Top 10 Entitled Celebrities Who NEED To Be Humbled

Top 10 Entitled Celebrities Who NEED To Be Humbled

Top 10 Beyond The Screen

1 год назад

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T C - 28.08.2023 19:27

I have to disagree with Russell Crowe these days, my daughters grandmother and her and her friends went out for dinner in Kiama where they live, and they noticed him and his friend having dinner and he got up and came over to the table and cuddled them all and spent some time with them. They are all in their 80’s and he sure made them feel so special, it was a huge highlight for them all. He is very humble these days as this happened a few years ago …

Kat's messed up life
Kat's messed up life - 16.08.2023 06:56

Fan or not its not a right to just grab a random person you dont physically know, being a celebrity doesn't give anyone the right to just go up and touch or talk to them. They are human beings, and have the right to just be themselves for a bit without fans bombarding them or the press.

janice flanagan
janice flanagan - 14.08.2023 13:47

No need to humble them just normalize them

Ellen Barriga
Ellen Barriga - 07.08.2023 05:58

While Adam should be humbled, however when it comes with the woman rushing on the stage. Can't really blame him, he doesn't know the woman. Most people would be unnerved being approached by someone like that. So basically, a average reaction.

gord B
gord B - 24.07.2023 23:31


Gabriella - 19.07.2023 11:59

This video has the same energy as when you complain to your mom and she starts talking about how entitled you are because she used to eat grass when she was little.

Albert Owen
Albert Owen - 13.07.2023 18:20

I have learrned to detest both Kayne West and Kim Kardashian over time. I used to like Kaynr in his song "American Girl" , very simple...but he has turned into a real dirty and offensive basta^^, just full of anger and arrogance, just like Kim Kar-TRASH-ian. Not personable, not revered, not WELCOME anywhere! Just goes to show if you act like an arrogant SOB anywhere, YOU are not liked or admired, you're hated and a nobody. Parents should recognize their behaviors and turn on the parental controls!

Linda Bratsch
Linda Bratsch - 13.07.2023 03:22

I think something happened to Justin Bieber; I think he was groomed, possibly abused. If true, I’m not sure it excuses his behavior, but it explains it.

Brenda Price
Brenda Price - 26.06.2023 00:08

Jennifer Lopez is cheap and a nasty gal

Ana Bateeva
Ana Bateeva - 22.04.2023 16:36

That's ironic with Jennifer lopez and a maid, who she got fired. She starred in a movie called Maid in Manhattan, where she played a struggling maid. There was even a scene with an uppity woman behaving like she's so much more impotrant that JL character. 😆 oh, the irony!

- 16.04.2023 06:53

If isn’t for their Fans they wouldn’t be Stars! Get over yourself. 😮

Him Who is Not to be Named
Him Who is Not to be Named - 08.04.2023 19:17

It’s Bell-Uh-Fawn-Tay. Not Bell-Uh-Font.

Gregory Anthony Hayes
Gregory Anthony Hayes - 25.03.2023 00:20

Number 3 Kaynne is not very handsome at all. I don't know what team he plays for but you would think the front office would try to control him.

Gregory Anthony Hayes
Gregory Anthony Hayes - 25.03.2023 00:13

That first guy "Jazzy" , I don't know who he is or what team he's on. Obviously he is not as big as he thinks he is. I know you don't have to be handsome to play ball but he is not very handsome either.

Elizabe Magnaye
Elizabe Magnaye - 23.03.2023 15:07

J.lo should be thankful for her fans . She is not a good actress .all her movies flop!

Elizabe Magnaye
Elizabe Magnaye - 23.03.2023 15:05

Gwenneth is another delusional so. Called celebrity .

mark smith
mark smith - 21.03.2023 15:19

Why would being married to the vi** Beyonce be something to brag about?I am totally clueless about that.I abhor J-z tbh but her far more so.Just being honest and giving my opinion.Paltrow is another so called "celeb" i cant stand either.Bieber is another who hasnt got the brain power of a gnat.The only ones who have my respect are Russel Crowe who is a massive superstar and in my top ten of all time greats.Lea Michele is the only other one on here i respect .

Cello Mozchaa
Cello Mozchaa - 21.03.2023 08:07

I don't like adam levine but his reaction is understandable tho. Fan or not you cant just grab someone. The fan maybe knew him but he didnt know her. I dont think many people likes to be touched by strangers.

West Virginia
West Virginia - 17.03.2023 03:24

But Obama supports Biden! Biden fought for segregation! Did they miss history 101

Samu Figueroa
Samu Figueroa - 13.03.2023 11:37

Jennifer Lopez cannot act I don't know why she thinks she can

Samu Figueroa
Samu Figueroa - 13.03.2023 11:36

Plain and simple Jay-Z's nothing but a wannabe gangster that made some and put his boys on to start his franchise everyone knows Jay-Z's an a******everyone knows Jay-Z is nothing but a modern-day Uncle Tom

Lizzi C.
Lizzi C. - 02.03.2023 20:12

Justin Bieber was hoping Anne Frank believed in God. Not to be one of his fans

Rohini Guiland
Rohini Guiland - 27.02.2023 01:26

Gweneth is weird, JLO is untalented, Justin Beiber is spolied, Every Kardashian is useless, Kanye is damaged goods,

Erin Stanger
Erin Stanger - 22.02.2023 05:33

Meghan Markel should be on this list.

Heather McCudden
Heather McCudden - 10.02.2023 08:50

Justin your not thar great and your music is just basic pop. Its nothing unusual. It's nothing amazing. It's the very young that think it's great and the parents that have to think it's great. You would never survive what that beautiful girl and her family went through. Your just a spoiled brat who has no respect for others. He calls himself a believer in God.

steve webb
steve webb - 10.02.2023 06:36

All scum .Let's think about it logically they make noises with their mouths and push on keys , and people turn them into some kind of gods , then they start believing it . It's a social sickness that needs curing .Music is fun , nothing else .

Lucentis - 05.02.2023 05:48

Almost all these celebrities are rarely known outside the US, americans are experts in making the worst people famous

Katie Volk
Katie Volk - 31.01.2023 14:40

Jay Z and Beyonce are satanists and trying to influence our young!

Troy Kruse
Troy Kruse - 17.01.2023 20:25

A list of douche bags

Wilma Hughes
Wilma Hughes - 10.01.2023 08:12


Norma - 10.01.2023 02:42

JZ is no more arrogant than white millionaires. Thank you.

Shelbean - 09.01.2023 00:16

Anyone else bothered that the screen grab for this video are pictures of Millie Bobby Brown and then she’s not even in this video? I don’t know anything about her personality, but either she’s in another one of these videos and this screen grab should be on that video instead, or her reputation is being slightly sullied by being the screen grab for “most entitled celebs”…either way, I don’t think her pic should be the one for this video

Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith - 08.01.2023 07:45

All that fame gotten to their heads it's ordinary people who made them famous without them buying tickets or videos of movies they star in or buying every album they've released or buy tickets to every concert you had these celebrities need to show compassion to those who giving them love and support without ordinary people and their support they'll lose their fame and riches and have to live a ordinary life like the rest of us.

Nicole Young
Nicole Young - 08.01.2023 05:44

Lea Michele is fugly.. plus she’s hardly famous.. total wannabe.. the rest of them at least are deserving to be cocky.. I hate Kanye tho.. he’s gross too

The Spartan
The Spartan - 06.01.2023 15:09

[2023] The most unpopular countries in the world = #1>>>The United States of America. So, sorry to Rain on your Parade😆😅🤣😂

Shelley Sheaves
Shelley Sheaves - 03.01.2023 02:13

JayZ is awesome! He's given us great music and really that should be enough!

James Bailey
James Bailey - 31.12.2022 20:30

Your criticism of Jay-Z would be more compelling if you could pronounce Harry Belafonte's name correctly.

Josephine Icuka-asumo
Josephine Icuka-asumo - 31.12.2022 19:34

Mariah Carey said it best about Jlo, that if she could sleep 8 hours a day and have other women sing my songs, I'd be living my best life. We all know that Jlo is just to be seen and not to be heard. Because, when Jlo sings, all the glasses shatter, and all the dogs start howling. She's the definition of an industry plant.

singers1990 - 25.12.2022 10:54

Russell Crowe is NOT Australian. He is from New Zealand.

Sandman - 17.12.2022 20:53

Oh no Adam, felt creeped out, repulsed when a strange female hugging him without his approval. To think the band would not be anything without them, and so should put up with any fan is entitled.

No lets swap genders in that story and see what the out come is.... This is the priverlage women get that men dont, able to go up to any male celebrity they like and hug them, then complain to the male if they dont lke it.

Sandman - 17.12.2022 20:47

No matter how much Jay-z may be stuck-up, to have a go, to critise someone just for not thinking they are doing enough for a certain communty, not matching their standards is arrogant in itself.

Toni DeBella
Toni DeBella - 10.12.2022 11:59


Queenbee202 Rose
Queenbee202 Rose - 29.11.2022 04:56

Not gonna lie . I’m actually not impressed with these celebs . They should totally be more nicer to their workers and fans . That seems truly horrible and rude

qUeEn CiA mUsIc
qUeEn CiA mUsIc - 23.11.2022 16:03

Rihanna and Beyoncé also need to be humbled. Rihanna is pretending to be nice just for sales but lets not forget how much of a b!tch she is.

karen Hill
karen Hill - 18.11.2022 18:26

These days the word Celebrity is bandied around as if it is an accomplishment when it really is not 9/10 ,! There are more SUPERFICIAL so called celebs in the world than TRUE Icons!

Corey Levi
Corey Levi - 18.11.2022 05:00

Jay Z's presence is charity? Does he know what he looks like

Fil Vieira
Fil Vieira - 16.11.2022 16:09

The Kardashians are the most deplorable examples of "Celebrity" on the planet. Rich, entitled and ignorant beyond comprehension. They're the anchor of the current social decline.

keesmuch - 12.11.2022 02:49

about JLo getting a hotel maid fired, that may not be from her. all the luxury hotels I worked with had a contract clause where it forbids staff to ask celebrities for autograph and it can be grounds for termination. it's beneficial for hotels to host celebrities and they want to make sure these celebrities feel at home by ensuring staff leave them alone.

Sam Helfrich
Sam Helfrich - 07.11.2022 18:06

At this point, isn't Gwenyth Paltrow a washed-up has-been? Seriously. She hasn't been in anything worth watching for a loooong time. I actually think she retired, didn't she? If not, maybe she should consider it....

Lee Eberle
Lee Eberle - 31.10.2022 09:29

The worst of this bunch has to be Paltrow. She won her undeserved Oscar by sleeping with uncle Harvey.
