producer: Christina Thornell
Story Editor: Joss Fong
Animation: Sam Ellis
Assistant Editing: Mwita Chacha
Fixer and Translator: Pascal Antoine

Executive Producer: Joe Posner
Managing Producer: Valerie Lapinski
Art Director: Dion Lee
Engagement Editor: Blair Hickman
Senior Engagement Manager: Lauren Katz
Audience Development Manager: Agnes Mazur
Engagement Video Producer: Tian Wang


#vox.com #vox #explain #vox_borders #borders #haiti #dominican_republic #colonialism #history #documentary #journalism #caribbean #hispaniola #french_colony #spanish_colony #international_relations #haitian #trade #racism_haiti #haiti_news #port-au-prince #dominican #republica_dominicana #racism #the_dominican_republic #geo_facts #educated_traveler #santo_domingo #countries #borderlands
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NubeAzul - 07.10.2023 06:52

The best thing that the Dominican Republic did was change its citizenship laws. Haitians are passively invading the country and flooding our hospitals and schools. The countries in power made sure Haiti failed as a country and now expects us to carry the brunt. These people invaded us 14 times and occupied our territory for 22 years. We’ll be the new Palestine and get dragged down into the same chaos and violence. Then what will you say?

NubeAzul - 07.10.2023 06:39

The Dominicans enter the market first because THEY BUILT THE MARKET in Dominican territory. Drive around Haiti and watch them place produce on mats on the floor. Somebody has
to maintain order and some type of procedural standards in commerce.

Rocio Melian
Rocio Melian - 05.10.2023 14:41

I think you need to do esearch before you talk. You forgot the part when they took over Dominican Republic and killed our women and kids. That's whom we proclaimed our independence first. Does the United States do any different with illegal immigrants?

anthony ndungu
anthony ndungu - 05.10.2023 13:49

Just watched this and I just can't believe how racist how the Dominican Republic Government is how do you amend the Constitution to take away the citizenship of your people just because they are black and they have an ancestor who came to the Dominican Republic in 1929 there is no difference to what the apartheid South African government did to black South Africans denying them citizenship in South Africa and saying that they were citizens of the Bantustans,the Dominican Republic Supreme Court Judges should really feel shame for upholding such a racist amendment to their Constitution.

Nelson Alexander
Nelson Alexander - 04.10.2023 09:08

This video is such a BIG lie. As a Dominican that lives in the island. Went to high school there and grew up I can say we only open their arms to them . We give them jobs, trade goods even allow their women to give birth with no fee whatsoever . Haiti and Dominican Republic where once enemies. We Dominicans proclaimed our independence from their dark tyranny and abuse. 1804 exactly (you can look up in Wikipedia) we where raided by Haiti. Order of extermination of all people of white skin. Babies Kids woman and men died that day . THEY WHERE RACIST TO US we FORGAVE THE PAST AND STILL HELP THEM even though we are generally poor and have our own problems we treat them with far more respect that what HISTORICALLY they had treated us. This video puts my people as racists and as people that treat others bad AND THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!
VIVA JUAN PABLO DUARTE 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴

Michael Yap
Michael Yap - 02.10.2023 10:21

Poverty is a choice, many used to be poor countries especially in Asia in the past has been much better richer in last 50 years. Haitians people responsible to their economy problem, you can’t just blame neighboring country for your own failure

Michael Yap
Michael Yap - 02.10.2023 10:20

I disagree this video intentionally hide the history that Haitian occupied DR before. I also disagree many said we should not look at old story but looking forward. If so why African American still keep talking about slavery ???

Andres MonteCristi
Andres MonteCristi - 29.09.2023 07:13

Oooops, He forgot 1822...... how convenient !!

Fahad Hussain
Fahad Hussain - 27.09.2023 16:42


Alex Cuenta
Alex Cuenta - 23.09.2023 07:12

Regularization program was not about deporting Haitians. It was about allowing non legal Haitians to work and live in DR.

The AnnoyingSaLt
The AnnoyingSaLt - 22.09.2023 00:42

Like how they don't mention why there's so much hate towards haitians, not because they tried to exterminate the dominicans or occupied the DR and taxed dominicans to pay their dept... this documentary is so on sided it makes me sick. Lets not also say that when haiti had the earthquake the first to help them was DR.

Xiao Lyn
Xiao Lyn - 20.09.2023 20:06

And then I heard only white people are racist…

Pepin Cabrera
Pepin Cabrera - 20.09.2023 14:51

This is not about race nor colorism, most Dominicans are black people too. It is not the Dominican Republic’s fault that Haitians have destroyed their country and now pretend to destroy our. They have to do what we did 50 years ago, put some effort,rebuild their country and stop acting as the victim.
Lastly they have to respect our land and democracy.

Pepin Cabrera
Pepin Cabrera - 20.09.2023 14:37

I wish this guy make another film showing how Dominicans helped Haitians during the earthquake and to show how a lot of Haitians are becoming professionals in DR’ universities and to show how come DR despite of being a poor country is such as compassionate that a huge percent of its hospital beds are occupied by women Haitians pregnant without any cost/charges.
Please, let’s be a lit of bit fare🤔🙏

Sheikh Nur
Sheikh Nur - 20.09.2023 08:24

Though Haiti is poor, it's natural beauti is amazing. I want to visit Haiti at least once in life ❤❤❤

Am joe
Am joe - 19.09.2023 18:56

This canal is not for agricultural use, both rather to process gold in Haiti, this is an illegal canal the river is Dominican only runs in Haiti 2km 98% is in the Dominican Republic

future305 - 18.09.2023 02:48

Haiti will never move forward by living in the past.

Robert Alba
Robert Alba - 17.09.2023 18:23

This video paints the Dominican Republic as a monster that discriminates against Haitians. It also conveniently omitted the history of constant Haitian military invasions of the Dominican Republic. The Trujillo massacre was a horrible event and it is the only time a military crime was committed.

Thomas Tiroch
Thomas Tiroch - 15.09.2023 16:42

Black on black rassism the slavemasters are happy the funny part is that a dominican would be counted black not even Latino from white People.Very sad

Francisco Sosa
Francisco Sosa - 15.09.2023 02:25

That is not the truth, if they are citizen they can life in Dominican, Because this video does not mention the crimes and murders that Haitians commit

Roger Hicks
Roger Hicks - 12.09.2023 22:57

The difference is the Haitians fight for their freedom and was forced to pay reparations to France. This is why Haiti is so poor because the United States in France took their money.😡

Luis Silverio
Luis Silverio - 12.09.2023 07:06

The Us and France are to blame no one else.

Byrolyn - 09.09.2023 02:07

My parents went to Haiti when I was in high school. When they came they us about the poverty. My mom told that she saw a woman washing clothes in a ditch. I couldn't believe it. How can this happen? They also became with gastrointestinal symptoms. I didn't know about the discrimination by Dominicans. It is sad. Next year I am going to the DR on vacation with a friend. I will pray for you all.

DearKonami - 04.09.2023 21:58

This documentary is horrible. Only telling one side of our long history. With Haiti being an unstable country intense border measures are necessary just like our northern neighbor America dealing with Mexico. The thousands of Dominicans who died due to Haitian occupation and the others who were mistreated because of Spanish and even American colonialism. Even Dominicans like Rafael Trujillo killed many Dominicans under his rule. But claiming to be a documentary about the two worlds of this island and only talking about one is terrible. Although remaking the constitution in a racist way is also horrible as those who live in our country as citizens do not deserve to be treated as such.

Eric Calabros
Eric Calabros - 04.09.2023 18:41

So everybody in the world is responsible for Haiti poverty, except its people! Ok.

José Díaz
José Díaz - 03.09.2023 22:05

Entiendan que son dos pequeñas islas tratando de salir de la pobreza y algunos dominicanos ve con recelo que son desplazados de sus trabajos por gente sin documentacion de ninguna indole y poca educacion no todos algunos malos inmigrantes cuando el terremoto se escaparon de carceles y se fueron a rd hacer sus fechorias y por uno pagan todos nosotros tenemos los hospitales colatzados con mujeres partirientas, con colera,epatitis ,tuberculosis y un sin numeros de henfermedades que fueron erradicadas en el lado dominicano y eso nadie lo ve.

AKIYA TIFFANY - 03.09.2023 13:23

Black Vs Black. It all boils down to race & color. Literally. Colonization.

aehtesham khan
aehtesham khan - 30.08.2023 22:47

This breaks my heart !😢

Hector Watt
Hector Watt - 27.08.2023 19:37

Haiti was really set up to fail by the world from France to the Us to the DR everyone has always been against them

Masamune - 26.08.2023 23:44

France needs to pay Haiti back

dencanapia - 26.08.2023 14:02

It should serve as a lesson for the Haitian government and for the entire nation to step up, unite and improve their country economically so the discrimination from the other side of the border will be alleviated

Lumi the lapphund
Lumi the lapphund - 24.08.2023 20:43

All french colonies are so poor and bad, but spanish and brittish colonies are much better off. Its kind of wierd

David Payne
David Payne - 18.08.2023 18:04

The white man that's why

desiguy - 10.08.2023 17:37

As an independent country DR has every right not to let the haitians in. If there was any justice in the world France should be forced to pay money for development of haiti.

MyCollecToys - 04.08.2023 13:33

Saw another video of both countries and explains why DR hates Hait. And I think you failed to include that.

Michael Puente
Michael Puente - 31.07.2023 16:24

So according to Bill DiBozo black Dominicans can be racist but black Americans can’t? Lol

Jairo Nevarez
Jairo Nevarez - 23.07.2023 08:09

Aren’t they both black…? 😅

Man of Low Moral Fiber
Man of Low Moral Fiber - 18.07.2023 05:44

Impossible to feel bad for Haitians. They deserve it.

Bella - 12.07.2023 09:50

DR rich??? Whoa...I totally disagree why domicans are in poverty and moving to the states all the time??? The United States United Kingdom Canada rich countries not Dr

numa86 - 11.07.2023 23:30

How come it is illegal act to deport someone that cam einto the country illegally? such blatant hypocrisy from diblasio. skin color has nothgin to do. theres pure black dominicans too. but if you come into our country u better do it the right way cuz every ilegal is a burden to the state

Robi - 07.07.2023 01:43

Many Dominicans HATE black people and those that do are IGNORANT!

army boymontana
army boymontana - 03.07.2023 04:00

I have a great plan let ask the Haitian if they wanna go to another country..🤔🤔🤔

Martin - 02.07.2023 23:27

It's a terrible state of affairs, but most people's emotions will be thrown around by the narrative and the music that VOX chose to use. Just state the facts without emotional music, please!! It's also very weird that this end with a Lululemon yoga promo about flexible pants.

EXACTLY 25CM - 30.06.2023 20:39

its simple as fxxk man, Haiti is ruled by the blacks thats it

Dr.Doofenshmitrz’s… - 29.06.2023 01:44

It’s sadly ironic to realize know that the first Country to be born by revolting Black Slaves in the 1750’s might be the first ‘Failed republic’ in the Western World, the very World that they inspired to also revolt.

Romadeili Diaz
Romadeili Diaz - 26.06.2023 00:11

Mijel hotante de furgon del trelertor para hotogarte en trehe fuherza de anva predicare con tigo de coperacion

Romadeili Diaz
Romadeili Diaz - 26.06.2023 00:00

Migel de joncon ,achina,yoreserto pora hora altihy

tricepsbrachii - 25.06.2023 12:58

The French.... always the French.
