What Was the Earth Like after Dinosaurs?

What Was the Earth Like after Dinosaurs?


2 года назад

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ItzLazyA - 31.10.2023 18:06

If all animals died after impact how therf is mammal left and they go back to sea that bs

3rd stone from the sun
3rd stone from the sun - 19.10.2023 04:55

But there wouldn’t be anybody left to write anything down so how do you know? Hmmm?

Morgan Malott
Morgan Malott - 06.10.2023 16:33

What was Earth like after Dinosaurs?

Me, and Intellectual: sweeping arm gesture

Umar Mohammed
Umar Mohammed - 29.09.2023 12:05

The reason for the mass extinction is for us to have fossil fuels

Rhea Matias
Rhea Matias - 12.09.2023 09:00

I was to was developed to a city because of this viewed videos

Dr WN - 09.09.2023 06:47

Great topic! According to God's word in the bible, the large animals (dinosaurs) were destroyed by the flood in Noah's day and not by asteroids. Genesis 7:17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. 21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: 23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.

richiooi - 05.09.2023 01:53

But the world is flat.

chamath bro
chamath bro - 31.08.2023 06:37

Man kind has the ability to change the environment according to his perspective as a bee feed on a blossom...

Marvin The Lord From Earth
Marvin The Lord From Earth - 28.08.2023 17:17

Gas Oil Diesel meaning God destroy the earth

Marvin The Lord From Earth
Marvin The Lord From Earth - 28.08.2023 17:13

Tactic plate moves

Gregory T
Gregory T - 27.08.2023 21:52

Did you know pictures, tapestries, pottery and stone carvings of sauropods, stegosaurus and other dinosaurs have been found all over the earth which predate the 1840 dinosaur fossil find?
Did you also know that the magnetic fields rate of deterioration of the planets has been measured and shown that they cannot last millions of years?
Pluto should be completely cold, but it is not.
Watch - What does soft tissue in dinosaur bones mean for evolution? Dr. Kevin Anderson
Secular scientists are misleading you.
Or watch - Wheres the evolution? Milk to meat production

Todd - 17.08.2023 04:40

Evolution is bullshit. God created life after the asteroid.

In the garage
In the garage - 02.08.2023 17:11

I wonder if this AI commentator is aware enough to know without us "stupid humans", it wouldnt exist.

M Something
M Something - 29.07.2023 23:58

poor dinos :(

Hemant Chaudhari
Hemant Chaudhari - 24.07.2023 03:32

Dinosaur or any hard carnivorus animal gets extinct not because of Asteroid🕸 but because of drought, famine. Hungerkills.

Master Chief
Master Chief - 12.07.2023 17:32

Just look outside

Khalil - 30.06.2023 23:00

What are you saying my guy, brontosaurus wasn't near the biggest sauropod dinosaurs

Bill Ledbetter
Bill Ledbetter - 25.06.2023 03:43

Wow, all that to make another climate change pitch. And even then the narrator said "may" bring this whatever the latest spiel is about. If you clowns would stop trying to shut up those that disagree with you and prove them wrong with scientific fact, I'd be behind you 100%. Instead, you side with those that wish power above all else and you wonder why so many of us think you just "may" be lying.

Lora Chen
Lora Chen - 09.06.2023 17:47


smileeface - 02.06.2023 03:13

Look outside.

Tommy Brannon
Tommy Brannon - 30.05.2023 21:25

we need two change wht man doing

NotLan - 17.05.2023 07:40

Imagine if humans was instead of dinosaurs

🧿Universalhealing1122🔱 - 16.05.2023 22:46

Everybody is so lost on social media. Nobody cares what happened in the past whatever happened learn from it. Worry about what’s coming 🌍☄️🔥HAR HAR MAHADEV 🌞🔱🧿

Foodi Travel
Foodi Travel - 15.05.2023 04:20


danny lake
danny lake - 11.05.2023 19:00

how come the elephants and all other animals and humans were not wiped out by this ASTEROID its pure crap no such thing happened !!!! the dinosaurs were wiped out by noahs flood not 65 million yrs ago U R TEACHING THE PEOPLE BULLSHIT

moneyRIGHT - 11.05.2023 10:25

We killed off everything else , now we are killing ourselves.

illmindoftwizzz - 08.05.2023 07:47

17k thumbs down, and it shows why

Juggalo Fred
Juggalo Fred - 07.05.2023 04:14

Any juggalos here??

Mihrac Gungor
Mihrac Gungor - 06.05.2023 02:45

thank you for telling my i like that🙂☺🥀🌻

Boo Bear
Boo Bear - 05.05.2023 06:21

Man was not there for the first 5 why do you think number 6 would not happen without humans?

wloonie - 03.05.2023 09:48

Why "was"? 🙂

Jesse - 30.04.2023 18:35

No people won't stop, this is why ALL HUMAN BEINGS must DIE!!!!

Min-K - 29.04.2023 11:10

Christians, Islam, Jews, and Hindu do not like this video

Allan DM
Allan DM - 28.04.2023 11:34

Hey kids, this is how you are totally brainwashed believing that the dinosaurs had lived some 60 million years ago yet there are found bones still fibers and flesh on it... after 60 million years? Totally unreal that contradicts evolution theory's millions of years timeline. Yet it sounds here that EVOLUTIONISTS are so sure what they theorize are facts, but honestly this mindset is nothing but FICTIONAL STORIES to brainwash kids lol.

Allan DM
Allan DM - 28.04.2023 11:26

SCIENCE FICTION for Hollywood believers lol

Kevin Nodine
Kevin Nodine - 26.04.2023 11:11

I was so into this video. Omg. But I couldn't help but laugh at the end. It totally reminded me of a Geroge Carlin bit.

Whole video: this insane apocalyptic event occurred and killed an entire species, this is where we pick up. (More extreme acts of nature and evolution through natural causes).
By the end, humans are bad and cause so much destruction. We need to change our ways or nature won't continue to survive.

George Carlin: Mother nature will find a way to cleanse itself and renew itself. And consider us a pest. Shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

Omg. This video renewed my hope that my life is great as is.

David Smith
David Smith - 23.04.2023 05:18

Is this a computer generated voice?

Tim Spence
Tim Spence - 16.04.2023 12:37

I enjoyed the video up until the part where we were reminded that humans are a mistake and should be ashamed of existing.

Nickacadoneedstoeatmoreavocadoes - 14.04.2023 17:10

The cameraman never goes extinct.

Matthew bryant
Matthew bryant - 14.04.2023 15:14

Did the extinction event change the earths oxygen levels? Is that why dinosaurs became extinct because they never came about again or reappeared and after the event everything living became smaller or am I incorrect

jackofhearts - 13.04.2023 22:43

Can't imagine primitive human tribes were running around at the same time as some of these creatures.
Near the end of the video, he says humans ,as primitive as they were, hunted those South American beasts into extinction.
I guess they figured out 🔥 fire by then.
BBQ musta came a million years later 😋

Daniel - 13.04.2023 01:13

What you mean our planet it’s not ours an people did not came on earth when dinosaurs did no one on this earth does not matter how old are you you can be 200 1000 5000 years old no one was not alive when they where 66 million years ago 100 million years ago 200 million years old 300 million years ago no one was not alive only the dinosaurs was 100 billion years later people came

Bess - 12.04.2023 17:03

It’s just shows how much destruction has taken place since humans have been on earth...though it also is comforting to know that after we are extinct...and we will be...this beautiful planet earth will eventually recover...

Sidewinder99 - 05.04.2023 17:25

I'm not sure why you feel the need to keep ruining your otherwise great videos with anti-human rants towards the end, like calling us "stupid". Speak for yourself. Sure, humans have made some mistakes, but humans have also done wonderful, amazing, unbelievable things. Consider this - prior to humans, no other species has ever cared at all about others animals and lifeforms. As documented in this video alone, thousands of species went extinct well before humans existed, often as a result of another species hunting and/or out-competing it. Humans are the only species that have made any effort to save other animals, and we have done a lot on this front. Stop insulting humans please, it's ignorant and pathetic.

Daniel - 03.04.2023 12:52

The earth is not ours we don’t own it earth been here before we was born

Daniel - 03.04.2023 12:49

The earth is not ours we don’t own it we live here because that’s what god put us people think everything is there’s scientist
Thinks the space the planets are there’s an they think they can change the name of a planet is not ours or the earth

Maria Christofi
Maria Christofi - 01.04.2023 18:31

Humans ruin everything
