FASTEST Way to Learn Coding for FREE (and ACTUALLY get a job)

FASTEST Way to Learn Coding for FREE (and ACTUALLY get a job)


1 год назад

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Patrick Tang
Patrick Tang - 03.10.2023 05:49

So true 👍

venkovic - 02.10.2023 23:23

Most of the software engineers I know don't have a computer science degree, including myself.

Mr Teacher
Mr Teacher - 17.09.2023 05:05

Im an AI engineer & i agree completely

null090909 - 16.09.2023 20:54

Tjat explains a lot.

Mohammed GT
Mohammed GT - 13.09.2023 22:28

Tech is evolving at the speed of light and constantly in a state of breakthrough. Its people are comprised of those who went through the traditional education system and those who forged their own paths.
I wonder what that can do to other fields that force you to standardize and be molded to work in them.

Ragged Flaggon
Ragged Flaggon - 10.09.2023 18:15

In the past you could get a job with a boot camp. Today, it's very hard to get one with a degree. Experience of course trumps all, but thats a catch 22. I would not recommend boot camps because the moment it became popular is the moment it became oversaturated. People I know with boot camps and even without either have gotten jobs but it is far and few between. It is certainly not the norm.

Yes, you can learn anything by yourself and potentially get a job. But like someone working on an airplane, wouldn't you prefer he was FAA certified if you were going to be flying on it?

Oding Lele
Oding Lele - 10.09.2023 17:10

How start coding from zero? I really frustation😭

Fabio De Santis
Fabio De Santis - 10.09.2023 10:23

Software Engineering is not about programming though. Let’s talk about grammars, parsers, compilers, RISC architectures, cryptography, symmetric keys, network protocols, state machines, regular engineering stuff (maths, lot of maths, physics, electronics, digital electronics, etc.)… but good luck with your python script, that looks fun, nothing like Kirchhoff or “make the following algorithm run in O(log n)”

Sethumli Liyanage
Sethumli Liyanage - 08.09.2023 19:39

Hiya what platforms would you recommended for a first time python coding person ? I want to learn it as I’m doing A level computer science . Thanks

Swizzbeatz - 08.09.2023 07:03

You do need a CS degree now. With the amount of people doing bootcamps and self learning picking up in 2020, entry level jobs are oversaturated. Maybe 8 years ago when this guy first got hired you did not need a CS degree, but now if you don't have one you will be overlooked on every single job application. This is because most hiring agencies sort you automatically and look for keywords in education. Unless you know somebody, good luck getting in as a sw eng now.

Exams will kill me one day
Exams will kill me one day - 07.09.2023 10:21

Unfortunately, a degree has prestige. An employer is much more likely to go with the application who has a degree over the one who has not, even if the one who has not might know as much/if more. In most of the beginner roles I looked into as someone graduating from a computing course, almost all of them wanted a degree within computing/mathematics.

David - 07.09.2023 07:34

How do I code if I don't understand what code to put for the problem I want to solve?

SungJu Yea
SungJu Yea - 02.09.2023 17:28

I guess that highly depends on the role... Could a non-degree person can be a Linux kernel developer as easy as a Frontend web developer? I would say hell no. Not even at MSFT I guess.

FinTech Telugu
FinTech Telugu - 02.09.2023 17:12

Don't believe these stuff

CGNDC - 02.09.2023 14:13

The advise has the same vibe with "breathe air"

David sandoval
David sandoval - 31.08.2023 00:24

The problem is that without a degree you can't even apply for those type of positions.

Jae En
Jae En - 27.08.2023 18:08

You might not need a piece of paper, but you need the knowledge represented by that piece of paper.

MooManao - 24.08.2023 21:18

the actual job is not what bootcamp looks like

Hello hello
Hello hello - 21.08.2023 21:52

If your paralized and cant walk start walking now!😂

Zisa kmc
Zisa kmc - 18.08.2023 17:44

Getting cs degree will help alot in understanding the fundamental of computing and how it works.

nakanjako peruth
nakanjako peruth - 18.08.2023 12:50

How can I join, learn and be of service?

POPE EZEKIEL - 16.08.2023 04:15

can you teach me coding pls

Cloud MadeEasy
Cloud MadeEasy - 15.08.2023 16:17

Honestly this is not true for country like India .Here IIT or T1 college tag is almost mandatory to even get an interview call from these big techs

Phlox - 14.08.2023 15:00

Me who is grinding leetcode and getting stuck in medium problems and not getting any jobs 😭watching this 😭

K1N1 ami
K1N1 ami - 14.08.2023 04:45

Yes mr, you need software engineering degree not computer science degree

N - 12.08.2023 18:22

I mean this can be said for almost all professions. But get a degree if you can afford, even if it means taking out student loans. It is the easiest way, and return on investment is huge.

During my 3 years working at big tech. I have rarely seen bootcamp graduates, there are some, but it is rare. It is much more common to see people from top colleges, recently even some early career eng quit to pursue PhD in Stanford and CMU.

The Masked Liberator
The Masked Liberator - 07.08.2023 07:43

I would love to learn how to code! I have so many ideas.

Vegeta Sama
Vegeta Sama - 04.08.2023 03:22

Hi Namanh!

I am a beginner in coding(I think) ,

So when do I consider myself ready for participating in Hackathons???

Do I need to be an intermediate level in a particular language or build projects?

Do I need to learn a few more languages cuz I am only confident in Python at the moment .

Or Do you just want me to YOLO my way through???!! And join RIGHT away (eventho I know nothing) !

Love your vids!!!

Zane Baylon
Zane Baylon - 03.08.2023 03:15

I would like to politely question this advice a bit. From my very recent experience having graduated during the pandemic, many sectors (even in dev) are becoming very saturated, and a lot of my colleagues from a top 5 US school do not in fact make an above average salary as engineers.

I personally feel like perhaps this was different 8 years ago. It certainly was in my former industry. But now especially post-pandemic, degrees are often needed just to pass the automated resume check, let alone getting to talk with someone.

Best of luck everyone!

Monkey Banana
Monkey Banana - 01.08.2023 05:15

There are always exceptions but having a CS is still better. And to add more on top of a CS would be more beneficial.

z3lshort - 29.07.2023 12:45

just cuz u get a cs degree doesnt mean u better than someone who had no degree there always someone better

Raees Ahmed 728
Raees Ahmed 728 - 28.07.2023 12:50

I am studying BS E-commerce can i get into cyber security with self learning?

Jocelyn Brabham
Jocelyn Brabham - 28.07.2023 03:39

can this help hem create a code for my app?

Ayaan Bari
Ayaan Bari - 12.07.2023 22:08

My question to you would be why study computer science to become a software engineer??
These are both different things.
You should become computer scientist after studying computer science and become SWE after studying software engineering degree.

Mohammed Muzammeel
Mohammed Muzammeel - 10.07.2023 23:53

Is DSA mandatory for full stack developer

MUHAMMED ABRAR - 08.07.2023 12:43

bro! we live in India.. exceptional case 🙂

WINtERsolDIEr - 08.07.2023 12:34

Navy officers typically hold a bachelor's degree of some type and chances are that this officer spent 4-20ish years working in tech on the military side of things. Not a great example to appeal to the average Joe.

AwttyGaming - 08.07.2023 04:00

im losing will to live i have health problems government wont help cuz they suck hope they all burn i have 2 dollars in my bank i cant ddo physical work and i have insanely bad social skills and learning coding is looking impossible for my brain power

kenkanadge - 07.07.2023 08:51

Its best if your young

SlipHD - 07.07.2023 01:31

lol what a shit video

Adepegba Oyekanmi
Adepegba Oyekanmi - 07.07.2023 00:38

You look like ned from spiderman but asian

Andrew TaasTimir
Andrew TaasTimir - 05.07.2023 02:42

What do you think about c++

Christopher Neufelt
Christopher Neufelt - 28.06.2023 14:17

As well as good memory and very good structure in your tasks. Virtues that are very rare these days...

SACHIN_07 - 24.06.2023 14:12

Love you bro ❤

SACHIN_07 - 24.06.2023 14:12

Love yoh bro ❤

Cristian Perez
Cristian Perez - 23.06.2023 23:06

You can get certified through Google. That’s the easiest way to get into the field. You can make between 75k up to 100K within 5 years in the field.

Philopater Phoenix
Philopater Phoenix - 22.06.2023 22:41

that's what everyone said yet i still can't get a job with all the advice

John T Fit
John T Fit - 22.06.2023 20:09

The navy is payin for me to finish my last semester of my bachelors then I’m going in to commission officer.. right now i wanna learn to code.. that’s wild.. strange coincidence
