MY BEST World of Warcraft PRIVATE SERVERS for 2024

MY BEST World of Warcraft PRIVATE SERVERS for 2024


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@lizard6044 - 09.01.2024 20:03

Warmane <3

@yamahamusicians - 09.01.2024 19:23

Ascension is initially good but you soon realize that all this freedom of class doesn't actually add to your capabilities. It is window dressing. The best thing is being able to use any gear and weapon and most gear, as far as I can tell, is not soul-bound at all. Warmane would be really good but the insistence on being purely PVP puts a lot of potential players off. I have tried most of the others. ChromieCraft is probably the best in terms of stability and smoothness but it is too close to vanilla for me, not enough tweaks, and the server population is really low. You can play for hours without hardly seeing anyone.

@noble6505 - 09.01.2024 06:52

Could someone reccomend me the server for someone who never play WoW before

@joeboii1able - 08.01.2024 20:40

I hate what they did to pvp in mistblade 2 if you’re starting in the last patch and don’t have a clue about numbers don’t mess about with battle fatigue and increase hp in bg’s otherwise healers are unkillable when you’re doing 12-20k per hit but they heal for 50-100k.

@joeboii1able - 08.01.2024 20:38

What happened with Knox that started the whole duskhaven server?

@bgh12g - 08.01.2024 17:24

online discord numbers are not proof of a servers health.....and we all know lolmane makes up numbers.. that and mexicans playing on potatos going jajajajajarjarbinks

@dugii12345 - 08.01.2024 15:46

Ascencion wow new season 9 is totally's so bad i can't describe how bad it is...everything is just random, talents, abilities, now is just huge farming...i really like to know, who's idea was to all be random? So you have skill tree, and game deside for you, not you...big time bullshiiit, and again max is, same old dung all over and over again...ok it have new feature malestorm, but after i week boring ass hell ...they faked hole game whit all random...and balance, they say, we don't care about that 🤣 only cool thing i found is new tank, demon, its damn cool to play as demon, only that they give him his special mount, that will be awesome,, so i dont need to chnage form....for new people, Warmane Onixia is best option. And what's funny, i play ascension wow for 5years now, and from that time i reading for 5years Wrath of Lich King testing...i mean, 5years they testing LK content...and that 22 classes wow, i say to everyone, that will not be relesed in 2023y and maybe they relese that in 2024y, but it will be content to lvl 40max, and it's not gonna be all 22 classes, they will shoot 10 classes and in time they will put new classes in game...i see that same as testing LK content for 5y now, total crap!

@mihaialex6632 - 05.01.2024 17:33

Warmane seems the best server out there. Been enjoying it for 1 month so far

@user-ff8mn8jl4s - 04.01.2024 15:13

whitemane? never played it looking for a instant high lvl geared up pvp private sever..

@diqntodorov724 - 03.01.2024 19:07

you seem to know alot about the servers, im a PVEér and i want to raid, i have 2 options rn, Whitemane cata or mistblade s2 mop which came out like a month ago or so, if im 50-50 on the expanstion, which server you think i can find more raids

@socom_eazy1356 - 03.01.2024 17:29

Great video !

@zEdAkaDmitryB - 03.01.2024 14:57

so u mean whitemane will not leave 4.3.4 to play after 3-4 months?

@YaTRezv - 03.01.2024 14:50

Hi, cata classic is coming and after watching a few of your videos i see that you know a lot about cata pvp. I have never really pvped in wow, but in this expansion i wanna go full rbg pvp mode with my bro. Can you recommend a duo combo for rbgs with a healer(me, i thought about rdruid) and the easiest melee for my friend(he's new to wow). We thought that bulky melee and a healer is a good combo, what do you think? :)

@thelazylionsden8539 - 03.01.2024 10:33

reforged going to be a blast if its anything or better than it was previously

@mourdinmourdin - 03.01.2024 08:01

Im surprised Firestorm didn't make it to this list ... They had a killer launch of Dragonflight with the biggest population i have seen in the private server scene and almost everything works and is perfectly scripted ...If you don't mind a few Russians and Latino's here and there , thats server right now is a solid 5

@LyP-jn5ib - 03.01.2024 06:55

Could you tell me the addon about your action bar?

@naejimba - 03.01.2024 04:38

Cata servers are in a weird place; if you wanna do PvE Athena is still in the first tier (leveling/catch up is quick, esp if on weekends with x6 xp bonus on). For raiding it has been great. The pop isn't huge (and doesn't have to be with cross faction), but I found myself a great late night NA guild and my experience has been fantastic! So for now there IS raiding and talented players, but the PvP is pretty dead. I would STILL recommend this as the PvE server to choose right now. SoD and Mistblade MoP took a lot of people away, but the people who are left are those who don't chase fresh... think about that for a second. Those are the type of people you want to play with so you aren't re-rolling again halfway through the first tier of wherever you landed for something new and shiny. For PvP, Whitemane seems to be the play.

@Flo-lr9sh - 03.01.2024 02:30

70 days for tauri?

@PaulSoule - 02.01.2024 23:50

Nah bro I tried to put 20 bucks on warmane and they attempted to charge my card $500. I'll forever skip that one

@user-kp3ii5vi8h - 02.01.2024 23:42

mistblade 2
warmane icc
are my top 3

@brandonkruse6412 - 02.01.2024 20:48

Wallcraft and Project Epoch are the two projects I’m most excited about. Wallcraft is in beta right now and you can play up to level 30.

@8888disturbed - 02.01.2024 20:37

i play warmane lodaeron(first time ever play wow), yes there are ganikings but not so annoing and people from my faction are very helpful and patient with me. they explain boss mechanics not just kick u out because u are new to the game(there are little exceptions of toxic) but in majority is a very nice comunity on this reawm

@Eliezer_Reis - 02.01.2024 20:28

Thank you very much for making this great video! I was looking forward to seeing more of your videos, if you could release videos more frequently I would be very grateful, for me you are the best content creator on private servers

@saibamoe - 02.01.2024 20:09

Turtle WoW for the best Vanilla experience
They also add new areas, maps, quests, OST that HOLD true to the nature of the vanilla world

It's like a blizzard quality continuation of vanilla.

Tons of players and some quality of life improvements, not much, just enough not to be non vanilla.

@charlyblue2631 - 02.01.2024 19:28

Happy new year Champ 🙂

@azmainzawad8815 - 02.01.2024 19:26

ive never played wow before. which private server would be best for me?

@matejs1992 - 02.01.2024 19:15

idk why would someone over and over again play fresh Pandaria or Cataclysm, all your progress wiped, gear, mount etc.. i just dont get it.

@dnx_lock - 02.01.2024 18:30

Surprised you haven't mentioned Firestorm DF server which is really populated rn

@Dreamonology - 02.01.2024 17:40

nice list, lot of stuff coming out if the world does not end lol, more hyped for cata classic tho since i get 20 ping vs always having high ping on EU private servers cuz i'm NA lol.

@azrulamir1487 - 02.01.2024 17:28

is there any good shadowlands private server ?
