Atticus Book Writing and Formatting Software Demonstration

Atticus Book Writing and Formatting Software Demonstration


1 год назад

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@gigartina - 02.12.2024 21:55

I agree with another viewer - the music is crazy loud. i’ve tried to watch this video twice and have given up. Luckily, there are many better videos covering atticus!

@valensinclair6750 - 12.11.2024 04:37

Was kind of interested until I saw it was an online editor. 😫

@Ballinalower - 02.11.2024 11:20

I just purchased Atticus. Their How To instruction videos are very bad. Like this one they flicker the mouse arrow all over the screen showing what Atticus can do, but NOT how to do it. They know how to do it but not how to communicate. They need to stop being so full of themselves and do some simple slow paced step by step instruction videos. I am thinking of asking for my money back.

@ACABSTUDIOS - 26.09.2024 17:46

I had this brilliant idea and was gonna start jotting it down in googledocs but decided to do a search of how to use googldocs to write a book and the first link started to explain it but then it turned out the page was designed to get you to buy atticus. Now I've completely forgotten my brilliant idea. Thanks atticus

@AdamBlumer - 15.09.2024 02:51

Just purchased. I'm switching from Vellum using Macincloud to Atticus on a PC. Having some struggles getting those Vellum files over. Looking forward to working with this.

@theadumitriu8664 - 07.07.2024 00:46

Great work! Excited to use it and for what else you add to it. I second adding bible columns!

@jasneskis - 11.06.2024 20:16

Way too fast. Couldn’t see what you were talking about. More like a sales pitch for the app , not a demonstration or tutorial as to how to use it.

@conversionam - 29.04.2024 17:28

Unfortunately we've run into a lot of challenges with Atticus. It's a great concept and easy to use but there are still too many bugs. In particular, we've struggled to see an updated word count (pretty important for book publishing) and unable to export the full book in PDF, it just gets hung up. We have followed the instructions provided by the responsive support team but nothing seems to work. We are about to give up as we've spent too much time troubleshooting.

@samuellee2107 - 22.04.2024 21:19

Just purchased. Looking forward to making beautiful books with this.

@bigcitycommute - 30.03.2024 18:06

Just purchased - looking forward to using Atticus!

@charmleneboni - 05.03.2024 03:05

Would this be suitable for a book that is divided into parts that have chapters? (similar to how the Bible is divided into books and chapters)

@suzieprater8083 - 03.03.2024 01:35

I was so interested in this and wanted to purchase it. But your demonstration is so fast paced and ridiculously hard to follow that it has totally turned me off of the software. Also, playing that music in the background makes it totally impossible to hear and follow anything you say...on top of the speed.
