Fireplace Sounds - Medieval Tavern - Inn Ambience | 1 hour

Fireplace Sounds - Medieval Tavern - Inn Ambience | 1 hour

The Guild of Ambience

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Anne H
Anne H - 19.09.2023 16:16

Aye ye Wenches- it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day
With this great music

Azhureus - 17.09.2023 04:00

I stumbled over this place by accident. Guards didn't even want to let me in the city. On top of that, some guy talking to me about some cloud district, old white bearded fella dropping some lines about Battleborn history I didn't even understand and two random men from some exotic lands annoying me about some runaway woman. Strange place that, good the tavern is here so I can run away from these strangers, relax a bit and have a pint of some fine Black-Briar mead.

Mr. Xisto
Mr. Xisto - 04.09.2023 02:39

Hey traveler, take a seet, i pay for your beer! C mon c Mon dear man, don't be shy "drinking beer" ahahaha

vivi_needssleep - 16.08.2023 12:34

I absolutely love listening to this whenever I need to do my homework or study, it's not so quiet and not so noisy, it's a perfect in-between! Fantastic, I'm glad this exists :DD

Edit: I also really love DnD and fastasy, so I'm so happy this was made ^u^

Rex S.
Rex S. - 04.07.2023 10:35

Instead of ear drum rupturing pub/bar music, we need taverns like this. Whats the point of hangouts with friends if you can't hear anyone.

Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro - 30.06.2023 03:48

This helping me with my insomnia. I've got trouble to fall asleep and stay asleep but this ambience helping me so much to fall asleep so much faster than other ambience videos. Thank you so much for uploading it ❤❤

Sick soda games
Sick soda games - 01.05.2023 11:54

Oi lad what’s a cleric like me gotta do to run some quests in the old abandoned barn at the east coast

museluvr - 03.04.2023 21:13

Reminds me of the game, Elder Scrolls.

TheBlueDevil ___
TheBlueDevil ___ - 01.04.2023 12:21

walks in 5 years late sorry... I was stuck in a dungeon

K S - 27.03.2023 06:03

My parents had a restaurant when I was little. They both worked full time so I slept there a lot (until we’d go home at 1 or 2 am) so this is SO comforting to me.

gezzly72 - 26.03.2023 00:11

Drawn by a haunting voice, you come to the elf song tavern. It is a small place, filled with a motley assortment of patrons and grisly trophies. There the haunting voice is all around you, and the patrons are silent as the song washes over them. One by one they all seemed lost in its call.

Alana Albarado
Alana Albarado - 20.03.2023 22:58

Aside from the “bedtime stories” I listen to, this ambience is the best one I’ve heard! It is my absolute favorite! I listen to it all the time when I need to bring my mind somewhere to relax. This perfect place always brings me back to a steady and healthy mental state! Thank you for creating this ambience with high quality sounds perfectly layered into a peaceful place we can go visit anytime☺️🙏🏼

goop - 17.03.2023 08:31

This is my comfort video. I watch this almost every night before bed and I always fall asleep in minutes. Thank you for creating such a lovely ambience!! ❤❤❤

🖤Sagar Chopra🖤
🖤Sagar Chopra🖤 - 12.03.2023 07:01

I am in 10th class and tomorrow is my exam , in my home there is a lot of noise, so I just search for peaceful studying music , 🎶 and I reached here . Thanks a lot whoever you are 😊.
Thank you again 💗.
I have played this for alot of time when I study . There will be a great role of yours in my 10th board result.❣️❣️❣️❣️

niconiconicooo - 14.02.2023 06:34

night y’all

Martin Dočár
Martin Dočár - 30.01.2023 19:16

Hello stanger by Turkey’s inn we have :
-mead traditional/slovakian
-best vegetable/beef soup
-Traditional sweetbread/sweet pouches
And a Lot more choose one….first time its on the house just Grab it and sit by the Fire.

Eileen Kung
Eileen Kung - 24.01.2023 19:54


LADY SUDA and THE MORRIGAN - 17.01.2023 02:30

This is amazing 👏

Ledeya Baklykova
Ledeya Baklykova - 16.01.2023 05:39

I like how it begins.

Webb Me Channel
Webb Me Channel - 13.01.2023 05:29

Feel like I better hurry and get back to my seat before everyone wonders where I went!

DaddybeagleAZ - 09.01.2023 07:11

I can practically smell the food and taste the ale!

Tristan theLongSuffering
Tristan theLongSuffering - 06.01.2023 18:19

I'm curious how this channel gets tagged as a Music channel (if it qualifies) so that those of us who pay for ad-free music can enjoy this or use it in our D&D games and not get an ad at the beginning or in the middle. Love this channel's content, it's some of the best on YT.

JollyRoger - 03.01.2023 04:38

A bowl of brown, please, and some bread and cheese.

Seda Yılmaz
Seda Yılmaz - 19.12.2022 00:56

Amazing work. Apparently, I have adult ADHD (diagnosed late) and this helps me concentrate with my noise-canceling headphones. Thank you.

Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing - 17.12.2022 05:02

The coziest of vibes - how I wish this was real!

Lady Freedom Rocks
Lady Freedom Rocks - 10.12.2022 19:30

Now this is perfect! Turn off all lights but one to read by, open a beer and enjoy a night of reading Viking myths. Thanks for the mental vacation!

jpgs - 07.12.2022 17:43

One of my favourites! Masterfully done.

Knights Legion
Knights Legion - 12.11.2022 03:04

Got chills from the beginning.

Carolyne - 03.11.2022 00:54

I'm old and wizened. I have been trodding these roads most of my life, selling trinkets to those better off than myself. My feet ache beneath these broken boots and the rags I've wrapped them in. But, ah, it's good to warm these bones near the fire. A mug of warmed spiced ale in my torn gloves. I sigh, and relax deep against the wall behind me.

Jammy - 02.11.2022 19:20

I sit by the fire, warming my frozen fingers above the heat of the flames. After a while I rise, permitting my stiffened joints a stretch, before settling down at a nearby wooden table. I take out an inkpot and a sheaf of papers and begin to write. The bartender comes over, asking if I want anything — to which I respond, "The cheapest thing you have on the menu, if you please, sir." Some nearby fellow leans over, his breath smelling of pale ale, and looks over my shoulder. "A writer, we've got here?" Waggling his (rather bushy, I note) brows, he goes, "No funds, eh?" I don't endeavor to dignify him with a reply of any sorts, and only quips, dryly, "Just sheltering from the winter storm, good sir, before I go on with my travels. Not looking for any trouble, so if you could please leave me alone ..." The guy looks disinterested, already, and gives me the briefest of a shrug, then a snort, before turning back to his friends and the joviality. I pull my cloak tighter around me, and as the food arrives (a pint of watery ale, and some charred bits one might interpret as dog meat, if they're lucky enough, perhaps?) I go back to my writing, the tavern's liveliness fading into mere background noise, as I begin to document anew the past couple of days that had lead to my coming here — to Northpoint.

Suitov - 24.10.2022 02:48

While lying down to rest, I put this on to keep my cat safe and cosy from the fireworks outside. I don't know about him, but it sent me into a long, deep sleep!

P.S. Well, a few steps out of bed found the cat as confident as ever and nagging me for food. A+ audio.

Joy Swenson
Joy Swenson - 23.10.2022 00:30

Thank you for this ambiance. This is like being in a crowded room without any social pressure, it's perfect background noise to help me write. Don't know why this gets the creative juices flowing, but it does and I'm grateful. Keep it up!

fiveoClockDock - 20.10.2022 15:56

Not even one single fight broke out

maribelle ramirez
maribelle ramirez - 20.10.2022 10:38

I feel like I’m in viking era sweden chilling in a tavern.

Baroness Jane
Baroness Jane - 14.10.2022 06:54

Sir, if you would excuse me but my horse thru a shoe and I've been walking all this way when I came upon your lovely tavern and..."
"Oh, heavens my wee lassie! You're soaked to the skin. Come with me, we'll find you some dry clothes and get some of my famous warm stew in ya before you catch yourself a death of cold. Me husband over there is the owner of this places. He'll get someone to fetch your horse in our barn out back. His name's Fergus and mine is Catherine."
"Oh thank you so much. My name is Audra and your kindness will be paid, I promise."
"Hush about that, let's get you warm and settled."
"Uh. Catherine my dear, that will cost the young lady 5 quid and..."
"FERGUS! I'll hear none of that. Go back down to the cellars and check our ale reserves! Do some work before you'll see yourself sleeping in the barn!"
Fergus sighs, shaking his head and says, "Isn't that where our William was bred?"
Whole Tavern laughs out loud.

Alt Pls
Alt Pls - 09.10.2022 22:31

when i fell lonely i open this

Cozy Nature
Cozy Nature - 07.10.2022 15:02

This is perfect for studying, working or just setting a medieval mood. Thanks ❤keep up the great work!

orangecrayon - 06.10.2022 05:49

Nightly check in NORDS only

Ravenstar - 02.10.2022 14:02

This makes me want to play DND but i have no friends lmao

zero eight
zero eight - 25.09.2022 04:13


Zachory Fostor
Zachory Fostor - 14.09.2022 23:46

Too cold out, night like this.
Nice and cozy in here with me soup and we'll earned company I tell ye that......
Heard of a boy, name of Aventis Arentino...

Garret Nachowicz
Garret Nachowicz - 22.08.2022 05:33

Mmm cozy. A nice secluded table at the back of the tavern, late at night so one can relax as a spectre in the back of the room. A good meal, good drink and a gentle fireplace. So good for relaxing after a hard day.

Sherry_DaughterOfGod - 10.08.2022 13:32

Been listening to this for over a year and still love it! Not like non-stop or anything, but at night, or a nap... freaking perfect.

3 Owls In A Trenchcoat
3 Owls In A Trenchcoat - 08.08.2022 10:30

After all these years this is still one of my top 5 favorites.

Richard E. Kranz
Richard E. Kranz - 07.08.2022 02:19

I'm sure my role play comment from years ago is long gone. Lets see if i can remember it again.
You are in a cozy tavern tired from the days long adventure, your muscles are just barley relaxing when the door is flung open. Four tall high elves in armor are at the opening, two more are shuffling behind them. The noise in the establishment comes to an eventual slow stop. All eyes are looking at the white and gold armored figures. A burley dwarf spits out: "Uh oh, the girly brigade is here!" The laughter fills the tavern till the long blonde haired pale skinned elf steps in, "We are here for the HUMAN traitor!!" He looks towards the patrons and his gaze lands upon you, and with a hiss his eyes go wide and grabs for his gem entrusted scimitar. What do you do?

Stomck Cuy
Stomck Cuy - 01.08.2022 12:58

Kayak resident evil anying kurangnya itu cuma sound pusma terrow aliaesta Ama yang lain 🗿

Martin Knox
Martin Knox - 29.07.2022 00:57

After paying the required 6 gold coins, Treygard sat with a foaming tankard of Shire ale and some smoked meat, cheese and bread in front of him. The rain on the window above his head drummed a shallow tattoo upon the window, but that was fine. Treygard was comfortable and warm within the walls of The Stone Cross. After rummaging into his pack, he pulled out a worn, yet lovingly cared for leather bound book, some ink and a quill and proceeded to write another chapter about his travels. The conversation amongst the other guests of the tavern were lost upon him. His book and his travels were the only things important to him.

Sammy S
Sammy S - 18.07.2022 06:28

Can we please get this for more than an hour. Begging. I’m

Korea Walking Trip 걸어서 한국 여행 Exciting Korea!
Korea Walking Trip 걸어서 한국 여행 Exciting Korea! - 16.07.2022 03:16

Wow... !!! My best friend, Great... We liked and enjoyed to the end. Thanks Have a happy day!

highly sensitive Forest Green Organ Geek
highly sensitive Forest Green Organ Geek - 22.06.2022 04:02

I love this! Is it the Leaky Cauldron?
Oops, sorry I forgot to read the description before, but I read it just now. It's the Golden Spider. Interesting name. I'm going to spend the night here reading a book and drinking ginger ale.
Brown is my second favorite color, so I love tavern architecture.
